Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 118 There is no Shidai in the article, but Shidai is mentioned everywhere

"Elf, are you awake?"

Looking at the dangerous aura of light on the wand, Lou Bai didn't feel a trace of panic. A mere little magician, his power is no better than mine.

But even so, Lou Bai had no intention of taking the initiative to fight the vigilant elf in front of him.

Putting the [Heart Key Fairy] lightly on the ground, Lou Bai slowly took a few steps back to express his friendliness.


Perhaps it was the rough ground that made people uncomfortable, [Heart Key Fairy] snorted and got up from the ground.

"Uh, why did I fall asleep on the floor? There is still work... Ah, Master Trenka, I didn't mean to be lazy!"

The [Heart Key Fairy], which was flying again, shook its head. When he saw the elf holding the wand on the side, it looked like an employee caught fishing at work by his boss, and he suddenly showed a panicked expression.

"It's okay, I know you won't be lazy alone."

The elf known as Trenka comforted the [Heart Key Fairy] and protected it behind him. He continued to look at Lou Bai who did not make any movement vigilantly and said: "What did the guy in armor do to you just now?" ?"

"No, no." [Heart Key Fairy] shook his head and said: "Although the armored man looks fierce, he is a good person. He was the one who cleaned up the pests here."

"Oh, I got stuck as a good guy." Lou Bai crossed his arms and an interesting voice came from under the mask: "One more thing, my name is not an armored man, you can call me [evol]. "

Listening to the words of [Heart Key Fairy], Trenka relaxed his vigilance slightly, and the light ball on the wand slowly dispersed, but he still did not put down the wand completely.

"Evol... is still very suspicious as expected." Trenka frowned and said, "If you want to prove your identity, let's have a duel!"

Um? A duel can prove whether I can be trusted. What is the principle? Lou Bai was a little confused, but after all, we were in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, so there was a reason to start a duel even if their eyes met.

With a wave of his arm, golden grids appeared in the air, and Lou Bai's voice came out: "Okay, let's have a duel!"

"Hmph, as promised in advance, I am the strongest here!" Several grids arranged in mid-air appeared in front of Trenka. Both sides are ready for a duel.


When the duel begins, Lou Bai, Trenka, and the [Heart Key Fairy] as the audience are all enveloped in an independent space, avoiding the interference of the external environment to the greatest extent possible.

"My first strike!"

Just when the deck appeared, Trenka, who had his staff stuck aside, quickly pulled out five cards and took the initiative. Seeing the drawn hand card, Trenka showed a satisfied smile.

Did you draw some pretty good cards? Looking at Trenka's expression, Lou Bai's face under the mask frowned. That mage hat, and the same style of staff as the master craftsman, there is no doubt that Trenka’s deck must be——

"I activate [Fusion] from the cards in my hand!" Turning over the three cards in his hand, Trenka showed a proud smile: "I will fuse and summon [Gazer, the Phantom Beast King] and [Baphomet] in my hand! "

[Fusion] The red and green vortex transformed by the magic card swallowed up the two monsters in Trenka's hand. What appeared in the fusion light group was a wonderful monster with a variety of biological characteristics.

"I fusion summon, [Winged Phantom Beast Chimera]!"

[Winged Fantasy Beast Chimera] [6 Star\\/Wind]



"Great, it's Lord Trenka as expected. In the first round, he fused and summoned a monster with an attack power of up to 2100 points!"

[Heart Key Fairy] flew excitedly in the air, cheering: "Master Trenka is so strong!"

What, it’s actually [Winged Phantom Beast Chimera]! Lou Bai looked at the monster in surprise. The [Winged Fantasy Beast Chimera] alone is not enough to make him so dignified. The point is the meaning behind this monster.

You know, this monster was one of the most commonly used monsters by the Pharaoh...

Just as Lou Bai was performing the little theater in his head, Trenka made another move.

"If it were me before, maybe that would be the end of it. Unfortunately, I'm not that simple now!"

After taking out another card, Trenka shouted: "Go all out! I activate the quick-attack magic [Fusion Release]! Separate the fusion monster and special summon the material monster!"

Putting [Winged Fantasy Beast Chimera] in the graveyard, Trenka took out two cards and slapped them on the grid: "Come back, [Fantasy Beast King Gazel], [Baphomet]!"

"Two monsters unfolded at once!" Looking at the two powerful fantasy beasts, [Heart Key Fairy] exclaimed.

Wait, this familiar scene unfolds!

"I haven't done any normal summons this round yet!" Holding up his last card, Trenka shouted: "I sacrifice the two monsters [Gazel, the Phantom Beast King] and [Baphomet]. Product, summoned by superiors!”

"Appear, the strongest magician!" Slapping the card in his hand onto the field, Trenka shouted: "[Black Magician]!"

A circular magic array appeared on the field, and the [Black Magician], wearing a purple robe and a mage hat, jumped out of the magic array waving the staff in his hand.

The staff in its hand swings the sword skillfully... The stick flower is guarding in front of Trenka with a cold look on its face.

【Black Magician】【7 Star\\/Dark】



"Hmph, [Black Magician], as the strongest magician monster, has the strongest attack and defense power! Just be prepared to admit defeat!"

Under the aura of the [Black Magician], the [Heart Key Fairy] couldn't help but open its mouth wide, and the seemingly invincible Evol remained motionless, as if being frightened by the powerful [Black Magician].

"This, this, no!" Lou Bai waved his hands randomly in the air, as if he had something to say but didn't know what to say.

After dancing for a while, Lou Bai asked in disbelief: "Where is your [Black Magic Array]? Where is your [Eternal Soul]? Why is there only a [Black Magician] alone?!"

"Hmph, if I hadn't fallen into the trap of those smelly monkeys and turned into a child, I wouldn't be so weak!"

Trenka puffed up her mouth angrily and shouted: "Don't look at the kid I am now, I was also a powerful grandpa before!"

"Although I have the body of a child, my duel is far better than that of an ordinary person! Even though I'm smaller now, if you have the ability, just defeat me!"

It seems that not only the age has shrunk, but the mind has also shrunk. Lou Bai was thinking in his heart, it seemed that there was something about the power of the Earthbound God before.

"Okay, let's go!" Withdrawing his thoughts, Lou Bai's eyes on the mask lit up slightly, and he pulled out the top card of the deck: "In my turn, I usually summon Xiao Lan... Oh, I forgot that Xiao Lan is not here. , then I summon [Aloof Beast]!"

"The effect of [Aloof Beast Killer] is activated!" Pointing at the Erha that had just come out to show off for a long time, Lou Bai said: "Exclude a card of the same race from your hand and deck!"

Exception, retrieval, special move, liberation, magic card activation, fusion...

made in heaven!

A few minutes passed. Looking at the three monsters standing on his field, Lou Bai gave an order to Thunder Dragon's eldest brother: "[Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], defeat [Black Magician]!"

Under the powerful attack power of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], although [Black Magician] is a noble normal monster, it was destroyed without any suspense and entered the graveyard.

Immediately afterwards, [Super Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] and [Aloof Beast Slayer] launched a general attack on Trenka, which had no backcourt, no cards in hand, and no graveyard resources. The final result was of course that Lou Bai obtained Mu Yongduo victory.

"Okay, can you believe me now?" Looking at Trenka who rolled several times under the attack of "Aloof Beast", Lou Bai said: "If I really have malicious intentions, You are dead now."

"Although the monsters all look vicious, I can't feel the power of evil." As the loser, Trenka has a mysterious calmness. It looked at the monster's shadow that was gradually disappearing and commented: "It seems like you are not a bad person."

"No, are you so confident?" Lou Bai crossed his hands and complained: "If I were really a bad person, you would be dead by now!"

"It doesn't matter if you die. I just asked the main body to send me to support you." Trenka sighed slightly and said, "Oh, the situation is getting serious now. Should we consider calling for help?"

"Ontology?" Lou Bai heard a key word and asked, "What is your relationship with Mahad?"

Hearing this, Trenka raised his eyebrows in surprise: "You still know my true form?"

Seeing Lou Bai's somewhat excited look, Trenka quickly added: "As promised in advance, although Mahad is my true body, he is quite far away from me now. If you want to talk to him through me, If anything, you should be prepared to wait for a few years!"

"Well, I almost understand it completely." Lou Bai clapped his hands and said, "You are like Mahad's shadow clone now, with different thoughts, but you are still the same person, right?"


Ignoring Trenka's doubts, Lou Bai interrupted him and said, "Now, what exactly happened here, can you tell me about it?"


After hesitating for a while, Trenka made a decision: "Maybe you, an outsider, can bring about a change."

Just as he was about to speak, Trenka suddenly patted his staff and said belatedly: "Oh, I almost forgot, I still have work to deal with, so just come with me, I'll tell you on the way. "

After saying goodbye to the [Heart Key Fairy] who continued working at the same side, Lou Bai followed Trenka and walked out of the city.

"About a few months ago, for some reason, many flies and mosquito eggs suddenly appeared on the clean walls." Holding the staff taller than himself, Trenka said: "These eggs Once they hatch, there's a stench and disgusting flies and mosquitoes."

"Once you stay in a foul-smelling environment for a long time, everyone's strength seems to have been sucked away, and they gradually become weak. Then, many of the companions slowly fall ill..."

"In other words, are the source of all this the insect eggs?" Lou Bai realized the key point and said: "In other words, as long as those eggs are destroyed in time, all this can be cured, right?"

"Even so." Trenka said with a worried expression on his face: "The initial egg is very fragile. Even an elf like Orlando ([Heart Key Fairy]) can easily destroy it, but once it is destroyed many times, Now, those eggs seem to have begun to evolve and become stronger and tougher."

Sighing, Trenka said: "Now, only I have the ability to destroy those eggs. If they continue to evolve to the point where even I can't do anything about it, I'm afraid this city will also be destroyed and will be destroyed. Let these vermin devour..."

"Well, that's really serious."

Lou Bai's heart was lifted. The combination of these two words, bug and evolution, reminded him of a terrifying science fiction creature from his previous life - the Zerg.

It's easy to say now that it's just the toughness of the insect eggs that has evolved. If it continues, what kind of attack power evolution and adaptive evolution will be developed for them... Thinking of this terrifying scene, Lou Bai shuddered and didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

But even if the egg's toughness evolves alone, this is scary enough. Even if I can easily destroy them now, in the future, I'm afraid there will be a day when I will be helpless against them.

Following Trenka, Lou Bai watched him arrive at a hidden warehouse, resisting the stench emanating from it, and dragged a bag of insect eggs outside.

Looking at his height, which was less than his waist, Lou Bai took the initiative and said, "I'll do it."

"Thank you very much!" Trenka pinched her nose and said, "Just take them to a place and then destroy them in a centralized manner!"

Following Trenka's guidance, he came to a dark valley. Lou Bai waved his hand and threw a bag of bagworm eggs into it, and then he understood how the darkness of the valley came about.

Trenka closed his eyes and kept chanting magic spells. Then, magic circles opened up above the valley and dropped beams of light cannons, bombarding the valley for half a minute.

After casting this wave of spells, Trenka's body shrank a little visibly to the naked eye.

"This is the reason for the negative energy of those monkeys." Looking at Lou Bai's curious gesture, Trenka took the initiative to explain: "Now it is no longer possible to just use ordinary magic power. We can only mix these two kinds of energy. Although there are some side effects, it is also much more powerful.”

"That's it." After listening to this explanation, Lou Bai nodded and said, "It seems that the most important thing now is to solve this matter. As long as this trouble is cleared up, everything will be fine."

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Looking down at some of the insect eggs that had not been cleaned up, Lou Bai waved his hand and struck out a bolt of lightning, smashing them into ashes, and continued: "Otherwise, no matter what you are doing, you will be slowly heading towards death."

"Okay, take me to the city first. Maybe I, an outsider, can provide you with some different ideas." Leading Trenka, Lou Bai turned around and was about to leave. At this moment, a sudden The raw sound made him stop.

"Um...please ask, do you know where this is?"

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