Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 94: The Micromanagement of Details of an Excellent Duelist

"My turn, draw a card."

Pulling out a card from the deck, Ryo Marufuji looked at the scene under Lou Bai's cloth, smiled and praised: "You are really good at being able to do this, but this is not enough!"

"For you, you have just stood at the entrance to the duel gate. There are many unknown duels waiting for you in this world. You must not stop moving forward because of your current power. The secret of electron flow Just keep evolving!”

Taking out a card from his hand, Ryo Marufuji put it on the duel plate: "See the brilliance of the electronic flow! I usually summon, [Electronic Dragon Core]!"

Light flashed, and a monster that looked like a white rosary appeared in the dojo. The center of its body glows with red light, and four red wires are connected to its body.

【Electronic Dragon Core】【2 Star\\/Light】



"When [Electronic Dragon Core] is normally summoned successfully, its effect is activated! Add a [Electronic] or [Electronic Technology] magic trap card from the deck to your hand! I chose [Electronic Repair Factory]!"

[Electronic Dragon Core] plunged the four wires on his body into the void, and was about to add the card that assists the expansion of the electron flow to his hand. At this moment, [Super Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] on the white field suddenly He waved his wings and set off an electromagnetic storm, interfering with the effect of [Electronic Dragon Core]. The red light in the center of [Electronic Dragon Core] flashed, and then fell silent.

"What's going on?" Ryo Marufuji said in surprise when he saw the [error] mark on his duel plate.

Seeing the surprised expression on Ryo Marufuji's face, Lou Bai couldn't help but proudly explained: "The effect of [Super Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], as long as this card exists in the monster area, you cannot use the draw card Add cards to your hand in other ways!"

Hearing this, Marufuji nodded clearly: "So, this is an effect that has never been shown in a formal duel!"

Upon hearing this, Lou Bai's face fell. In the previous life, although [Super Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] was the second brother of the Thunder Dragon deck, it was carried by many decks other than the Thunder Dragon deck because of its simple appearance and powerful blocking effect, and even because it was too versatile. But he was restricted by the evil consortium K!

But now, the noble one-card [Super Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] has actually been reduced to an Ax King with 2600 points! Its blocking retrieval effect has not been used until now... How can we stop it? Why do these animation brand bosses use card drawing as retrieval!

Not paying attention to Lou Bai's inner thoughts, after the [Electronic Dragon Core] search was frustrated, he used another card in his hand: "Activate the sustainable magic card, [Future Fusion]!"

High-rise buildings in the dojo rose out of thin air. At the top of the high-rise buildings, the vortex representing fusion had also opened. At this time, Marufuji Ryo's voice reached Lou Bai's ears.

"The effect of [Future Fusion] is to give an extra fusion monster of yours to both parties for confirmation, send the determined fusion materials from the deck to the graveyard, and then special summon that fusion monster in the second preparation phase after activation!"

"Nani?!" Lou Bai's eyes widened in shock. Is the [Future Fusion] in Ryo Marufuji's hand actually the original effect?

[Future Fusion] This card has the second-most effect of delaying the summoning of fusion monsters, but more importantly, it accurately stacks materials. You know, the last card that accurately stacked graves was called [Stupid Burial], and it has been limited to one, let alone [Future Fusion], which can stack a large number of cards at once!

In the actual card, the effect of this card has been modified. It was originally able to stack graves when activated, but now it can be stacked in the first preparation phase after activation. But now this card is in the hands of Ryo Marufuji. Card, there is no doubt that it is the original effect.

In the electronic stream, there is a fusion monster named [Chimeric Overload Dragon]. Its fusion condition is [Electronic Dragon] plus any mechanical monster. In other words, if Marufuji shows this monster, he can Stack up to all the mechanical monsters in the entire deck at once!

In this way, you will be completely overwhelmed by the huge snowball of resources. Fortunately, there is a remedy. When the effect of the continuous magic card is processed, if it is not on the field, the effect will not be processed. You just need to blow it up in time.

Thinking like this, Lou Bai discarded a monster in his hand: "Chain your [Future Fusion] and activate the monster effect of [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] in my hand!"

That's right, as long as the explosion card of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] passes, then the situation is still under my control! Just when Lou Bai was comforting himself in his heart, Ryo Marufuji, his opponent, did not sit still and wait for death.

"Chain your [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon], activate the quick-attack magic card, [Electronic Fusion Support]! Pay half of your health, and you can fuse and summon a mechanical monster only once this round. You can use those fusion materials from your hand. Cards, on the field, and in the graveyard except for fusion summons!”

Upon hearing this, Lou Bai's face turned pale, and then the chain began to reverse the process.

First, due to the effect of [Electronic Fusion Support], a device appeared on Ryo Marufuji's body. With the electric shock of the device, Ryo Marufuji's life dropped rapidly, but he also gained the ability to choose from the graveyard on the hand card field. Fusion materials exclude the power of fusion summons.

Ryo Marufuji lp: 4000→2000

Next is Lou Bai's [Thunder Source Dragon - Thunder Dragon]. This card turned into a bolt of lightning and was projected onto [Super Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], and its momentum also increased.

[Super Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] [atk: 2600 → 3100]

The last is the effect of [Future Fusion]. Taking out a card from the extra deck, Ryo Marufuji said: "I reveal an extra [Electronic Terminator Dragon] and send three [Electronic Dragon] from the deck to the graveyard!"

Seeing that the effect of [Future Fusion] finally passed, Lou Bai sighed regretfully. The reason why I didn't activate the card explosion effect of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] just now was not because I didn't want to, but because I couldn't.

The effect description of [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] is: The effect of the Thunder monster is activated [when] the card in the hand is activated.... But when you activate the effect of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], according to the rules, the priority of activating the effect will be given to the opponent.

If the opponent does not have a card that can be activated at the second speed, the operation priority will return to your own hands, and the card explosion effect of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] can be activated smoothly. But when the opponent has cards that can be activated at the second speed, such as quick attack magic, trap cards, etc., he can chain the effect of [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] to activate those cards at this moment.

But in this way, when the operation priority returns to your own hand, at that moment it is no longer the time when the effect of the Thunder monster is activated on the card in your hand, but the time when the opponent's card is activated. In other words, your own [ The effect of Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] can no longer be activated because it does not meet the activation conditions!

This shortcoming of his [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] has never been revealed in previous duels, but Ryo Marufuji was able to clearly seize this small loophole to counterattack. Lou Bai couldn't help but admire in his heart. Said: "He is indeed a legendary duelist. Let's not talk about the strength of his deck. His dueling thinking alone is much stronger than that of ordinary duelists."

But while admiring in his heart, Lou Bai also had a doubt, that is, why didn't Ryo Marufuji show an additional [Chimeric Overload Dragon]? To say no is absolutely impossible. You know, I have already seen this card when I watched Marufuji Ryo's old deck under the leadership of Nobu Marufuji.

Without hiding this question in his heart, Lou Bai asked it directly and openly, and Ryo Marufuji also answered Lou Bai's doubts.

"This duel is a test for you as an electronic flow teacher. If you want to see my full strength, you must pass this test first!"

Ryo Marufuji responded coldly and raised another card in his hand: "Magic card, [Great Fusion], activate!"

Under another fusion whirlpool, Ryo Marufuji explained: "Unlike the general [Fusion] magic card, when using [Grand Fusion] for fusion summons, the number of fusion material monsters must be three or more! Because I used it before [Electronic Fusion Support], so this time I can also banish the cards in the graveyard for Fusion Summoning!”

"Then chain your [Great Fusion] and activate Gaika's Continuous Trap [Reincarnation Arbitrary]!"

When Ryo Marufuji's magic card was activated, a permanent trap on Lou Bai's side was also revealed: "Once per round, you must declare a race to activate it. This round, the monsters in both sides' graveyards will become the declared race. What I declare is [Thunder Clan]!”

When the effect of a fusion magic card is processed, if there is no material monster that meets the conditions, the effect of this card will not be processed. The conditions for summoning many fusion monsters in the electronic stream specify that the material monster should be of the Machine type. Lou Bai used this card and wanted to make a final struggle, but it was of no use.

"The fusion summoning condition is three [Electronic Dragon] monsters! Since [Electronic Dragon Core] is also regarded as [Electronic Dragon] when it is on the field, I combined the [Electronic Dragon Core] on the field with the two [Electronic Dragon Core] in the graveyard. Except Dragon], Fusion Summon!”

[Great Fusion] was successfully activated, and as the shadows of the three monsters disappeared into another dimension, the vortex of fusion gradually shone.

"This is the perfect symbol of electronic flow! Appear, my old friend, [Electronic Terminator Dragon]!"

In the shining light of fusion, [Electronic Ultimate Dragon] slowly stretched out its majestic body. The silver-white steel torso shines under the light, and the two huge wings stretch behind it, giving it a sense of power. The three shapes are inlaid with green, yellow, and red gems. The heads opened their mouths one after another, filled with destructive light beams ready to strike.

This is the [Electron Terminator Dragon], which is the symbol of the perfection of electron flow, and this perfection is what Lou Bai will surpass next.

[Electronic Terminator Dragon] [10 Stars\\/Light]



"Although there are some restrictions, the monsters summoned through [Great Fusion] will also gain some abilities, that is, they will not be destroyed by effects and have the ability to penetrate! In other words, now you can return [Electronic Terminator Dragon] to the deck Otherwise, it can only be destroyed through fighting!"

As a big monster formed by the fusion of three monsters, [Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon]'s attack power can already dwarf many other monsters, but even so, its attack power is still not as good as [Electronic Terminator Dragon] Compared with the 4000 attack power of the Titan Soldier.

As if he saw the shock in Lou Bai's eyes, Marufuji said proudly: "Although your monster is very powerful, it is still too young. Comparing the attack power with the electron flow is meaningless!"

"It's time to go, enter the battle stage!" Rubbing the remaining two cards in his hand, Ryo Marufuji commanded: "[Electronic Terminator Dragon], launch an attack on [Super Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon]! Eternal Evolution Flame! "

The three giant steel dragons raised their heads, and the white light of destruction was ready to strike. Under this blow, [Super Thunder Dragon-Thunder Dragon] would never be able to withstand it, but it also has its own advantages, that is You can remove a Thunder-type monster from the graveyard instead of destroying it.

Ryo Marufuji's attack on [Super Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] actually played into his own hands. If he chose to attack [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon], he would have to use his remaining card [Mysterious Chinese Pot] To minimize the losses, and now, although I have suffered 900 damage, I can save both the eldest and second brothers of the Thunder Dragon.

However, just when he was about to relax, his instinct as an excellent duelist warned him, no, that's not right! Even a beginner like Nobu Marufuji of the electronic style can achieve a near miss. There is no reason why the legendary duelist of the electronic style, Kaiser Ryo, can't do it!

Lou Bai's brain was spinning rapidly. Marufuji Ryo specifically mentioned before that the monsters summoned by [Great Fusion] would not be destroyed by the effect... If this is the case, then he probably has that card in his hand, a mechanical type commonly used in electronic flow. Universal card, [restrictions lifted]!

The effect of [Restriction Release] is that the attack power of the Machine-type monsters on your field is doubled before the end of the turn, and the monster to which the effect is applied is destroyed at the end of the turn. Because it is a quick-attack magic card that changes the attack power, this card can be activated before the damage is calculated. At that time, your quick-attack magic card [Mysterious Chinese Pot] will not be able to chain!

If he really has this card in his hand, it will be too late if he doesn't activate [Mysterious Chinese Pot] now! Lou Bai didn't dare to block the possibility that Ryo Marufuji didn't have this card in his hand, because once he lost, the price would be his complete defeat!

With this in mind, Lou Bai decisively pressed a button on the duel plate, and when [Electronic Terminator Dragon] declared its attack, he activated this quick attack magic card: "Open the cover card and use the quick attack magic [Mysterious Chinese Pot] ! Sacrifice a monster on your field, and your base points will be restored to the value of the sacrificed monster’s attack power or defense!”

"I choose to release [Thunder Dragon - Thunder Dragon] on my field and restore its defense, which is 3200!"

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