Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 61 The final battle

"Apply on previous turn"

Lou Bai took out this card with a cold expression and explained its effect: "I will remove this card from the graveyard, retrieve a [Thunder Dragon] monster from the deck, and add it to my hand."

"This effect of [Thunder Dragon Fusion] cannot be used in the round when it is sent to the graveyard, but this was sent in my last round, so it has been freed from this restriction." The duel disk was automatically retrieved, and Lou Bai caught the card from the As he assembled the cards that popped up, he said, "What I'm searching for is [Thunder Beast Dragon - Thunder Dragon]!"

Showing this blue four-legged beast to Yusei, Lou Bai smiled and said: "You don't need me to explain the effect of this card, right? I sent it to the graveyard and added [Thunder Dragon Fusion] from the exclusion zone to my hand. !”

Through the linkage of the 2 effects of [Thunder Dragon Fusion] with the effect of [Thunder Beast Dragon - Thunder Dragon], Lou Bai successfully recovered the Thunder Dragon's own magic card from the graveyard into his hand, and also sent a [Thunder Dragon] to the graveyard. Dragon] monster.

"Yusei, now I have collected the possibility of defeating you in my graveyard. As long as I call out the monster that is still in my heart, you will usher in your defeat!"

Holding the [Thunder Dragon Fusion] between his index and middle fingers and turning it over, Lou Bai showed a confident smile: "As for whether I can summon it, the fighting spirit surging in my heart has already given me the answer!"

With a flick of his wrist, the [Thunder Dragon Fusion] between his fingers was thrown onto the duel plate, bursting with dazzling light: "Magic card [Thunder Dragon Fusion], activate!"

"Return the two [Thunder Dragon] and [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] from my graveyard to the deck and fuse summon them!"

Different from the red and blue whirlpools of ordinary fusion magic cards, a golden vortex appeared on the field. As the three [Thunder Dragon] monsters in the cemetery were phantomed into it one after another, the vortex slowly compressed into a bright lightning bolt. The ball then suddenly exploded!

"The lightning rolling in the dark clouds, turning into the power of destruction resides in it. Destroy everything in front of you! Fusion Summon, [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon]!"

The electric ball burst into dazzling light, and in the restless thunder and lightning, Yusei vaguely saw a three-headed dragon slowly unfolding its body, soaring in the air, looking down at the earth with eyes like a god.

[Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] [10 Stars/Light]



"Nani? It's actually a 10-star monster, and its attack power is higher than my [Red Lotus Dragon]!" When [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] appeared, Yusei had not yet responded, and he was paying close attention from the high platform. Jack, who was watching this game, couldn't help but stood up first.

As the king of the New Dome Wilderness, which is famous for its violent attacks, Jack has always believed that his [Red Lotus Demonic Dragon] is the strongest, and the battles he experienced after arriving at the New Dome True Wilderness also confirmed his idea.

Under the effect of [Red Lotus Demonic Dragon]'s 3000 attack power and "Defense Killer", whether it was an opponent like him who pursued strong attacks, or an opponent who relied on monster defense and traps to defeat the enemy, they all fell to [ Under the power of Red Lotus Demonic Dragon.

But now, looking at this giant dragon flying in the sky, although he didn't want to admit it, Jack still vaguely realized that [Red Lotus Demonic Dragon] was no match for it.

"Yusei, did you see it? This is the crowning masterpiece of my [Thunder Dragon] deck, the strongest power crystal, [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] with an attack power of up to 3200!"

Different from the general virtual influence, [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] did not block Lou Bai's front, but flew behind Lou Bai. Following his words, [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] also stared at Yusei with its three pairs of bright purple pupils.

After fusion summoning [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], Lou Bai did not rush to activate its effect. Instead, he first summoned [Dragon Maid - Laundry Dragon Maid] in his hand: "Let me see what I can stack this time. Come on, let’s pile up the grave again, Xiaolan!”

With a swiping sound, the three cards were sent to the cemetery. Seeing the three magic cards piled in the grave, Lou Bai sighed with some disappointment.

"Sorry, Master..." Seeing that she had made a mistake at the critical moment, Xiaolan panicked.

Lou Bai smiled and rubbed Xiaolan's head: "No, it's okay. You have done well enough in this duel!"

Pulling himself together again, Lou Bai looked at Yuxing with a relaxed smile, and sent the [Thunder Dragon] in his hand to the cemetery: "This monster has more than just high attack power, let you see its effect! "

“Because I previously activated [Thunder Dragon Fusion] to shuffle two [Thunder Dragons] back into the deck, I can now activate the effect of [Thunder Dragon] in my hand again, discard it from my hand, and retrieve one from my deck. Add [Thunder Dragon] to your hand!"

However, after activating the monster effect of [Thunder Dragon], it did not turn into a bolt of lightning and fly to the cemetery as usual, but instead rushed into the dark clouds surrounding [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] in the sky.

"The effect of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], when the effect of a Thunder monster in my hand is activated, I can choose a card on your field to destroy!"

After accepting the power of [Thunder Dragon], this god of thunder and lightning began to show his power and rain down the natural punishment on the field.

"I'm going to destroy the cover card on the left that you covered last turn!"

Following Lou Bai's instructions, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck at that kind of Gaika. In the face of destructive effects, Yusei's ace [Stardust Dragon] also reacted.

"The effect of [Stardust Dragon] activates! When the opponent activates [the effect of destroying cards on the field], I can release [Stardust Dragon] on the field, negating that effect and destroying it!"

Facing the power of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], Yusei didn't panic at all.

After removing the [Stardust Dragon] on the field from the duel plate and placing it in the graveyard, Yusei continued: "Although the effect of the [Stardust Dragon] specially summoned by [Necromantic Synchro] is invalidated, its Liberate st, which means you have to pay even if it is invalidated.

But in this way, [Stardust Dragon] is already in the graveyard when its effect is processed, so the effect activates normally! "

Facing the incoming lightning, [Stardust Dragon] roared and rushed towards the lightning without hesitation. During the sprint, its figure gradually turned into a stream of light, which not only swallowed up the lightning, but also rushed towards [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] with undiminished momentum.

"Is it effective to free yourself and protect your companions? Yuxing, this dragon really has your style!" After admiring, Lou Bai also smiled and waved his hand.

"But my [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] is not that easy to defeat! When it is going to be destroyed by the effect, I can banish two cards in my graveyard as an alternative!"

Kill the one in the graveyard with one hit! Iai drew cards] and [Rapid Fire Trigger] took out, Lou Bai laughed and said: "Yusei, [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] is the incarnation of the natural celestial phenomenon. If you want to defeat it, this power is not enough!"

"Then activate the effect of [Thunder Dragon] in your hand again and retrieve the third [Thunder Dragon]!" With the effect of [Thunder Dragon] activated again, [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] gained new power. A bolt of lightning struck at the Gaika that Lou Bai pointed at last time. This time, the Gaika was finally destroyed and sent to the cemetery without any suspense.

"[Final Battle!], it's a very rare trap!" Seeing the two fighting monsters on the broken card, Lou Bai was a little surprised: "A card with the ability to draw a duel to a draw, in my opinion Now that I have the advantage, if you succeed, I will suffer a big loss. But now it has been destroyed!"

Even though he said this, Lou Bai still gave Yu Xing's Gaika a final glance with regret. Lou Bai, who knew that [Stardust Dragon] had the effect of liberating his Kang and destroying it once, understood that it would be very difficult to clear Yu Xing's backcourt with two explosions.

Therefore, before activating the effect of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], he summoned Xiao Lan and activated the tomb pile again. As long as Xiao Lan can pile up [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon], Lou Bai can remove [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] when [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] replaces the destruction, retrieve the third bullet, and then cover the last one. The card is also cleared.

But even now, Lou Bai's deck still has more than thirty cards. It is still a bit difficult to accurately stack one [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] among more than thirty cards. Even Lou Bai, who relied on his bond with the deck to play this mix and match deck effectively, couldn't do this.

"But Yusei, you only have one cover card on the field now!" Lou Bai, who had used up all the cards in his hand, crossed his arms and said to Lou Bai: "If you can use the remaining cover card to block me, I will be invincible. If it’s [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon], then give it a try!”

Lou Bai, who had reached the end of the duel, gave the final attack order: "Entering the battle stage, [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], attack Yusei's [Scrap Servant]! Triple Railgun!"

The mighty dragon opened its dragon's kiss, and three electric balls shining with terrifying energy slowly condensed in front of it. If this strike, which was like a divine punishment, fell, Yusei would undoubtedly be defeated.

"Open my last Gaika!"

In Lou Bai's expectant eyes, the only variable in this attack revealed its true colors. In the red card, a naked strong man is dueling with a multi-headed monster snake.

"Activate the trap card, [final battle!]"

"What?! Did you cover two [Final Battle!]?"

In the storm evoked when [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] attacked, Yusei took out the card destroyed by the effect of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] and turned it over.

"The effect of [Pseudo Trap], when a trap card on my field is going to be destroyed, I can destroy this card instead, and the other cards will not be destroyed, and if the set card is destroyed, I need to Open it for you to confirm!”

"Nani, was it actually a [Fake Trap]?! Was what I destroyed then actually a [Fake Trap]?!" Seeing this card, Lou Bai's face was full of disbelief.

Using the effect of [Pseudo Trap] to make the opponent mistakenly think that the card has been successfully destroyed, and then tricking the opponent when the opponent relaxes their vigilance, this tactic is simply impossible in real cards. But with the support of the virtual image of the duel disk, this tactic became possible.

With the help of virtual images, the card [Pseudo Trap] truly embodies the word "pseudo". With the help of [Fake Trap], Yuxing successfully activated this card that Lou Bai didn't expect - [Final Battle! 】.

"The effect of [Final Battle!] is activated!" The storm on the field intensified. Against the strong wind, Yusei's firm voice reached Lou Bai's ears: "This card can only be used during the opponent's turn if its base score is below 1000. Activate, and all the other cards on the field and in the hands of both sides are sent to the graveyard! I chose my only monster, [Scrap Servant]!"

An unstoppable burst of light emitted from the trap card, and the light pushed outward slowly but surely. Under this unstoppable light, whether it is [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] with damage resistance, [Dragon Maid - River Dragon] that can jump back and forth, or [Dragon Maid - Laundry Dragon Lady] in the hand. , all were sent to the cemetery.

"After that, you can select a monster from the deck to be specially summoned in attack position and fight. The battle damage for that time is 0. At the end of the round, the player who still has a monster on the field wins the duel, and the rest will be treated as a draw!"

At the end of the battle, from monster effects to magic trap linkage, Lou Bai and Yusei finally returned to the most original competition of dueling monsters, which is to compare attack power.

"Yusei, do you think your monster with an attack power of only 1500 can give you the slightest sense of security?" At the end of the duel, Lou Bai was never willing to give up the victory that was just around the corner. He pulled out a card from the deck and slapped it heavily on the duel plate.

"The monster I want to special summon is this monster, the monster with the highest attack power in my deck except the two [Thunder Dragon] monsters that cannot be specially summoned, [Elemental Hero-Sincere Xinyuxia]!"

After all the monsters in Lou Bai disappeared, particles of light floated in the air, slowly condensing into the figure of [Elemental Hero-Sincere Xin Yuxia]. It spread its angelic wings and soared into the sky.

[Elemental Hero-Sincere Xinyuxia] [8 Stars/Light]



"Yusing, my monster's attack power is 1,000 points higher than yours. The final fate of this duel must be your defeat!" Lou Bai opened his eyes angrily and roared loudly: "[Elemental Hero-Sincere Xinyuxia], Crush the [Waste Servant] for me!”

"Lou Bai, I will never give in in this duel! I must stand in front of Jack and ask him clearly!" The dragon seal on Yuxing's right hand gradually showed its outline.

"I can't lose this duel! Activate the effect of [Shield Warrior] in the graveyard! Remove this card from the graveyard, and the [Scrap Servant] on my field will not be destroyed by this battle!"

In Lou Bai's shocked eyes, a monster holding a shield appeared in front of the [Scrap Servant].

[Shield Warrior] and [Scrap Servant] looked at each other and nodded. Without hesitation, the two launched an attack on [Elemental Hero-Sincere Xin Yuxia] swooping down from the sky.

Under the cover of [Shield Warrior], the [Scrap Servant] that suffered the attack became dilapidated, but in the end, it still stood firmly on Yusei's field.

According to [Final Battle! 】effect processing, the final result of this game is a draw.

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