‘Don’t make a sound! ’

Yazan quickly signaled to his two men, fearing that they would agree immediately without thinking.

This person came in a weird way, he was probably trying to scam them.

If a collaborator arranged to rescue them, it would be impossible not to know which prison they were being held in.

The three members of Krall's Choice quietly withdrew from the iron bars, shrank to the inside of the prison, and hid in the corner.

The environment was dim and the air was dirty, and they could only vaguely see a dark figure approaching.

"Are you Krall's brother? No, what about you?"

The man asked from prison to prison.

Yazan couldn't help but feel speechless. Whether he was here to deceive or really come to save them, why would he ask this question?

Even he, a Shaq guy, felt stupid.

Most of the prisoners who were questioned remained silent, and they did not know the origins and intentions of the other party.

"I am, I am, I am Krall's brother!"

When the shadow walked outside the prison where Krall's Choice was located, a hornless prisoner beside Yazan suddenly shouted.

"Brother! You are finally here. I have waited so hard for you..." He burst into tears, "Please take me away quickly."

Living with a few ruthless people in Yazan, not only being beaten every day, but also having his meager food taken away from him, this hornless man was already miserable.

He obviously didn't commit any serious crime, but his life every day felt like he was being punished. If he stayed there any longer, he would be close to death.

No matter who the other party is, I just want to take him out quickly and save myself from the sea of ​​suffering.

Yazan screamed inwardly, but it was too late to shut up the hornless man. This would definitely attract the attention of the black shadow.

He probably also knew the reason why the other party pretended to be Kraal's choice, and he only regretted that he should be more restrained.

But it was also his first time in prison, so he had little experience. As a Shark and a warrior, Yazan was starving so fast that he couldn't stand it anymore, so he left no room for anything.

"Hmm - are you?" The shadow stopped and said, "Brother, come here and let me take a look."

The Hornless Man happily stepped forward and held the railing.

The black shadow glanced over his head, and suddenly slapped him, knocking him to the ground.

"What is it! You, a hornless man, are you worthy of being our brother?"

The shadow cursed.

Yazan's heart moved.

Outsiders actually know very little about Krall's Choice, and even their collaborator only has a rough impression of them.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these people are followers of the previous king, and they should also have land under their own management, right? At least they will be like the bandits who dominate the mountains and keep civilian slaves in captivity to work and produce, right?

Little did they know that after years of refinement and purification, under the leadership of Boss Fei Niu, Krall's Choice had almost returned to the purest and most perfect state in their minds when the Sharks were born - the plundering tribe.

They will allow the Hornless and Hornless people to form villages to rely on them, but the management method is not to collect taxes, but to launch robberies regularly to ensure the fighting spirit of Krall's Choice.

They called it the "Crown War."

They want to protect the last honor of the Sharks.

Every Kral's Choice is a true Shaq warrior, and there can be no hornless or hornless man in the mix.

The words and attitude of this dark figure actually increased his credibility.

But Yazan still didn't respond.

With the example of the Hornless Man being taught a lesson, no one dared to talk to him rashly anymore. The black shadow asked around, and there was only silence waiting for him.

"Oh, it doesn't seem to be on this level." The shadow sighed in disappointment: "The Broken Horns have captured the prison tower, and it won't be long before they start cleaning this sinful place."

So that's it. Yazan thought of the sounds of fighting he heard.

"Most of you are lucky. They might give you a chance and choose to join them."

Most of the prisoners held here are hornless or hornless people.

The shadow looked around the prison, his tone full of worry: "Pity my brothers, those disobedient people will definitely kill them because they are envious of their horns."

Several Krall's Choices looked at each other, held each other's hands, and encouraged each other.

From the day they set out, they knew the dangers of this trip and were prepared to die.

Yazan decided to fight to the death and died fighting, dying as a glorious warrior.

In this way, he can ascend to the Hall of Valor, meet the legendary Krall and the respected Shagar, and then fight with the seventy-two female warriors all day long, and live a happy life.

"However," Black Shadow hesitated for a moment: "The Broken Horns are short of manpower. If they want to force my brother to join..."

"Maybe we'll cut off their horns."

Yazan's heartbeat suddenly stopped.

He seemed to be able to imagine his body as naked as a flat-skinned man.

At that time, his former colleagues and brothers will also abandon him.

Even if he reaches the world after death, the two great warriors will only look at him with contempt, and the female warriors will step on him with their big feet in disgust until he falls from the Hall of Valor...

He had been fighting for his whole life, and all his efforts were about to be ruined.

Yazan felt like he could hardly breathe.

"Alas, my poor brother." The shadow finally sighed.

Several of Krall's Choices couldn't help but tremble.

"As for you," the shadow looked around the prison and sneered: "You know too much, you can't stay!"

He suddenly took out a bottle and smashed it to the ground.

Even though the air in the prison was so filthy, the strong smell of alcohol still spread, showing how strong the alcohol was.

The shadow then grabbed the oil lamp on the guard's desk and walked back.

Everyone guessed what he was going to do.

The floor of the prison was covered with thick layers of hay, soaked with fuel. Once set alight, everyone would be roasted alive.

The fire could even spread to the upper floors, or even to the entire prison tower.

Just because I listened to him a few more words, I was going to burn the tower down.

This is just crazy.


"Master, please!"

"I'll help you find something Clara!"

The prisoners rushed to the bars one after another, stretching out their hands and grabbing everywhere, crying and begging.

The black shadow was agile and could easily avoid various obstacles without much movement of the lamp flame in his hand.

He held the lamp at his waist and pretended to pour it over.

That wisp of beating flame will soon jump to the ground, turn into a raging fire, and burn this place clean.

"Stop!" Yazan suddenly said.

"A hundred swords pierce the heart——"

He pondered as he stepped forward.

The black shadow was stunned for a moment, then immediately answered: "——I will not regret it even if I die."

This tells the story of the death of the legendary warrior Krall. He climbed to the top of the mountain and faced a hundred swordsmen alone. In the end, he was wounded by the sword, fell off the cliff, and went to another world.

This story is familiar to all in the Kingdom of Shaq, but only Krall's Choice extracted an inscription from it as a code for internal identification.

Yazan was relieved: "Brother, you are here."

——The reason that prompted him to take action was not the secret code or the arson of the shadows.

The moment the black shadow picked up the oil lamp, Yazan suddenly saw clearly.

There is a nameplate hanging on the side of this man's waist.

It was a roughly polished stoneware hanging with a pair of horns drawn on it, one of which was broken.

This is the true symbol of their Kraal's Choice, and ordinary members are not even qualified to wear it.

People who can have such a nameplate, even if they are not senior members, are collaborators worthy of being valued by Krall's Choice, such as the one who helped them in Scone Town this time.

Even the prison tower was captured, probably due to the unrest in Scone, so that the collaborators in the city no longer had time to take care of themselves and others.

For the time being, only this careless but honest brother can help them escape.

He not only understands the internal rules of Kraal's Choice, but also carries the nameplate and the code.

His words were even more biased toward his brothers.

Such a person is not Kral's choice, so who else can be Kral's choice?

"I'm coming." The shadow also responded.

He blew out the oil lamp to avoid accidentally setting it on fire.

Then walked towards Yazan.

A Yuan and another companion also came forward.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up, and silver light flashed down.

The sword penetrated Yazan's body fiercely.

The Shaq leader only had time to see the tip of the sword clearly, and subconsciously ducked sideways to avoid the vital point, so that he would not be killed on the spot.

But blood was already spraying out from the wound.

He looked at his "brother" in surprise.

The black shadow also met Yazan's gaze.

Under the hood, Lu Meng smiled: "Finally I found you."

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