Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 21 Lao Tie’s Story

After following the old man and bypassing the scrap iron scarecrow that could jump up and hit people at any time, and walking through two unactivated pits and a forced escape device, Lou Bai and the other three finally arrived at the old man's home. This is a two-story dilapidated small house, with the walls reinforced with discarded iron sheets. Looking from the outside, you can see ropes and an alarm through the open windows on the second floor.

"Come in." The old man greeted, and he opened the door first and walked in.

"Don't you live here alone?" Larry asked doubtfully when he walked into the living room and saw three chairs around the table.

The old man responded angrily: "Who said I was alone?! They will definitely come back!" After that, he entered a room and left Lou and Bai in the living room.

"Hey, Master, why did you come here with this weird old man? He won't let us pick up cards here. We can just go somewhere else!" As the old man entered the room, Larry stretched out his hand and poked him. He asked Lou Bai, who was standing aside observing the surroundings.

"Haha, I'm also looking for the answer to this question!" Lou Baigan laughed a few times and fooled him with Brother Xiao Ming's lines. To be honest, Lou Bai really had no reason to come here. What benefit would knowing the old man's story do to him? If you have time to come here, you might as well follow Larry to find cards elsewhere! But for some reason, there was a strong emotion surging in his heart at that time, which prompted him to say those words and do those things.

Maybe he sees what his father looks like in him? Lou Bai thought silently in his heart, if my parents didn't abandon me on purpose, would they do the same when I met them?

While Larry and Lou Bai were talking, the old man came out holding a photo.

The background of the photo is a jungle. In the photo, a young couple puts their hands on the shoulders of a child, and the three of them are smiling happily.

"Is this person you?" Lou Bai asked, pointing to his father in the photo.

"Ah, yes." The old man looked lonely. He caressed the photo and recalled with some sadness: "You can call me Lao Tie. Those in the photo are my wife and children. When I was young, I was busy working and didn't pay much attention to them. When I came back to my senses, Only then did I realize that my most important treasure had left me.”

"You should be able to understand." Lao Tie raised his head and said to Lou Bai: "That feeling of having something you love leave you because of your own reasons."

Lou Bai remained silent and did not respond. He understood that Lao Tie didn't need an answer, he just wanted to find someone to talk to.

Looking at Lao Tie, he was still recalling his past things: "I remember that day, the weather was similar to now. I went home as usual after finishing my work, ate as usual, taught Haoshu how to duel, and slept, but there was no I noticed that my wife had been hinting to me that it was her birthday. She was right, I was a fool, I was a blockhead, I was a fool..."

Lao Tie choked up as he spoke, and he told with tears in his eyes: "The next morning, my wife took Haoshu out. She told me that she would never come back until her anger subsided, and told me not to go. Look for her, otherwise you will never forgive me. I was in a daze at the time and didn't understand what she meant. I just waited at home stupidly... I originally thought that she would stay at her parents' house for a few weeks and then come back. Yes, just a few weeks, it was like this before..."

At this point, Lao Tie couldn't help but cover his face and cry bitterly. Amidst his cries, Lou Bai vaguely heard a few words hidden under Lao Tie's cries: "When will you forgive me? I can't hold on much longer." It’s been years, I just want to see you again before I leave..."

Hearing this, Lou Bai couldn't help but ask: "Old man, when did Haoshu and the others leave?"

"Just eighteen years ago...today." When Lao Tie said this, he burst into tears. He raised his head and looked past Lou and Bai with a pair of cloudy eyes toward the door. His vision seemed to have traveled through time, and he once again saw the scene of his wife and son leaving him.

"Larry, how old is Yuxing now?" As if thinking of something, Lou Bai pulled Larry aside and asked in a low voice.

When Larry heard this question, he couldn't get over Lao Tie's story for a while. He thought for a while and said firmly: "Eighteen years old, I remember we mentioned before, if Yu Xing can wait a few days, Come on, we can celebrate Yu Xing’s birthday. Hey, wait, grandpa’s family also happened to leave eighteen years ago. Is there any connection between this?”

Does it have anything to do with it... Lou Bai vaguely remembers that in the 5ds plot, on the day when the perpetual motion machine reversed, Yusei's father, Dr. Fudo, in order to protect the newborn Yusei, put him in an escape device and launched him. The New Dome Realm and the Satellite Area were split, and the place where Yusei's escape device landed happened to be the Satellite Area. This is why Yusei was born in the city center, but became a Satellite Area person.

From this point of view, Yusei's birthday is the day when the disaster of perpetual motion reversal occurs. According to Larry and the old man's words, Hiroki and the others left home eighteen years ago today, and it will be Yusei's birthday a few days later. , is also the day when the disaster of perpetual motion reversal occurs... An unpleasant possibility arises in Lou Bai's mind.

Looking at the sad old man beside him, Lou Bai gave up the plan of saying this possibility after thinking for a while. In fact, even if he didn't say it, Lao Tie, who had personally experienced the disaster, should have thought of this situation, but he still didn't want to believe it. He stubbornly believed that his wife and Haoshu had been angry with him and refused to Forgive himself, so he has been waiting here silently, waiting for his wife to calm down, waiting for his wife to take their son home.

On the side, Larry, who had not thought of this, counted with his fingers: "Hmm... Brother Haoshu in the photo looks to be in his teens. Eighteen years later, he is almost in his thirties, and Master's They are almost the same age, and since we are here on such a special day, it is no wonder that the old man regards Master as his son. "

Ignoring Larry's soliloquy, Lou Bai once again carefully observed the house that had been lived in by the old man for decades after the disaster. Only then did he discover that there were cracks on many walls of the house and the ceiling. It's also a bit tilted. Even if the outer walls are reinforced with iron sheets, this is still a real dilapidated house.

Thinking of this, he finally couldn't help but said: "Old man, if you can, it's better to move out as soon as possible." What he didn't expect was that when he heard this, Lao Tie became furious, and he said angrily: " This is my home, I won’t go anywhere, even if I die, I will die here!”

After hearing this, Lou Bai let out a long sigh and gave up his original idea. At that time, I was still thinking that it might not be a bad thing to let the old man keep a hope and continue to live without going through other people's sufferings and advising others to be kind. But now, hey! This stubborn old man has successfully brought out his own stubborn temper! Even if he hates her, she still has to let him get out of the past and try a new future.

"Old man." Lou Bai stood up, took out his deck, and said, "Duel me! If you lose, promise me not to dwell on the past!"

In Lao Tie's eyes, the way Lou Bai held up the deck gradually overlapped with the way his son Haoshu challenged him to a duel when he was a child, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face filled with sadness. Lao Tie conveniently put the photo in his hand into his arms, then took out his deck and said, "Okay, Haoshu, but as promised in advance, I'm very strong!"

After agreeing to Lou Bai, Lao Tie did not directly take out a duel plate and duel with him. Instead, he took Larry and Lou Bai out of the house and came to a dueling ground hidden in a pile of scrap metal.

"This is, this is!" Seeing the scene in front of him, Larry was so shocked that he was almost speechless: "Is this the legendary dueling ground used by the people of the era of the first generation of Duel Kings?!"

"Yes, you said at that time that you wanted to duel in the dueling arena. I thought that if the dueling arena was built, you would definitely come back. Now Haoshu, you are indeed back." Lao Tie smiled at Lou Bai said.

Looking at Lao Tie, who had fallen into memories of the past, Lou Bai couldn't bear to expose his fantasy, so he simply said yes and stepped onto the duel stage. As the machines on both sides started up, the duel platform slowly rose, and the duel in the retro dueling arena officially began.


"I'm the first to strike!" Lao Tie first picked up five cards from the deck and grabbed the first strike. Only then did Lou Bai slowly take out five cards from the deck.

"Summon Scrap Iron Mother in guard position!" Lao Tie excitedly pulled out a card and slapped it on the duel stage. Following his action, a female robot wearing a red iron apron and holding a spatula appeared on the duel stage. Position 4 appeared, guarding Lao Tie.

[Scrap Mother (Animation Card) 3 stars def: 1500]

"Activate Scrap Iron Mother's effect and add Scrap Iron Children from the deck to your hand!" Seeing Scrap Iron Mother appear in front of him, Lao Tie happily shouted out its effect, and then picked up the deck beside him. , and began to look for the scrap children in the deck one by one.

However, as the cards in the deck were turned over one by one, Lao Tie's movements became slower and slower. When it came to the last card, Lao Tie slowly moved his fingers away from the card blocking it. The card revealed its true appearance, and the green border showed that it was a magic card. Lao Tie did not find the Scrap Iron Child in his deck.

Just like waking up from a big dream, the illusory happy expression on Lao Tie's face disappeared, leaving behind only a deep loneliness. His eyes were a little dark, and he shook his body and put his hands on the duel platform.

"Boy!" After a moment of silence, Lao Tie, like a wounded lone wolf, shouted viciously to Lou Bai who was standing opposite: "I want to protect my family, so I can never lose! Cover a card , the round is over.”

Hand card: 5→3

Frontcourt: Scrap Iron Mother

Backcourt: cover card ×1

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