Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 170 Invincible Explosive Armor

Lou Bai put his scarred right hand on the duel plate and suddenly pulled out the top card: "Then...for my turn, draw a card!"

As the number of cards in his hand reaches 6, the tactics available to Lou Bai have also become diverse. After thinking for a moment, he made a decision: "First activate the magic card, [Hand Note Kill], both sides discard two cards in their hands, and then draw two cards."

Atum looked at Lou Bai's operation with curious eyes: "Oh, do you want to activate this card even if you let me draw a new card in my hand?"

"If I want to defeat you, senior, I can't do it without taking a gamble." Lou Bai sent the unused [Summoner Aleister] and another card to the graveyard, and drew two brand-new cards from the deck. card.

Taking out a card from the graveyard, Lou Bai said skillfully: "The first is the effect of the discarded [Electronic Dragon Core]. If this card is sent to the graveyard, add an [Electronic Dragon] from my graveyard to my hand!"

The [Electronic Dragon] that almost achieved meritorious deeds once again came into Lou Bai's hands. Taking the card, Lou Bai licked the corners of his rusty mouth and said with a smile: "I don't need to elaborate on the effect of this card, right? Special summon it!"

The giant steel dragon roared on the field again. Even if powerful thunder bombs fell from the sky, it could not be completely destroyed. However, this is just preparation before Lou Bai's ace monster appears.

"I haven't done a normal summon this round yet. I choose this monster." Raising a card in his hand, Lou Bai called out its power: "Even my thunder and lightning want to be as good as God's thunder and lightning." Let’s fight! Liberate [Electronic Dragon] and normal summon [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon]!”

The same golden thunder and lightning flowed on the field. Looking up at the red god in the sky, Lou Bai said confidently: "The lightning summoning bullet of [Sky Dragon of Osiris] is a certain effect, and the attack power of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] is only 1600, so That means it will definitely be destroyed! And when this lightning is destroyed, a new power will emerge!"

"Yes, [Sky Dragon of Osiris]'s lightning summoning bullets do sometimes cause trouble to me." Recalling his last battle with aibo, Atum nodded in approval.

Seeing his master's appearance, [Sky Dragon of Osiris] roared in dissatisfaction. What can you do? But I just can’t help it!

"However, the meaning of existence as a duelist is to make good use of the effects of one's own monsters." As if feeling the grievances of [Sky Dragon of Osiris], Atum smiled awkwardly and opened a backcourt.

"The effect of [Sky Dragon of Osiris] needs to be activated, which also means that it can be chained." Behind Atum, a catapult pod appeared that filled Xiao Lan with a sense of déjà vu. Mu also said the name of this card.

"Trap card, [Forced Escape Device] is activated! The chain summoning thunder bullet is activated, allowing your [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] to return to your hand!"

The high-tech ejection cabin suddenly appeared and enveloped the [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] who was about to face the gods directly. Regardless of its struggle, it bounced directly back to Lou Bai's hand. Lou Bai twitched his lips when he saw this card. As expected of Senior Atum, his power is so powerful, even better than mine!

My offensive failed once again, and there is no other way to attack at this moment, so...

After thinking for a while, Lou Bai took out a few cards in his hand: "I cover four cards and the round ends."

"It's now!"

Just before Lou Bai's turn, the cover card in Atum's backcourt suddenly opened. A huge crossbow appeared on the field, and [Sprinting Dark Knight-Gaia] jumped off his horse and sat on it without hesitation.

"Activate the trap card [Crossbow Troop]! Liberate the [Sprinting Dark Knight-Gaia] on my field, and destroy the card in the middle of your back field! Sorry, Gaia, this is a necessary sacrifice, horns!"

The [Sprinting Dark Knight - Gaia], who became a human bomb, soared into the sky wordlessly under the power of the [Crossbow Troops], and then turned into a meteor and rushed towards Lou Bai's Gaika. The sharp lance penetrated Gaika easily, and the true face of that card was also exposed in front of Atum.

"[Thunder Dragon Fusion], a fusion card dedicated to Thunder Dragon monsters. If I hadn't blocked your actions in time, I'm afraid the situation would have been reversed now."

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Seeing that his reversal hand was broken, Lou Bai's face showed a trace of unwillingness. He sent Gai Fang's [Thunder Dragon Fusion] to the cemetery, gritted his teeth and said, "But, I still have some health left, and I still have Gaika. I will never fall!"

"Then, show your courage!"

Catching the card that popped out of the deck, Atum explained: "When [Sprinting Dark Knight-Gaia] is released, I can add a [Chaos Warrior] from the deck to my hand! What I chose is [Chaos Warrior-Emissary of the Opening]!”

It wasn't until this moment that Lou Bai's short round really ended.

Lou Bai's hand card: [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon]

Frontcourt: None

Backcourt: Gaikax3

Time passed, and under the nervous eyes of Xiaolan and the others, the duel once again came to Atum's turn. Now all Lou Bai can rely on is three cover cards, and what he has to face is the Pharaoh who has gradually accumulated resources and has created an advantage.

Skillfully pulling out a card from the deck, Atum said with emotion: "I recognize your duelist soul for being able to fight me to this point. But it's a pity that you are not strong enough to carry it out. Your will. If you still have a way to reverse it, use it! Otherwise, please wait here silently!"

"Enter the battle stage!" Atum waved his hand, the cloak behind him flying in the wind: "[Celestial Knight], attack the enemy directly!"

Sure enough, it's this monster!

Facing the approaching sword, Lou Bai seemed to see hope at this moment. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and shouted filial piety: "Senior Atum, let me show you my consciousness! Open the cover and [Explode Armor]! When your monster declares an attack, use that monster as your weapon. The object activates and destroys it!"

"Wha, what! I can actually see this card!"

Even the well-informed Atum couldn't help but feel recognized for Lou Bai's "bravery" when he saw him daring to activate this "cursed card".

In his long dueling career, he has seen this card activated many times. But no matter which time it is, this card has only one result, that is, it fails to activate. It can be said to be a cursed card.

It seems that the current card cannot escape its fate. With this thought, Atum put a card in his hand on the duel plate and shouted loudly: "Activate the quick attack magic [I am a shield]! Pay 1500 life points, and you activate [Destroy the monsters on the field] The activation of the card's effect is invalid and destroyed!"

Atum lp: 3000→1500

Although [Celestial Knight] can also discard the [Ace Straight] in his hand to invalidate the effect of [Explosive Armor], there are still two cover cards in the backfield. It is better to save the resistance of [Celestial Knight] first.

With this cautious thought in mind, Atum paid 1500 lp without hesitation and chose to activate [I am a shield] in his hand.

Facing the [Explosive Armor] that could blow him to pieces, [Celestial Knight] showed no hesitation in his eyes. He believed wholeheartedly that his master would never let him fall into such a weak trap.

Sure enough, a white beam of light arrived first, surpassing the [Celestial Knight], and directly shattered the [Explosive Armor] that was about to be activated.

"Sure enough, that's true."

Just when the blade was about to hit Lou Bai and take away the last bit of his life, something unbelievable happened to [Celestial Knight]. After [Explosive Armor] was destroyed, it seemed as if some switch was turned on, and an unknown force started from a card directly in front of Lou Bai and gradually filled the entire field.

"Senior Atum, it seems that I am slightly better in this confrontation..."

Lou Bai took out a deep breath, as if he wanted to let out all his tension. After a moment of silence, the depression on his face was swept away, replaced by unparalleled excitement: "Trap card, [Witch's Strike], activate!"

"When the activation of the trap card [Explosive Armor] is invalid, the conditions for the activation of this trap card have been met!"

Lou Bai waved his hand enthusiastically and shouted: "Senior Atum, destroy all the cards in your hand and on the field!"

"It's actually this card!" Even Atum, who has experienced many battles, couldn't help but shrink when he saw this terrifying card.

After carefully recalling the situation just now, Atum felt something was wrong. Why is the normal magic [Thunder Dragon Fusion] covered, and why is there a cursed card like [Explosive Armor] in the deck...

Atum sighed: "I see. Is the [Thunder Dragon Fusion] that I placed in my hand to reduce the chance of key cards being blown up?"

"Yes, that's right!"

Lou Bai proudly explained his actions. Although it seems stupid for the villain to proudly tell his plan before the finale, but he is not a villain, and secondly, this card has been successfully activated, so there is nothing wrong, right?

"If you want to successfully activate [Witch's Strike], you must rely on [Explosive Armor]! And except for these two cards, the other two cards are [pseudo traps] that serve as smoke bombs!"

"What a bold move!" Atum expressed his approval of Lou Bai's courage, and asked curiously: "Are you so sure that I will attack with [Celestial Knight] first? You know, God will not be affected by The effect of the trap card. If I attack with [Sky Dragon of Osiris] first, your plan will fail."

"I understand you, Senior Atum."

Lou Bai organized the words in his mind and said: "Other duelists may become careless when their opponent's health is in the wind. But, Senior Atum, you will never! Because you know very well, As long as there is still health left, there is no difference between 1 and 1, so you have a high probability of launching a tentative attack with Kang's [Celestial Knight] with lower attack power!"

Having said this, Lou Bai smiled, touched his head, and continued: "Actually, this is all a gamble!"

Yes, this is the most important gamble! What if the key card is blown up, what if Atum launches an attack with God, what if [Explosive Armor] is successfully launched...

There is no need to think about all of this! Lou Bai only needs to stare at the only way to victory, and then firmly believe in his own consciousness! As long as people's consciousness is strong enough, fate will lead everything to the only glorious road!

"The so-called enlightenment is to open up a bright road in the dark wilderness! I have done everything I can, and the rest is up to fate!"

Lou Bai smiled: "Fortunately, fate is on my side, and the curse of [Explosive Armor] is still as reliable as ever. So now... shine!"

With the help of trust in the deck, understanding of the opponent, cognition of the information behind specific cards, and a little luck, Lou Bai successfully blew the horn of reversal.

The shining white light, with Lou Bai's [Witch's Strike] as the source, rushed towards Atum. It was like a tsunami covering the sky and the sun, and it was like a toppled mountain. The absolutely invincible and unstoppable power enveloped everything.

Whether it was the [Heavenly Knight] who was struggling to resist in the front field, the [Treasure Card of the Underworld] in the back field, or the four cards in the hand that were the source of God's power, all turned into ashes under this absolute power, and only the legendary phantom god was left alone on the field.

"The attack power of [Sky Dragon of Osiris] is the number of cards in hand multiplied by 1000, and the number of cards in your hand now is 0, so the attack power of [Sky Dragon of Osiris] is also 0!"

[Sky Dragon of Osiris]

[ATK: 4000→0]

As the source of power disappeared, even if the power of the trap card was ignored, Gao Tian's [Sky Dragon of Osiris] still let out a wail, and its momentum quickly fell to the point where even Xiao Lan couldn't beat it.

"I recognize your awareness!"

Atum, who was reversed by Lou Bai with a card, was undoubtedly in the most dangerous situation, but in his eyes, there was a burning desire to fight: "You won this hand, but it doesn't mean I will lose! Among the cards you destroyed, there is [Skull Face Ladybug]. When this card enters the graveyard, it restores 1000 lp to me!"

The shadow of a small beetle floated in the air and merged into Atum's body. His life value also increased, and he barely reached a safe situation.

Atum's LP: 1500→2500

After being swept by [Witch's Blow], [Osiris Sky Dragon] has only 0 attack power because he has no cards in hand, and cannot cause any damage to the enemy. He is not shameless enough to be like Malik in Duel City, who uses a 0-attack phantom to cause mental damage to the duelist to win, so he has only one choice at this moment.

"My turn ends! In the end phase, [Ace Wild], [Ace Straight], and [Ace Knight] in the graveyard return [Guard Knight], [Sprinting Dark Knight-Gaia], and [Chaos Warrior-Enlightenment] of the Light Attribute Warrior in the graveyard to the deck, and return itself to the hand!"

When there are cards in hand again, the momentum of [Osiris Sky Dragon] also rises.

[ATK: 0→3000]

Atum's hand: 3

Frontcourt: [Osiris Sky Dragon]

Backcourt: None

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