Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 41 Lucky Cup Admission Letter, get√

About half an hour after Izayoi Qiu left the Fallen Zone, after Lou Bai had a conversation with Yusei and others, he finally decided to return to Paradise first.

"Why? Lou Bai, didn't you say it's scary there?" Long Ya looked at Lou Bai nervously and asked worriedly, "What if you are also controlled by those bad people?"

"Haha, I'm not that easy to control." Lou Bai laughed loudly as he rubbed Long Ya's hair.

Yes, just like what he said, Devine wanted to control Lou Bai. If he used psychological control, Lou Bai, who already knew what he was, would never be deceived by him; if he used physical means, Lou Bai's fists It can even blast him away!

After waving his hand, Lou Bai walked alone towards the way he came. About a few minutes later, he stood in front of Devine again.

Looking at Lou Bai who came back after such a long time, the expression on Devine's face was a little cold, but he still made a happy expression: "Mashiro-kun, why are you back so late?"

oh? Are you still unwilling to open the skylight and speak frankly? Then I will continue acting with you.

"Ah, I went to see my parents, although they turned me away." Lou Bai had a disappointed expression on his face, "This is the only place where I belong."

"Mashiro-kun, don't worry." Devine walked up behind him, with a cruel smile on his face. "I happen to have an invitation to the Lucky Cup in my hand. Why don't you just go there and relax."

"Lucky cup? But I..."

"You must go." Before Lou Bai could defend himself according to his character, Devine interrupted him with a strong tone.

Looking at the envelope with gorgeous patterns handed to him, Lou Bai hesitated for a while and then took it.

After giving the envelope, Devine continued to smile and said: "In that case, you won't come to Xanadu these days. Go outside to relax and prepare for the duel."

Hearing this, Lou Bai was a little dumbfounded. He seemed to be exposed, but he seemed not to be exposed. Looking at Devine's expression of "I know who you are, and you also know that I know who you are, but I'm not going to tell you", Lou Bai was a little confused.

But then he thought about it, he could get what he needed at any time, and he felt extremely disgusted with this place, so Lou Bai planned to leave here according to his own wishes.

Watching Lou Bai's figure gradually disappear from his eyes, the false smile on Devine completely disappeared.

"Humph, Godwin, this is my answer to you." After sneering, Devine turned and walked towards Qiu.

"Qiu, are you in there?" Putting on the mask of hypocrisy again, Devine knocked on a door and shouted inside.

"Dewayne, just come in." Qiu's crisp voice came from the house. Upon hearing this, Dewayne opened the door and walked in.

This is a single room, and the accommodation conditions in the room are much better than the hard bed on which Lou Bai slept that night. The bedside wardrobe and floor-to-ceiling mirror add a touch of pizzazz to this otherwise modest room.

"Qiu, I gave your lucky cup invitation to Xiaolin Zhenbai." Sitting on the bed without any surprise, Devine said to Qiu directly.

"Dewan, you can make the decision on these matters." Regarding this matter, Qiu's face showed no expression, "I believe you will not do anything wrong."

"Don't worry, I will get an invitation letter from Godwin for you later." Standing up from the bed, Devine walked in front of Qiu, put his hands on Qiu's shoulders, and said condescendingly: " When the time comes, I will arrange for you and Kobayashi Mashiro to meet in the first scene, and you can deal with him in that scene."

"What?" After hearing this sentence, Qiu's ice-like expression finally showed fluctuations, "Isn't he our companion?"

"He is a spy and our enemy!" Devine said with a ferocious expression: "I checked the network of the Public Security Bureau and there is no such person as Kobayashi Mashiro in the city!"

After that, Devine's expression softened again, his eyes stared closely at Qiu's eyes, and he said in a peculiar tone: "Qiu, let me think for you, I can't be wrong, believe me ”

"Yes, you are not wrong, I will deal with him." That strange tone seemed to have some magic power. Under Devine's words, Qiu gave up thinking and spoke like a puppet.

After leaving Qiu's room, Devine smiled and greeted the people in the corridor and came to his office. When the door closed, the smile on his face turned cold.

Sitting in front of his chair, he pressed a few buttons. After a moment, the pitch-black screen lit up, and what appeared on the screen was Rex Godwin, the top officer of the Public Security Bureau.

Looking at the top manager of Xintong Shiye on the screen, Devine was not nervous at all. He sneered and said: "Let your people get out of my place with your invitation letter, Godwin, I believe you." Do you understand what I mean? As long as you have the handle, don’t even think about getting rid of me.”

"What are you talking about? I didn't send anyone to your side." Hearing this, Godwin frowned. Although I often think about solving this cancer, because Devine manages the paradise like an iron barrel, I have never been able to find a place to intervene.

"Don't you admit it?" Devine moved his face closer to the camera, "Then let me analyze it for you. You deliberately sent a spy who can be identified at a glance to my place, just to let him die here. Take this life as my weakness, right?"

"Spy? It's not that easy to find a spy who can be a mind duelist." Facing Devine's question, Godwin's stern expression did not change at all.

Devine was obviously not satisfied with this explanation: "How to find the mind duelist, you have to ask yourself, and I have to say that the armor you developed is really awesome."

"I told you, I didn't send any spies, and I don't know about any armor."

After hearing this, Devine, who was determined to identify Lou Bai as a spy sent by Godwin, had no intention of continuing to argue with him. As soon as he slapped the table, the scene on the screen disappeared instantly.

Pointing at the dark screen, Devine yelled: "You are a pariah from the satellite area! Since you refuse to admit it, just watch him die in the duel field tomorrow!"

While Devine broke through the defense, Lou Bai, the culprit who caused all this misunderstanding, was wandering on the street.

Putting aside the envelope in his hand, which was regarded as a treasure by other contestants, Lou Bai walked on the street boredly. At this moment, he suddenly felt a little idle.

After visiting the same intersection for the third time, Lou Bai finally made a decision: "Although I'm very embarrassed, I'd better trouble Yu Xing again!"

After making up his mind, Lou Bai turned around and walked towards the temporary residence that Yuxing had given him.

"Well, No. 3 Street, turn right at the second intersection, the fourth warehouse..." After talking about the location, Lou Bai found a dilapidated warehouse. Although the door of the warehouse was closed and the word "for rent" was printed on it, If you listen carefully, you can still hear the sound of the engine from time to time in the warehouse.

After knocking the iron door with his fist, Lou Bai heard footsteps coming towards him. After a while, someone knocked on the iron door in long and short rhythms from inside the warehouse.

Upon hearing this agreed-upon code, Lou Bai smiled and responded with a short and long rhythm. After a moment, the iron door was raised one meter, and Lou Bai quickly ducked into the warehouse.

After helping You Xing in the room to pull down the iron door again and hang up the chain, Lou Bai had time to look at the scene inside.

The originally empty warehouse now looks like an emergency shelter. There was a diesel engine and several barrels of oil in the corner, and there were some food and a blanket on the shelves against the wall. In the center of the warehouse is a table and a computer. A large number of wires connect the computer to the D wheel parked beside Yusei.

"Yusei, are you alone? Where are Zahe, Himuro and Grandpa?" Looking at Yuxing who was alone, Lou Bai asked with some confusion.

"Himuro and the old man are looking for jobs. After all, they have just come out of the Public Security Bureau, and there are few places that dare to hire them. As for Zahe, after all, he is a person known as 'Mr. Helps with everything' and is always very busy. "

After responding to Lou Bai, Yuxing asked again: "Didn't you say you were going to sneak in there? Why did you come out again?"

"Hey, I don't know what's going on with that guy." Lou Bai scratched his head in distress, and took out the Lucky Cup invitation that was stuffed into his pocket, and now had some wrinkles at the corners, "He still insisted on Give me this."

"Lucky Cup Invitation..." Surprise appeared on Yuxing's face, who had always kept his expressions in his heart: "You also have this?"

He took out the invitations from his precious collection and put them together with Lou Bai's. There is not the slightest difference between the two except for some wrinkles on the corners of Loubai.

"As far as I know, the Public Security Bureau seems to be sending this invitation letter to the Dragon Sealers through various methods." There was a hint of hope in Yuxing's eyes, "Is it possible that you are also a Dragon Sealer?"

"Ah hahaha, although I also have a dragon, I definitely can't get along with the Dragon Seal." After finding [Super Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] from his deck and showing it to Yusei, Lou Bai continued Said: "But I remember that Izayoi Akira in Paradise is a dragon sealer. Could this invitation be hers?"

But as soon as he said it, the idea was rejected by Lou Bai. Godwin sent these invitations to the Dragon Sealers at all costs. Although Devine held Godwin's hand, he didn't dare to defy it so openly, right?

But Lou Bai doesn't know that there is something called py trading. Godwin only needs one copy from the Dragon Seal Master, and he doesn't care at all whether others have it or not. Based on this, Devine later obtained another invitation letter.

On Yusei's side, looking at Lou Bai's [Super Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] whose color and race were completely different from his own [Stardust Dragon], he finally understood why Lou Bai said that he couldn't get along with the Dragon Sealer. On the relationship.

"Lou Bai, this card is a Thunder Clan monster card..." Pointing to the race of Super Thunder Dragon, Yusei finally couldn't help but said.

"Things like race are completely unimportant!" Lou Bai waved his hand nonchalantly, pointed at the Super Thunder Dragon's Katu and said: "You see he has scales and horns, and he is so handsome, then he is a dragon! "

Yuxing was speechless when he saw Lou Bai's unique "dragon monster identification method" for the first time.

"Okay, let's not talk about it for now, Yuxing, what's wrong with your D-wheel?" Lou Bai took the initiative to break the awkwardness, pointed at the red D-wheel with a row of wires inserted, and asked curiously.

"It's not a big problem." Sitting back in front of the computer, Yusei's fingers quickly tapped on the computer, "It's just regular debugging."

Sitting in front of the table and supporting his chin with his palms, Lou Bai looked at the D-wheel with envy, wondering when I would get my own D-wheel? This garbage system can only produce motorcycles!

Thinking of this, Lou Bai turned to look at Yuxing: "Yusing, is there any difference between a D-wheel and a motorcycle?"

"There is a big difference. They can be said to be two things that are similar in appearance but completely different in nature." Yuxing continued to type on the keyboard and replied without raising his head: "A motorcycle is just a vehicle, and the D-wheel More like a removable duel plate."

After giving the last series of commands, Yusei sat in front of Lou Bai: "The speed of the motorcycle is fixed, but the D wheel is different because it is based on a perpetual motion machine, so its speed depends on the duelist. Theoretically it can even reach the speed of light.”

The speed of light... Thinking of this, Lou Bai hit his palm with his right fist and asked Yu Xing mysteriously: "Yusing, do you know acceleration synchronization?"

"Accelerated synchronization?"

Lou Bai nodded and confirmed: "Yes, the synchronization that can be performed during the opponent's turn is called 'accelerated synchronization'."

Hearing this, Yusei shook his head in distress: "I have never heard of this."

"Come on, come on, let me tell you." Dragging the chair next to Yusei, Lou Bai said: "According to rumors, one of the conditions for accelerating synchronization is that the driver of D wheel has the heart of Ming Jing Shisui that can control all speeds. ',

The second condition is to have a Synchro Adjustment Monster on the field. When these two conditions are met, the D wheel player can drive the D wheel faster than light, and finally complete the acceleration synchronization in the opposite turn! "

Listening to Lou Bai's words, Yusei did not regard it as a joke because of things that were not consistent with common sense such as "beyond the speed of light" and "synchronization adjustment". Instead, he asked seriously: "This kind of accelerated synchronization that transcends the rules of physics and duel rules." , does it really exist?”

"No, no, no, it doesn't go beyond the rules." Lou Bai shook his index finger and continued: "When Accelerated Synchrony appeared in this world, it created new rules."

"And," Lou Bai looked at Yuxing solemnly: "Accelerated synchronization is real! And I believe that you are the one who can reproduce it!"

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