Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 216 I don’t know what to write in the title, but I’ll put Xiao Lan here first.

It is not shameful to save the world secretly without telling your friends. And it is also common to say some dirty words in a duel in this world, and it is also nothing.

However, when the [Fusion] magic card is used on these two, plus some strange catalysts, then problems arise. Just like Lou Bai at the moment.

In Yuxing's eyes, the villain who planned to destroy the city and modify history revealed his identity and suddenly became his best friend. This fact brought him great surprise and made him not know what to say for a while.

And Lou Bai was also embarrassed. Just like his wife met her husband who returned home after being NTRed by a yellow-haired man, Lou Bai covered the damaged part of the mask, not knowing what expression to use to face Yuxing in front of him and the upcoming questioning.

Fortunately, the two members of the Future Team who had been prepared rushed out from the side and resolved this embarrassment. Before Yuxing and Atum could react, two strong men with hoods rushed out from the alley on the side, one in front and one behind, picked up Lou Bai and ran away. Lou Bai did not resist. In this situation, perhaps he needs some time to calm down.

"Hey, stop!"

How could Youxing remain indifferent when he saw Lou Bai being kidnapped by an unknown person and possibly even forced to join some evil organization? He immediately ran after him.

Unfortunately, the human body has its limits after all. Even if Youxing can defeat three or five well-equipped bodyguards alone and fall from the cliff without injury, it is ultimately not as good as the technology from the future. In his unwilling eyes, the two men rode on two D-wheelers respectively, turning into a residual image and disappearing from his sight, and Lou Bai was also placed on one of the giant D-wheelers and taken away.

"Damn it!"

Youxing's fist wrapped in motorcycle gloves hit the concrete wall beside him heavily, and his heart was full of regret. If he had reacted faster, he might have been able to save Lou Bai! Now... Lou Bai, please don't be in trouble!

"Youxing, what's wrong?"

A few minutes later, Yugi and Judai also caught up. After the duel, Atum returned the control of his body to Aibo, and the original sharpness returned to gentle strength. Standing behind Yusei, Yugi looked at Yusei in front of him with some worry.

"The masked man just now is my friend." Controlling himself and calming down, Yusei also found something wrong, "Before arriving at Mr. Yugi's era, the man under the mask used a demon monster with fire attribute, but now it is a dark attribute [Sin] monster..."

Yugi also instantly understood what Yusei meant: "You mean, after arriving here, the true identity of the masked man has changed?"

"Yes." Yusei nodded, and his face showed an anxious look again, "I am a little worried about Lou Bai's safety."

At this moment, a warm hand was placed on Yusei's shoulder, and Judai's warm smile caught Yusei's eyes: "Don't worry, Yusei, your friend will be fine!"

Looking Seeing Judai's confident look, Youxing showed a hopeful look and couldn't help asking, "Does Mr. Judai know something?"

"Ah, this..." A flash of embarrassment flashed across Judai's face, "I do know a little bit... but it's not time for you to know these things yet, but don't worry, your partner will be fine!"

"Is that so..." After a moment of silence, Youxing nodded seriously, "Well, I believe Lou Bai will come back safely. He must have his own intentions behind all this."


"Antinomiya, Paradox, you two, you are well prepared, right!"

In a special space, Lou Bai gritted his teeth and looked at the two people in front of him.

After leaving Youxing's sight, under the leadership of Antinomiya, the two D-wheelers reached the standard of accelerated synchronization one after the other and began to travel through time and space. Now they are in a magnificent alien space, with gorgeous stardust pulling out tassels around them. The deep universe is silent and mysterious, and from time to time there are blazing stars dotted in it, slightly illuminating this vast darkness.

However, Lou Bai was in no mood to enjoy this rare view. He put his arm around Paradox's neck and said in his ear with resentment: "That mask, was it specially designed by you? I don't believe that the technology products of the Future Group will be broken into pieces by a simple materialization attack."

Paradox's eyes wandered, and he changed the subject abruptly: "Hey, let's talk about this later. I'm driving now! Drive safely, drive safely!"

"You are using automatic driving." Antinomian ruthlessly exposed Paradox's lame lie and drove his triangular eagle to Lou Bai's side, "Mr. Lou Bai, please wait a moment, the exit is just ahead."

As soon as the voice fell, a rectangular opening appeared out of thin air in this empty universe, and two D-wheelers rushed into it one after the other, arriving at the destination of this trip, the cradle of the holy ark.

This was Lou Bai's second time here. Compared with the last time, what he saw this time was not a huge library, but he was equally shocked - in the somewhat empty hall, there stood an altar, and a water-blue sphere as bright as a gem was floating above the altar.

The diameter of the sphere is about 10 meters, and the bottom is about three or four meters away from the altar. With his eyes trained in playing cards for a long time, Lou Bai saw that the sphere was inlaid with some plates of different colors. Looking up at the familiar shapes of those plates, Lou Bai seemed to realize the essence of the sphere - a giant globe.

Above the plate, mini cities are located. If you look closely, you can still see the streets, buildings, and pedestrians...

"How is it? It's shocking, isn't it?" When Lou Bai was obsessed with it, Paradox's hand on his shoulder brought him back to reality, "What's above is the future of the world a hundred years from now. With everyone’s efforts, the world will not have to worry about anything happening for at least a hundred years.”

"One hundred years, is it so short?" Lou Bai was a little surprised, "Our world doesn't seem to have much problems? Now Yuxing is still there, and under his control, the reversal of the perpetual motion machine cannot happen... Could it be? Is there anything else that threatens the world?"

Antinomi walked up to him and without explaining, just pointed to a corner of the sphere: "Look at the city you are in, Shindo Sano."

Turning his attention to the direction Antinomi pointed to, Lou Bai saw a black spot hanging over Xintong Shiye, exuding an uneasy aura. But fortunately, after a few seconds, the area of ​​​​the black spot was smaller. Half as small, it seemed like it was only a matter of time before they all disappeared.

But outside of the Xintong Real Field, Lou Bai also saw many black spots in other parts of the planet. The area of ​​those black spots was almost invisible compared to the one on the Xintong Real Field just now, but they also exuded an aura of dismay. The smell of uneasiness. Some black spots slowly decreased over time, but others seemed to be alive, squirming, crawling, and slowly multiplying.

"What is this?"

"Time and space loopholes." Paradox opened his mouth to answer Lou Bai's doubts. "The depth of the color represents the era from now. The farther the time goes, the darker the color becomes. This is the world's immune disease, the gangrene in history."

"The one we solved before was one of them, and it was a particularly threatening one. Although that guy was average in strength, his ability to travel through time and space could easily trigger a domino effect, connecting all the time and space loopholes in history together. , causing huge harm.”

After a moment of silence, Lou Bai defined the work of the two members of the future team: "So this is your current job? Space-time police?"

"It's just the two of us, Zone and Aporia are busy with other things." At this point, Paradox suddenly began to complain: "Oh, you don't know how busy we are... In order to prevent myself from If the vulnerability appears and causes greater damage, we can only slowly guide it through technology, reduce the vulnerability to a certain level and then eliminate it. That is really tiring. I have not rested since I started this work. If it weren’t for the robot , I can’t bear it for a long time..."

After complaining a lot, Paradox suddenly held Lou Bai's hand tightly with both hands and looked at Lou Bai with expectant eyes: "So, Brother Lou, can you come and help us? For world peace! "

Lou Baixu looked at Paradox with his eyes: "Is this the reason why you gave me a low-quality mask? Besides, you said this work is hard and tiring, and you still have the nerve to let me do this? I'm honest Wouldn’t it be nice to be my card shop owner?”

"I apologize to you about the mask." Paradox's expression became serious and he bowed to Lou Bai, "But if you don't do this, how long do you plan to hide your connection with us from Yusei? "

Hearing this, Lou Bai fell silent. He is a traveler from another world, and there is no trace of this world's past - even though Yusei, as an orphan, has parents in this world, he does not.

When I first became friends with Yusei and the others, I was afraid that this fact might cause cracks in our friendship with them, so I kept it a secret, but the more we got along with each other, the less I dared to say it. Yu Xing and Lao Tie seem to have noticed his troubles, and they actively avoid talking about the abnormalities in their daily lives.

Until now, this matter has been openly exposed in the sun. If he made up a reason to hide it, Yusei probably wouldn't ask more questions, but... forget it, let's explain everything clearly this time. , it’s not a problem to hide it all the time.

Lou Bai let out a breath, scratched his scalp irritably, and asked: "I will make it clear. But what does this matter have to do with your work?"

Antinomi and Paradox looked at each other. Finally, Antinomi, who seemed more serious, took a step forward and told the reason: "You are a person outside the history of this world. You are repairing the holes in time and space." In the process, there are some things that only you can do. So, Lou Bai, I implore you to join us and contribute to the stability of this world order."

"Oh no, do you just believe that I will come to help you work?" After hearing this, Lou Bai became even more irritated, "You know, I don't have such noble moral character as you. I like a peaceful life, like this I really don’t want to do something that is painful, tiring, and potentially fatal..."

Antinomi interrupted Lou Bai's rambling: "So what is your choice?"

Lou Bai clicked his tongue in displeasure: "I know, I know, give me a few days to think about it."

"Then I'll give you the entry benefits first." Antinomi took out a deck of cards as expected: "It contains the power of acceleration synchronization. To do this job, learning acceleration synchronization is a basic course."

He casually took the card set and put it into his card box. Lou Bai squinted at Antinomi: "Aren't you afraid that I will steal this card set for myself, and then directly reject it and go back to be the owner of my card shop?"

"It doesn't matter anymore." Antinomi waved his hand carelessly and fiddled with the screen that appeared in front of him: "Just think of it as a reward for helping us a big favor this time. Okay, let's go to Xintong Shiye. The door is already open."

Facing the door that appeared in front of him and the familiar scene on the other side, Lou Bai raised his legs and stepped in without hesitation: "Bye bye, whoever wants to do this job can do it. I'll go back and be the owner of my card shop." "

After the people left, the door was closed and silence returned to the hall. It was not until more than ten seconds later that Paradox's voice broke the silence: "Antinomy, do you just trust him so much? That card There’s a lot of power in the group.”

Antinomi glanced at Paradox, who was lazily leaning on his D-wheel: "Lou Bai is a very responsible person. He will not sit idly by and ignore these things."

At this point, Antinomi suddenly sighed: "But, are we right or wrong in involving him in this matter?"

"Those who work in our profession are not good people in the traditional sense." Paradox straightened up and came to Antinomi's side to help process the data. "In terms of danger, what is the next task?"

"The time is the period of the Duel Kingdom, and the singularity is Atum..." Antinomi looked at the data in front of her with a serious expression, "The mission goal is to destroy Exodia in Mr. Atum's hands."

"It's a big target." Paradox twitched his lips helplessly, "Look, isn't this a proper act of the evil party? There is no place for sentimentality on the road to salvation."

"Oh, there's one more thing." Suddenly remembering something, Paradox reminded: "Please report it to the boss before doing this. Although Mr. Atum is not a vengeful person, I am still a little worried. ah."

"If you are afraid of retaliation, prepare the replacement body and parts in advance. And the current Pharaoh will definitely understand."

Having said that, Antinomi still typed up a report skillfully.

Most of the so-called time and space loopholes are at key nodes that can change history. There are more or less legendary duelists in these nodes. The roles played by these people in the process of repairing the nodes are either companions or villains. In this way First of all, it is very important to report in advance.

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