Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 149 The Battle of Ghost Willow

The so-called Synchro Summoning is a summoning method in which one Tuner Monster and one or more non-Tuned Monsters whose total level is the Synchro Monster are sent to the Graveyard during your turn, and then the Synchro Monster is Special Summoned from the Extra Deck.

Although some Synchro monsters have material restrictions, they generally meet one characteristic, which is to use a Tuner monster for synchronization.

"That's right, [Double Tuning Star] is the ultimate synchronization that far surpasses ordinary synchronization methods! Even Yusei's [Accelerated Synchronization] couldn't surpass the limit of adjusting monsters, but [Double Tuning Star] did it! "

Jack in the other world looked at his other self with pride and said: "The other me is more than just that. In front of me that I haven't touched, I believe there is a higher realm called [ The realm of triple adjustment stars exists!”

Listening to his words, Jack narrowed his eyes suspiciously and asked: "So, you have mastered [Double Adjustment Star]?"

"I know what you are going to say." Another Jack waved his hand, interrupting Jack's words: "The emergence of [Double Adjustment Star] needs to be supported by the realm of [Burning Soul], and once it reaches this realm, only I am afraid that if I leave the residue, I will be burned in an instant, which is contrary to my purpose. "

"Residue?! What are you talking about, Jack!" Kali Nagisa on the other side heard the ominous word and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Aren't you fine now?"


The other Jack responded coldly, looked at himself, and asked: "Then you can see the other me, right?"

Jack's expression did not change, and he responded casually: "Yes, you seem to be intact now, but in my perception, you are like a candle in the wind, which will be extinguished soon."


Hearing this, the other Jack not only did not panic, but laughed happily: "It seems that no matter which world I am in, I am always so determined!"

He drew a card from his extra deck and flew it to Jack, and his voice came over: "Then, take this power of mine and destroy my enemies!"

When Jack caught the card [Yan Mo Dragon Red Lotus Demon] and looked in that direction, the other Jack and his Wheel of Fortune had turned into light spots and disappeared on the road, as if they had never appeared. After that, only the card in Jack's hand serves as proof that he has been in this world.

After standing there and looking at the place where the other person disappeared for about two minutes, Jack turned around without hesitation and walked towards the helicopter: "Let's go, Carly, go back to the satellite area."

"Oh, okay!" Kali Nagisa responded and quickly caught up with Jack. Looking at Jack's resolute profile, Kali Nagisa couldn't help but ask: "Jack, don't you feel...sad to see people who look exactly like you disappear?"

"Oh, am I supposed to remember him deeply?"

Jack showed a surprised expression and said without mercy: "Don't be kidding, he is just an opponent that I can barely tolerate. I am who I am, even if he is really another me in a parallel world. That has nothing to do with me! I’m not that indecisive guy like Yusei.”

As he spoke, Jack suddenly clenched his fists and said firmly: "I, Jack Atlas, have a dream. I want to become the king of the duel world in King's Landing! In order to realize this dream, no matter whether it is a dark sealer or a dark sealer, Whether it’s dueling dragons or Yusei, if they stand in front of me, I will defeat them without hesitation!”

Feeling Jack's unwavering will, Kali Nagisa's face suddenly turned red: "Yes... yes!"

Jack's declaration of his dream was not heard by Yuxing and others on the other side of the sea. At this moment, they were facing a sudden enemy. Less than a minute after Jack defeated his other self, Lou Bai felt a darkness coming towards them. Although that momentum was much weaker than the Dark Sealers he had faced before, it still could not be underestimated. .

Under the worried eyes of Martha and Lao Tie, Yuxing began to fight, but to their surprise, the attacker was weaker than they imagined.

At the beginning of the duel, Dark Seal took the initiative and first used [Rough Man's Anticipation] to specially summon a [Great Ax Raider] from the deck, and then normally summoned the adjustment monster [Galaxy Sea Serpent].

Just when Lou Bai thought he was going to prepare a Synchro Summon, the Dark Signer played a normal magic card [Double Summon] and a field magic card [Spider Web], and then used [Double Summon] to bring the third The second summons to the superior summoned the [Earthbound God-Uru] in his hand.

That's right, after squandering all the cards in his hand, he only pulled out an Earthbound God, not even a Gaika. This battle may be difficult for ordinary duelists, but in front of the new king of speed duels, Fudo Yusei, it cannot be said to be indestructible, it can only be said to be as thin as brittle paper.

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After synchronizing [Scrap Warrior] and [Jet Warrior] with three cards, and using the effect of [Jet Warrior] to bounce [Earthbound God-Uru] back to his hand, Yusei won easily.

Although he was surprised that Rex, who was supposed to be the strongest Dark Seal, was defeated so easily, but since the duel was won, [Earthbound God-Uru] seemed to be sealed by the zone card, Lou Bai felt relieved. . But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The chains that were supposed to bind [Earthbound God-Uru] did not appear. Although he failed in the dark game, the Dark Sealer did not seem to show any sign of weakness. Instead, he straightened his body and lifted the hood on his head: "As expected of the Dragon Sealers, they can actually do this."

"That guy is not Rudger!"

Although there are some surprises in the animation and the real style, Lou Bai can say with certainty that the man in front of him is definitely not the Dark Sealer who controls the Spider Earthbound God-Rudger Godwin. After all, Rex Godwin's brother can never be a bald man as thin as a bamboo pole!

Recalling the originator of facial art in the story of Yu-Gi-Oh, Lou Bai had some speculations in his heart: "Is this guy a puppet controlled by you?!"

"Oh, you have already seen it."

The puppet had a gloomy smile on his face, tacitly agreeing with Lou Bai's speculation. Like a puppet, he raised his finger and pointed it directly at the two of them, saying, "Although you defeated my puppet, you don't think that the real strength of our Dark Sealers is just this little bit?"

Not frightened by Rudger's weird posture, Youxing stepped forward, blocked in front of everyone, and asked, "Rudger, what are you going to do!"

"It's not a big deal, just a final declaration of war to you, the enemies of God."

The puppet's face was facing Youxing and the others, but the two children were motionless, looking very strange: "At the moment of the second day, that is, at 0 o'clock in the morning, the gate of the underworld will open, and the gods of the underworld will return to this land. Dragon Sealers, if you want to stop it, come to the four auxiliary towers of the old moment before that, and use the dragons in your hands to shut down their operation!"

After that, as if the robot had lost its power supply, the puppet collapsed softly, and the sharp-eyed Lou Bai seemed to see a few filaments in the sky being retracted.

Youxing hurried over to check on the man who had fallen, and only breathed a sigh of relief after he felt his breath with his fingers.

"Youxing, are you going to do what the enemy says?"

Seeing Youxing put the man down and walk towards his D-wheel, Lou Bai stopped him and said, "Have you ever thought that this might be a trap? If the gate to Hades is really to be opened, the Dark Markers can use the fact that we have no source of information to delay the time until tomorrow and successfully complete their plan without our knowledge."

"...You're right." After a moment of silence, Youxing nodded and said, "But I dare not bet. The appearance of the Dark Markers alone has caused such great damage to the satellite area. If the evil god If it is really born, will the satellite area still exist? Even if there is only a slight possibility of stopping this, I will try it. "

"Is that the reason? You are really worthy of it, Youxing."

Lou Bai scratched his head with a smile and said, "In this case, I will accompany you. Anyway, it will be solved sooner or later. The sooner it is done, the sooner it will be easy."

"Lou Bai, Brother Youxing, and us."

"Youxing, I also want to fight with you this time."

As he spoke, Long Ke, Long Ya and Qiu walked out of the house. Although they were still a little weak, the fighting spirit in their eyes was burning.


Looking at his companions who had been following him, Youxing's face showed joy, but soon, he hid this joy in his heart and arranged an action plan.

"It's ten o'clock in the evening now. If we want to close the four auxiliary towers before midnight as the enemy said, then we only have two hours to act. Add the time to travel, and we may have less than thirty minutes to defeat the enemy."

Looking at the wall clock, Lou Bai calculated for a while and added: "And the four auxiliary towers are not close to each other. If four people go together, there may not be enough time, so we can only split into three groups and go to the three auxiliary towers respectively, and let Jack take a helicopter to the last tower."

Speaking of Jack, Youxing felt something was wrong. Why did Godwin suddenly tell Jack about this at this clever time, forcing him to leave the satellite area?

But soon, he put this matter aside temporarily. Now time is tight, not the time to think about this. Looking up at the sky in the distance, when the puppet was offline, five light pillars rose in the distance, projecting the images of apes, giants, hummingbirds and lizards in the sky, as well as the spider in the middle.

After thinking for a moment, Youxing quickly made a decision: "I'm going to the tower with the giant seal, and I'll fight with my former best friend, Gui Liu."

"Then I'll go to the spider tower in the center to help you hold the enemy." Lou Bai followed closely and chose his opponent, smiling and said: "Don't worry, I won't let that guy interfere with you."

Long Ke and Qiu looked at each other and also chose where they were going.

"I'll go to the lizard tower."

"Then Long Ya and I will go to the ape tower!"

After sending the conclusions of everyone to Jack through the communication on the D wheel, Youxing also got Jack's response: "Humph, this kind of trivial matter can't be difficult for me, Jack Atlas. Leave the hummingbird tower to me!"

After assigning each other's goals, another problem appeared in front of them, that is, how to get to that place.

Youxing and Lou Bai have their own D wheels, and Jack is rushing to the hummingbird tower by helicopter, but Izayoi Qiu and Long Ya Long Ke Ke have no way to move quickly.

"I don't know what you are going to do, but it doesn't look like a bad thing."

At this moment, Ushio, who was watching everything, suddenly said: "Then let me help you. Those two little brats, get in the car, and I will take you to where you want to go!"

"Oh, thank you, uncle!"

"What uncle? I'm only twenty-three years old!"

Not paying attention to Ushio's jumping feet, Long Ya happily climbed into the Public Security Bureau's car. At this moment, the roar of the engine came from outside the door. Lao Tie stuck his head out of the car window and shouted to Qiu: "Little girl, get in the car!"


Seeing that people from the Public Security Bureau, people from the Uptown District, and ordinary people from the Satellite District were all working hard towards the same goal, Yusei couldn't help but smile with joy.

This is exactly the scene in his dream. Regardless of status, everyone can help each other and understand each other.

"Everyone, let's go to save the future of the satellite area!"

The red D wheel sped out at the lead, followed by the other vehicles. After passing through each intersection, traffic diverged from each other, and there were fewer and fewer cars accompanying Yuxing.

Finally, after passing an intersection, Lou Bai said hello to Yuxing, and then walked on another road to the main tower of the satellite area.

Next is my own battle.

As Yusei thought this, he couldn't help but think of every detail he had spent with Oniriyana in his mind.

That was when they were still young, when Yusei, Jack and Crow were confused about their future, Oniriu came to find him.

"Come on, let us join forces to dominate the satellite area, let us be satisfied!"

Saying these words, Oniriu, who was still young at that time, stretched out his hand towards Yusei and the others. Attracted by the magnificent sights described by Oni Liu, Yusei, Jack and Crowe joined Oni Liu's satisfaction team and embarked on the road to dominate the satellite area.

Dominating the satellite area, this goal seemed far away to them when they were young, but with the support of each other, they defeated duelists one after another. There have been dangerous situations that could kill people, but no matter what, Team Satisfaction's goal of dominating the satellite area is gradually being achieved, and the four of them have also forged a bond through their common battles with each other.

"Yusei, you are finally here."

Looking up from his memories, Yusei saw that Guiliu, who had returned from hell, was looking at him with a ferocious smile.

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