"Brother Lu is still behind." Huo Buyang answered truthfully.

"Why so slow?"

Salik glanced at Huo Buyang's package and said, "And there are so many things, can you carry them?"

Even they didn't bring so many things with them when they first set off.

"It feels good."

As he spoke, Huo Buyang shrugged his shoulders and adjusted his backpack to another position.

It seemed that he could indeed hold it, but Salik also noticed that Huo Buyang's feet were almost sinking into the floating soil.

"No matter what, you shouldn't let a child carry so many things." Salik said, "I'll go see what he is doing."

She spoke quickly and with great energy.

Huo Buyang: "...I advise you not to go."

He felt like he was going to cause trouble.


He is no longer a child, and is taller than this woman in terms of height.

Li Liu on the side hesitated to speak.

She could see that this little girl didn't want to question Lu Meng, she was just bored with waiting and wanted to take a look.

Just let her go.

Salik didn't go far when he saw several figures.

There is also a dog.

Two of them are technology hunters.

Leiber specially hired them to escort everyone.

They will not follow Lu Meng and others to complete the journey. They will go to the "relay station" on their own, which was set up by the technology hunters. It is not only used as their own supply point, but also open to pedestrians, like a hotel.

It can be regarded as a semi-incidental reason, and the commission was slightly discounted.

Otherwise, given Leiber's current financial situation, it would really be a waste of money.

As for the dog, it’s Xiaogu, of course.

However, Salik was stunned.

In addition to the stuffed animal backpack, Xiaogu also had various large and small bags hanging on it. Two long weapons were also hung on it, a combat cleaver and a paladin cross epee...

All these bits and pieces put together are frighteningly heavy.

Even though the small bones have now grown very strong and strong, they are still bent under the weight, and it is difficult to move their steps, almost unable to straighten up.

In stark contrast.

The white-haired young man is standing next to it.

Empty hands.

He even had time to stretch his muscles and look relaxed.

"What are you doing?" Salik couldn't understand.

It would be a bit exaggerated to say that Huo Buyang is capable of hard work, but at least he can memorize it.

But putting all the luggage on a dog and carrying nothing yourself is a bit much, right?

In her first impression, Lu Beiyou was not such a lazy person.

Could it be that he wanted to break away from his previous environment and his true nature was exposed?

The key is that I can't walk here.

Salik hurriedly stepped forward, wanting to persuade Lu Beiyou not to delay his trip.

However, what happened in the next scene left her stunned on the spot.

I saw the white-haired young man squatting down, hugging the bone dog's waist and abdomen, and using his strength to lift it.

With a soft drink.

He carried the whole big dog on his shoulders.

All the weight that originally weighed on Xiaogu's body naturally fell on him.

It's just that the white-haired young man didn't feel particularly strenuous except for his body sinking.

"Oh? You're here, why don't you wait for us with your brother?"

Lu Meng also noticed Salik and raised his hand to say hello, looking very casual.

"Is something wrong?"

Salik was silent.

The dog carries the bag, you carry the dog?

Although you can probably guess that this is to train the ability to bear weight, his basic strength is too amazing.

This weirdo's behavior once again refreshed her understanding.

"...Nothing, I just came to take a look. Now that you are ready, let's go together."

Salik's tone was a little weak.

Lu Meng nodded and asked the two technology hunters to go on the road together, leaving him alone at the back.

But something suddenly moved in his heart.

It's not telepathy, it's something that my own perception ability detects.

Lu Meng looked back.

A small figure stood there in the distance.

The wind and sand stirred, and the sun-protective fur coat rolled up with the wind. The man's figure was slightly stooped, looking so small but determined.

It's an old hunter.

In fact, later on, Lu Meng found Zhang Ying and did not hide his whereabouts from him because he hoped that the old hunter could join him and leave the hub together.

Even the plundering of the fog people did not affect his life, which is enough to show Zhang Ying's ability.

With such an old man from the wasteland here, this trip will definitely go much smoother.

But Zhang Ying refused.

This was within Lu Meng's expectation, but he had to try.

The upheaval at the hub ended, the city collapsed, and the Lang Ninja Group gradually took charge of order here.

But the old hunter still did not choose to join any force, and continued to work alone as before, doing his own business.

No matter how the situation changes, the masters of the world change one after another. For old people like them who really crawl at the bottom of the wasteland, it just comes and goes, and their lives will not change in any way.

Different from myself.

No matter what the outside world is like, the hub will be Zhang Ying’s forever home.

Lu Meng didn't feel sorry for this, and just asked the old hunter for some survival and hunting experience. As a reward, he told Zhang Ying the location of the water tower.

This thing is no longer useful to him.

And with the changes in the environment and the Lang Ninja Group taking control of the East District, water resources are no longer so scarce.

But it’s still a little thoughtful.

Probably for this reason, the old hunter came here.

Zhang Ying's figure did not move. It seemed that he had not changed his mind and wanted to join Lu Meng's team.

Actually I just wanted to send him off.

Lu Meng smiled and nodded slightly to him.

Just like Zhang Ying did to him when they met once.

A loud arrow pierced the sky, making a long whistle.

This is usually used to scare wild animals, and Lu Meng also learned its technique.

Now it has become a farewell response.

The white-haired young man followed the arrow with his eyes and turned away before it fell from the sky to the ground.

They soon joined the people in front.

Lu Meng, Huo Buyang, and Li Liu, seven adventurers including Yu Ke, Shalik, and Gu Fang, plus two technology hunters.

They were roughly divided into three people in a row, protecting the weaker ones in the middle and forming a line.

The attitude of the two technology hunters was neither salty nor cold. Apart from communicating with each other before setting off, they didn't talk to others much at other times.

However, the two of them worked in tandem and consciously assumed the most dangerous position, sandwiching the entire team in the middle.

It can be considered quite dedicated.

The masonry and rubble of the city were gradually left behind, shrinking smaller and smaller, replaced by the vast wilderness in front of us.

The terrain on this road is not flat. The original road has long been buried by thick loess. The floating soil is not solid and has collapsed and eroded into ravines.

This is why wheeled vehicles cannot travel here.

"Chichi." Xiaogu twisted on Lu Meng's shoulder and changed into a more comfortable position.

Lu Meng held it up and looked at his panel:

[Name: Lu Beiyou (Lu Meng)

Race: Human (Scorched Earth Sons)

Basic attributes: Strength 41, Speed ​​36, Toughness 32, Constitution 40, Perception 37

Actual combat level: 46 (Martial Arts Master)

Melee Skills: Machete 35 (Mastery)

Ranged skills: Crossbow 22 (skilled)

Life skills: Engineering 2 (entry level), Lockpicking 20 (proficient), Master 24 (proficient), Stealth 30 (proficient)

Medical 28 (skilled), Culinary 19 (basic), Bow and Crossbow Manufacturing 8 (entry level)

Permissions: C

Effective module (2/2): experience bonus (5 times), liquid drinkable]

His ability to carry small bones and packages relies on his [Strength] and [Physique] which have exceeded 40 points. At the beginning, I had conceived the idea that in the absence of suitable transportation, I could bring more supplies by improving my physical fitness.

Of course, the situation now is much better than expected at the time.

Lu Meng didn't intend to just carry Xiaogu all the way. They could take turns in the middle. Although the bone dog's weight-bearing capacity is not as good as that of professional beasts of burden, the backpack is already filled with a large amount of dry food and water bags. As long as it can exceed Xiaogu's own needs, it is a good deal.

In addition, such actions can also help Lu Meng continue to improve his attributes during the journey. At his level, ordinary training can no longer meet the required stimulation intensity.

Lu Meng's thief's backpack was also hidden on his body, but most of it was filled with coins.

In addition to the more than 50,000 Kai coins he originally saved, what others didn't know was that he also got the funds that He Falcon brought with him when he fled.

This is purely Lu Meng's personal trophy.

The total of Ling and Ling totals more than 200,000.

He Falcon was very thoughtful when escaping. He prepared large-denomination coins with a face value of 500, so even with such a large amount of money, it was not an extra burden in terms of weight.

Lu Meng flipped his wrist, and an open coin was clamped on his fingertips, shining brightly in the scorching sun.

It’s the feeling of counting money.

It is different from other denominations of coins.

The 500 face value coin has a pattern printed on the back of the number.

This is a silhouette of a robot, with its head lowered, as if overlooking his empire.

——The Skeleton Emperor.

The carved image is full of majesty, but looking at it now, it always makes people feel that it is already the afterglow of the setting sun.

Because of the mechanical design, coins of this denomination are banned from circulation in the Holy Kingdom. The priests claimed that this was a counterfeit coin secretly minted by Narco's minions and used to plunder the people's wealth.

Anyone who uses such coins in the Holy Kingdom will be regarded as heresy.

However, Lu Meng knew.

The Holy Kingdom’s statement is completely self-deception.

In today's world, no force has the ability to mint new coins.

The 500 denomination coins use exactly the same process as other coins, but they are minted relatively later. It was already at the end of the previous civilization when it was born. These coins have not been worn for countless years and are difficult to recast.

For this reason, there is almost no need to worry about the problem of counterfeit coins when using open coins.

In the ever-changing wasteland, there is such a thing that can remain "eternal". You can imagine how much trust they can gain from everyone.

To a certain extent, Kaicoin is like precious metals, an absolute general equivalent and a non-renewable resource. In addition to those circulating in the market, only in some ruins can one still dig out whole boxes of ancient coins, which is also the goal of many adventurers.

It feels like a "gold rush".

Because the Holy Kingdom does not use this kind of opening coins, the highest denomination of the opening coins collected by Fangshi before was 200. However, all open coins are acceptable in other areas, so He Falcon naturally chose the larger 500 open coins for easy portability.

It was actually cheaper for Lu Meng.

As for other changes on the panel, they are mainly about the improvement of skill levels.

His [Machete], [Mighty Hand] and [Stealth], because of their "foundation" bonus, improve much faster than other skills. Two of them have already reached the level of "mastery", and they are also currently Several abilities that helped Lu Meng the most.

But Lou Yuan's stealth ability also made Lu Meng realize something firsthand——

There are all kinds of strange people and groups in this world. They may not have too many complex abilities, but they are particularly outstanding in certain projects and can produce unexpected results.

Just like the Black Dragon Ninjas, they must be more professional in assassination than I am now.

Even if he is not strong enough to fight head-on, he may still be a threat to him secretly.

Hard to guard against.

——Since you can't defend yourself, join them.

A bodyguard who knows all the assassination techniques must have been familiar with this before, and vice versa.

Compared with the above three skills, the others can only be improved step by step.

[Forging] on Lu Meng's panel changed to [Crossbow Manufacturing], and it was also upgraded to level 8.

This is Lei Bai's contribution. Lu Meng said that letting him be a teacher was not a joke.

You have to teach me something.

The crossbow is a way for ordinary people to quickly arm themselves with combat effectiveness.

If you want to develop your own independent force in the future, crossbow production technology is essential.

Now, Lu Meng estimated that he could only make some of the lowest-level "scrap crossbows" and "toothpick crossbows"... He still needed more practice.

Time is limited, so it’s enough to get started.

You must know that Wei Hong, a "personal" disciple, studied with the teacher every day, and it took him a year to get started.

This made Lei Bai look at Wei Hong strangely.

He thought he was satisfied before...it turned out that he just hadn't encountered a better choice yet.

However, this is also due to Lu Meng's preliminary understanding of forging technology through reading ancient science books. Once you have this foundation, it will be easy to get started.

In addition to making crossbows, forging skills can also be subdivided into "weapon forging", "armor craftsman" and other directions. The same is true.

However, being able to make a strong crossbow does not mean that it can be used perfectly.

Lu Meng's [Crossbow] has just reached the "proficient" level. This is just by the way when he is practicing his [Perception] ability.

When doing this kind of practice, he would aim the crossbow but not fire it, maintaining his posture and concentration, maybe for an hour or two.

The most accurate time to shoot an arrow is to pull the trigger as soon as you aim. This is not difficult for Lu Meng now.

However, when the level is fixed, blindly increasing the aiming time will cause distracting thoughts in the shooter's mind and the movement may be deformed.

This is grueling and takes a lot of mental and physical energy.

The advantage is the rapid increase in the [Perception] attribute.

For example, Lu Meng could now distinguish a strange sound from the sound of wind and sand.

It's the growl of someone's stomach in the queue.

Judging from the direction of the voice, it should be the little Salik girl who came to see him.

He withdraws his attention, remains vigilant, and extracts the more useful bits from the noisy information.


Infected by other people's reactions, Lu Meng also felt a sense of hunger in his belly.

He was also carrying small bones, which took a lot of physical strength.

But it's not time to rest yet.

He took out a bottle of wine from his waist, unscrewed the cap with one hand, and took a sip.

The wine entered his stomach and turned into warmth.

Lu Meng's strength instantly increased a little, and his hunger also eased.

With the "liquid drinkable" module, Lu Meng actually needs to carry far less food supplies than others, because alcohol contains much more energy density than ordinary food, second only to fat.

It can be said that Lu Meng with strong liquor is like a camel with a hump.

Amazing endurance.

However, substituting wine for food is only an emergency measure.

Don’t mention the issue of nutritional balance.

Just from the price point of view, the drinks are too expensive.

Even Lu Meng now doesn't dare to spend so much money in daily life.

Others drink for pleasure, but you use it to fill your stomach. How can there be such a reason...

We’ll talk about it later when we have more money.

However, this scene was also seen by others in the team.

The technology hunter guarding the end of the team frowned.

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