Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 178: Will duelists in the underworld like five blocks in the backcourt?

The strange figure that appeared under the moonlight was indeed a bit scary at first glance, but soon everyone realized that this was just an old trick of the dark sealers. They just personally interacted with the dark sealer's body After calling it so many times, I really didn’t think about it in this direction at first.

"Godwin, what on earth are you doing?" Looking at this guy who was pretending to be mysterious, the most arrogant Jack snorted coldly and asked: "You don't even dare to come to the satellite area with your real body. This is yours." How generous? It’s ridiculous.”

Hearing Jack's sarcasm, Godwin's tone did not change at all: "Please be patient, Jack Atlas. When the plan is completed, you will understand everything, and you will also be proud of yourself for your current arrogance. Shame on you."

"You guy!"

Ignoring the furious Jack, the puppet controlled by Godwin knelt down and jumped directly from the ruins four to five meters high, staring directly at Lou Bai with two dull eyes.

"Kobayashi Mashiro, I didn't expect that even that method couldn't get rid of you... As expected, you are the biggest variable in this plan." The puppet showed a stiff smile: "But you don't look good now?"

"Fart! Senior is in great shape!" Before Lou Bai, Jiujiu Guimu jumped out, pointed at the puppet and cursed: "On the contrary, you are neither a ghost nor a ghost now, shouldn't you?" Could it be that he is blind, lame, incontinent, and has the nerve to talk nonsense here? It’s really funny!”

As a person from the spiritual satellite area, Gui Mu's eloquence cannot be said to be elegant and easy-going, but can only be said to be in line with local people's sentiments, which gave Godwin a small shock to the satellite area.

Although there was no change in expression from the stiff face, seeing the trembling hand, Lou Bai was sure that Godwin's mood was not as calm as his expression.

Perhaps because he didn't know how to refute, or because Guimu was too out of place for him, the big boss behind the scenes, Godwin's puppet ignored Guimu and looked at Lou Bai, who was eager to try.

"Kobayashi Mashiro, since sending you to the underworld can't completely solve you, then this time, let's use the dark game to completely wipe you out!"

"Want to have a fight? It's just what I want!" Lou Bai licked his lips: "The draw last time really made me angry!"

Looking at the ninety-nine Guimu who was eager to try, Lou Bai said: "Then Guimu, come with me for this duel!"

"Ah!" Gui Mu straightened his hair and nodded vigorously: "For some bullshit plan of his, he brought the satellite area to such a disaster! Damn it, I will definitely block the name of the people in the satellite area. Knock this bastard away!"

The gold cabinet in the shape of a king's key suddenly emitted light. In the shining light, the soul positions of Lou Bai and Gui Mu were exchanged. Lou Bai's figure disappeared, replaced by the transparent Gui Mu who touched himself curiously and surrounded his body. He turned around and looked at the scene in front of him in amazement.

Strangeness, the first feeling after soul replacement is strangeness. Familiar dimensions suddenly take on someone else's shape, and everything has to readjust. The strength of the muscles, the center of gravity of the body, and all kinds of details.

Although the current situation is very similar to that of the former Pharaoh, the synchronization rate between Lou Bai and Guimu has not reached the level of Yugi and Atum. This makes Lou Bai now seem to be a high-frequency warrior, from giving orders to There is a considerable delay in starting.

However, the model that Senior Atum specially mentioned is certainly not just a shortcoming.

"A new feeling that I have never experienced before..."

Now Lou Bai is like a character who only knows how to upgrade and suddenly found the location of the equipment column. With the deflection of his own nature, a new field opens before his eyes.

Moving his hands and feet, Lou Bai barely adapted to the current situation, and then looked at the puppet in front of him with warlike eyes, as if he wanted to see Godwin directly through the puppet.

"It's about to happen!"


Duel disk equipment, deck lock, dark game begins! In the blink of an eye, the originally peaceful ruins were surrounded by flames and turned into a battlefield again. On the battlefield, Lou Bai and Godwin drew the five cards from their starting hands in no particular order.

"I'll take the first shot."

Taking advantage of Lou Bai's high delay, Godwin quickly seized the initiative. The puppet's eyes moved and scanned the card. Behind him, Godwin was thinking about the strategy of fighting. Although the real purpose of this duel is not to win, making them pay a high price to win this duel will also be beneficial to the next plan.

"First, I cover four cards!"

Four gloomy Gaikas were set up, exuding an ominous aura, which made everyone's hearts tighten. Gui Mu, who was beside Lou Bai, couldn't help but cursed: "Fuck, how can there be such autistic people in the world? Duelist?"

Hearing Gui Mu's words, Lou Bai couldn't help but glance at him. As a bug girl player, do you have the qualifications to say this? However, Lou Bai did become vigilant, watching Godwin's next move.

"I then activate this card in my hand, [Life-Destroying Treasure Book], and draw three cards from my hand. During the turn I activate this card, I cannot Special Summon."

The green magic card was inserted into the duel disk by Godwin. The restriction of not being able to special summon was exchanged for powerful power. Three cards were drawn out, making the puppet's hand more resourceful.

Seeing this card, Lou Bai's expression became even more cautious. The restriction of not being able to special summon in one round is a huge limitation for any deck. Even drawing three cannot make up for it, not to mention that at the end of the round, due to the negative effect of [Life-Destroying Treasure Book], he has to give up all his hands. Card.

However, there are so many decks in Yu-Gi-Oh, and there are always some that can be adapted. Among those decks, most of them have a general name - the underworld deck.

"Could it be that Godwin's deck relies on trap cards to fight?" Jack frowned.

"Not necessarily." Yusei shook his head: "[Life-cutting Treasure Book] will make Godwin's hand number become 0 at the end of the round. In addition, [Purgatory Dragon-Ogre Devil Dragon] was originally Godwin’s card may be a deck similar to Eternal Fire.”

Yusei couldn't help but recall the battle with Guiliu, and cast a worried look at Lou Bai.

The audience's comments did not affect Godwin's operation. The puppet glanced at the drawn card, then picked out a card with stiff fingers and put it in the backfield: "I will cover another card, and the round is over. According to the effect of [Life-cutting Treasure], the remaining two cards Discard the hand."

Godwin's hand: 0

Frontcourt: None

Backcourt: Gaika x2

"Then my turn will be taken without any hesitation!"

The priority came to Lou Bai. Looking at Godwin's five cards, Lou Bai pursed his lips and put his hand on the deck: "My turn, draw cards!"

Glancing at Godwin's packed backcourt, Lou Bai thought for a moment and picked out a card from his hand: "In return for sending me to the underworld, I will show you the new power I gained after returning from the underworld. , the power of chaos! The magic card, [Chaos Realm] is activated!”

Sending a card in his hand to the graveyard, Lou Bai explained its effect: "I sent the light-attributed [Electronic Dragon Core] in my hand to the graveyard, and used the level 4 [Dark Dragon Collapse] from the deck, which cannot be normally summoned. Star Snake】Add to hand!”

As the magic card was activated, a black stream of light came from the deck to Lou Bai's hand. The realization between life and death gave Lou Bai a deeper understanding of chaos, and at the same time, it also brought new power.

"The first is the effect of [Electronic Dragon Core] in the graveyard. If this card is sent to the graveyard, add an [Electronic Dragon] from the deck to your hand!"

After losing a hand of searching, Lou Bai's hand returned to 6 cards. Next, let’s test Gaika with this monster.

Picking out the retrieved [Dark Dragon Collapse Star Snake] from his hand, Lou Bai shouted: "This monster can be specially summoned by banishing a light attribute monster in the graveyard! I will banish the light attribute [Electronic Dragon Core], so fly, [ Dark Dragon Collapse Star Snake]!”

A dark purple "hole" appeared out of thin air on the field. As the [Electronic Dragon Core] was sent to another dimension, the [Dark Dragon Collapse Star Snake] was spit out from the "hole".

It has a jet-black back and an orange-red belly, and two pairs of wings, one large and one small, are evenly distributed on both sides of the body. Although it is called a star snake, it is an authentic dragon!

[Dark Dragon Collapse Star Snake] [4 stars\\/dark]

[Monster\\/Effect\\/Special Summon]


"After a monster appears on your field, I'm going to open my cover card!"

Godwin's words made him startled when he just took a picture of a strange Loubai. If he launched the trap at this time, he would be setting autistic stickers such as "Separation of Heroes" and "Thousands of Searches", right? !

Fortunately, the situation has not yet turned to the worst. Godwin's next words revealed the true identity of the trap: "Trap card, [Battlefront Return]! Special summon a monster from the graveyard in defense position!"

Taking out a monster from the graveyard that was discarded due to the negative effect of [Life-Destroying Treasure], Godwin called out its name: "Come on, [Magician of the Heavenly Wheel] (comic card)!"


When the trap was activated, a strange-looking humanoid monster with a halo of light on its back emerged from Godwin's graveyard. Although it was named a wizard, it held the arm blade in its hand to protect Godwin. In front of Devin.

【Magic of Heavenly Wheel】【2 stars\\/Light】



What surprised Lou Bai so much was naturally not the appearance of this monster. After all, in such a deep card pool, how could there not be any weird monsters? What really surprised him was that this was completely beyond his expectation.

"A completely unknown deck..."

Looking at the puppet in front of him, Lou Bai frowned. If this is the case, then I have completely lost my intelligence advantage and have to test his deck like spying on a man's anus.

"When [The Magician of the Heavenly Wheel] is specially summoned, I immediately activate this card, a quick attack spell, [Hell's Rage Summon]! Attack the remaining two [The Magician of the Heavenly Wheel] from the deck. Indicates a special summons!”

The puppet pointed at Lou Bai's field and showed a stiff smile: "Of course, you can also choose a monster on your field and special summon as many monsters with the same name as possible from the deck, hand and graveyard. "

"What a good time!" Lou Bai looked at the appearance of the other two [Heavenly Wheel Magicians], frowned and shook his head: "I only have [Dark Dragon Collapse Star Snake] on the field, and it only Can be specially summoned through its own effects.”

Maybe I shouldn't have summoned [Dark Dragon Collapse Star Snake] first, maybe other monsters would be a better choice? This thought flashed through Lou Bai's mind, and he quickly put it behind him. Now that things have happened, this idea is useless.

Looking at his hand, now that both sides have monsters on the field, [Cyber ​​Dragon] is no different from ordinary bones, but ordinary bones also have their uses.

"Then, I activate the effect of the hand card [Cyber ​​Dragon·Next Generation Star], discard the [Cyber ​​Dragon] in my hand, and special summon this monster!"

[Cyber ​​Dragon] was treated as a cost by Lou Bai without hesitation. At this cost, the new evolution of [Cyber ​​Dragon] appeared on the field.

It has a streamlined body different from other [Cyber ​​Dragon] monsters, and a pair of photon wings and the halo on the head all reflect the progress of technology. With the change of the times, [Cyber ​​Dragon] has gained new power!

[Cyber ​​Dragon·Next Generation Star][1 star\\/Light]


[ATK\\/Def: 200\\/200]

"I'm always a little uneasy about your face-up cards. In that case, give them to me!" Lou Bai smiled and slapped a card on the duel disk: "One graveyard, one field, the conditions for the advent are complete! This moment is the time for the explosion! Magic card, [Overload Fusion] is activated!"

"The effect of this card is to remove the dark attribute fusion material of the mechanical family from the field and the graveyard, and fusion summon the monster! I will [Cyber ​​Dragon· [Next Generation Star] and [Cyber ​​Dragon] in the graveyard are excluded, and Fusion Summoned! "

Putting the two cards into the exclusion zone slowly, Lou Bai drew an extra card and shouted its name loudly: "The fusion condition is two or more [Cyber ​​Dragon] monsters! The crystallization of technology gathers in one place, and tear the obstacles in front with violent power! Come, [Chimera Tyrannosaurus]!"

The fusion vortex swallowed the two [Cyber ​​Dragon] monsters, and what was born from the vortex was a steel weapon with an ominous smell all over its body. Scarlet lightning surged on the three roaring heads, showing its powerful power.

[Chimera Tyrannosaurus] [5*/Dark]


[ATK/DEF: 2100/1600]

"Don't underestimate Chimera Tyrannosaurus because its attack and defense are the same as Cyber ​​Dragon. As a noble fusion monster, it has great power!"

Lou Bai waved his hand and activated its effect immediately: "When Chimera Tyrannosaurus is successfully fusion summoned, it can destroy magic and trap cards on the field equal to the number of fusion materials! Because I used two monsters to fuse, I can destroy the two face-up cards on your field!"

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