Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 19 What’s with that expression of yours! What's the matter with those tears of yours!

After the duel, Larry slumped on the ground blankly, his eyes a little red. Lou Bai jumped down from a high place, walked slowly to Larry, and said in a calm voice: "What's wrong? Do you feel unbelievable about your defeat, or can't you accept his attitude towards monsters?"

"That's right! I can't accept it!" There was a hint of crying in Larry's voice. He shouted loudly to Lou Bai: "The duel monster is our partner! In order to win, he willfully send his partner to the cemetery or something like that. How can I approve of such a thing?”

"Are you unwilling to accept your defeat?" Lou Bai asked coldly, still in that calm tone.

Larry murmured and lowered his head, unable to speak.

"Raise your head!" Lou Bai's voice suddenly raised: "What's going on with your expression! What's going on with your tears! Can your tears defeat your opponent and win the duel?!"

"Teacher, am I really wrong about my attitude towards dueling monsters?" Faced with Lou Bai's question, Larry, who had just lost, became even less confident.

Seeing that the dose of strong medicine was enough, and if it were increased, Larry would lose all his love for dueling, Lou Bai knelt down, his eyes were level with Larry's, and he said in a soft voice: "No, it's not true."

Standing up and pulling Larry up from the ground, Lou Bai looked at the sea in the distance and said: "There has never been a right or wrong attitude between duelists and duelist monsters. From the appearance of duelist monsters to now, there are some duelists Some duelists regard monsters as family members, some regard them as subordinates, and some regard them as tools, but it is undeniable that there are "legendary duelists" among these people."

Looking back, Lou Bai lowered his head and said to Larry: "Did you know? The legendary invincible first-generation Duel King Muto Yugi also experienced defeat!"

"Eh?!" Although he was still a little disappointed because of the failure, Larry still became very interested in the gossip of his seniors. Akiyama on the side heard this and quietly moved over.

"The duelist who defeated the nameless Pharaoh was named Rafiru." Lou Bai carefully recalled the plot of Yu-Gi-Oh! DM: "For Rafiru, dueling monsters means family, so in order to protect Rafilu will not let monsters enter the graveyard, whether he sends them there voluntarily or is defeated by his opponents. "

"What, how is that possible?" Upon hearing this, Qiu Shan cried out in surprise. As a novice in dueling, Larry may not understand it yet, but he clearly knows how difficult it is to do this. Not letting his monsters enter the graveyard not only means that he cannot superior summon monsters or fusion summon monsters, but it also means that he must have a flawless defense. Whether it is combat damage or effect damage, he must completely resist it. Down!

"Nothing is impossible." Lou Bai turned to look at Qiu Shan and continued: "The condition of not letting his monsters enter the cemetery gives Rafi a great constraint, and it is also the source of his strength. When Rafilu broke this agreement, he also suffered his first defeat."

"Larry, you have to remember that there is no right or wrong attitude between duelists in dueling monsters, but there is a difference between duelists in terms of strength and weakness. So don't use the excuse 'I lost because I wasn't willing to use the monsters' Justify your own weakness.”

Lou Bai said to Larry with a serious expression: "A duelist must do three things. First, believe in your own card. If you believe in it, he will respond to you; second, strengthen your belief and be strong in your heart." The source of power in dueling, when you doubt yourself, you are not far away from defeat. Third: Treat dueling sacredly, whether it is studying deck construction, card B, or dealing with enemies. If you fool around casually, Your card will be disappointed."

"I'm sorry, teacher, I'm sorry..." Larry murmured in a low voice, then raised his head and whispered: "I will never lose again!"

"Can't you hear me! Louder! You still want to be a duelist with this little sound?!"

Larry clenched his fists and shouted loudly: "I will never, never lose again in the future."

"Mr. Xiaolin really cares about Larry!" Seeing this scene, Akiyama sighed sincerely.

"Oh, by the way, there's you." After encouraging Larry, Lou Bai turned his attention to Qiu Shan: "What you did just now really made my blood pressure rise!"

"This, this, didn't I win?" Seeing Lou Bai turning his finger on him, Qiu Shan said in a panic.

"Hey, defeating a newcomer will give you some strength!" Lou Baipi said with a smile.

"When Larry has a backcourt and you have Cosmic Tornado in your hand, why not remove the backcourt first before entering the battle phase? Although I once said that the trap will not disappear if you don't step on it, but you have a card in your hand. Even if it’s windy, your face is blown away. What’s the use of that wind?”

"I, I saw that he didn't respond in the backcourt, so I just wanted to save 1,000 lp..." Akiyama looked ashamed, lowered his head, and stammered.

"The lost life will turn into the power that leads me to victory in the duel -" Lou Bai read out the words Akiyama said during the duel with an expressionless face, and then said angrily: "Thanks to Larry's backcourt. It is a permanent trap card that will expire as soon as it leaves the field. If you attack the trap like Exploding Armor, you will lose this game."

After teaching the two men a lesson, Lou Bai said meaningfully: "Dueling is not just a game. In some cases, it can even save your life, especially in the satellite area."

There are still some words that Lou Bai didn't say. After Yusei goes to Shindou Sanye and the red dragon appears, the corresponding dark sealers and earth-bound gods will also start to become active. Unlike most of the dragon sealers who appear in Xintong Shiye, the dark sealers' base camp is a satellite area. Facing them, Lou Bai, who only had a pile of cards, was powerless even if he wanted to do anything.

Lou Bai is ruthless in situations that may harm his own interests, but under normal circumstances, he also has normal human-level empathy. Although in the play, all the souls swallowed by the Earthbound God are liberated, what about those lives lost due to other reasons?

Now Lou Bai can do nothing but give them some advice when dueling with other duelists in the satellite area, earn a wave of favors and system energy, and at the same time improve their level, so that they can have more confidence when encountering the Dark Seal. The size of a fingernail is just a tiny bit of hope for escape.

Oh, is this the mercy shown to others by those who know the future? Lou Bai laughed to himself inwardly. Unfortunately, when I encounter a duel in the dark, it's all a mud bodhisattva crossing the river - I can't protect myself!

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