Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 13: The battle of trust between genius duelists - Yusei Chapter

In the early morning of Moyo, Lou Bai felt Yu Xing push him.

"Mr. Xiaolin, Mr. Xiaolin!"

When Yusei met him for the first time, Lou Bai, who had been sleeping lightly all night, had already woken up, but he still turned around after a few seconds, made a sleepy look, and asked Said: "What's the matter, Yuxing?"

"Larry and I are going outside to collect supplies and won't come back until noon. I hope you can help us look after our home this morning." At this time, Yuxing had already put on his coat and was ready to go, looking in high spirits, while Larry next to him His eyes were narrowed and he was yawning constantly.

"Okay, feel free to go." Although he didn't know why Yuxing dared to let himself, a stranger, stay alone in his home, Lou Bai still followed Yuxing's wishes and agreed to him.

The sky had cleared up by now. Last night's heavy rain had wiped away the sweltering heat of summer, and the ground was still a little damp. A red D-wheel drove toward the distance like an arrow, splashing some water.

"Yusei, how dare you let him, a stranger, stay alone in our house?" After Yuxing's D wheel drove a few hundred meters, Larry, who was sitting in the back seat, finally woke up and asked this A question that left Lou Bai puzzled.

"I have brought out all the valuable things from home." Yu Xing, who was sitting in front, although his expression could not be seen clearly, his voice was as calm as ever: "Except for the few synchronization cards placed on the table, Monster card.”

"Ah! Then go back and get it! What if he runs away with those cards?!" Larry, who was running the house, became anxious for a moment.

"It's not necessary." Yusei responded: "If he took those cards and ran away, then those cards would be regarded as the reward for yesterday's duel."

"But what if he's not there?" Larry calmed down at this time and asked doubtfully: "What if he's still there when we go back?"

"Then we may need an extra companion."

At Yusei's house, "Why is Yusei so weird this morning?" Lou Bai, who had already gotten up and finished washing with the rainwater he caught last night, said to himself.

"And he's so careless. Important synchro monster cards are thrown around casually, even though he picked them up one by one." Looking at the two white cards on the table, Lou Bai put them in the drawer and took them out. He picked up his own deck and began to review last night's duel.

In last night's duel, Xiao Lan was the well-deserved MVP. Not to mention the physical body of River Dragon, Xiao Lan's two grave piles in human form provided a lot of resources for Lou Bai and Yu Xing's synchronization. He also stuffed a piece of Gou Ming's Tomb that was not used until the end of the duel.

As a result of his first Synchro Summon, Amatis, the Guardian of the Phantom Layer, successfully broke the magic blockade and became Yusei's material to synchronize Nitrogen Warriors, causing a lot of damage to the opponent. .

And this pair of best matches. Lou Bai picked out the mediocre ghost, the giant mediocre ghost and the purple flame from the deck. Although he could have used the Apostle of Obliteration to destroy the wall monster on the opposite side and then attack directly to win, Lou Bai still chose this combination. Part of the reason was that Lou Bai wanted to tell Ushio and the others something, but the bigger reason was that he wanted to try to cultivate his own card spirit.

That's right, after getting to know Xiaolan, Lou Bai has already consulted senior Xiaolan on how to cultivate card elves.

"Emmm, first of all you need to have elf power, and then, uh, um, just use one card...right?" These were the exact words of the idiot Xiaolan.

Although Xiaolan's words sounded unreliable, Lou Bai still planned to give it a try. And the target he chose was the mediocre ghost who had helped him defeat his enemies many times.

First, it is a one-star ordinary monster with a low level and is relatively easy to cultivate.

Second, because of his card description, a radical scientist should be able to bring him some special knowledge.

Third, maybe it’s because of my acrobatic soul.

Well, to common sense, that last point is often the most important.

When the sun reached the top of the sky and the sunlight shone through the crack at the top of the subway corridor, Lou Bai heard the sound of Yuxing's car parked at the door.

Lou Bai, who moved a door panel and quietly poked his head out, saw Yuxing and the others, and took the initiative to say hello: "Yusing, Larry, you are back. It's been really hard work."

At this time, the two of them also saw Lou Bai, and Yu Xing showed a smile on his lips, and said: "Ah, we are back. Mr. Xiaolin didn't encounter anything in the morning, right?"

"Don't call me Mr. Xiaolin, just call me Lou Bai." Lou Bai moved the door panel at this time and helped Yusei push the wheel D into the house: "Of course, if you don't feel comfortable, you can call me Mashiro. "

After trying a few times, Yusei finally gave up calling him a Chinese name that was a bit difficult for him to pronounce, and said helplessly: "Okay, Mashiro."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, are you the Mashiro Kobayashi?" Larry, who was eavesdropping on the conversation between the two, heard this and ran forward from behind Yusei excitedly: "You are the legendary duelist mentor. , Pitch Black Card Hunter?”

"Um, it's me, that's right." Seeing Larry, who had ignored him yesterday, suddenly become so excited, Lou Bai couldn't react. He scratched his head and responded with some embarrassment.

"Yusei, you are only a few years older than me. Why don't you pay attention to the news outside like an old man?" Looking at Yusei who was indifferent to this title and even a little confused, Larry explained to him: " It’s that, that, the super-great duelist who has recently emerged in F-zone!”

"Legend has it that after a duel, not only will he not take away all the opponent's cards, but he will even point out the opponent's mistakes. Now, not only the F area, but also many duelists in other areas regard him as their idol!"

"Ahem, let me explain." At this time, his client, who was standing nearby and listening to Larry bragging, coughed a few times and stood up: "Actually, I just wanted to get a few more cards with this at first. ”

Looking at Larry with a look of disbelief, Lou Bai covered his face with one hand and said in a heavy tone: "Okay, I'll be honest and tell you the truth. I think dueling is a happy game, no matter it is People from the satellite area or people from the upper city area, everyone has the right to enjoy the duel."

Facing Larry, who looked excited after hearing these words, Lou Bai couldn't help but sigh, hey, children always like these heroic stories, and sometimes it's the adults' responsibility not to expose their illusions.

After helping Yuxing push Wheel D into the house, Lou Bai pointed to the drawer and said: "Yusing, I put those synchronized monster cards you left at home in the drawer for you. Don't forget them next time. ”

"Ah, I know." Yusei responded with a smile.

"One more thing." Lou Bai turned to Yuxing and said, "I'll go out with you to collect supplies in the afternoon. I also want to go home."

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