Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 161 The right to fight

They found out that this white-haired young man's name was Lu Beiyou.

Knowing that, he also agreed with the concept that humans should help each other when they are in a foreign land.

But after actually getting along with each other, it can be felt that Lu Beiyou is not very attached to the mutual aid organization they established in private, and he has no objection to the way people like him tolerated and catered to the hornless gangsters.

Indeed, if they join forces, plus some other Shaq townspeople who have suffered greatly, they may not have the opportunity to petition the guards to improve the security here and force the gangsters to leave.

It's just that Huang Bang has lived in Sikun Town for a longer time, and he clearly knows that if they want to live a stable life as a foreign race, it is best to be more cautious and not mess with even the lowest-level hornless people in the Shake tribe.

There is no doubt that this will increase their arrogance, but as long as it does not burn themselves, there is no need to meddle in other people's business.

Being more submissive and saying less and doing less can effectively reduce the sense of presence and reduce the probability that they will find you.

What's more, because the Hornless People's camp was next door, Huang Bang's house and rent were greatly discounted.

In their opinion, Lu Beiyou's approach had good results, but it was a bit radical.

However, what the white-haired young man did next once again broke Huang Bang's cognition.

——Later duel in the street.

Wandering warriors are not comparable to hornless rogues.

Huang Bang had always stayed away from them in duels before, let alone actively provoke those thugs. Why would he ask others to challenge him?

It's a pity that this time it's at the door of my house, and I can't even hide.

Just didn't expect it.

The final winner was actually his neighbor.

A human being.

And they are even more brutal than the Shaq warriors.

Forget about the last hit, he still whips the corpse.

The scene was so bloody that just a peek at it made Huang Bang vomit on the spot in the room, and then he went on a vegetarian diet for a week...even though he couldn't afford meat in the first place.

Only then did Huang Bang know what this white-haired young man who usually held a sledgehammer would look like once he held a knife.

He felt that the other person and himself were no longer the same creature.

There might be some beast or something hidden under that clean skin.

Because the difference was too great, Huang Bang's attitude towards Lu Beiyou skipped the "appreciation and wooing" stage and directly turned into "fear".

I used to worry that he would cause trouble.

Now it seems that this man may be the trouble itself.

Immediately afterwards, Sikun Town issued a large-scale recruitment order, which diverted Huang Bang's attention. He knew that many people had applied.

Many people who have some strength hope to get some benefits from it and look forward to improving their status after returning home.

Especially handymen, apprentices, beggars, vagrants... there are many human beings among them.

When he looked out from the rooftop, he saw many familiar people.

If Huang Bang hadn't broken his hand before setting off, he might have been among the traveling team at this time.

Especially when he saw the mighty appearance of the Shaq soldiers in front, he was even more envious.

The enemies are just bandits.

In the past, when they stormed the city gate, they didn't even have to work the forts and crossbowmen. They could just rely on a few guards to step forward and solve the problem.

Such a good opportunity, but I can only watch.

From this point of view, Huang Bang feels that his perception has indeed been changed by Lu Beiyou - sometimes when you encounter an opportunity, you should go up and fight for it.

For example, if it were Lu Beiyou, he would definitely be in the army at this time, carrying that fierce machete on his back.

Such vicious people should stay on the battlefield.

Rather than being a neighbor to yourself.

Unexpectedly, when I looked back, I saw that the other person was on the rooftop opposite, saying hello.

Huang Bang was suddenly confused.

I even forgot how to get downstairs.

This expedition, together with the soldiers participating in the war and various chaotic logistics personnel, has almost evacuated half of the town.

This makes Scone, which has a relatively small population, become even more empty and deserted.

The guards at the city gate have not been reduced, and the Shaq men still perform their duties. But they were vaguely envious in their hearts, feeling that the joints on their bodies were as rusty as the axes in their hands.

And in the corner that no one noticed, there were several figures silently watching the army's retreating figures.


The dust raised by the crowd has gradually dispersed.

"Why, are you still unwilling?" A man said in a low voice, "I told them they wouldn't accept you."

"...But it's not my fault."

The man who had been looking at the city gate turned around. It was a Shaq man shrouded in a robe.

Judging from the voice, she is still a woman.

"That was indeed a battle in which one should die with honor, and I was already prepared to die..." she sighed, "but that spear failed to kill me, I just fainted."

"When I woke up again, it turned out that I had become a deserter pretending to be dead."

"A...coward who is just surviving!"

"The rules are like this," the man said to comfort, "Maybe the commander thinks there is nothing wrong with you, so he just cut off a small part of your horn. This way, at least it is less obvious. Compared to us, you can still live a normal life. ."

He paused: "But why would you bother to find them again."

"Now, you don't even have the last corner left -"


He called out the former female warrior's name.

It can be seen that the robe covers Luka's body, but the shape of the horns is no longer highlighted.

From the top of the head to the upper body, where there should have been bone horns, there are now traces of blood seeping from the linen.

This female warrior of the Shark tribe violated the regulations, carried weapons without permission, and even dreamed of rejoining the army... Therefore, she was executed again, all her horns were removed, and she became a hornless person.

"Even flatskins and bugs can apply, but I can't..."

"Besides fighting, what else can I do?" Luka ignored the pain all over his body and said calmly:

"Only by constantly fighting, living like a warrior, and finally dying in the battle, can we reach the other side where honey and water flow, and live a happy and peaceful life."

Some people couldn't help but repeat after her in a low voice.

The man nodded: "This is Krall's teaching."

This rhetoric has been circulating for thousands of years, and all Shaq warriors believe it.

The purpose of fighting is of course for happiness, but the continuous war has not made the world a better place, nor has it made the Sharks better.

This shows what?

It can only mean that the happiness obtained in battle is not in this world, but in the next life; since happiness cannot appear in this world, then of course the dead warriors went to the Hall of Valor that transcends this world.

Kral himself has lived out his beliefs.

For fighting, the Sharks are actually as fanatical as religious believers.

After all, this is the only way they can redeem themselves in this world.

"It's a pity about that sword." Luka recalled her experience of passing by the unknown small shop unintentionally.

It was a really good flat sword. Although the grade was not too high, it could be seen from the traces of maintenance and polishing on it that the craftsman who made it must have cherished it.

This kind of "caring" does not mean shelving it and protecting it.

Rather, every point of processing is to maximize its value and allow the weapon to play its original role.

——Fight and kill.

Luka didn't know blacksmithing, but she knew how to kill, so she also understood the craftsman's intentions.

From this, he became interested in that master and wanted to meet him.

What's his name?

--never mind.

Anyway, the flat sword was also confiscated by Officer Shaq who was responsible for the execution, and it might have been auctioned off.

But I have no money and no qualifications to pick it up again.

"Fighting is a right," she murmured, "and I have been deprived of that right."


The man who spoke first interrupted her.

"Don't you understand yet? We didn't come to you to see your jokes."

As he spoke, he took off the hood on his head.

It was a horn that was cut off at the root.

With this action, everyone present took off their hats or untied their turbans.

Their horns may be long or short, but they are all truncated.

The Shaq with broken horns opened the corner of his clothes, revealing the long knife at his waist.

He held out his hand to Luca.

"No one can take away our rights!"

The sound breaks gold and stone, just like an oath.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish you all happiness and a bright future——

It's the end of the month. Thank you for everyone's vote and support. The author's background news has been maxed out.

Also, if you have any expectations about the direction of the plot or what you want to read, you can also say it in the chapter review or book review, so that the author can steal some inspiration...

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