Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 44 Lou Bai VS Izayoi Autumn

"Long Ya, Long Ya!" Seeing Long Ya walking slowly with his head lowered in the distance, Long Ke shouted and waved his arms, attracting his attention.

"Long Ke..." Long Ya, who had red eyes after the failure, finally couldn't help it when he saw his sister, and tears flowed down in large drops.

"I'm sorry, Long Ke, I lost your game." Long Ya said while sniffling, "I'm so useless."

"It's okay." Long Ke hugged him and comforted: "Even so, I still believe you are a very good brother."

Seeing Long Ya's mood stabilized under Long Ke's comfort, Lou Bai asked aloud: "Long Ya, do you want to know why you lost?"

"Hmm..." Long Ya's eyes turned red as he thought about it. He remembered his duel with Yusei at that time, so he tentatively replied: "Is it because I was too focused on my own combination and not paying attention to my opponent?"

"This is part of it, but it's not what I mainly want to say." Lou Bai nodded slightly and continued to ask: "Why are you standing on that duel stage?"

"It's to duel with my idol Jack!" Hearing this question, Long Ya jumped up and answered excitedly, but he immediately lost it again.

"I finally got the chance to duel with my idol, but I lost..."

Seeing that Long Ya was about to cry again, Lou Bai quickly continued: "But Boma is indeed different."

After watching Long Ya turn his attention to himself, Lou Bai continued: "That man, Boma, what is contained in his eyes, what is carried behind his back, his will to duel, is not your idol. Duel's grounds are comparable."

Pulling Yu Xing over, ignoring his surprised look, Lou Bai continued: "Duelists can only exert their full strength 1000% when they gamble on something they cherish!"

"So, Long Ya." Lou Bai bowed his body and said to Long Ya earnestly: "Don't be discouraged because of this failure. You still have a long way to go!"

After saying that, he walked forward and waved with his back to Long Ya: "Next, just watch my game!"

"Wait a minute, Lou Bai!" Yuxing, who had just been used as a teaching aid by Lou Bai, ran to Lou Bai and took out two cards: "Your opponent this time does not have any information, just in case, these two cards Just take the card."

"Oh, I finally managed to be cool in front of a kid, and you really made me lose so completely~" While complaining, Lou Bai looked at the two cards that Yu Xing took over, and his expression became serious.

"These two cards are very strong, are you sure?"

"You know my dueling characteristics, these two cards are not suitable for me." Yusei said: "On the contrary, you should be able to fully utilize their power by stacking a large number of graves continuously."

"Okay, then I'll accept it without any courtesy!" After looking at Yu Xing, Lou Bai didn't say much. He directly stuffed them into his deck and listened to the urging sounds from outside. to the duel field.

"Humph, you took so long to come out, are you scared?" Diwane, who was standing high up overlooking the duel field, looked at Lou Bai who came out slowly, and sneered: "Your original deck is still with me. In your hands, with the deck you put together in just one day, you will die on the duel stage."

Poor Devine was still limited by his own vision after all. He didn't know that there was something called a half-card elf in the world, and he didn't know that the box he thought contained Lou Bai's deck was already empty.

As Lou Bai and Izayoi Qiu boarded the two ends of the duel field, the host shouted as usual: "Please shake hands with both players!"

However, facing this request, both Qiu and Lou Bai stood motionless.

"You betrayed your family." Izayoeaki broke the silence between the two first. She said expressionlessly: "You cheated on our feelings."

"Oh, ma'am, please don't say such confusing words, okay?" Lou Bai smiled, put his right hand on his shoulder and bowed slightly, saying, "I have never, never regarded that place as 'home'. "

Seeing the tense atmosphere on the field, the host quickly said: "Oh! It seems that the two of them have some family conflicts this time! But the duel is a bridge to communicate everything. I believe that the two of them will be able to relax after this duel. It’s relevant! Then let the duel begin!”


"Since you don't want it, then give me the first strike!" Looking at Qiu who made no move after the duel started, Lou Bai got the first strike since he came to this world.

"As promised in advance, in order to set an example for a crying boy, I specially adjusted my deck!" Lou Bai picked out a card and patted it towards the duel plate: "I am using this card this time. 'Pure' Dragon Maid deck, first in defense position, normally summon Little Blue! "

Xiaolan, who had never missed any of Lou Bai's duels except for the last dark game, once again acted as Lou Bai's starting point. She blocked a washing tub in front of her, while she squatted behind the tub with her head in her hands. Defend.

[Dragon Maid-Washing Dragon Maid] [2 Stars/Water]



"What?!" Looking at Xiaolan who appeared on the field, Devine shouted in disbelief: "Impossible, his deck has obviously been taken away by me, when did he take it back? "

Lou Bai, who was controlling Xiaolan, didn't think about how shocked his move would be to a certain squirrel-headed man. He continued to operate.

"Little Blue's effect is activated! When she is summoned successfully, you can send the top three cards of the deck to the graveyard!" Lou Bai, who had just complained about his unreliable luck in Long Ya's duel, also used the blind stack this time. However, the result of Xiaolan's tomb pile this time was beyond Lou Bai's expectation.

"Ah, [Psychic Ectoplasm], [Costume Refining and Fusion], and [The Laundromat's Dilemma], Xiao Lan, you did a good job!"

As the card is sent to the graveyard, the card picture of "The Dilemma of the Laundromat" is also revealed. In the card picture, the clumsy Xiaolan was drying cards such as [Thunder Dragon] and [Skyman] on the ground with a panicked look on her face, while behind her, Lou Bai was watching this scene with a look of despair on her face.

Just by looking at the card picture, you can tell that this card was recently printed by Lou Bai.

It was an early morning when Lou Bai was staying at Youxing Warehouse. Xiaolan didn't know why she went crazy. She suddenly jumped out of the deck, vaguely picked up a pile of Lou Bai's clothes and walked outside. When he found Xiaolan again, the situation was already as shown in the card. Faced with this cruel scene, Lou Bai used his own strength to print this card in a state of excitement.

"Wow, Master, why are you using this card!" Seeing her dark history being revealed, Xiao Lan jumped up in anxiety.

"Okay, okay, I've blurred it so others can't recognize it." Lou Bai waved his hand with a smile.

Xiao Lan breathed a sigh of relief, but she was so naive that she didn't know that what Lou Bai meant by blurring was...

"Yusei, look at that card. The person on it looks like Lou Bai!" In the audience, Long Ya said happily, pulling Yuxing's sleeve.

"Yeah, but it's just a bit similar." After confirming with the eagle-level vision that all card players have, Yusei made a conclusion: "This card is from the same series as the monster on his field. As for that person, It must be a coincidence."

While comforting Xiao Lan, Lou Bai activated the [Washer Lady's Dilemma] in the cemetery.

"The effect of [The Laundromat's Dilemma]! If this card is sent from the deck to the graveyard by an effect, you can activate it by targeting a card other than itself that was sent to the graveyard this turn! Add it to your hand. , I chose, [Psychic Ectoplasm]!”

After taking this card out of the graveyard and displaying it, Lou Bai said: "However, this card has a restriction, that is, until the end of my next turn, I cannot use this card and the card with the same name."

Although it seemed a bit embarrassing for her dark history to be revealed, seeing her rare good result of piling up graves, Xiao Lan still said excitedly: "There's more! There's also the effect of the magic card!"

"Don't worry." Lou Bai comforted Xiaolan a little, then pointed to the graveyard: "There is also a card that activates the effect of [Refining Fusion] in the graveyard!"

Hearing the card shouted by Lou Bai, the audience was in an uproar. The host couldn't help but stood up and explained: "Oh my god, I didn't expect it to be a fusion magic card, and the fusion was activated in the cemetery! Is it possible that today it is very Is a rare fusion monster going to appear on the field?"

However, as excited as they were just now, the audience is now so disappointed. Lou Bai took out this card, which although it was a fusion magic card, was often used elsewhere, and explained: "This card can only be activated when it exists in the graveyard! Return it to the deck, shuffle it, and draw a card for yourself!"

After taking a look at the drawn card, Lou Bai continued: "Although I can't show the importance of the duelist's will, let's show the interactivity of the duel. Cover four cards and the round ends!"

With four cards in his hand being dealt down, Lou Bai, who had no pursuit of the championship and just thought "I'm here now, why not just play", ended his round.

Frontcourt: [Dragon Maid-Washing Dragon Maid] def: 1600

Backcourt: cover card × 4

Hand: 2

"Oh!" Seeing Lou Bai put on a very rare situation in a duel, the host explained: "We can see that Xiaolin's layout is very unique. Is he a player who mainly relies on trap cards? ! Can Izayoi Akira break through his defense?"

Seeing this scene, Jack, who was sitting in the VIP seat, snorted coldly: "A clown who only relies on trap cards."

He believed in strong attacks and had never liked people from the underworld like Lou Bai. In his opinion, relying on absolute power to defeat the enemy was the charm of a duel.

"It's Pure Little Blue, ah, the Pure Dragon Maid deck, you're not a person from the underworld." Hearing the host's words, Lou Bai shook his head and said to Qiu: "It's your turn."

"My turn, draw a card."

Facing Lou Bai, a situation that to ordinary card players was ten or even nine times more terrifying than a hundred thousand murderers, Qiu's expression did not waver at all. For her at this moment, there was only one thing to do, and that was to follow Devine's request and use a mind duel to get rid of the betrayer in front of her.

However, just when she wanted to summon a monster, Lou Bai moved one step faster.

"After you draw the cards, open the cover card on my field, the second one [Laundry Lady's Dilemma]!"

"Wow, Master, why is there a second one!" Seeing this card, Xiao Lan hid behind the laundry tub in shame.

"As I said, this is a 'pure' Dragon Maid deck, so of course my traps and other traps must be full three!" Lou Bai smiled and pointed to the [Laundry Dragon Maid Dilemma] without a [Dragon Maid] slot.

However, in the duel, Qiu didn't give any reaction when faced with the card opened by Lou Bai. She continued her operation.

"Only when there is a monster on the opponent's field, this card can be Special Summoned from your hand. Appear, [Rose Princess]."

In the fragrance of flowers, [Princess of the Rose] appeared on the field wearing a red dress, red hair, and two leaves on her back.

【Princess of Rose】【3 stars/land】



"Then normally summon, [Violet Witch]."

The [Violet Witch] wearing a purple robe and a snake-like face appeared on the field, waving her staff to guard in front of Izayoi Akira.

[Violet Witch] [4 stars/dark]



"Well, four stars, three stars, I remember that the [Rose Princess] specially summoned by its own effect can be used as an adjustment monster, right?"

After receiving Qiu's indifferent nod in response, Lou Bai started his own action: "It's too late to move now! The first picture!"

"Open Gaika! [Burgess Alien Beast - Mal Trilobite]!"

As the cover card was opened, a trilobite that had long been extinct in this world crawled out. Waving its tentacles, Trilobite entered the graveyard holding a trap card from the deck.

"The effect of [Burgess Beast - Mal Trilobite], it can send a trap card from the deck to the graveyard! The card I chose is the card that Yusei gave me, [Nioh Ritsu] !”

After completing a directional grave pile, Lou Bai kept moving: "Activate the second trap card, [Forced Escape Device]! It can only be activated by targeting a monster on the field, returning it to the holder's hand. !”

"Do you want to return my monster?" Qiu asked coldly after seeing this trap card.

"No, no, no, I don't dare to ask if you have any other special moves on your hand." Lou Bai waved his hand and pointed at the unexpected Xiaolan on his field: "The one I chose is the one on my own field. [Dragon Maid-Washing Dragon Maid]!”

This trap card was opened, and a cosmic warehouse jumped out of the field. Regardless of whether Xiaolan wanted to or not, he directly put her and her laundry bucket into it with a mechanical arm. Just waiting for Lou Bai's order, it was ready. Take Xiaolan on a space journey.

"Master, master, you can't do this to Xiaolan! Xiaolan doesn't want to take the spaceship!"

Although she is a dragon and has the ability to travel through different spaces, Xiao Lan has a mysterious fear of all kinds of machines. Perhaps she is afraid that one day machines will take over her job and she will no longer be able to wash clothes.

"Anxiety, Xiaolan, why would I let you travel to space directly like this? Let me add a layer of buff to you!"

Pointing to his graveyard, Lou Bai said: "The [Burgess Beast-Male Trilobite] in the graveyard can be activated in a chain when a trap card is activated on the field! This card becomes a normal monster and is specially summoned in defense position on the field. !”

The trilobite, which was about the same height as Xiao Lan, climbed out of the cemetery and stood side by side with Xiao Lan, who was locked in the space capsule.

[Burgess's Alien Beast-Marr's Trilobite]

【2 stars/water】



"Master, master, the buff you are talking about cannot be this big bug, right?" Xiao Lan asked with a pale face as he looked at the ferocious monster next to him.

"Of course not! I just used its effect by the way." Lou Bai smiled and used the buff that he really intended to give to Xiaolan: "Chain Three! I will use the [Burgess Alien Beast-Mar Three] in the cemetery. [Leaf Insect] sent in [Niou Li] is activated! Target Xiao Lan, you can only attack Xiao Lan this round!”

Looking at the light shield that appeared on her body that focused the fire on her, Xiao Lan cried: "Master, you lied to me, this is not a buff at all!"

"Coo, coo, coo -" (sound of rocket taking off)

Putting a tent on his eyebrows with his hands, Lou Bai watched Xiaolan take the space capsule and start her space journey. After losing sight of Xiao Lan, Lou Bai raised his head and looked at Qiu: "Wait a moment, there is one last step."

Pointing at the dazed trilobite on the field, Lou Bai said: "The effect of [The Laundromat's Dilemma] can only be activated when there is a monster summoned or special summoned on the field. I will send a card from the top of my deck. Go to the cemetery."

"Because I specially summoned [Burgess Alien Beast - Mal Trilobite], so Xiaolan, use your remaining power and pile it up for me!"

Perhaps because Xiao Lan is no longer on the field, the result of this tomb stacking is quite good. Looking at the [Dragon Maid-River Dragon] being sent to the cemetery, Lou Bai nodded with satisfaction.

"My turn, ah no, my operation is over, you continue."

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