Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 180 Lou Bai angrily scolds Godwin

"Nani, he is actually a synchronization adjustment monster?!"

Looking at this wonderful monster in front of him, Yusei couldn't help but widen his eyes. As an angel race, [Twin Star Taoist Priest of Heavenly Wheel] also has a strange appearance. The upper body is a human figure with a light wheel on its back, while the lower body is simply a piece of white stone with two columns acting as legs, protruding from it in a strange style.

[Twin Star Taoist Priest of the Heavenly Wheel] [2 Stars\\/Light]



However, what surprised Yusei was of course not its peculiar appearance, but its characteristic that was different from other synchronized monsters - synchronized adjustment!

"Could it be said that Godwin also mastered accelerated synchronization?"

"Just see for yourself with your own eyes whether you have mastered it or not!"

Without answering Yusei's question, Godwin activated the card's effect on his own: "The effect of [Twin Star Taoist Priest of Heavenly Wheel] is activated! When this card is Synchro Summoned successfully, bring as many level 2 monsters as possible from the graveyard. Special summons! The servant is controlled by the thread from the sky and wakes up again! "

At the same time that [Heavenly Wheel Bell Tower] sent a new card to Godwin, countless silk threads stretched out from the front of the cylindrical limbs of [Heavenly Wheel's Double Star Taoist Priest], tightly entwining the three figures in the cemetery. Only the [Magic of the Heavenly Wheel] brought them back to the present world. In just a short moment, Godwin's field was filled with five densely packed monsters.

"Is it a wolf pack tactic that relies on the number of monsters?" This idea flashed through Lou Bai's mind, and was quickly denied by him.

"[Twin Star Taoist Priest of Heavenly Wheel] is an adjustment monster, isn't it?"

"That's it!"

Although he was dueling with Lou Bai, Godwin suddenly looked at Yusei beside him and said with a smile: "As expected of Dr. Fudo's child, he developed Accelerated Synchrony based on Synchronic Summoning. You might think that with the help of Acceleration You can break through the obstacles ahead by synchronizing yourself, but you are wrong! Destiny is unstoppable!"

The puppet raised his hands flat, with a fanatical expression on his face: "Let you see it! This is the highest level duel dragon, the incarnation of fate! I use [Twin Star Taoist Priest of the Heavenly Wheel] to kill the remaining four monsters, Tune into the stars!”

"Oh my God! Destiny! The truth of things! The heavenly wheel that rides on the cycle is solidified here! My Duel Dragon, break the silence of five thousand years...come with the light! Synchronous summons, [Sky Tyrant Dragon] -Long Teng]!”

"It's actually a Synchro Summon of five monsters in total, including Synchro Tuners and Synchro Monsters!"

Everyone present couldn't help but hold their breath when they saw the scene in front of them. The five monsters on Godwin's field were shrouded in a beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth. In the light, the shadows of the five monsters gradually flew towards the sky and merged into one.

Finally, the beam of light suddenly disappeared, and instead, a sun seemed to rise in the sky, illuminating the dark night sky brightly. [Celestial Tyrant Dragon - Soaring Dragon] just rode on the brilliance and descended from the sky like a god.

[Sky Tyrant-Dragon Soaring] [10 Stars/Light]


[atk\\/def:? \\/3000】

"Oh, Sky Dragon of Osiris?!"

The moment he saw the Sky Tyrant Dragon, Lou Bai couldn't help but spit out the traitor dragon's name. Good guy, except for the different color scheme and the lack of a second mouth on the forehead, [Sky Tyrant Dragon-Soaring Dragon] looks almost exactly like the Traitor Dragon.

Godwin was a little surprised when he heard the name of the legendary phantom god: "I actually know this...but sometimes, knowing too much is not a good thing."

"Just like [Sky Dragon of Osiris] is the judge of the underworld, [Sky Dragon - Dragon Soaring] is also a being that can be called a god and the incarnation of destiny! If your destiny is a smooth road, then he is the spreading Messenger of the gospel, it is a pity that the fate of mankind has been determined. At this moment, the [Sky Dragon - Dragon Soaring] is the incarnation of the angel of death! "

"Damn, why is this such a blabbering fate again? I don't understand this kind of thing!"

Lou Bai scratched his head irritably, and the hairstyle that Gui Mu carefully took care of was messed up. Gui Mu opened his mouth to dissuade him, but when he saw the situation, he closed it silently.

"Sometimes the more I think about something, the more I fall into a logical loop. So at this time, I decided to listen to my inner thoughts!"

Lou Bai waved his fist and roared loudly at Godwin: "Godwin! I don't know what you saw, or whether you want to make this world better or worse! But, I know!"

Lou Bai took a deep breath and paused: "I love this world, I love everyone. If you want to make this world a better place, then why do you allow those dark sealers to appear! With your rights and status, It can obviously be stopped!"

"Is it to achieve certain goals through the Dark Seal? But when you make this decision, you have already acquiesced that you can give up a small part for the most people."

The satellite area is quiet late at night, and sounds can travel far. Because of the light and explosion just now, many people in the satellite areas close to the perpetual motion machine have woken up from their sleep and listened silently to the sounds over there.

"I will never agree with this kind of turning a blind eye to the weight of every life, this kind of thinking of treating human life as consumables!"

Lou Bai pointed at Godwin, his chest rose and fell, and he cursed excitedly: "Your behavior will only gradually make everyone give up in multiple-choice questions again and again! First the poor, and then the old people who are about to die. People with no ability to work... In the end, there will be nothing left except those so-called elites! But what can those people do?"

"So, Godwin, I want to be here! In this satellite area that you abandoned, I will absolutely defeat you!"

The empty ruins were silent, with only the echoes of Lou Bai's shouts and angry gasps echoing. After a long silence, Godwin slowly spoke: "We have different ideas and cannot convince each other. Then we can only let the duel determine what path we should take in the future!"

"The attack power of [Sky Dragon - Soaring Dragon] will increase by the number of cards in my hand x 1000 attack power points. I now have six cards in my hand, so the attack power will increase by 6000!"

[Sky Tyrant Dragon - Soaring Dragon]

[atk:? →6000】

"Attack, attack power 6000!"

Looking at the [Celestial Tyrant Dragon-Teng Teng] that had absorbed the light and surged in momentum, Gui Mu, who was also shrouded in the duel realm, turned pale. He said in a trembling voice: "Such a high attack power, no matter how hard you think, you can't defeat it. Right! Can we only use effects to destroy it, such as [Exploding Armor] or something..."

Glancing at him sideways, the puppet broke his illusion without hesitation: "It's useless! [Sky Tyrant Dragon-Soaring Dragon] is a monster that cannot be destroyed! When it is destroyed, it can reincarnate itself into an extra deck, and special summon that set of synchronized materials from the graveyard. This is the eternity of destiny!”

After hearing Godwin's words, Lou Bai's eyes lit up. Guimu, you did a good job, you did a good job!

Perhaps to increase the psychological pressure on his opponent, or perhaps because he was overconfident in his own monsters, Godwin nonchalantly described the effects of his own monsters. At this time, Lou Bai successfully saw Godwin Ju... I mean part of the Ace Monster effect.

"It seems that such a level of numerical value can't surprise you, so let's take this attack and give it a try!" Godwin stretched his right hand forward and gave the attack command without hesitation: "[Sky Tyrant Dragon] -Long Teng], attacks [Aloof Beast]! Super Dimensional Ascension to Heaven Burial!"

The puppet's eyes were fixed on Lou Bai. As long as this attack passes, the remaining battle damage will completely clear Lou Bai's full health to zero!

Mashiro Kobayashi, let me see your methods and what confidence you have to change the world!

The wave of light, like a tsunami, rushed towards the dog whose limbs were weak. As the owner, Lou Bai was naturally not indifferent. With a tap of his finger on the duel disk, Gaika, who had been ambushed for a long time, was opened.

"Trap card, [High-rate card drawing] activates!"

Facing Gouzi's unbelievable face, Lou Bai said nonchalantly: "As long as [Aloof Beast Slayer] is destroyed in advance, it will not be destroyed by your monster battle. This is my counterattack route! I will [Gugao Beast Slayer] and [Huibai Dragon Storm Source Winged Dragon] are destroyed and a card is drawn!”

Two emerald green claws stretched out from the ground, pulling the howling [Gugao Beast Slayer] and [Huibai Dragon Storm Source Pterosaur] into the cemetery, and sent a card to Lou Bai's hands.

Just like the first particle was shot in a chain reaction, when [High Rate Card Drawing] was activated, the [White Dragon Storm Source Pterosaur] in the cemetery also let out its own roar.

"When [Glowing White Dragon Violent Winged Dragon] is sent from the field to the graveyard, I can add [Dark Dragon Collapse Star Snake] from the deck to my hand!"

When the light reaches its limit, deep darkness is created, and a card is spit out from the black hole and returned to Lou Bai's hand.

"Are you taking the initiative to eliminate your own weak points?" Seeing Lou Bai's actions, Godwin took the initiative to change the target of attack: "Then [Dragon Soaring], attack [Super Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon]!"

The mighty wave of light set off again, but this time it was the dragon riding the thunder and lightning who faced it.

[Super Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] struggled hard in this sea of ​​brilliance, relying on the power of the cemetery [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] to barely survive. Unfortunately, it had no power to block the remaining light, so it could only watch. He pressed them towards Lou Bai.

Indeed, as Godwin said, [Sky Dragon - Soaring Dragon] is the incarnation of fate, and its attack can also be called the torrent of disaster. With just one blow, Lou Bai, who was originally full of health, was reduced to a candle in the wind. When the wave of light dissipated, all that was left was a piece of white land and Lou Bai, standing erect without taking a step back.

Lou Bai lp: 4000→600

"Is this the enemy that our seniors faced? In just two rounds, both sides almost overpowered each other..."

Facing this terrifying blow, Gui Mu, as an ordinary person, was frightened, and the Tryon Bug Demon who had just stuck his head out to observe also shrank into a ball.

"This little damage should be treated with water!" Lou Bai smoothed his messy hair with one hand. Under the power of water and lightning, the messy hair fell smoothly, and his original chicken coop instantly turned into a big back.

Facing Gui Mu on the side, Lou Bai extended his thumb: "As long as the health value is not 0, then everything is not over! Just watch my performance!"

"In the attack just now, I removed [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] from the graveyard instead of destroying [Super Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon]! Now I want to activate the effect when [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] was removed! "

Lou Bai waved his right hand and picked a card from the deck and took it into his hand: "I want to search for [Thunder Dragon Fusion]!"

"Did you use my attack skillfully to achieve endurance? Let me express my approval for your strategy."

Godwin picked two cards from his hand and covered them in the backcourt: "Unfortunately, all this is meaningless. I cover two cards, and the turn ends! Because the number of cards in hand is reduced, the attack power of [Sky Tyrant Dragon-Dragon Soar] is also reduced."

[Sky Tyrant Dragon-Dragon Soar]

[ATK: 6000→4000]

Godwin's hand: 4

Frontcourt: [Sky Tyrant Dragon-Dragon Soar]

Backcourt: Cover card x2, [Sky Wheel Clock Tower]

"My strategy does not need your approval!" Lou Bai put his hand on the deck without fear: "My turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the card he drew, Lou Bai smiled with satisfaction: "Godwin, you had a lot of fun earning cards just now, didn't you? Now let's take a look at mine!"

"Activate the magic card [Advanced Card Draw]! Release my level 8 [Super Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] on the field and draw two cards!"

"Next is the magic card [Dark Temptation]! Draw two cards, then banish the [Dark Dragon Collapse Star Serpent] in my hand!"

"Then the last one! Quick attack magic card, [Pot of Great Desire]! Return the [Electronic Dragon Core], [Electronic Dragon·Next Generation Star] and [Electronic Dragon] in the banished area to the deck, and draw a card!"

Lou Bai, who has realized the realm of [Dig], showed a perfect pot-drawing pot, not only replacing the waste cards in his hand and recycling the resources in the banished area, but also getting an extra card out of thin air. Now his hand has five cards from the one at the end of the last round!

"Come on, Godwin, let's see if your fate can stop my attack!"

Decisively inserting a card into the duel disk, Lou Bai called out its name: "Magic card, [Thunder Dragon Fusion]! Return [Super Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] in my graveyard and [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] and [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] in the exclusion zone to the deck, and fusion summon [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon]!"

"Tear through the darkness with a line of lightning, and let the pulse of the soul roar in the world! [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] descends!"

Three different lightnings surged from the graveyard and the exclusion zone and plunged into the vortex of [Thunder Dragon Fusion]. Then, the Thunder Dragon named after God was born in the lightning, and confronted [Sky Tyrant Dragon - Dragon Soar] on the other side without fear.

"No reaction to activating the magic card? Then let me see what you have covered!" Lou Bai turned over a card in his hand: "[Thunder Dragon], explode!"

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