Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 97 Dragon Seal Bearers Gather

The sun was shining brightly, and the breeze blew slowly through the grass, bringing with it the fragrance of flowers. It should have been a comfortable weather, but there was a depressing atmosphere permeating the garden.

"What did you say? Gui Liu, Gui Liu, he is also a dark sealer?!"

Jack yelled in disbelief after hearing Yusei say that name.

Yes, Yusei has far more information about the Dark Seal than what he got from Godwin. With Lou Bai, a time traveler who knows the plot, the dragon sealers have an understanding of the identities of most of the dark sealers, the decks they use, and the general effects of the Earthbound God.

As for the detailed effects of each Earth-bound God, it is a pity that Lou Bai does not know. Because in the previous life, Earthbound God was not a very common deck, and the card names of each Earthbound God were smelly and long. Lou Bai, who didn't know that he could travel through time in advance, didn't take note of their effects.

"It's impossible. When I came to Xintong Shiye, I had already received the news that Guiliu had... committed suicide in prison."

Some incredible soliloquies, Jack's heart is very complicated. For Oni Liu, his childhood friend and the captain who once led the Satisfaction Team, Jack could say that he neither loved nor hated him.

It was Oniri who single-handedly created Team Satisfaction, led them to dominate the satellite area, and gave Yusei at the time a goal they could strive for. However, after achieving this goal, Team Satisfaction gradually deteriorated.

For the [satisfaction] in his heart, Guiliu began to sweep the satellite area again. No, it was a sweep, it should be said that it was a torture, looking for those duelists who no longer had the will to fight, and forcing them to duel with him.

The final result was that Jack and Crowe were disappointed with Team Satisfaction and gradually left Oniriyanagi, while Yusei accompanied Oniriyu to the last step and personally witnessed the disappearance of Team Satisfaction.

Listening to the conversation between Yu Xing and Jack, Long Ke asked in a low voice: "Is it really possible for a dead person to come back to life again?"

"The death of the body does not mean the death of a person. The real end is only when the person's consciousness disappears." Lou Bai, who was standing aside, sighed regretfully: "The Earth-bound Gods have the power to control human souls. The ability to manipulate people for their own use when their bodies are dead and their consciousness has not completely disappeared.”

"Jack, I want to go back to the satellite area." Looking up at Jack's eyes, Yusei said: "I want to go back to protect my hometown from the hands of the Dark Sealers, and at the same time I want to ask Guiliu clearly."

Hearing these words, Jack, who had grown up with Yusei since childhood, already understood what he meant. He curled his lips and said, "Yusei, I will not fall behind you! The satellite area is also the king's territory!"

Yusei was not surprised by Jack's choice. He knew that although what Jack said was harsh, he would never agree if he was asked to stay here and turn a blind eye to the disaster in the satellite area.

Before, Jack left the satellite area and came to Xintong Shiye for the sake of the king's name, but now he left the satellite area to save the satellite area, which was completely different. Just like a young man going to a big city to work hard doesn't mean he doesn't love his hometown.

"Jack, this time we are not the only ones who have returned to the satellite area to fight against the Dark Sealers." Yuxing looked at Long Ke and said, "There are other Dragon Sealers left."

"Oh? Other dragon sealers?" Sensing Yu Xing's gaze, Jack turned to look at Long Ke, frowning and saying, "There is no need to bring other people in to our battle."

"No, this is not just your battle." Long Ke took a step forward and said firmly: "I also want to find the bad guy Dimac who took away the [Ancient Fairy Dragon], and save the elf world!"

"Even if I am a child, I cannot allow myself to be protected by you at the back, doing nothing but watching you play the dark game of blocking your life!"

Hearing this, Lou Bai smiled bitterly in his heart. If Long Kelongya and the others found out that he was the so-called Dimac, I really don't know what they would do to him in the future.

After searching into my inner world, I found that the [Ancient Fairy Dragon] was still tied to the big tree by the lake, and its mouth was tied with a rope. With Xiaolan watching, there shouldn't be any big problems.

The reason why his mouth is tied with a rope is because [Ancient Fairy Dragon] is too talkative. He talks about "fate" and "destiny" all day long. I suspect that among all the dragons at that time, [Ancient Fairy Dragon] was the one who was captured by the Dark Markers because this mouth attracted too much hatred.

In the real world, Long Ya naturally didn't know that the culprit was beside them. He also hurriedly came to his sister Long Ke and shouted to Jack: "I want to go too! I want to protect Long Ke, Long Ke I will go wherever I go!”

In the past, Long Ya was disappointed when he was not selected by the Red Dragon during the battle between Lucky Cup Yusei and Jack, and realized that he was a person with no talent. However, he is the elder brother, even if his current duel strength is not as good as My sister was not chosen by the red dragon, so I have to protect my sister.

"You two brats..." Jack looked at Long Yalongke expressionlessly, until he saw that they changed from confident to a little uncomfortable under his gaze, he snorted coldly: "After defeat, Don’t think about me wiping your butts when you’re here!”

Turning his head to look at Yusei, Jack said: "Is it just the four of us? Oh, and we also include the one who has been watching the show next to us!"

Lou Bai, who had been silent next to him, heard this and scratched his head in distress. After he blatantly cheated in the duel with Jack, Jack seemed to have taken gunpowder and refused to deal with him.

Really, I don’t know when the relationship between them will be normalized. Forget it, I’ll give Jack a good beating when I have time in the future.

"There is another person, her name is Izayoeaki. Zeng Jin also participated in the Lucky Cup."

Izayoi Autumn... Jack recalled it in his mind for a while before finally remembering her appearance. She was the [Witch] who was eliminated by Lou Bai in the first round of the Lucky Cup.

It is very impolite and easy to make mistakes to evaluate others based on first impression, but there is no doubt that this evaluation method is very efficient and convenient.

Even a duelist like Jack can only use this method to evaluate others without more information about the opponent, so it is natural to conclude that Izayoi Akira's character is not good and his strength is average. evaluation of. But it is definitely not this kind of person who can be recognized by Yusei.

Jack looked at Yusei questioningly, expecting him to tell more details about Akira.

"Qiu's strength is not bad." Sensing Jack's inner doubts, Yusei explained: "And although she did do some wrong things in the past, she is now making up for her mistakes. She is the one who participated in the war with the Dark Seals. Part of making amends.”

"Hmph, since he is someone you recognize, he must be quite strong." Turning around and walking out the door, Jack tentatively recognized Izayoi Akira, a duelist he had never seen before, as his companion.

Staring at Jack's back, Yusei thought of his past life. It was obvious that I had only been away for a few days, but what happened in these short days was incomparable to my life in the past ten years. New companions and new goals are ahead.

Walking to the wall and turning on the video phone on the wall, Yusei entered Qiu's number. After a moment, the screen flashed, and Qiu's smiling face appeared on the screen.

"What's wrong, Yusei? Find me now." Qiu, who was wearing a bright yellow T-shirt, looked at Yusei with a smile.

"Qiu, you're ready to go to the satellite area. Come meet me here."

Hearing Yusei's words, Qiuya became serious: "Is it finally going to start...I understand, please wait for me."

There is still a little time before Izayoi Autumn arrives, but this time has not been wasted by everyone. It's the last bit of free time now. When they reach the satellite area, the Dark Seals may launch an attack at any time, but they don't have much time to rest.

Lou Bai took out all his cards from his bag, including those given by the system when he first came to this world, those printed by himself, those bought in card shops, and those picked up... Unknowingly, Lou Bai's cards had already From the initial 65 pictures, it has now grown to a huge box.

Choose the main axis of your deck, stuff it with some filter draws and general-use cards, and bring some targeted cards against the Dark Sealers. This deck will be Lou Bai’s future [Sword].

Long Ya, on the other hand, took out the snacks that he had treasured for a long time and was reluctant to eat at ordinary times, tore open the packaging bag, and ate with big mouthfuls. While eating, he greeted You Xinglou Bai and others to eat together.

A few years ago, when my parents were not on a business trip, they would definitely scold me when they saw me eating so many snacks, "Are you going to die tomorrow?" You have to eat all those snacks in one day. But if you don’t eat it now, you may not have the chance to eat it then!

Unlike his brother, Long Ke held his deck and whispered to the [Ribbon Chestnut Ball] in the deck. Long Ke has been shyer than Long Ya since he was a child, and has never participated in any large-scale activities. She really doesn't like to fight.

Unfortunately, there are some things that you can’t just stop doing if you don’t like them. Just like his father had to go out to work every day to earn food for the family, he had to fight for the card elves and the [Ancient Fairy Dragon].

Yuxing was quietly repairing his D-wheel on the side. After arriving at the satellite area, he would definitely ride the D-wheel around. He must repair it now, otherwise he would encounter problems such as screws falling off during the dark duel. , losing the duel in vain is not a good thing.

After a while, the doorbell rang, and the last person, Izayoi Akira, arrived.

Due to running over in a hurry, Qiu was still panting from exhaustion, and her chest kept rising and falling. After resting for a while while holding on to the door frame, Qiu took the water glass handed over by Yusei and took a small sip.

"Yusei, everyone, I'm here."

After resting for a while and calming down, Qiu looked at everyone in the room and said.

Compared with the video conversation just now, Qiu has now changed out of the T-shirt that was not suitable for outdoor activities and returned to her usual outfit, with a card box hanging on her waist, as if she was holding a sword. warrior.

"Ah, the moment has finally arrived! Let me tell you something, I haven't had this kind of life-threatening duel for a long time!" After sorting out the deck, Lou Bai opened his mouth, revealing his shining teeth. He smiled and said: "Let me experience the feeling of jumping on the edge of death again..."

"Well, we will definitely win!" Long Ya waved his fist to cheer himself up, and then pulled Long Ke out of the door together.

Looking at his companions in the room, Yusei, who had always had a paralyzed face, rarely showed a bright smile: "Everyone, let's make a big fuss together!"

Yuxing was wearing a motorcycle suit, put on a helmet, and pushed his D wheel out of the door first. Immediately afterwards, Lou Bai, Izayoi Qiu and Long Yalongke filed out. In the distance, Jack leaned on his The wheel of fortune is waiting for them silently.

After making up his mind to fight and taking a few steps out of the house, Long Ya suddenly woke up from his high-spirited state. He stopped and asked distressedly: "Well...how are we going to get to the satellite area?"

There is an ocean between the satellite area and Xintong Shiye. The reason why the perpetual motion machine energy leaked by the zero-point reversal incident many years ago still remains. Although the sea looks calm, there are countless turbulent undercurrents hidden under the calm sea. , and it is precisely for this reason that there are only three ways to go to the satellite area - fly over from the sky, take the pipeline that transports garbage, or look for a black ship that is familiar with the sea route.

Although Long Ya and Long Ke live in Shangcheng, their family's assets are not enough to support a private jet that is of little use and costs a large amount of maintenance every year. The pipes for transporting garbage are only available every month. It will be temporarily suspended for maintenance at the end of the month. Not to mention the degree of danger, just the fact that Qiu and Shuangzi don't have D wheels can pass this one.

To find the black ship route, you must first find a reputable person on the road as an intermediary. Is it only possible to trouble Zahe again? Yusei was thinking in his mind. At this time, the sound of propellers from the sky interrupted Yusei's thoughts.

In the sky, a huge helicopter made a huge sound and flew towards Lou Bai and the others. After approaching them all, it hovered in the air and then slowly descended.

"Jack, we got Johnny's helicopter!"

Just as the helicopter was about to land, Kali Nagisa's head popped out of the helicopter window. Even though her hair was disheveled by the wind brought by the propeller, she still waved excitedly to Jack on the ground.

Finally, the helicopter landed steadily more than 20 meters away from Yuxing and the others. The hatch opened and Johnny jumped out of the driver's seat. He rolled his eyes at Kali Nagisa and said dissatisfiedly: "What does it mean to get it?" You said it so harshly, it was obviously bought for me on my birthday, I can use it however I want!"

Then, Johnny turned his head, looked at Jack, and put on a bright smile: "Master Jack, let me take you to the satellite area!"

"Ha, it seems that the last step has been solved!" Lou Bai turned around with a smile and looked at the soldiers who set out to defeat the Dark Sealers this time.

They are:

Fudo Yusei’s trump card is [Stardust Dragon], and his ability is the bond with the card and the magical power!

Jack Atlas, his ace is [Red Lotus Dragon], and his ability is strong attack!

Izayoi Autumn, the trump card is [Black Rose Dragon], and its ability is to explode fields and revive monsters!

Long Ya and Long Ke, their ace cards are [Power Tool Dragon] and [Ancient Fairy Dragon], their abilities are the bond between brother and sister and calling card spirits!

As well as himself, Lou Bai, his trump cards are [Thunder Dragon] and [Electronic Dragon], and his abilities are accurate tomb stacking and powerful except!

"Okay, let's go!"

Everyone took firm steps towards the helicopter.

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