Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 8 We are speeding duelists, two in one car!

What should poker players do when they get a new card? Of course, add it to your deck and have a hearty duel with your friends! It's a pity that Lou Bai, who is new here, hasn't made friends yet who can play cards anytime and anywhere, so he plans to randomly select a few lucky duelists and try his new cards on them.

However, the result is...

"The great Laundry Dragon King is here to show his power to guide the future! Send the top three cards of the deck to the graveyard!"

"Little Lan Dui Tomb is on full fire!"

Grave pile results: Skyman, Super Gravity Network, Thunderbolt

"Normally summon the laundry dragon maid Xiao Lan and activate its monster effect. Xiao Lan, pile it up for me!"

"Xiao Lan Dui Tomb is unstoppable!"

Graveyard results: rapid fire trigger, fusion, angel lift

"Call Xiao Lan, stack three, cover two, pass."

"Oooh, oh, master, give me another chance!"

Tomb stacking result: Unknown synchronist, half unbreakable, Zi Yan's intermediary

"I'm talking about Xiaolan, you have the elf card after all. Why are the tombs stacked up so much?" After finishing the three most difficult duels since time travel, Lou Bai was walking home, looking at his hands. Xiao Lan complained.

It was a midsummer afternoon, the sky was overcast, the air pressure was very low, and there were not many people on the streets.

"It's going to rain." Lou Bai looked at the sky, pulled up his hood, and walked quickly home.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred. A special vehicle from the Public Security Bureau rushed out from behind him and rushed towards him with the momentum of hitting him to death. Aware of the situation behind him, Lou Bai hurriedly jumped to the side. After rolling around a few times, Lou Bai barely escaped the collision of the car.

"Hey, isn't this the famous duelist instructor in our satellite area? Why are you so embarrassed?" A strange taunt came from the car.

When Lou Bai got up, he found that he was surrounded by a group of people from the Security Bureau.

"Hey, sir, you are joking again." Faced with this situation, Lou Bai made a sound like asking someone to drink chicken soup, nodded and bowed and said: "I have lived here for several years, how could I be that kind of mentor?" Ah, I am just a villain from the satellite area, how can I bear this title?"

"No, sir, look, I still have my residence permit with me." Lou Bai smiled honestly and slowly walked towards the Sheriff who was nearest to him, and slowly put his hand into his pocket.

Perhaps it was Lou Bai's superb performance, or perhaps he was used to being domineering in the satellite area, and he did not expect anyone to dare to attack them. The police officer did not react at all to Lou Bai's actions.

When Lou Bai walked less than five steps away from the sheriff, he pulled out the hand that had been inserted into his pocket and waved it outward. The handful of quicklime originally held in his hand also spread around with his movement. Perhaps because of the sultry weather in the summer, many people did not pull down their helmet visors and were hit one after another, especially the man standing in front of Lou Bai who bore the brunt.

"It's so hard to eat, let's hit the street boy!"

Lou Bai lowered his head and squinted his eyes, and immediately kicked the unfortunate guy in front of him who was howling and wiping his eyes. With the blessing of the elf power brought by Xiao Lan, Lou Bai, who had been relying on his words to survive, kicked the strong man in front of him down, escaped from the encirclement, and ran to a small alley next to him.

"Suspect Kobayashi Mashiro, it's useless for you to run away, stop it!"

It seems that the lime can't delay them for long, Lou Bai thought to himself while running in the twists and turns of the alley, it's Kobayashi Mashiro you want to arrest, it's none of my business, Lou Bai. When passing the corner, Lou Bai glanced back. Because of the narrow alley, the Public Security Bureau's car couldn't come in. Many people were also thrown away, leaving only a D-wheel tightly gripping the car. Behind Lou Bai's butt.

"That Ushio is still chasing me." Although he just glanced at it, Lou Bai still recognized this classic supporting character throughout the entire Yu-Gi-Oh! - Tetsuo Ushio.

It seems that Lou Bai still wants to play tricks, but the real situation is not as optimistic as he showed. Not to mention that the elf power brought by Xiaolan is limited. He can't keep running with such high intensity, and the alley has an end. Once he leaves the alley and reaches the straight road, he will never be able to run past the D wheel. .

The sky in June is like a child's face, changing at a moment's notice. The originally gloomy weather has now begun to rain heavily. "It rained all night when the house leaked." Lou Bai cursed.

There was a T-intersection in front of him, and a big road ran across the exit of the alley. As he approached the main road, Lou Bai faintly heard the roar of the Public Security Bureau vehicles coming from the road.

"Damn, it's an outflanking tactic." Lou Bai vaguely realized something, but compared with the unknown situation ahead, the D-wheel behind him seemed more oppressive.

"Hahaha, the garbage in the satellite area is desperate!" Ushio laughed while sitting on the D wheel behind him.

Rushing out of the alley, to Lou Bai's surprise, the Public Security Bureau vehicles didn't seem to be chasing him, but the red D wheel at the front.

Seeing the red wheel D approaching him, Lou Bai didn't think much and subconsciously got on the wheel. At this time, the rain had become quite heavy. Under Lou Bai's blow, Wheel D almost lost its balance. Fortunately, Wheel D's driving skills were very good, and the tragedy of car crash and death was avoided.

"Hey, what are you doing? Get off here!" After maintaining the balance of the D wheel, the D wheel driver cursed angrily.

This is normal. Think about it, you are driving a D-wheeler and playing cards, and your car is suddenly stolen by a stranger. Can you hold back your anger?

At this time, Lou Bai, who was full of adrenaline, calmed down. Looking at the scene that was quickly retreating beside him, Lou Bai said in a trembling voice: "I, I don't want to get out, but I can't get out now!"

Ya Bai! Originally, he could save his life by being arrested in prison, but now he is going to lose his life if he is not careful!

"Hahaha, I thought it was a small shrimp, but I didn't expect to catch a big fish!" Niu Wei, who was chasing behind, was surprised at first, then laughed: "That red D-wheel, you got away with it last time, this time I won't let you go, field magic, High Speed ​​World-Revised, start!"

"Different from the ordinary High Speed ​​World, under the influence of High Speed ​​World-Revised, everyone can use magic cards with the number of high speed indicators in each round in addition to high speed magic cards. But in order to maintain the balance of magic cards, high speed indicators will only increase during your own preparation stage."

Niu Wei took the initiative to explain: "Facing the new secret weapon developed by the Public Security Bureau, did you put magic cards in the deck of the Mounted Duel?"

Although the number of uses will be limited, ordinary magic cards can also be used in High Speed ​​World-Revised. For the deck formed according to the original High Speed ​​World, others can use magic cards, but you can't, which is a huge weakening.

With the activation of High Speed ​​World-Revised, a force field enveloped everyone present. In this force field, the speed of the D-wheel is closely related to the number of high speed indicators.

"Duel mode, automatic driving is ready." ×4

"What?" ×4

Surprisingly, with the start of the Field Magic High Speed ​​World-revised, in addition to Niu Wei, another person from the Public Security Bureau left the team, and on Lou Bai's side, the system in his pocket also floated in front of him and unfolded into a duel disk.

"No way, how can we duel like this?!" Lou Bai shouted with one hand on the roof of the car.

"Humph, although I don't know why it has become a two-person duel, it's just right, just in time to catch you all in one fell swoop." Looking at the screen of the D wheel, Niu Wei said: "According to the rules, teammates share the field, graveyard and life points, the LP of both sides is 8000, and the first three people cannot attack in the first round. Just surrender, the garbage in the satellite area."

Looking at the duel order of Niu Wei-Lou Bai-Sheriff A-Red D wheeler automatically displayed on the system, Lou Bai could only helplessly accept the fact that he was dragged into a two-person duel while taking a ride.

Wiping his rain-soaked face with his hand, Lou Bai looked at Niu Wei who had ignored him since the red D-wheeler appeared and whispered: "If you underestimate me, the card hunter in the dark night, you will pay the price."


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