Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 28 Lou Bai: I don’t want to be a human being anymore

Under the curious eyes of everyone, Lou Bai opened the box sent by the mysterious man, and the contents inside finally revealed their true appearance. Turning the box over and pouring out the contents, Lou Bai found two envelopes and two tightly packed card packages.

Just as Lou Bai reached for an envelope, Chris on the side suddenly said: "Oh, Mr. Xiaolin, I suddenly thought that it's time to start work, so Borg and I will leave first. What's in the box?" , tell us when we get back!”

After that, he pulled Berg and Andrew towards the door. Seeing this scene, Larry also said, "Master, I'll see them off."

"Oh, what are you doing?" After walking out of the door, Andrew broke free from Chris's arm and asked, "Isn't it still a long time before work starts? Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

"It seems like you really don't understand." Looking at Andrew, Borg put his hand on his forehead and said helplessly: "Those two letters, you can tell by looking at the envelopes, are very valuable and very private things. We only have to leave them there." It will make Xiao Lin feel uncomfortable, and even if there is any information, Mr. Xiao Lin will tell it even if we don’t ask. You see, even Larry has thought of this, why didn’t you think of it? "

Andrew scratched his head in embarrassment and whispered: "I, I just didn't react for a moment."

Inside the house, Lou Bai, who had created a private space by them, opened the first envelope. Shaking open the letter paper inside, the first line of words that fell into Lou Bai's eyes made him extremely shocked.

This is a line of regular script that is upright and graceful.

Who will send me a letter in Chinese characters at this time? With such doubts, Lou Bai read line by line.

"Dear Mr. Lou Bai, hello. We would like to express our deepest apologies for the recent attack on you by Hong, the Demon God from the Dark World of Card Elf. This attack was purely a personal act and we stated that we had no knowledge of it. , and the perpetrators have been severely punished. Our communication with you is..."


However, when Lou Bai read this line, the letter suddenly emitted a burst of white light. Under the strong light, Lou Bai subconsciously closed his eyes. However, when he opened it again, the letter in front of him had changed. Got to be blank.

"What's going on?!" Looking at the suddenly changed letter, Lou Bai's brain couldn't react.

At the same time, Zone in the cradle of the Holy Ark stopped what he was doing and picked up the piece of paper that suddenly appeared in front of him. Looking at this letter, Zone, who has always been in the ancient well, couldn't help but reveal a wry smile: "It's true, the tenth generation senior, didn't he read the message I sent at all? Fortunately, I found it early, otherwise Lou Bai will infer a lot of information that he shouldn't know at this stage."

Turning his attention back to Lou Bai, after encountering a bizarre accident, Lou Bai subconsciously thought of the biggest suspect, Zone. After scolding him in his heart, Lou Bai took out another piece of paper and read it.

Compared with the previous letter, this one is also written in Chinese characters, but it looks much more sloppy. If the previous letter was written by someone who has practiced calligraphy for many years, this letter is more like the work of a primary school student.

The following is the content of the letter:

(The handwriting has been corrected several times) Ah Bai, I’m so sorry (crossed out) Long time no see! Well, you may not have met me yet, but I still want to say this. After we parted ways last time, I went to learn Chinese specifically. Can I write well? ! This time I almost got you injured because I didn't take care of the people under me. I'm really sorry.

(I don’t know who blacked out a large section in the middle, and there is a line of small words written very hard next to it: Judai is mine.)

The red card holder in the box is an apology for you, and the blue one is an extra gift for you. By the way, the Skyman you gave me before is really useful.

So that’s it for now, I look forward to our meeting soon and our next duel! Signed by: Youcheng Shidai.

After reading this letter, Lou Bai fell into an unexpected shock. This, this is... this is Judai's handwritten letter! It’s the legendary Hero City Judai! I can actually be so close to the legend! Lou Bai couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear in surprise.

After having fun for a while, Lou Bai took a few deep breaths and forced himself to calm down. Start analyzing the content of the letter word for word.

Judging from Judai's tone in the letter, he and I should be quite good friends, but at this time, he should have become the overlord who rules the twelve dimensions, and I have not met him, so it is possible There is only one... I traveled through time and space in the future through certain methods and returned to the past.

In the worldview of Yu-Gi-Oh!, the power that seems to travel through time and space has only appeared a few times: the nameless Pharaoh went back to the past to retrieve his memory through the power of the three phantom gods, and Paradox of the future group went to the past in order to change the past. To assassinate Becas, and in order to stop Paradox, Yusei went back to the past through the power of the red dragon, played a game with Muto, and Yusei Judai came to a "One Hero vs. Three Bu"

Thinking about the current era that I live in, I would most likely rely on the power of the red dragon or the power of the Future Group to travel through time and space.

"Ha, I didn't expect that my connection with zone would become so deep without knowing it." Lou Bai complained in a low voice, looked at the letter, and said to himself: "If my guess is right, really If you traveled back in time and became friends with Judai, then the lines and paragraphs in the middle that were crossed out must have been done by jealous Sister You. I’m really curious about what Judai wrote!”

Putting down the letter paper, Lou Bai stretched out his hand to the two card packages on the table: "Hey, although I am a little embarrassed to get two gifts from the tenth generation boss just after a trip to another world, but Well, I will definitely return this favor in the future..."

After smoothly throwing this debt of gratitude to his future self, Lou Bai used his index finger and thumb to pick up the tops of the two card packages and shook them violently. Then he took out a pair of scissors from the kitchen and cut open the tops of the card packages. .

Putting his finger into the blue card holder, Lou Bai took out the gift Judai gave him. Turn over the card with its back facing up, and the card finally reveals its true face. In the card, an Ultraman spreads his white wings, shrouded in divine light.

[Elemental Hero-Sincere Xinyuxia 7 stars atk/def:2500/2000]

As a noble warrior of light, this card not only has the protagonist's standard 2500/2000 RBI, but also has a noble effect that takes effect from the hand: this card can be discarded from the hand and activated with a hero monster on the field. Activate for the object. That monster's attack power increases by 2500 until the end of the turn. It is precisely because of this effect that this card is respectfully called "Brother Cheng" by many poker players.

"Great, with this card, Sky Man is no longer a high-attack axe, but an ultimate axe with 4,300 points in one round!" Looking at this card, Lou Bai said with a smile. He said happily: "Is this the gift that the 10th generation boss specially picked for me? The boss is so considerate."

After carefully putting the card away, Lou Bai reached into the red card package with his hand. The gifts he prepared for me in Judai were so great, so what would be this so-called "compensation"?

With this thought, Lou Bai pulled out this card. However, just when he saw the green border of this card clearly and knew that it was a magic card, the card instantly turned into a beam of light and swayed. Entered Lou Bai's body.

As the light entered his body, Lou Bai felt waves of blazing energy originate from the point where the light entered his body, heading towards his limbs and bones. As the energy surged, Lou Bai felt as if his blood had turned into a solid substance. Every breath and every heartbeat brought him great pain.

"Uh huh huh huh huh huh huh!"

Finally unable to hold back the pain, Lou Bai screamed in pain, fell off the chair and rolled on the ground.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?" Hearing Lou Bai's painful cry, Larry who was outside the door worriedly opened the door and rushed towards Lou Bai who was on the ground.

Just when Larry rushed in, Lou Bai was surprised that the knife-like pain in his body suddenly disappeared, replaced by warm currents flowing through his body. At this time, a gust of wind blew from nowhere, blowing the letter on the table to Lou Bai's eyes. A line of words slowly appeared in the blank space of the letter: This is your punishment for stealing Judai!

Ah, ah, ah, you really deserve to be the big villain, Sister You. This punishment is really exciting. Lou Bai, who had just recovered from the pain, looked at Larry's anxious expression and comforted him: "It's okay, Larry. On the contrary, I'm fine now."

"Really?" Larry was still a little worried.

"It's really okay. When did I lie to you?" Lou Bai stood up from the ground and compared his biceps, making a toned pose.

However, Lou Bai is indeed right. Lou Bai has indeed felt much better since that light entered his body. The back pain caused by running around at work has disappeared, and he seems to be much younger.

"Besides, I seem to have... some more special abilities?!" Lou Bai said with some uncertainty.

Closing his eyes and following his own feelings, Lou Bai pulled his hand towards his abdomen. In Larry's horrified eyes, Lou Bai's right hand turned into a shadow and inserted into his body. After groping around for a while, Lou Bai took out a ball of red light from his body. After a moment, the light turned into a card and appeared in Lou Bai's hand.

"Teacher, are you human?" Looking at this scene, Larry's two rows of teeth chattered, and he trembled and said in fear.

"Silly boy, of course I am a human being, teacher!" Lou Bai said angrily.

"But, it's your hands!"

"Larry." Lou Bai said earnestly: "People can't generalize. I once saw someone who could control a monster to destroy a city with one blow, so it's great that I can take things out of unreasonable places with my hands. normal."

After successfully using his sophistry to stun Larry, Lou Bai looked at the card in his hand. It was a trap card, a subspace material transfer device, which could keep a face-up monster on his field until the end of the round. except.

"This ability..." Lou Bai opened and closed his right hand, trying hard to recall the feeling just now.

"Is this the ability to print cards based on one's own experience?" Lou Bai speculated as he thought about his own experience of traveling through the space channel when he reached his hand into his body just now.

Even so, Lou Bai was still a little unsure. After Larry, whose world view was once again destroyed by Lou Bai, arrived in the bedroom first, Lou Bai knocked on the deck: "Xiao Lan, are you up?"

"Xiao Lan is here!" He heard his voice before seeing him. With a clear cry, Xiao Lan jumped out of the deck, and then a pair of dragon horns hit Lou Bai's chin hard.

"Well~" Xiao Lan stood aside with her head in tears: "Master, what's going on?"

"I'm also puzzled." Lou Bai rubbed his chin and responded: "I remember you came out like this before, but you always passed through my body, why did you hit it this time? ?”

"Eh?!" After hearing this, Xiaolan's eyes widened and she observed Lou Bai carefully for a while. When Lou Bai felt a little uncomfortable being seen by her, Xiaolan shouted excitedly: "Master, are you with me now?" Same!"

"What the hell, I'm not as fussy as you." Lou Bai retorted subconsciously. It took Lou Bai a while to react: "Wait a minute, what did you say?!"

"Master, you are now half a card elf!" Xiaolan said excitedly, not paying attention to Lou Bai's accusation that she was careless. "This is also the reason why, Xiaolan, I don't materialize, and master, you can also touch me."

Half card elf? !

"What the hell?!" Lou Bai looked at his hands blankly. Could it be that Larry was right and that I was really not a human being?

"Xiaolan, please tell me clearly first, what is a half-card elf?" Lou Bai asked eagerly.

"Half-card elves, as the name suggests, are the existence between humans and card elves." Teacher Xiaolan said: "They can be said to have taken into account the advantages of card elves and humans. They will not be forgotten like card elves because they are not remembered by others. Falling into slumber or even dying, unlike ordinary humans who can only rely on external card elves to increase their power, half-card elves can print their own cards! He is most likely a half-card elf."

Hmm... It seems that becoming a half-card elf is not such a bad thing. Lou Bai asked again: "Then how are half-card elves generally born?"

"There are many ways to do this! The most common one is that the glorious deeds of legendary duelists are sung by everyone. In this way, their souls will be 'heroic' after death, that is, they will become half-card elves. Some people will also pass through Their card elves merged to become half-card elves, and some lucky people encountered certain items with legendary power and became half-card elves.”

So, I should be a lucky person in the third category? Lou Bai speculated that if this is the case, then the magic card is a prop with legendary power. Thinking about it like this, I owe you a big favor...

Expanding my thinking a little further, I vaguely remember that the evil consortium K produced many cards based on Yu-Gi-Oh's famous scenes before he traveled through time, such as the Tomb Guarding Messenger, Overrun Speed, Duel Academy, etc. If these cards were in this world Does the existence of the real world mean that these duelists are not trapped in the shackles of time and turned into a handful of loess, but continue to exist in the world as half-card elves? Thinking about it this way, this world is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon! It’s getting really exciting!

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