Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 15 This is my brother who is as close as a brother, so I have to pay more

It was a dark night, with no light from the stars or the moon. Most of the satellite area had fallen into silence, but the lights were still on under the subway crossing where Yusei lived.

"Yusei, we believe in you!" Borg waved his arms to cheer up Yusei, who was about to drive the D-wheel into the waste transportation channel and head to Xintong Shiye.

"Yeah, you can do it!"

"At this point, we don't have anything to say anymore. Go ahead bravely!"

After everyone sent their blessings to Yuxing, the strong Andrew said: "But what about the person Yuxing brought back a few days ago? Where did he go at such an important time?"

"Senior Xiaolin..." Larry was about to retort for Lou Bai, but he didn't know how to say it. He could only shout: "He must be busy with something important, and he will definitely come when Yusei sets off! "

"Isn't it because he knew Yusei was going to cross the border secretly and went to the Public Security Bureau to report him?" Chris muttered in a low voice.

"Okay, don't say any more." Yuxing interrupted their doubts: "Although I don't know where he is now, I believe him, he is our companion."

As the numbers on the electronic watch jumped one by one, Yuxing turned the handle of the D-wheel. The D-wheel, which carried everyone's hopes, gradually accelerated along the corridor of the subway, accelerated, and finally turned into a red lightning and drove towards the target. go.

At the same time, on the roof of a tall building, Lou Bai looked at the red lightning flying out of the corridor. He smiled and turned on the computer next to him. After a simple operation, Lou Bai pressed the enter key.

"Yusei, let me help you again!"

As the Enter key was pressed, in the other direction of the high-rise building, the 24-hour brightly lit Public Security Bureau seemed to be moved from top to bottom like a huge bucket of black paint, and the bright lights gradually extinguished from top to bottom.

"I have stopped those guys from the Public Security Bureau for you. Just like you said, go ahead and open up a new road, Yusei!"

Pulling the time back to two days ago, Yuxing called Lou Bai out of the door alone.

"What's wrong, Yuxing, why did you call me out at this time?" Lou Bai, who had just finished washing in the morning, had a towel on his shoulders and his hands were wet.

"On the 30th of every month, the garbage pipeline from Xintong Shiye to the satellite area will be out of service for a period of time. As long as you pass through this pipe during this period, you can reach Xintong Shiye." You Xing calmly told Lou Bai explains his smuggling plan.

Lou Bai wiped his hands with a towel and responded: "Oh, since you told me the plan, you must be sure."

"Yes, the speed of wheel D is enough to pass." Yusei hesitated for a while, and then said: "Mashiro, I want to trouble you with something. During my absence, please take good care of Larry. "

"It's such a natural thing, but you specifically called me out to say it!" Lou Bai responded with a smile: "After all, in a sense, Larry is also a fan of mine."

After breakfast, Lou Bai, who had agreed to set off with Yu Xing to collect supplies, disappeared.

"Where did Senior Xiaolin go?" Larry asked curiously.

Faced with Larry's question, Yusei just shook his head and replied that he had his own business.

——This is the dividing line——

In a street near Area F, the famous local demolition duelist Yamataro was walking out of the bar drunkenly carrying a bottle of wine and heading to his home.

"Hey, who are you, you dare to stop me..." On the way home, he saw the figure blocking him on the mountain. With the strength of the wine, he cursed and raised the empty wine bottle in his hand, intending to let the man in front of him know the power of the old man on the mountain.

"Ah, it turns out to be Mr. Xiaolin!" After seeing the face of the man in front of him clearly, the wine bottle he raised on the mountain froze in mid-air. The drunk man was suddenly frightened to wake up. The face was full of criminal marks. A smile that was half flattering and half respectful appeared on his face.

"Mr. Xiaolin, what do you want from me?"

Looking at the strong man in front of him who was beaten with elf power because he was unwilling to lose to him in the duel, Lou Bai narrowed his eyes and smiled and said: "I remember you said at the beginning that you have some underground ways. Bar?"

"Mr. Xiaolin, please stop talking. I was ignorant at the time and offended you!" Shan Shan, who thought Lou Bai wanted to raise the old debt again, was so frightened that he broke out in sweat.

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant. We have become friends after a duel. As friends, how could I cheat you?" Lou Bai said with a smile, while stuffing a card into Shan's hand: " I just want to do something and ask you to guide me."

"Ah, this is easy to say, this is easy to say!" Shanshan breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the card, stuffed it into his pocket, and said with a smile: "For a powerful duelist like you, our boss will definitely welcome you. of!"

After having a "friendly" conversation with Shan Shan, Lou Bai followed him to the secret door of a bar. After asking Xiao Lan to go out to investigate in advance and found that there was no danger, Lou Bai followed Shan into the door and found himself in a bar. I met the "boss" in his humble office.

This is a bald, middle-aged man, about forty years old, wearing a somewhat worn short-sleeved shirt. Although he looks a little thin, judging from the muscles on his arms exposed by the cuffs, he can still fight. Unlike those on the mountain, his face was fair and white, with a simple and honest smile.

"Oh, you must be the boss mentioned by the brothers on the mountain. I have admired you for a long time."

Lou Bai narrowed his eyes and smiled, and greeted the boss warmly.

"To each other, he has mentioned it to me many times on the mountain. It is rare to see a duelist as strong as Mr. Xiaolin in the satellite area."

After a round of commercial exchanges, the two got down to business.

"Brother, to be honest, he is my brother on the mountain. I saw him being taken away by the Public Security Bureau a few days ago. I really couldn't sleep at night! If he hadn't been released later, I would have had to dismantle him. You can’t go to the Public Security Bureau! But even so, I don’t want them to have an easy time.”

After some preparation, Lou Bai finally came up with a plan: "Brother, do you have anything good here that can cause some trouble to the people in the Public Security Bureau?"

"Oh, it's rare to see that brother Xiaolin has such a good relationship with Yamashita, but Yamashita is my person, and I will be the one to take issue with this situation, right?"

Come on, it seems that this evil wolf won't let go without some real money.

"Brother, I heard from Yamashita that you particularly like to collect some cards that have been discontinued. This card was specially collected by me. I hope you can give me this opportunity for revenge."

Lou Bai took out a card drawn from the system from his pocket and pushed it face up to the opponent. This is a normal monster card, the Dark Dragon King.

[Dark Dragon King 4 stars atk/def:1500/800]

In terms of duel, this is an ordinary monster card. There is nothing special in terms of size or attributes. However, in terms of collection value, this card is a monster used by the first generation of Duel Kings. Kaiba Company released it as early as 20 Production ceased years ago. Today, there are less than 10,000 copies in stock in the world, and most of them are stored in the collection cabinets of wealthy businessmen and giants.

"This, this is!" The boss's breathing became rapid. After dozens of seconds, he calmed down and said with a smile: "Oh, the friendship between you is really enviable, how can I not help you? "

After a while, the boss found a USB flash drive and introduced: "This is a program developed based on the system vulnerability of the Public Security Bureau. Once used, it can cause the Public Security Bureau to lose power for at least five minutes, but it can only be used once. That Once the loopholes are exposed, they will be fixed.”

"Hey, hey, hey, brother, you are so generous!" Lou Bai took the U disk with a smile, stretched out his right hand and shook it: "Then I wish us a happy transaction!"

After saying that, Lou Bai ignored Shan Shan who was standing next to him and walked out without looking back, leaving Shan Shan who had not yet sobered up to think about a question. When did their relationship become so good?

Turning his attention to the present, with Lou Bai's help and without interference from the Public Security Bureau, Yuxing successfully passed through the transportation channel and arrived at Xintong Shiye. Under the moonlight, looking at the tall figure who appeared on the overpass at an unknown moment, Yusei fell into silence, his eyes filled with memories, and then he burst out with high-spirited fighting spirit: "Jack, I'm here."

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