Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 48: Speed, the true meaning of galloping duel!

"The effect of [Death Accelerator]! When receiving combat damage, you can add a high-speed counter for every 500 points!"

Flame City Skeleton High Speed ​​Counter: 1→4

"Did you see it? This is the most powerful and invincible high-speed accelerator deck that I, Yan Chenggui, have created!" Seeing the increase in speed, he waved his arms in excitement. With the help of high-speed indicators and Yancheng's car skills, his D-wheel quickly distanced himself from Yusei's D-wheel.

"Do you want to use a unique high-speed duel method to decide the outcome... Then I'm happy to accompany you! Cover two cards and the round ends!"

【High Speed ​​Warrior】


In the audience, looking at the two D-wheels speeding on the track, watching Yan Chengzhu using a high-speed spell to summon a monster, and then summoning an 8-star monster, Lou Bai couldn't help but sigh: "A galloping duel is really different from an ordinary duel..."

"The Continuous Trap Card activates, [High Speed ​​Booster]! Don't blink, this is the true face of the High Speed ​​Booster deck!"

After using the superior monster [Skeleton Flame Ghost] with an attack power of 2600 to defeat the [Speed ​​Warrior] on the Yuxing Field, Yancheng Yu opened another cover card.

"[High Speed ​​Booster] is a permanent trap that can be activated when there are more high speed counters than the opponent. During the opponent's turn, the attack of the opponent's monster can be invalidated! The number of invalidations depends on the difference between your high speed counters and mine!

And it can also deal damage 100 times the difference between the high-speed counters to the opponent once during its own turn! "

As the trap card was activated, a strange-shaped booster was installed at the end of Yancheng Yu's d-round. After that, he activated the effect of his own turn, turning into several missiles and shooting towards Yusei.

"Why do so many people like effect damage?" Looking at Yuxing, whose D-wheel was a little unstable under the missile bombing, Lou Bai sighed worriedly, and then fumbled in his card bag: "I remember Before I went to the zone, the system seemed to have drawn a card with some 'unclear' meaning..."

"No one can keep up with my speed! Cover a card and the round ends!" After using [High Speed ​​Booster] to inflict damage to Yusei, Yan Chengyu laughed proudly: "How is it? Being beaten. I'm so far ahead that even if you want to chase me, you can't see me!"

What surprised him was that Yusei, who was supposed to be left behind by him, came to him at some point.

"Why do you do this when the high speed counter is only 1?! Ah! Could it be [Sliding Airflow]!" Looking at the trap card that was displayed on his D-wheel screen at some point, Yan Chengzhi shouted in disbelief.

"Here you go, a familiar card!" Lou Bai, who was rummaging through the card pack in the audience, couldn't help but laugh when he saw this card. I still remember my first duel with Yusei. Facing Ushio Tetsu's suppression, Yusei used this card to regain his advantage.

"When you activate the high-speed spell [Summon Speed ​​Booster] to special summon that monster in your hand, I activate this trap card. During the preparation phase of the next turn, my high-speed counter will become the same as yours. same."

Faced with the surprise of Encheng Kui, Yusei kindly explained the function of this card.

"Hahahaha, I'm so happy that you can keep up with me! But can you keep up with me now? Open Gaika [Accelerator Zone]!"

Faced with Yusei's pursuit, Yan Chengli also made a powerful response. As the trap card was opened, a light path extended forward starting from Yan Chengli's D wheel, and two beams of flames started from his D wheel. The accelerator spurts.


Yusei couldn't help but marvel when he saw Yan Chengli's D-chakra instantly turning into a blurry shadow and disappearing from him when he stepped on the light belt.

Flame City Skeleton High Speed ​​Counter: 6→11

"[Accelerator Zone] is a super powerful trap card that adds five counters in one go when the opponent player adds high-speed counters through effects other than High-Speed ​​World!"

Due to the excessive speed, the grip of wheel D could no longer act as the centripetal force for turning. At this moment, Yancheng's skeleton was flying on the vertical barrier of the track.

In the galloping duel, the role of the high-speed indicator is similar to that of the general six martial arts indicators and magic indicators, but it is also different - it can directly affect the speed of the d wheel.

In other words, although high-speed indicators can be added through high-speed spells, traps and other effects, when there are too many high-speed indicators and the D wheel is too fast, once the D wheel driver cannot control this speed, the final result will be a car crash. The fate of death.

"Is it speed..." Looking at Yancheng Kui who was charging in front of him, Yuxing accidentally asked through the communicator of the D wheel: "Yancheng Kui, you... have you ever heard of accelerated synchronization?"

"Huh? Speed ​​up?" Hearing the keyword, Yan Chengzhu turned around curiously and asked, "What is that?"

"That's a realm that can only be reached by legendary D-wheelers." Faced with Yan Chengqi's inquiry, Yusei shared it without hesitation: "By driving the D-wheel faster than light, in the opponent's turn, The realm of synchronization.”

"Faster than light!" Without paying attention to the second half of the sentence, Yan Chengyu completely focused on the first half: "Ah hahaha, I didn't expect that my speed is not the limit. On top of that, there is this A realm!”

"Yusei!" Yan Chengyu shouted excitedly: "As a reward for letting me know this realm, let me teach you! Only those who can control speed can control the galloping duel! This speed is the path to the king. the way!

With this idea in mind, I continued to practice my driving skills, and finally I understood that the secret to controlling speed is to feel the flow of the wind with your heart! "

Even as he was talking to Yan Chengli, Yusei did not stop his movements. He used the effect of the high-speed spell [Summoning Speed ​​Booster] to summon [Screw Hedgehog], and then used [Scrap Synchronizer] to revive the person in the cemetery. [High-Speed ​​Warrior] synchronized with the summoned [Scrap Warrior].

Seeing Yusei, who was helpless under the effect of his [High Speed ​​Booster], end his turn, Enjo Kui smiled and said: "Let you see the results of my training! My turn is to draw cards!"

Flame City Skeleton High Speed ​​Counter: 11→12

As the high-speed indicator reached its highest level, Yancheng Kui's speed increased by one step. At this moment, in his eyes, the surrounding scenes were flowing behind him. As a human, his retina was completely unable to respond in time, but he was still able to do so with ease. Driving the D wheel, we passed another sharp turn.

"High-speed spell, [accelerator card draw] activates!" Yan Chengzhi, who was riding the strong wind, laughed and activated the high-speed spell: "When the high-speed counter is 12, draw two cards!"

After activating the Galloping Duel version of the Pot of Desire, he shouted in surprise: "Here it comes! The high-speed spell [End of the Storm]!"

"This is the card that belongs to the King of Speed! Let me tell you how to use [End of the Storm] and the King's battle!

[End of the Storm] can only be activated when the high speed counter is 10 or more. It will destroy all monsters on the field and inflict 300 damage to its controller for each monster! "

Wind, violent wind, restless wind! With the appearance of this extremely demanding Gallop Duel enhanced version of the black hole, a storm blew across the entire duel field that could tear everything apart.

In this scene of natural disaster, both the [Skeleton Flame Ghost] summoned by the superior in the Flame City Corpse Field, and the [Scrap Warrior] and [Screw Hedgehog] summoned by Yusei in the last round were all destroyed and entered the cemetery, and the two The duelist also suffered corresponding damage.

Youxing lp:1900→1300

Yancheng Skeleton lp:2100→1900

"Ouch! Player Yusei's life suddenly dropped to 1,300 points, but Player Skeleton's monsters were also destroyed and can no longer attack!"

Facing the empty scene, the host couldn't help but explain nervously.

"Uh-huh, do you think I didn't think about it?! There will be one (animated version) in the cemetery!"

[King of Speed-Skeleton Flame Ghost] [10 Stars/Wind]

[Monster/Effect/Special Summon]


As [Skeleton Flame Ghost] was eliminated and disappeared into another dimension, the centaur-shaped [King of Speed ​​- Skeleton Flame Ghost] appeared on the field. Compared with its original form, its attack was not only higher, but also The attributes also turned into wind when he understood the secret of speed.

"[King of Speed ​​- Skeleton Flame Demon], attack Yusei directly!"

"Open the cover card, [Scrap Iron Scarecrow]! This will invalidate your attack, and this card can be covered on the field without being sent to the graveyard!"

Enki, who was harnessing his speed, rushed towards Yusei, but was blocked by a scrap metal scarecrow that suddenly appeared from the ground. Looking at this scene, Yan Chenggui showed an expression of "as expected".

"Yusei, if you can block this blow, you are indeed a true duelist! Then the effect of the permanent trap card [High Speed ​​Booster] will give you 500 damage!"

As Yanchenggui's trap was activated and another wave of missiles was fired, Yusei's life was successfully reduced to less than one thousand.

Youxing lp:1300→800

"There is also the effect of [King of Speed ​​- Skeleton Flame Ghost]! Each [Burning Skeleton] in the graveyard will give you 400 damage!"

Youxing lp:800→400

"Come on, Yusei, try to knock me down!" Due to his super high speed, Encheng Kui had already lassoed Yusei and came behind him.

"My turn is to draw a card." After looking at the drawn card and thinking for a while, Yusei turned his head and said: "Yancheng Hu, in terms of driving the D wheel, you are indeed stronger, but the nature of a galloping duel, after all, It’s a duel! Activate the high-speed spell [Gear Down]!”

As the high-speed spell was cast, Yusei's D-wheel speed dropped sharply, and he quickly slipped behind Encheng Kui.

"The effect of [Gear Slowdown] is to remove six high-speed counters and draw two cards!"

Yusei high speed indicator: 8→2

"Bet on my possibility and draw a card!" After taking a look at the drawn card, Yusei immediately slapped it on the duel plate.

"Normally summon Nitrogen Synchro!"

A small robot shaped like a gas tank flew out of the card and came to the field.

[Nitrogen Synchro] [2 Stars/Fire]



"The effect of [Screw Hedgehog] in the graveyard is activated! When there is an Adjustment Monster on the field, it can be specially summoned from the graveyard!"

A tiny hedgehog with a back covered in screws also jumped out of the cemetery.

【Screw Hedgehog】【2 stars/land】



"Finally, open the trap card! [Equal Exchange]!" After using up all the resources in his hand and graveyard, Yusei opened the last cover card on the field: "Due to the effect of this card, all the cards in the graveyard will be A monster was Special Summoned in defense position on the opponent's field, and I chose the [Waste Synchronist] in my graveyard!"

"After that, add the level of a monster on your field to the special summoned monster! I choose the [Screw Hedgehog] on my field!"

[Screw Hedgehog: 3 stars → 5 stars]

Although he was slightly surprised by Yusei's sending of monsters, Yan Cheng Hai still smiled and said: "You can gather so many monsters on your field with one card. Your duel level is really good!"

"But!" He pointed to the [High Speed ​​Booster] on his field: "Now that you have no cards in your hand, you have a large gap in the number of high speed indicators compared to me, you absolutely cannot Can cause me harm!"



Pointing to the [Nitrogen Synchro] on his field with his right hand, Yusei shouted: "Use the 2-star [Nitrogen Synchro] on the field and the 5-star [Screw Hedgehog] on the field to synchronize the stars!"

"The gathered thoughts here become a new force, and become a shining path! Synchro Summon! Burn, [Nitrogen Warrior]!"

As the synchronization beam appeared, the [Nitrogen Warrior], which showed violence in both appearance and effect, stepped onto the field and roared.

[Nitrogen Warrior] [7*/Fire]



"Hmph, even if you synchronize a monster with 2800 attack power, what's the point? Not to mention that its attack power is not as good as the [Speed ​​King - Skull Flame Devil] on my field, and the effect of the continuous trap card [High Speed ​​Booster], how are you going to break through?"

Looking at the ferocious monster on the Youxing field, Enjo Mukuro was startled at first, and then he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw its attack power.

"The effect of [Nitrogen Synchro]! When he is used to synchronize [Nitrogen] monsters and sent to the graveyard, I can draw a card!"

Putting his fingers on the deck, Yusei held his breath and concentrated: "Lou Bai said that a true duelist creates the future every time he draws a card! Draw a card!"

"Is it coming?"

The edge of the card drew an arc in the air, bringing a chance to win the duel: "I activate the card I just drew! High-speed spell [Gap Storm]!"

"This card can be activated when the difference between the high-speed indicators of both sides is more than ten! Destroy all magic and trap cards on the field!"

Another gust of wind! But this time it was Enjo Mukuro who suffered. Under the effect of the high-speed spell, [High-speed Booster], the continuous trap card that had blocked Yusei for many turns, was finally destroyed.

"Then it's the monster effect of [Nitrogen Warrior]! When a magic card is activated this turn, his attack power increases by 1000 points!"

[Nitrogen Warrior]


"Sure enough, it's a unique Bo full of Yusei's personal style..." In the audience, watching Yusei successfully break through the blockade by drawing cards, Lou Bai couldn't help but admire.

Watching [Nitrogen Warrior] destroy [Speed ​​King - Skull Flame Oni] through attack battle, Lou Bai smiled and said: "Here it comes!"

"When [Nitrogen Warrior] destroys the opponent's monster in battle, you can change a defense position monster on the opponent's field to attack position and fight again!" ×2

Yusei manipulated [Nitrogen Warrior] to hit the final blow: "Change the [Junk Synchronizer] I sent to your field to attack position and fight again!"


[Enjo Mukuro lp:1900→0]

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