Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 31 Yake, you are a gzz

Just when he picked up the card, a lot of gibberish suddenly appeared in Lou Bai's mind.

"A lot of money is mine..."

"want to……"

"Why is his better than mine..."

Words of greed, hunger, or jealousy were played in Lou Bai's mind in turn. These ugliness of human nature made Lou Bai extremely irritable, and the anger that had been suppressed by him was almost rekindled.

After patting his head to wake himself up, Lou Bai looked at the card intently, only to find that there was nothing except the orange border representing the effect monster. The attributes, star rating, and effect columns were all blank, and the card picture was blank. It was pitch black.

After inserting it into his deck, Lou Bai sensed it again. Finally, with the blessing of the dark power brought by this mysterious card, Lou Bai "saw" the trace again. At this time, it had just obtained Lou Bai, the source of darkness, stood out in his eyes like a fly on toilet excrement.

However, as the perception increases, those gibberings become clearer. After patting his head hard, Lou Bai got on the D wheel and walked crookedly along the trace.

"No, I ¥%% # ... feel uncomfortable." As time went by, the influence of dark power on Lou Bai became more and more serious. At this time, the world in his eyes seemed to have a filter added: the original green The gray walls turned dark red, and the grass and tree branches on the ground turned into twisted and wriggling tentacles when Lou Bai wasn't paying attention. Once he turned his attention away, they would return to their original appearance. Lou Bai seemed to be able to hear the whispers coming from the D-wheel engine, and he could see the instrument panel showing him a ferocious smile.

"Come on, come on, as long as we can find Larry, all of this will disappear..." Lou Bai licked his lower lip that was bitten by himself. The expression on his face was a bit ferocious and crazy. Without him noticing, The socket of one of his eyeballs was slowly turning black.

"Found it!" Just when Lou Bai was about to collapse, he finally saw Larry's figure. At this time, Larry was tied up with a rope and fell on the edge of a cliff. Under him, the raging waves were licking the cliff.

Parking the D wheel that was inconvenient for climbing at the bottom of the mountain, Lou Bai ran towards Larry on both hands and feet. With the joy of finding his apprentice, the annoying noises in his mind became less obvious. However, at this moment, Lou Bai saw someone beside Larry that he never wanted to see.

"Oh, it seems that your will is really strong. You can persist for such a long time under the inspiration of our Lord." Yak suddenly appeared next to Larry and looked down at Lou Bai, who was still conscious. He was a little surprised. , then, he smiled evilly and said: "Then, let me help you."

"What on earth are you talking about?" Lou Bai looked at Larry beside Yak, and he was a little afraid to act rashly. He asked Yak who was standing in front of him: "Why are you doing this?!"

"Uh huh huh hahaha!" Yake looked down at Lou Bai and laughed: "Don't you understand yet? Kobayashi Mashiro, you are the best sacrifice for my master to come to this world! What is hidden in your heart The darkness, as well as your passable dueling skills, make you the best choice for my god. Now, prepare to meet your final destiny!"

"You can say whatever you want." Stimulated by Yake's words, Lou Bai's murmurings that had been suppressed by the joy of seeing Larry showed signs of recovery again. Covering his forehead with one hand, Lou Bai asked irritably: "Since you said I was a sacrifice, then you came for me, why did you attack Larry?!"

"It's not enough, it's not enough..." In Lou Bai's eyes with gnashing teeth, Yak grabbed Larry lying on the ground with one hand and threw him down the cliff.


Seeing this, Lou Bai stumbled towards the edge of the cliff and looked down. I saw that Larry did not disappear into the turbulent waves, but was caught by a net hidden shallowly under the water. As the waves hit Larry's face, Larry, who had been sleeping, woke up. Looking at the scene around him, Larry squirmed his tied body and struggled to lift his head out of the water.

"Master, Gulu Gulu, Master, don't do it, Gulu..." Seeing Lou Bai above, Larry looked surprised at first, then seemed to remember something, and shouted anxiously in the water.

Unfortunately, Larry's voice was lost in the sound of the rolling waves. Looking at Larry floating and sinking in the sea below, as if calling for help, Lou Bai, who had just experienced a bungee jump in his heart, shouted anxiously: "Larry, wait, I will rescue you right away!"

After observing the height of the cliff, Lou Bai planned to jump off the cliff and rescue Larry who was in danger. However, his movements were interrupted by a purple wall of fire that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Mr. Xiaolin, do you think I don't exist?" Yak, who had not moved since pushing Larry off the cliff, raised the duel plate and looked at Lou, whose white eyeball had turned completely black. Bai said with a smile: "The time now is four o'clock in the afternoon, and the sea tide is at its lowest level. As time goes by, the sea level will slowly rise, and your beloved apprentice will also die in the process. If you want to save him, You have only one way, and that is to defeat me in this dark duel. Oh, speaking of dark duel, Mr. Xiaolin, you still don’t understand, just let me..."

"Shut up!" Lou Bai, who had experienced something lost and regained it, was like an angry lion. He took out the system from his pocket and crushed it hard. The fragments of the system climbed up from Lou Bai's arm and turned into a pitch-black duel disk with blood-red lines. Inserting his deck into it, Lou Bai raised his left hand with the duel disk on it and said: "I will give you the first attack. You are worse than a frog pissing. In the second round, I will definitely finish you off." "

"Haha, thank you for your compliment, Mr. Xiaolin." Yak bowed hypocritically, then took out a special duel plate from under his cloak and put it on his hand, and said confidently: "But don't regret it. !”


"Then it's my turn first." He slowly pulled out five cards from the deck, picked out one of the cards and placed it in the magic trap area. Yake said with a smile: "First, let's lay the stage for the arrival of the master. I activate the quick attack magic card, [Stage Rotation].

Based on its effect, I can choose two field magic cards with different card names from my deck, put one of them on my field, and the other one on your field, Mr. Kobayashi. Just use this effect If any of the set cards is being set in the field area, both parties cannot activate or set other field magic cards.

But why would I restrict your venue, Mr. Kobayashi? The cards I chose to cover are all cards that have no activation restrictions, namely [Dear Racing] on my field and [Forest] on your field. "

Yake first played a quick-attack magic that was severely limited in real cards. At first glance, this magic card is just a weakened version of the normal magic card [Planet Transformation]. Although it can retrieve the field you need from the deck, it will also leave a field for the opponent. But its negative effect is that once a field magic card has not been activated, other field magic cards cannot be activated or blocked. With some field magic cards in the huge card pool of Yu-Gi-Oh that have special activation conditions, the opponent can be blocked. The powerful effect of the venue.

For example, the field magic card, [Chaos Field], needs to add a Chaos Warrior or Dark Knight Gaia monster to the hand when it is activated. If there is no above monster in the deck, then this card cannot be activated. With the stage rotation ability It achieves the effect of field blockade in disguise, causing a devastating blow to certain decks that rely on the field, such as Source Number, Fantasy Glory, etc. Not to mention other tactics that rely on the card sending effect of stage rotation to knock out the opponent's field halfway, and send the opponent's field with powerful negative effects.

I don't know whether he failed to think of those underworld tactics or had some other ideas. Yake did not block Lou Bai. He just covered two mediocre field magic cards. After sending [Stage Rotation] to the graveyard, he opened his own field: "Activate the field magic card, [Trial Racing]. Then I want to use its effect, pay 1000 lp, and I draw one from the deck Card."

After paying 1000 lp, the number of cards in Yake's hand returned to the 5 cards before the duel started. He slowly placed the newly drawn card into the monster area and said: "Ah, I drew a good card. I summoned in defense position, [Tryon's Insect Demon]."

[Tryon's Bug Demon] [4 stars/land]



"What, this card?!" Hearing the name of the monster called out by Yak, and recalling the rumors he heard from the guard brother before, Lou Bai couldn't help shouting: "This is his original deck ?"

"Oh? It seems that you know Mr. Xiaolin." Faced with Lou Bai's question, Yake was a little surprised: "Speaking of which, I really didn't expect that an ordinary duelist in the satellite area would have such a strong deck. And he actually awakened the card spirit. If he hadn't lost the duel because he couldn't bear it, I wouldn't have been able to control his body so easily."

As Yake explained, a black stone sculpture slowly appeared on the bed. The stone sculpture looked like a girl with two horns on her head, wearing a tube top and bloomers.

Facing Lou Bai's confused gaze, Yake took the initiative to explain: "Don't be so surprised, Mr. Xiaolin, it's just a sealed card elf. Don't you have one too? But even though it's sealed, its effect can still be activated. Yes, when the summoning is successful, a normal trap card of a cave or hole is added to the hand. I chose [Piercing Cave], which can be destroyed and cause effect damage when the opponent attacks. "

Following Yak's words, streaks of purple lightning surged on the stone sculpture. After splitting a crack in the stone sculpture, Yak reached out and took out the trap card from the crack.

"I'll cover five more cards. The turn, oh, the turn isn't over yet." After covering all the cards in his hand, Yake was about to declare that his turn was over.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, so he hugged his chest and smiled, saying: "Mr. Xiaolin, I remember that the time limit for each round of the duel is five minutes, right? In other words, within these five minutes, I It’s okay to do nothing.”

"You gzz, do you still have a trace of the glory of a duelist?!" After hearing this, Lou Bai finally couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. He strode forward and punched Yake in the face.

However, what he didn't expect was that under the restrictions of the dark game, a strong impact came from Yak's body, knocking Lou Bai several meters away. Holding his most seriously injured abdomen, Lou Bai struggled to get up from the ground, his eyes full of anger and unwillingness.

Feeling the growing darkness in Lou Bai's heart, Yak's eyes were full of joy. He said falsely: "Mr. Xiaolin, in the dark game, duels also rely on the body. If you fall in the duel, , but it will be automatically judged as a loss~"

Looking at Yak under the protection of Dark Game, Lou Bai could only hammer the ground with his fists, helplessly spending the five torturous minutes on the spot.

While Lou Bai was waiting for the most difficult five minutes in history, Yake, who was confident of winning, suddenly heard a sound of falling into the water. He looked through the barrier of the dark game to the sea and found a ball of orange swimming in the sea, slowly approaching Larry's position.

Che, was he rescued by some nosy person? Yake frowned slightly, and then thought: Forget it, it is just a catalyst to mature the sacrifice. The sacrifice cannot get information from the outside world through this barrier. As long as it waits until the next round, My god will come to the world, and this catalyst will be useless. If you run away, just run away.

At the foot of the cliff, Crowe, who happened to be driving the Blackbird passing by, had swam to Larry's side. After cutting the rope around Larry with a card, Crowe pulled Larry, who was already somewhat unconscious, and swam to the shore.

"What is that?" After carrying Larry ashore, Crowe asked with a frown while looking at the ominous purple light shield on the top of the mountain while giving Larry first aid.

"There, no, Master is dueling with them!" After spitting out a few mouthfuls of seawater, Larry, who woke up, heard Crowe's question and was so anxious that he ignored his own body and struggled to get up from the ground. He followed Crow and ran towards the mountain.

"Wait, what did you say, a duel?" At this time, Crowe was still a little confused about the situation. He picked up Larry and ran towards the light mask, while asking Larry in his arms.

"I don't know much about anything else, but I vaguely heard that everything they did was so that Master could have a duel with them and summon a special monster when he had negative emotions." Larry His hands tightly grasped the hem of Crow's clothes, and his somewhat pale face was full of worry for Lou Bai.

Teacher, you must not be fooled by them... Larry prayed in his heart, hoping that his voice could reach Lou Bai's heart.

On the side of Lou Bai and Yake, when five minutes were about to pass and Yake was about to lose due to timeout, he pressed the button to end the round at the last second: "Mr. Xiaolin, it's your turn. please."

Yak lp: 3000

Frontcourt: [Tryon's Insect Conspirator]

Backcourt: cover card × 5

Venue: [Test Your Daring Race]

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