Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 221 The situation has changed, change the combat method!

Looking at Lou Bai's full backcourt and hand of cards, Yusei felt his blood boil for the first time in a long time. Duel Monsters is a game that relies on calculation as well as courage. If others saw such a huge gap in resources, they would have given up long ago, but for Yusei, the word "give up" does not exist in the dictionary of his life!

"My turn, draw a card!"

His fingers firmly placed on the deck, and the familiar cards came into his hands as if responding to Yusei's thoughts. However, during the preparation stage, Lou Bai suddenly made a move.

"During your preparation stage, I want to activate this trap card!" Lou Bai waved his hand, and the red card revealed its true appearance, "Activate [Dragon Soul Fantasy Spring]! Use the [Source Dragon Star-Wangtian Roar] in the cemetery 】resurrection!"

The azure water flow gathered into a fountain. Just when the gorgeous figure of [Yuanlongxing-Wangtianhou] was about to emerge, a crow wearing a silver-white machine suddenly appeared from another dimension and swept [Yuanlongxing]'s body The card held another dimension in its mouth.


"Chain the effect of your [Dragon Soul Fantasy Spring], I activate the effect of [Crow] in my hand!" Send the card he just drew to the graveyard, Yusei explained its effect, "With the [Source Dragon Star] in your graveyard -Wangtian Roar] is activated for the target, except it!"

Looking at Yu Xing's divine hand, Lou Bai couldn't help but put on a mask of pain on his face. After a moment of silence, he asked unwillingly: "Did you... just smoke it?"

"Yes." A smile appeared on Yuxing's face, "This is the card given to me by Crowe. The bond between partners made the deck respond to me."

"Alright alright……"

What else could Lou Bai say? All I can say is that you can really do whatever you want with enough money. This blow directly hit his pain point. The [Source Dragon Star] in the graveyard was excluded, which not only meant that he could not use [Dragon Soul Fantasy Spring] to revive [Source Dragon Star] to trigger its effect retrieval again, but also meant that The [Dragon Star's Nine] that was used as a backcourt cover directly became a useless card!

[Dragon Star's Nine] is a counterattack trap that can only be activated when there is a [Dragon Star] monster on your field. It has the effect of invalidating the activation of the opponent's card and returning it to the deck. Lou Bai originally planned to use this card to deal with it. Troublesome cards with grave effects such as [Level Stealing Insect], but now...

"Also in the preparation phase, the effect of [Sprint Duel! Accelerate!] is activated, and a signal counter is placed on this card. When the number of counters reaches two, I can send this card to the graveyard and draw two card and choose a card from your hand to send to the graveyard.”

"Then we enter the main stage!" Looking at Lou Bai's backcourt warily, Yusei sent the [Scar Warrior] on the field to the graveyard and took out a card in his hand, "I will send the [Scar Warrior] on the field to the graveyard. Warrior] is liberated, and the superior summons the [Salvage Warrior] in his hand!”

A muscular orc warrior appeared on Yusing's field. He was wearing a purple helmet, an orange life jacket and green baggy pants. He was carrying a bundle of iron chains that rattled as Yusing's D wheel ran. ring.

[Rescue Warrior] [5 Stars/Water]



"When [Rescue Warrior] is successfully summoned, the effect is activated! Special summon an Adjustment Monster from the graveyard!"

The orc lifeguard swung the iron rope in his hand and quickly found his target, accurately pulling a monster in the cemetery to his field.

"I special summon the [Psychic Reflector] in the graveyard and activate its effect to retrieve the [Explosive Beast]!"

Skillfully taking the card that popped out of the deck, Yusei glanced at it and sent it to the graveyard: "Discard [Explosion Beast] and search for [Explosion Mode] in the deck!"

"Next, activate the effect of [Psychic Reflector], reveal the [Explosion Mode] of the hand card, special summon the [Explosion Beast] in the graveyard, and increase its level by 3 to become 7 stars!"

Putting the cards from the graveyard back on the field, Yusei looked at the dragon in front of him, took a deep breath, and called out the name of his ace monster: "Next, I use level 1 [Psychic Reflector] to level 7 [Explosion Beast] adjusts the star!”

"The gathered prayers will become a reborn shining star and turn into a shining road! Synchronize the summons and fly, [Stardust Dragon]!"

A round of emerald green light enveloped [Explosive Beast], and 7 stars were connected in a string. In the slowly scattered starlight, [Stardust Dragon] spread its wings and slowly descended on the field.

"No matter how many times I see it, it's still so beautiful..." Lou Bai sighed, and then his voice suddenly increased: "But in terms of attack power, my [Chaos Demonic Dragon-Chaos Dominator] is higher!"

Facing the challenge issued by Lou Bai, Yuxing accepted it without hesitation: "I know, Lou Bai, you are very strong, but I am not standing still during this period!"

"The effect of [Synchronic Chase] is activated! If the [Stardust] monster is successfully synchronized, the [Psychic Reflector] as the synchronization material will be specially summoned!"

The figure of the little white-robed telekinesis manipulator appeared next to Yusei again, indicating that this is far from the end of synchronization: "Next, I will send another card to the graveyard and special summon the [Quick Attack Synchronizer] in my hand. !”

The Tongtong warrior wearing denim uniforms turned the gun in his hand and looked at Lou Bai with great energy.

"The card I sent to the graveyard is [Level Stealing Insect]! I lower the level of the level 5 [Salvage Warrior] on the field by 1, and let [Level Stealing Insect] be specially summoned!"

The strong orc warrior made a movement, and a small point of light emerged from its body, turning into a beetle and landing on Yusei's field.

Looking at the five monsters on the field, Yusei squeezed the handle of the D-wheel and started to accelerate again: "Loubai, [Acceleration Synchronizer] was excluded, which indeed caused a lot of interference to my development. However, Now I have realized new power!"

"I use the Level 1 Adjustment Monster [Psychokinetic Reflector] to adjust the stars of the Level 1 [Level Stealing Insect]!"

"The gathered prayers will lead to the horizon of new speeds and become a shining road! Synchronization summons, power of hope, synchronization coordinator, [Formula Synchronizer]!"

Although he was running at high speed, the wind around Yusei was extremely gentle. In the gentle wind, two little monsters were shrouded in light, and a racing car broke through the light, leading the way for Yusei.

[Formula Synchronist] [2 Stars/Light]



Seeing the synchronization adjustment that this Yusei received in the original work, Lou Bai nodded in approval: "Have you obtained the synchronization adjustment other than [Accelerated Synchronicist] by your own strength? It seems that you are on the road of accelerating synchronization. We have come a long way.”

"The effect of [Formula Synchronizer], draw a card when the synchronization is successful." Pulling out a card from the deck and putting it into the card slot, Yusei showed a mysterious smile to Lou Bai and started to accelerate again: "Lou Bai Shiro, take a good look at my new understanding! I use the Level 2 Synchro Tuner [Formula Synchronist] to adjust the Stars of the Level 8 Synchro Monster [Stardust Dragon]!"


Driven by Yu Xing's high speed, the airflow pulled out a red trail. Yu Xing's red D-wheel instantly surpassed Lou Bai and sprinted forward at a speed that broke the sound barrier. When the speed reaches the limit, even the space is broken through, Yusei's figure disappears completely, and he enters the realm of accelerated synchronization.

"The gathered dream crystals will open a new door of evolution and become a shining path! Accelerate the synchronization and be born, [Meteor Dragon]!"

A gap in space appeared behind Lou Bai. The moment he subconsciously avoided Yu Xing's D-wheel, Yu Xing had already surpassed Lou Bai again like a flying arrow. Behind You Xing, a pure white dragon soared into the sky, drawing a beautiful trajectory in the blue sky.

The solid white armor and stomach covers its body, making [Meteor Dragon] less elegant than [Stardust Dragon], but more powerful and majestic. The white dragon spreads its wings and slowly defends it. Behind Yusei, this is the new form of [Stardust Dragon] evolved by the power of accelerated synchronization, [Meteor Dragon]!

"Very good, Yusei!" Lou Bai, who had five cards and four cover cards, did not retreat at all. "So Yusei, do you have the courage to attack with my four cover cards?"

Yusei responded without hesitation: "Of course!"

"I activate the effect of [Level Stealing Insect] in the graveyard again to lower the level of [Quick Attack Synchro] and special summon it! Then I activate the effect of the field magic card [Starlight Overpass] to remove the 4-star [Quick Attack Synchro] on the field. 】Liberation, the deck special summons [Synchronizer] monsters of different levels!”

Without hesitation, Yusei pulled out the card that automatically popped up in the deck, and summoned it as if he had been prepared: "I choose the second card in my deck, [Scrap Synchro]!"

"Next, use level 3 [Scrap Synchronizer] to adjust the stars of level 1 [Level Thief Bug] and level 4 [Salvage Warrior]!"

Yusei raised his right hand, and the synchronized beam of light appeared again with his call: "The gathered fighting spirit will awaken the roaring demon and become a shining path. Synchronized summon, smash it, [Scrap Destroyer King]!"

The synchronized light burst suddenly, and the king with four arms crushed the earth and roared, and the shadows of [Level Stealing Insect] and [Salvage Warrior] appeared beside it, providing it with the power to destroy everything. the power of.

"The effect of [Scrap Destroyer King] is activated! Take the number of cards in the target destruction synchronization material excluding adjustments!" Yusei thought for a moment, and clicked on the two cards in Lou Bai's backfield: "I will take your number one and number two. The numbered card is destroyed!”

Looking at the [Nine Branches of Dragon Star] covered in position 1, Lou Bai sucked the Tooth Flower. Now it was better. This card would never have a chance to be activated again. But the losses still have to be made up for!

"Chaining the effect of your [Scrap Destroyer], I activate the card you targeted, [Subspace Material Teleportation Device]! Banish [Chaos Demonic Dragon - Chaos Dominator] until the end of the turn!"

A space crack appeared out of thin air on the road, swallowing up the [Chaos Demonic Dragon], and causing Lou Bai to lose the last monster blocking him.

"You take the initiative to leave your frontcourt empty. Could it be that you have a [Kite Robot] in your hand?"

Guessing Lou Bai's intention of doing this, Yusei pointed decisively at [Meteor Dragon]: "The effect of [Meteor Dragon] is activated! Once per round, turn over the top five cards of the deck. This round [Meteor Dragon] can Make an attack with an adjusted number of them!”

Putting his hand on the deck, Yusei took a nervous breath, and then suddenly opened the top card of the deck.

"The first one! [Effect Masker]!"

"Second picture! [Blended Chewing Gum]!"

"The third one! [Jet Synchro]!"

"The fourth one! [Screw Hedgehog]!"

"The fifth one! [Flower Synchronist]!"

Putting the five cards back into the deck, Yusei nodded with satisfaction: "Because there are 4 Tuner Monsters in total, [Meteor Dragon] can attack 4 times!"


Learning from Jack, he turned the D wheel upside down, and Yusei waved his arm heavily: "[Scrap Destroyer King], attack Lou Bai directly!"

Looking at the four-armed demon god running towards him, Lou Bai suddenly showed a smile that showed success: "Yusing, do you think I will put myself in danger so easily?"

"When your monster declares an attack, I discard the [Anka Chestnut Ball] in my hand and special summon the [Dark Dragon Star-Jiao Tu] in the graveyard in defense position!"

The little Kuribo, who was completely purple and had the Ankh symbol tattooed on his head, suddenly jumped out from Lou Bai's hand, transformed into the figure of [Dark Dragon Star-Jiao Tu], and blocked the body of [Scrap Destruction King] forward.

"This monster..." After thinking for a moment, Yusei continued to issue battle instructions, "[Scrap Destroyer King], continue to attack!"

The huge iron fist mercilessly hit the scale-armored [Dark Dragon Star-Jiao Tu], smashing it into a line of black energy. However, the black energy did not dissipate. Instead, it circulated in the air and turned into A blazing flame.

In the firelight, a phantom beast with a mane like a lion and a red body jumped up, surrounded by bright flames, like a dancing elf.

"When [Dark Dragon Star-Jiao Tu] is destroyed, you can special summon a [Dragon Star] monster from the deck in attack position! I chose [Fire Dragon Star-Suanni]!"

[Flaming Dragon Star-Suanni] [4 Stars/Fire]



"Did you pull out the shield monster with your last words? But what are you going to do about [Meteor Dragon]'s attack?" Yusei smiled slightly and gave the order again: "[Meteor Dragon], attack [Fire Dragon Star-Suanni]! "

The flames blown away by the howling wind turned into sharp blades and struck Lou Bai's body, taking away nearly one-third of his health.

Lou Bai lp: 4000→2600

"The effect of [Fire Dragon Star-Suanni], special summon [Water Dragon Star-Bixian] in the deck in defense position!"

Although the wind blew away the flames, it only destroyed the body that carried the energy. As it circulated, the blazing flames dissipated and turned into gentle water flow. The body was blue and covered with tortoise shells. [Water Dragon Star] -豑屃] appeared in it, guarding Lou Bai.

After defeating two Dragon Star monsters in a row, Yusei also gained some understanding of this series of monsters: "The [Dragon Star] monster in the deck is specially summoned when it is destroyed. Is this a universal thing for [Dragon Star] monsters?" Is it effective?”

"That's right!" Lou Bai didn't care at all about the revelation of his deck information, "[Dragon Star] is a symbol of Qi Veins, and destruction alone cannot destroy them! What about Yuxing, do you want to continue attacking?"

After thinking for a moment, Yusei made a decision: "Of course! Hesitating because you are afraid of the effect of your opponent's card will really make victory go away! [Meteor Dragon], keep attacking!"

The storm roared again, tearing apart the water flow, and this time what emerged from the dissipated water flow were solid rocks, and a phantom beast with a tiger face and tiger stripes appeared.

"The effect of [Water Dragon Star - Bixi], special summon [Earth Dragon Star - Bixi] in the deck in attack position!"

"Attack means, then [Meteor Dragon] continues to attack and take the 1,700 battle damage!"

Lou Bai lp: 2600→900

Feeling the power of [Meteor Dragon], Lou Bai's health instantly dropped to less than 1,000 points. However, he didn't care and sent the [Earth Dragon Star-Biuan] that was destroyed by the battle to the cemetery. The last puzzle piece was drawn from the group: "Finally, I will special summon the [Wind Dragon Star-Pulao] in the deck in defense position!"

The rocks disintegrated, and a gentle breeze emerged from it. The green dragons with wings like birds and beasts danced in the wind, leisurely and contentedly.

"Have all the four attributes of Dragon Star monsters come out?" At this point, there is no room for giving up. Yusei launched the last attack: "[Meteor Dragon], attack [Wind Dragon Star-Pulao]!" "

The blazing storm tore up the gentle breeze, but after this time, no new Dragon Star monster appeared. Yuxing looked in surprise, but saw Lou Bai's meaningful smile: "[Wind Dragon Star-Pu After the prison was destroyed, I chose not to activate its effect.”

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