Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 36 Heading to the Cradle of the Holy Ark

Faced with the system that was pretending to be dead, Lou Bai's condition was that it listen to him tell about the flaws it exposed, three!

"First!" Lou Bai extended his index finger and said confidently: "When we first met, you provided me with a map of the satellite area. Putting aside the complex environment of the satellite area, there is no map at all on the Internet. "Existence, and if you are really dull and have no intelligence, you can either mention this ability during the function introduction, or you can completely ignore my request."

"Second!" Lou Bai raised his middle finger and said with a smile: "After the people from the Public Security Bureau took me away a few days ago, why were all the decks on my body missing, but you were the only one who kept them? Besides, I let You acquiesced in all the things you did.”

"Third!" With his ring finger raised, Lou Bai struck a fatal blow: "I remember, the system doesn't seem to have a setting for the breathing light, right? Isn't it quite obvious that you did this after I asked you a question? By default?”

After a moment of silence, the system slowly floated up, and a red light shot out from the unknown synchronist's eyes and projected on the ground. In the red light, a man's figure was slowly "printed" from bottom to top.

Looking at the young man in front of him who was wearing a blue racing suit, blue hair, and a pair of red glasses, Lou Bai asked hesitantly: "Are you... Antinomi?"

"It seems that you know us quite well." Antinomi, who accepted Lou Bai's guess, said, "Are you so sure that your system must be intelligent?"

"Oh, now I have the fourth point, that is, you are out now." Lou Bai spread his hands and said with a smile: "I will also test it out. Anyway, there is no cost of trial and error. If you don't try, it will be useless."

"Forget it." Antinomi crossed his arms and said, "Although it's not time for us to tell you everything yet, since you brought it up, let me tell you something."

After saying that, a circular space tunnel appeared behind Antinomi. After stepping into it, Antinomi turned to Lou Bai and said, "If you have the courage, just follow me."

"Huh, this is related to the ultimate question of 'Where do I come from'? Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, we can't stop because of fear!" Sitting up from the bed, Lou Bai took his deck and walked He followed Antinomi firmly and walked in.

This journey through the space passage was completely different from the previous one when Xiao Lan took him through it. Lou Bai felt as if he was walking in a tunnel made of colorful halos, with only the white path under his feet leading him. , so that Lou Bai will not get lost in this environment.

"Don't touch the things next to you, if you don't want to be suddenly transported to the Jurassic Period." Sensing Lou Bai's curious look, Antinomi reminded him.

In such a chaotic tunnel, time and space have lost their meaning. Just after walking for who knows how long, Antinomi, who was walking in front, suddenly disappeared. Faced with this situation, before Lou Bai had time to react, a hand suddenly stretched out from where Antinomi disappeared and pulled Lou Bai forward. It was like walking through a water curtain. When Lou Bai came to his senses, he had left the tunnel that made him dizzy and came to a place similar to a library.

As soon as he turned around, Lou Bai's eyes took in a clear view of the surrounding scenery. Looking up, bookshelf after shelf reaches the sky. The books crammed into the bookshelf make people wonder: How can I take down the books placed so high? In front, the bookshelf seems to form a maze, and one can get lost in this sea of ​​knowledge if one is not careful.

Lou Bai casually pulled out a black book from the bookshelf at hand and looked at the contents. Opening the leather cover with no word on it, on the title page, the words "Cthulhu Mythos" caught Lou Bai's eyes. This is a myth system created by an American science fiction novelist from Lou Bai's previous life in the 20th century. In his story, knowledge is poisonous. The more we pursue knowledge, the more humans will transform into inhuman monsters.

Just when Lou Bai was curious and wanted to continue looking down, a huge mechanical arm stretched out from behind him and gently took away the book.

"This is not what you can see now." An old and kind voice came from behind Lou Bai.

Turning his head, Lou Bai saw clearly the source of the sound. An old man with most of his body made of machinery sat on a device that looked like an ammonite shell. Two huge mechanical arms protruded from both sides of the device, one of which was grabbing the "Cthulhu Mythos" .

"Hello, a guest from another world. This is our first meeting. I am Zone. You can also call me Fudo Yusei." Calm words came from the skinny body, and Zone introduced himself.

"If you are Zone, then who is my companion in Xintong Shiye?" Faced with Zone who appeared quietly like a ghost, Lou Bai did not panic, he asked calmly.

With a gentle wave of the mechanical arm, the surrounding bookshelves were pushed open like a tide, and a small round table and a chair appeared in front of Lou Bai. Regarding Lou Bai's question, Zone smiled and said: "If there is a person whose body, memory, and way of thinking are no different from yours, then why can't he be you?"

Hearing this, Lou Bai couldn't answer. After all, even before time travel, this was an unsolvable philosophical question. Some people believe that human consciousness is composed of memories and ways of thinking, so another person with the same body, memory, and way of thinking is also oneself; but others believe that only the "I" who is thinking at this moment is oneself, even if If there is someone who is exactly like me, that is nothing more than a fake.

Putting this philosophical question behind him, Lou Bai hesitated for a while and asked, "Why can't I read that book?" As he spoke, Lou Bai pointed to the book in Zone's hand.

Faced with Lou Bai's question, Zone showed some doubts: "Oh, I thought you would ask why you came to this world or something like that?"

In response, Lou Bai smiled and said: "If I had experienced that duel before, I would definitely ask this question. After all, suddenly bringing me to a strange world means that everything I have done before has been in vain, and I have to do it again." Normal people would feel unwilling to start fighting again, but..."

Lou Bai stretched out, sat on the chair in front of the small round table, and continued: "Now that I have looked away, I like this place better than that cold place, and they need me more here."

Turning over the top card of the deck, what appeared was Xiaolan, who was often criticized by himself for his clumsiness. Lou Bai smiled and said: "I have already established a bond here, so the reason for coming here is also Don’t worry about it.”

There was no emotion or joy in Zone's voice. He said calmly: "But as far as I know, before you came here, you missed your brothers and sisters in the orphanage where you came from."

"That's right." Lou Bai recalled for a while and said calmly: "It's not so much that I miss them, but that I don't want more children to experience the suffering I have experienced. After all, they are not the so-called wealth. In In my mind, the children in the satellite area are equal in status to them, and one advantage I have is that I have learned to accept reality.”

Looking up at the zone that had floated to the ground for some time, Lou Bai said, "I've told you so much, so what's your answer?"

"Is that so? It seems that you are adapting well here." Zone sighed first, and then said: "Although you are no longer interested in the reason why you came to this world, I still have to make it clear to you, otherwise I will Can't answer your question."

After a pause, as if he was thinking of words, Zone said slowly: "You should know some of the history of our world. When humans became extinct on our timeline, we traveled back through time and guided the Yuxing at that time. This Compared with our world line, there are indeed many improvements, but humans are forgetful after all. A hundred years after Yusei left, humans have returned to the same old path.

Faced with this situation, we have no choice but to restart the timeline again. However, in the changes of the world, I discovered you. Your unique soul allows us to see a change in the world in you. And the reality is not what we expected. By observing your soul, we found the universe where you were born and gained quite a bit of knowledge about your hometown. This book is also part of gaining knowledge. "

Raising the book in his hand, Zone continued: "In your world, the universe appears in front of you with a materialistic appearance. There are no places for gods and ghosts in the world, so this book is just a horror movie for you. Just a collection of novels.”

Zone looked at Lou Bai with his exposed eye and said: "Our universe is not like this. From the birth of human beings to the present, the power of idealism has always followed human history."

Hearing this, Lou Bai nodded silently on his chair. In the world view of Yu-Gi-Oh!, the power of the mind is also part of science. From afar, there are the God Orihagan who destroyed Atlantis and the Seven Seventh Army of Ancient Egypt. It was a thousand-year-old artifact, but now, the perpetual motion machine that can feel people's hearts and the acceleration synchronization that can exceed the speed of light have both knocked Joule, Einstein and other scientists of their own world to the ground.

Thinking of this, and then thinking of the terrible gods described in the Cthulhu mythology, Lou Bai couldn't help but ask in a trembling voice: "Those, those indescribable existences..."

"Yes and no."

Just as Lou Bai was frightened, fearing that he might encounter some mythical creature that would kill him instantly without knowing it, Zone's next words made him relax a little.

"Here, this knowledge does have power, but it only causes a slight headache when browsing." As he spoke, the book in zone's hand turned into light particles, and these light particles condensed into six cards in zone's hand. . But within a few moments, these cards could no longer maintain their shape and instantly shattered and turned back into books.

Just as the card was forming, Lou Bai stretched his neck out of curiosity and took a brief look. Although it was a sudden glance, Lou Bai still got a rough idea. They were four cards with clear names, two white and two purple cards, and two cards that were all blank except for the black border. card. Just when Lou Bai wanted to carefully recall the details in his mind, he felt waves of phantom pain and nausea in his mind. This feeling was like a worm burrowing around in his brain. Lou Bai couldn't help but bent over the table and retched. When he managed to straighten up, he was shocked to find that he could not remember anything except the colors of the cards.

Raising his head, Lou Bai said in amazement: "This is an indescribable power. It's really terrifying."

Facing Lou Bai's soliloquy, Zone was a little scared, and he said sternly: "I have said, these taboo knowledge are not something you can understand now."

"I'm really sorry, but it's human nature to be overwhelmed by curiosity sometimes." Lou Bai waved his hands awkwardly, but he sighed in his heart: It is indeed a zone that has experienced despair. I just took a sneak peek. Such a big reaction, but he only had a slight headache while browsing.

"There should be a lot of things similar to this!" Lou Bai couldn't help but ask after barely recovering his energy.

"Yes." Zone sighed invisibly and said: "Bad beasts, insects, alien gods...the knowledge of another world not only brings about changes, but also shapes many things that may lead to the end of mankind. factors, but the current situation is much better than the stagnant water before. "

"So what exactly is the end?" Lou Bai couldn't help but ask after hearing this word again. Throughout the history of Yu-Gi-Oh!, DM's ultimate boss, the Great Evil God Zoke, GX's boss [darkness], and 5DS's Earthbound God all mentioned that mankind will eventually usher in the end, but what exactly is it, Lou Bai still No idea.

After pondering for a while, Zone made an analogy: "Just like your universe will inevitably go to heat death due to the increase in entropy, our world will one day come to an end due to the corruption of human hearts. But heat death We can resist it through technology, and we can postpone it indefinitely by guiding people’s hearts. As long as humans still have love in their hearts, the end will never come.”

Listening to Zone's story, Lou Bai sighed. In the absence of external threats, people can never understand each other. Thinking of this, Lou Bai raised his head and said to Zone: "Mr. Zone, if you can, You can study the history and politics of our world, maybe it will be of some help to you."

After waiting for Zone's response, Lou Bai sat blankly on the chair for a while, and then suddenly patted his head: "Speaking of which, I have been so far away from you that I almost forgot the original purpose of my coming here."

Pulling out the Earth-bound God Cusillo from his deck and placing the card face up on the table, Lou Bai asked: "Zone, what do you think about these things?"

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