Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 218: It’s okay to figure out the title with just a few fingers.

Ten days is neither long nor short. After Lou Bai left that letter and left without saying goodbye, time flew by as quickly as the pocket money in a duelist's hand, and soon the day agreed in the letter arrived.

The sun still rises as usual, and the gentle sunshine shines selflessly on every piece of land in Xintong Shiye. People in the satellite area who have rested all night get up from their sleep and start a new day of work. This day is a day full of expectations for them, and the same is true for Yuxing who has returned to the satellite area.

"Everyone in the satellite area seems to be very energetic..." Crowe sighed as he drove the Blackbird slowly through the street while greeting the familiar neighbors.

Yu Xing also nodded in recognition: "This is the meaning of our struggle. It's just Lou Bai..."

Wrapped in doubts in his heart, Yusei had no intention of taking a leisurely stroll and just drove straight towards his destination.

Due to the large-scale construction of the satellite area, many roads were demolished and many new roads were built. Even Yuxing who grew up in the satellite area inevitably walked into several dead ends and went around a long way to find it. The intersection where the two first met.

Perhaps because it was a bit remote, the place still maintained its original appearance. Yusei could still remember the way Lou Bai took off his D-wheel to escape Ushio's pursuit three months ago without saying a word.

It's just that a lot has happened in the past three months. Ushio has become the new chief of the Public Security Bureau. People in the satellite area will no longer be arrested without explanation. His former best friend is also entangled in a mystery and stands in front of him. far away.

"Lou Bai, as promised, I'm here."

"Ah, you're here." He pressed his fingers on the side of the helmet, and the windproof lenses automatically lowered. Lou Bai drove the Yifei Soaring in one direction, "Yusing, if you want to know the answer, just follow me." Bar!"

Seeing this, Yusei turned the handle of the D wheel without hesitation and followed closely. Crow also followed, complaining: "Hey, what's the reason for being such a Riddler?"

"Lou Bai, now that I'm here, it's time to tell me the reason!" Following Lou Bai's D-wheel going around the alleys, Yuxing couldn't help shouting: "Tell me, why did you become that person?" Masked man? What is the relationship between the man who intends to destroy the city and you?"

Without answering Yuxing's question, Lou Bai turned around and drove towards an alley. When he saw that direction, Yuxing couldn't help but remind him: "Hey, it's a dead end there!"

"Yusing, don't be blocked by appearances!" Looking at Yusing who followed even though he knew it was a dead end, the corner of Lou Bai's mouth slightly raised under his helmet, "Everything is changing, you can only use your own heart to Judgment is the only way to find out the truth of a matter!”

Facing the wall at the end of the alley, instead of slowing down, Lou Bai stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and sprinted forward at full speed.


In Yuxing's surprised eyes, the wall was like a fortress on the beach, easily destroyed by Lou Bai's sprint. Lou Bai's D wheel rushed up the small steep slope made of piled ruins and soared into the sky.

"The current satellite area is changing every day. What was a dead end in the past may become a grand avenue tomorrow. Yusei, as a child of the satellite area, you don't know this, right?"

Following the path opened by Lou Bai, Yuxing and Crowe also rushed out of the dim alley and saw the scenery outside.

The buildings that were supposed to stay here were all demolished and replaced by a piece of white land. Not far away, the sea water was sparkling, and the white Daedalus Bridge cast its reflection on the sea surface under the sunlight. The reflection and the body form a symbol of [infinity].

Looking at Lou Bai who was parking his car in front of him to watch the sea, Yuxing couldn't help but said: "You mean... is there really a hidden secret behind that incident?"

"That's right." Looking down at the waves jumping up and down, hitting white waves, Lou Bai answered Yuxing's question head-on this time, "The masked man we saw for the first time was the destruction of history. Or, when you came to Mr. Game's time, the destruction had been removed, and I dueled with you to repair the correct history."

"What?!" Crowe opened his mouth wide, and Yu Xing also had a look of surprise on his face, "Then those two people with you are..."

"He is the defender of history, the person hidden behind this world." Turning to look at the confused Yuxing, Lou Bai sighed, "And now I have made a decision to become a member of that organization."

"Is this why you asked us about our future path in your letter?" Looking at Lou Bai's eyes, Yuxing asked: "Is it necessary? Even with our own strength, didn't we protect the city? Do you have to join that organization that you don’t know the details of?”

"This decision was not made just because of a hot thought, and I also know something about that organization." Lou Bai shook his head, "It can even be said that I cannot stand here without the help of that organization. "

"Besides, I can't find the goal in life now." Although he was clearly looking at Yusei and Crowe, Lou Bai seemed to be recalling his past, "Yusei, you are working hard to learn knowledge about perpetual motion machines. , Crow, you and Jack are working hard to become professional D-wheelers, Qiu and Long Yalong also have their own goals.”

"And after I ended the battle with Godwin, I had nothing to do. I used to think that living a life with no worries about food and clothing was the lifestyle I dreamed of, but now I'm a little tired of it."

Speaking of this, Lou Bai suddenly laughed at himself: "I'm really a bitch... I can't live a good life without doing this kind of thing. But, Yusei, Crow, there are three reasons why I made this decision. !”

"First, they have helped me a lot. I am a courtesy person and should not refuse their invitation."

"Secondly, a long-term mediocre life will corrode my fighting spirit as a duelist. My talents as a duelist must not be buried!"

"Third." Lou Bai suddenly smiled and spoke the truth: "Although this world has a lot of darkness, it is still beautiful. I want to use my power to protect this world."

"Lou Bai, you..."

"Yusing, please run one last lap with me." Lou Bai interrupted Yuxing, activated the D wheel again, and his eyes became sharp.

"Tongshiye is a city with a long history. It is the hometown of the first duel king, and the Kaiba Company is also located here. If you want to be the guardian of this city, then let me see your growth, otherwise I will Don’t worry about leaving!”


Yusei nodded. As a duelist, he would naturally not refuse the invitation of another duelist. Moreover, there is also a suppressed emotion in his heart that needs to be relieved through a duel. When you encounter confusion, believe in the duel, just believe it!

"Then whoever reaches the Daedalus Bridge first gets the first attack, and the duel will be the same as the final battle!"

Yusei didn't reply, but silently speeded up in response. In the strong wind, Yusei's icy face also showed a smile: "Take a good look at how much I have grown in the past three months!"

"Riding Duel, Ac!"×2

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