Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 128 Dedication (Complete Chapter)

"This road is blocked."

Under the night, someone whispered.

They had traveled more than half the distance, and further ahead was the boundary of the Kingdom of Shake.

Although it is still desolate, the plundering phenomenon of various bandits will be reduced a lot, and the traffic will almost be unimpeded.


At this juncture, everyone's progress was blocked.

They finally met the Fog Man.

Although Lu Meng had tried his best to avoid their tracks when leading the way, the junction between the Shark Kingdom and the Border Land was also the junction between them and the first Hive Village.

There used to be thousands of hive people in there.

The group of people inevitably ran into a wandering fog man settlement, but they reacted in time and everyone hid behind the large rubble of the mound, so they were not discovered.

Lu Meng's men were holding down a blue humanoid creature. It was thin, shriveled, and trembling slightly, but there was no unnecessary reaction.

This stray fog man had been strangled to death on the ground by him.

In addition, there were several corpses of fog men who were captured and killed by the team after accidentally discovering their whereabouts.

There are still heavy fog people in the settlement ahead.


The Queen of the Hive Clan can control her people through pheromones and other means, and the leader of the Fog Man Settlement also has similar abilities.

A heavy fog man can originally lead a fog man team independently. If you want to knead multiple heavy fog men together, you need a higher level fog man to suppress them.

——Prince of the Fog Man.

The predecessor of the Mist Prince was the Hive Prince.

The princes of the Hive Tribe are a unique existence within the Hive Tribe. They have their own independent thinking and are smarter. The Queen cannot forcibly control them. The princes only serve the Queen because of family affection and loyalty.

They are the directors of actual affairs in the hive tribe, the organizers of the tribe, and the traders for external communication and trade... But after becoming fog-human, everything changed.

They become the most bloodthirsty demons.

As long as the Prince of Fog appears, ordinary Fog and heavy Fog people will obey its orders unconditionally and hunt creatures crazily to pay tribute to him. Sufficient food allows Prince Mist to grow in strength without any upper limit.

"What should I do?" Yu Ke asked quietly, "A detour?"

After Lu Meng's education, he no longer had any illusions about the "Glory Lantern".

It was still late at night, and they had never lit a fire in the dark.

"Kill out...I'm just kidding." This was Tei's voice. "Lona and I have never had contact with Kiri people. We only listened to chats from seniors who have been to Kirishima. In addition to teaming up and using force to force There is no other good way to break through.”

Just don't consider the potential Prince of the Mist.

The current fog people settlement is not something that this team can deal with head on.

The three strongest people among them are Lu Meng, Te Yi and Gu Fang. Each of them has no problem holding back or solving a Heavy Fog Man alone.

But the remaining people will be surrounded by a steady stream of ordinary fog people, and a heavy fog person will lead them.

Not to mention a frontal breakthrough, even exposing yourself in front of them is an act that will lead to death.

"There can be no detours," Lu Meng said, "Tonight is the best time to break out."

“Unlike the hub station, this place is close to the hive village, and even during the day, there may be large-scale activities of fog people spreading out.

“The main way fog people find prey is by sight, and their field of vision is much wider during the day anyway.

"If we delay and we are not able to go out at dawn, there will be no cover in this vast wilderness."

Gu Fang, who had been silent before, raised questions: "But we are the same, and we can't turn on the lights. In the dark, our visual ability is not as good as that of the Fog Man. Even if we can avoid the group in front, we may bump into new ones next time." , it was too late to discover."'

After getting along with each other for so many days, everyone has a clearer understanding of Lu Meng.

Understand that although he can lead everyone to avoid most dangers, it is only because Lu Meng knows the scope of activities of those dangerous creatures and forces, and can choose the relatively safest route in the overlapping gaps.

Now they will inevitably pass through an area where the Fog Men are plundering. There are too many variables, and no one has enough magical power to predict where the Fog Men will appear.

"Of course we don't just rush in." Lu Meng drew a simple diagram on the sand, "Someone needs to lead them away."

"Ultimately, the Fog Men are still creatures without any intelligence. It doesn't take any strategy to get rid of them. We just need to make enough noise in the opposite direction from us."

"Lead them away?" Salik suddenly interrupted, "Then you need to have one person leave the team to attract the fog people alone, and then have to get rid of the large group of fog people alone and get back through them... Wait, you don't want to do it yourself Go?"

She was a little shocked and moved, but it was still too dangerous.

Lu Meng: "I..."

"Brother Lu, I understand what you mean, but this matter needs to be carefully considered," Yu Ke also reacted and quickly persuaded: "Why don't we take a detour, even if we may be discovered by the fog man after dawn, at least we There are so many people who can face it together.”

"Don't look at me, I won't go. Our relationship is just an ordinary employment relationship. We haven't reached the point of risking our lives." Te Yi said, "It's just Lu Beiyou. I advise you not to go either. I don't want anything to happen to my employer." ."

Compared with when he first set out, Te Yi speaks more straightforwardly now, and he is much more familiar with everyone.

Lorna: "You're right, there's no need to risk your life now."

"Or you can teach me what you said last time, how to attract male pikas through the urine of female pikas."

she added.

Huo Buyang also came up and whispered: "Brother Lu, why not let me go."

He knew Lu Meng's abilities better than anyone else.

After attracting a large group of fog people, you not only need to protect yourself, but also have a strong ability to sneak and hide in order to escape and catch up with everyone.

No one is more suitable than Lu Meng.

But it's still dangerous.

Fortunately, after a long period of training, Huo Buyang himself also learned a lot of skills from Brother Lu. His ability to protect himself and stealth was not bad at all, and he could barely complete such a plan.

more importantly.

Huo Buyang thought a lot more.

If Lu Meng encountered an accident in his plan to attract the Fog Man, it would be difficult for him and his mother to survive in the dangerous environment in the future.

The attitudes of others in the team may also change.

On the contrary, if he went to attract Fog Man by himself, even if he had an accident, Brother Lu would still be able to take care of his mother.


Even if he can't come back, the plan can still go smoothly.

It doesn't matter whether the bait is alive or dead.

Therefore, I am more suitable to bear this risk on behalf of Brother Lu.

"You all wait for me."


Lu Meng pinched Xiaogu's mouth to prevent his voice from coming out.

"I didn't say I was going."

Why did everyone acquiesce that it was me?

A group of people persuaded him like a string of beads, leaving him no chance to refute.

Although this was also an affirmation of his ability, Lu Meng was still a little bit dumbfounded.

Did I take such good care of you along the way that you have the illusion that I have such a high level of dedication?

He silently reflected on his image in the eyes of others.

"Let's go," Lu Meng raised Wu Ren's body and called, "Come together."

What, go together?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Late at night.

Uncle Gen grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground and crushed it in his palms.

He lowered his head and smelled the scent in his palm.

There is a rotten smell.

Although it is still very dry, according to his experience, the soil fertility here has gradually improved.

Just needing to divert water for irrigation, you can create a decent farmland.

Unfortunately, no one could organize a team to dig ditches and clear the wasteland.

"Almost successful," he said to himself.

Facts have proved that his choice was correct.

The hungry bandits followed the adventurers in front of them and were about to reach the boundary of the Kingdom of Shake.


The adventurers made fires to cook from time to time, and each time they would leave a lot of leftovers - this was life-saving straw for the hungry people, helping many of them persevere.

Some hungry people who were still relatively healthy even regained some strength.

It’s just that the frequency of eating increased, which took up a lot of time.

Gradually, the hungry bandits could no longer see the adventurer's back.

Regarding this, Uncle Gen seemed to have a hint of understanding in his heart.

Those scraps seemed to have been left behind by those people on purpose.

Forget it once or twice. Each time you leave these leftovers, it may attract other carnivores.

Unless they know hungry bandits are following and will take care of them.

Now the distance between the two sides is widened and they do not interfere with each other.

People like myself can also follow them from a distance through the leftovers every day, so as not to be left too far behind.

——Maybe this is the kindness they released?

Uncle Gen was a little unsure.

But he now has great confidence in bringing the hungry people out of trouble.

"Everyone, let's take a rest first."

Uncle Gen gave the order habitually.

The second half of the night is also the time for the adventurers to rest, so it is not a good time to catch up. This is the tacit understanding between them.

In the wilderness, two groups of people who don't know each other are better off not meeting each other.

The hungry people sat down in scattered places.


But more than half of the people were still standing.

"What's wrong with you?" Yan'er on the side said, "Everyone, have a good rest. We have to rush tomorrow."

"Uncle Gen, keep walking."

Wang Ji was among them. He ignored Yan'er and didn't look at Uncle Gen. He just said something silently.

As if they had received a signal, the remaining hungry people took steps again and moved forward.

Uncle Gen's expression changed: "What do you want to do!"

This is a precursor to mutiny.

He quickly stepped forward and told everyone his plan again.

"...We will be arriving at the Shaq Kingdom soon!"

"To the Shaq Kingdom?" Wang Ji sneered, "What can we do when we arrive? Why don't we go farming..."

"Didn't we escape just because we couldn't survive farming?"

"But, but...what can we do if we don't farm?" Sensing that something was wrong, Yan'er slowly retreated to her father's side.

"Of course I'm doing things that bandits should do." Wang Ji patted the hatchet on his waist.

Although it is not a regular weapon, it can still kill people.

"Uncle Gen, what do you think? Do you want to join us?" Wang Ji looked at Uncle Gen, his eyes a little crazy, "Let's rob the group in front first, and then go to King Sha. We don't have to think about what to plant in the future. The land is over, let’s go directly to rob those farms, just like they did to us!”

"I will never be hungry again!"

A group of hungry people also showed their weapons.


"Wait Wang Ji, I remember you weren't like this before!"

Uncle Gen saw that Wang Ji was probably the organizer of the mutiny and that the situation was completely out of control, but he still wanted to restore it.

"Dongzi! Where is Dongzi? He is your good brother. He is such an honest and trustworthy person. Are you going to take him with you to become a bandit?"

"Dongzi..." Wang Ji fell silent.

Just when Uncle Gen thought there was something going on, Wang Ji took out something from his pocket.

"Dongzi is here."

That's a palm.

There is also...

Traces of gnawing.

"He starved to death last night." Wang Ji's voice was cold, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"Dongzi will be with me... I know those people are very strong. If they don't have enough to eat, everyone will have no strength."

Yan'er shrank in her father's arms in fear.

She remembered the curse.

Uncle Gen was silent.

This is indeed his problem.

Although the situation has improved these days, the problem has not been fundamentally solved after all, and people are still starving to death every day.

He wishfully believed that all hungry people were like him and wanted to go to the Shaker Kingdom to live a stable life again.

Not everyone can withstand the temptation of having "prey" right in front of them.

They are hungry bandits and are not good people to begin with.

"What do you want to do with us?"

He knew that no matter what he said now, it would be useless.

"If you don't want to leave, just hand over the food." Wang Ji said, "The same goes for everyone else."

Uncle Gen obediently placed the bag on the ground and quietly stepped aside with his daughter.

Most of the unsuspecting hungry people witnessed this scene and hesitantly joined Wang Ji's side.

The remaining dozen or so people did not want to fight against Wang Ji, but they felt that they had little strength, and even if they were to become bandits, they would be destined to be cannon fodder.

They have given up hope of living.

Many hungry bandits looked at Uncle Gen and his daughter who had given up resistance and were a little ready to make a move, but they still did not dare to step forward.

They relied on the strength of their numbers to successfully drive back the original leader. Now Uncle Gen has no food on his body. If he really kills him, he may be taken away by a counterattack. No one wants to be the leader without profit.

Seeing that everyone was almost aligned, Wang Ji raised his arms and shouted:

"Hurry up and set off, those people must be resting, now is a good time!"

"Grab something to eat!"

The hungry bandits who had made their decision no longer hesitated, and they rushed forward with a roar.

Everyone's eyes seemed to glow green.

Everyone remembers how tempting those scents were wafting in the air.


This scent doesn't seem to exist only in their memories.

But actually floating in the air.

Wang Ji took a breath of this delicious air.

The burning aroma filled his lungs.

"I didn't expect that it would be so late and they would still be cooking." He said sadly, "They really have too much food to finish."

Right now, the food is all theirs!

Just ahead!

Not long after.

The hungry bandits divided into four groups and surrounded the adventurers' camp from a distance.

Figures of people swaying in the tent.

The faint firelight inside looked so dazzling in the dark night, and the fragrance was still emitting.

It tickles everyone's taste buds.

In the distance, where the hungry bandits couldn't notice, there was a little fluorescent light swaying in the wind.

"Dad, what should we do now..." Yan'er asked weakly.

They were left behind by the hungry bandits and were now destitute.

Uncle Gen looked at the dozen hungry people who were still in the same place and sighed.

"Keep walking...avoid them."

"We have to keep going south!"

"Success, let's go."

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