Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 69: Lou Bai was nominated for the next Star Award for discovering the truth about the red dr

Just when Yusei and Jack's trump cards arrived on the field at the same time, Godwin, who had been observing from the high platform, showed a satisfied smile. Glancing at the perpetual motion machine suspended in mid-air that was running to its limit, Godwin smiled and said to himself: "It looks like the time has come!"

"But the identities of the five dragon sealers have not been completely determined yet..." Yeager, who was standing respectfully at the side, showed a shameful expression at this moment. As a subordinate, I couldn't even complete such a simple task as confirming the identity of the dragon sealer. I was really derelict in my duty.

However, looking at Chief Godwin's face that had not changed at all after hearing the news, Yeager thought of a possibility: "Is it possible that the fifth dragon sealer, the dragon head seal who leads the other dragon sealers, has also arrived at the arena? Got it?"

Hearing Yeager's question, Godwin did not respond, but he remembered his lost right arm.

The original owner of the dragon head seal was his elder brother. In order to realize the great ideal of the two brothers, the elder brother took the initiative to entrust the right arm containing the dragon head seal to himself, and the right arm he removed was just to accommodate it. Prepared with strength.

"Okay, let's start getting ready." Not wanting to think about the sacrifices his brother had made, Godwin turned around and came to a console and pressed a button. Suddenly, the huge energy in the perpetual motion machine was extracted, hidden somewhere in the arena, and the power of the red dragon on the arm with the dragon head seal was also activated.

Just when the power of the red dragon was activated, in addition to Yusei and Jack, several dragon sealers who were not dueling also reacted.

Qiu, who was trying to control his power in the secret room, was awakened by the stinging pain on his hand. Long Ke couldn't help but cover his right arm in the worried eyes of everyone.

"Is this?!" "Is it coming!" "Could it be..."

In the different eyes of everyone, a red lightning passed through the arena, and the phantoms of the five dragon seals gathered above the arena. Along with a long and holy cry, the five dragon seals slowly transformed into a combination, the ultimate The god, the red dragon, has arrived.

"Is this... the red dragon?" When everyone couldn't help closing their eyes because of the brilliance of the red dragon's arrival, Lou Bai relied on his superhuman physique as a half-card elf to squint and barely get a glimpse. The true appearance of this god.

However, even with just this glimpse, Lou Bai noticed something remarkable.

So, as a god who is in charge of wandering star particles, is his essence similar to that of wandering star particles? After carefully understanding what he just noticed, Lou Bai also felt a little more relieved about the red dragon.

Because according to what he just observed, the red dragon can be regarded as a veritable god. No, it is more appropriate to say it is a natural phenomenon. Because the red dragon is an aggregate of wandering star particles.

As wandering particles that can feel people's hearts, they will unconsciously attach themselves to people with strong beliefs or special physiques, forming marks of various shapes. This kind of attachment is like water flowing downwards in your own world. It is the underlying rule of this Yu-Gi-Oh! world, just like the four basic forces of your own universe.

When the number of wandering particles in a certain area exceeds the total threshold and is in a highly active state, the aggregate of wandering particles, the red dragon, will appear as a natural phenomenon, just like ball lightning in its own world. Same.

As for why the red dragon makes some actions in accordance with the will of the dragon sealers, and why it is called a god, this is better explained, because the wandering star particles, as a product of idealism, inherently possess some " The characteristics of "all your wishes come true". Possessing powerful power and being able to respond to one's own inner thoughts, what is this if not a god?

It is precisely because of this that the aggregate of wandering star particles takes the shape of a dragon.

Since ancient times, the people of the Star have worshiped the red dragon as a totem and god. Perhaps they thought at that time that the greatest and most powerful god should have the body of a snake and wings that could cover the sky and the sun. The image of the red dragon also began to change according to their thoughts.

In Lou Bai's own materialistic universe, what would the natural phenomena look like? Even if ball lightning is still a ball tens of thousands of years later and will not become a five-pointed star, in the idealistic world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, people's thoughts are Having power.

If a few hundred years later, people think that the red dragon should be a little lolita, then the red dragon might actually turn into a little lolita! Thinking of this, Lou Bai suddenly no longer had any respect for the red dragon spreading its wings in the sky.

"Long Ke, where did Long Ke go?!" When the red dragon's light dissipated, Long Ya's exclamation interrupted Lou Bai's thinking about the nature of the red dragon. Seeing Long Ya's anxious look, Lou Bai put his arm around Long Ya's shoulders calmly and comforted him: "Don't worry, Long Ke was called by the red dragon and temporarily entered a special world."

As he spoke, Lou Bai's fingers made imaginary strokes in the air. After a moment, an irregular light screen appeared in mid-air. In the light screen, you could see Yu Xing and Jack who were dueling and disappearing from the arena, as well as the red ones. The power of the dragon protects Long Ke and Izayoe Aki who are flying in mid-air.

After using his own power to observe the duel situation of Yu Xing and the others, and showing it to Long Ya and the others, Lou Bai smiled and spread his hands: "Don't look at me like that, after all, I am half It’s normal for a mind duelist to have these abilities!”

"Long Ke is there!" He didn't pay attention to Lou Bai's witty words. Long Ya's eyes were fixed on Long Ke floating in the air, his eyes full of worry: "Long Ke won't fall suddenly, will she?"

"Don't worry, the power of Dragon Seal is quite reliable."

After hearing this, Long Ya seemed to notice something. He suddenly turned his head and asked Lou Bai seriously: "Lo Bai, I didn't enter that world. Do I not have the dragon seal?"

Looking at Long Ya's clear eyes, Lou Bai opened his mouth and remained silent. He wanted to tell Long Ya that you will become the holder of the Dragon Heart Seal in the future, but now that the future has changed, he really can't say this with certainty. If Long Ya is unable to obtain the Dragon Heart Seal in the future, these kind words may cause more harm to Long Ya than directly telling him that he does not have the Dragon Seal.

After thinking for a long time, Lou Bai finally decided to tell the truth: "That's right, you don't have the Dragon Seal at the moment."

Hearing Lou Bai's answer, Long Ya's eyes welled up with tears: "Then, will I not be able to continue to protect Long Ke in the future..."

"No, don't underestimate yourself." Holding Long Ya on his lap, Lou Bai gently patted the sobbing Long Ya's back and said gently: "Look, I don't have a dragon seal either. Aren't you still a strong duelist? You will definitely become stronger than me in the future."

On Yusei's side, after being swallowed by the light of the red dragon, Yusei and Jack came to a special world. There seems to be nothingness here, except for a light path under the D wheel and the starlight that keeps receding, there is nothing else.

"what is that?!"

As the light path continues to extend, new scenes appear. It is a towering trapezoidal pyramid. Countless people wearing simple clothes are kneeling devoutly under the pyramid.

"Those are the 'star people' that Godwin mentioned." Jack's voice answered the doubts in Yusei's heart. But he also had inner doubts: "Could this be an ancient scene?"

As Wheel D continued to advance, Jack and Yuxing continued to climb along the pyramid on the light path. Finally, when they reached the highest point, they saw the figures of five priests standing at the highest point of the pyramid. Looking at the five familiar dragon marks on their arms, Yusei and Jack seemed to feel a connection that spanned time.

The light path continued to extend, and what came into their sight this time was a place that the four dragon sealers were familiar with, their hometown, satellite area and Xintong Shiye. When they reached the sky, purple flames suddenly ignited on the ground in the satellite area. The flames turned into high walls, and the outline of a spider was outlined using the entire satellite area as a blueprint.

"This... unknown power." Seeing the purple flame, Izayoi Akira floating in the air frowned subconsciously. The power he hated seemed to pale in comparison to the power below.

However, Yusei and Jack's concerns are different from Akira's. Looking closely at the fragmented satellite area after the outline of the spider emerged, Yusei frowned: "Is this the [Earth-bound God] that Lou Bai said... The future of the satellite area is destruction. With such a result, I Never accept it!”

"Wait, Yusei, why do you know this?!" Upon hearing the keyword [Earthbound God], Jack turned his head in surprise. He knew about the [Earthbound God] from Godwin. According to Godwin, the existence of the Earthbound God is something that must be kept secret, and ordinary people have no way of knowing about it.

"It's something I learned from my companions. It's the enemy that the dragon sealer will deal with in the future."

"Companion..." Jack repeated the word in a low voice, as if recalling something, and then suddenly raised his voice: "Yusei, continue to duel with me!"

"Wait, now we..."

"Stop talking, Yusei!" Jack's expression was ferocious. He interrupted Yusei: "Even if we fight until the sky falls apart, I will decide the outcome of this duel with you!"

Jack looked at both sides of the field. Yusei has a [Scrap Warrior] and [Stardust Dragon] with an attack power of 3900, as well as 2 miscellaneous fish monsters and 2 cover cards. He only has one [Red Lotus Demonic Dragon], but the king will never So cringe!

"Enter the battle phase!" Jack pointed at Yusei's [Stardust Dragon]: "The destruction effects of my ace monster [Red Lotus Demonic Dragon] are all activated, so the [Stardust Dragon] on your field will be very It's an eyesore, let me destroy it first! [Red Lotus Demonic Dragon], attack [Stardust Dragon] with absolute power!"

In this field created by the red dragon, [Red Lotus Demonic Dragon] and [Stardust Dragon] started fighting again. Facing the [Red Lotus Demonic Dragon] with an attack power of up to 3000, [Stardust Dragon] is certainly no match for it, but its master and the two cover cards behind it are not just decorations!

"Open the cover card, [good opponent's memory]!" The true identity of the trap card was revealed, and Yusei was mentally prepared for what was about to happen.

"It can only be activated when your monster declares an attack! Remove that monster, and then special summon it to my field at the end of your next turn!"

The [Red Lotus Demonic Dragon] that was supposed to crush the [Stardust Dragon] seemed to have passed through a phantom. Passing over the monster in front, [Red Lotus Demonic Dragon]'s attack directly hit Yusei.

But at this moment, the phantom [Stardust Dragon] suddenly appeared in reality. It hugged the [Red Lotus Demonic Dragon] from behind, emitting a silvery light all over its body, and sent the [Red Lotus Demonic Dragon] to the exclusion zone.

Youxing lp: 4000→1000

High speed counter: 3→0

Seeing that Yusei's life points had been greatly reduced, and his high-speed counters had also returned to zero due to this blow, Jack did not show a trace of joy. On the contrary, he was furious.

"Yusei, do you want to take the king's power away from me? Do you want to take the king's power away from me?! Yusei, this is unforgivable!"

Jack stared at Yusei angrily: "In order to become the king, I abandoned my friends and my hometown. I abandoned so much to get to this point, and you want to take away my status without abandoning anything. How is this possible! "

"Red Lotus Demon, just wait over there for now, I will definitely bring you back! Cover a card and the round ends!"

Jack's hand card: 1

Frontcourt: None

Backcourt: Gaika x1

"My turn, draw a card."

Jack's speed counter: 3→4

Yusei high speed indicator: 0→1

Silently pulling a card out of the deck, Yusei didn't react at all to Jack's words just now. For myself who had already made up my mind to wake Jack up, my words at this moment had no power at all.

"Enter the combat stage!"

The battle has reached this point, and both sides are in a situation where everything will be lost if they don't care. Yusei's health value is only 1,000. As long as Jack's monster scratches him even slightly, he will be defeated because his health value will return to zero.

Although Jack has a full 4,000 lives, these 4,000 lives are not enough in front of Yusei's monsters. Whether Jack can survive until his next turn depends on whether his cover card can block Yusei's attack.

So can Jack survive until the next round? The answer is yes, of course!

When Yusei's [Stardust Dragon] launched an attack, Jack's only cover card did not move at all. However, as a strange bell rang, all the players on Yusei field, including [Stardust Dragon], The monsters were all imprisoned, and even he was forced out of the combat phase.

"This is?!"

Yusei looked at the pendulum-like monster that jumped out of Jack's hand in surprise, with disbelief on his face.

"Yusei, the king will not be defeated by your little tricks! Activate the monster effect in your hand!"

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