Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 210 You are crazy (Chapter 1)

The figures dispersed and the noise subsided.

At Ada's invitation as a host, the new fighters went to the bar to party and prepare to stay up all night.

After becoming soldiers, orders such as curfew are in name only for them. If they are interrogated by guards, they will chat a few words about home affairs and at most buy a glass of water and wine, and they will let each other go gently, and the host and guest will enjoy themselves.

In order to ensure that the players are in the best condition, the next duel will start one month later.

In this way, they can still seize the opportunity whether they are recovering from injuries or continuing to improve their martial arts.

The night is dark.

There was silence in the Thunder Arena, except for the sound of the cowhide on the roof turning under the strong wind.

After just one night away from the fighting duel, this place seemed abandoned.

But some people haven't left yet.

"Did you see anything?" Bayan asked softly.

"Those young men you mean?" Tie Luo frowned, "Yamin should be the one with the most potential."

"You are much more professional than me in this aspect." Bayan did not refute.

The light was dim, and the thin Hornless man and the burly Shaq stood side by side on the competition stage.

If it weren't for the heavy armor covered under Tie Luo's cloak, they would have looked like thieves sneaking into the arena.

"I saw the shadows of several colleagues in him... maybe he is one of their students." Tie Luo thought, "But it's not too obvious."

The ‘colleagues’ Tie Luo refers to, of course, refer to the other members of the five people.

But what he was really thinking about was why Bayan should pay attention to this competition.

Tie Luo knew this friend very well. If he had any plans, he would definitely not reveal them midway.

In Bayan's own words, it is like making wine. If the wine is opened in advance and the wine is deflated, no matter how good the base and the wine are, the whole jar of wine will still be wasted.


It's also possible that even if Bayan opened his mouth, he couldn't find anyone with whom he could discuss it.

Tie Luo knew that he couldn't do it either.

He could only help as much as possible.

At the warrior's conferment ceremony, Tieluo appeared once according to Bayan's instructions, just to take the opportunity to test the reaction of the new warriors.

If that Yamin is really a student of the Five People, it is impossible for him not to recognize himself.

However, he acted like a true country boy, probably without any access to Shaq's top brass.

This made Tie Luo feel like he was showing off to a blind man.

"There is one thing I want to remind you." Tie Luo hesitated.

If Bayan wants to select talented young people and cultivate his own confidants through the Thunder Arena, then this matter must be mentioned.

"——The kid named Yamin has the potential of a berserker." He said slowly:

"I suspect that he has even gone crazy."

The Berserker thing is no secret among Shaq's top brass.

After years of war, they have already discovered that some Shaq warriors will suddenly go berserk when they are about to die, becoming extremely powerful and invincible, but at the same time they lose their reason and become murderous.

Among them, there are very few warriors who can withstand the backlash of life overdraft and regain their sanity after going berserk.

These warriors are considered to have been blessed and personally taught by Krall. They will be organized into a special unit and used to deploy on the most difficult battlefields, often able to easily break through the enemy's defense lines.

However, the probability of these warriors going berserk again is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Once they go berserk when fighting with friendly forces, they will also disobey orders and not distinguish between friend and foe. Sometimes even if they win, more compatriots will die at the hands of berserker warriors than the enemy.

——In the past, the troops composed of berserkers were also called "Vendetta Team".

What is most suitable for them is a battlefield where there is a huge disparity between the enemy and ourselves, and there is no return. The commanders do not expect anyone to come back alive.

Paying such a heavy price to launch an attack, such battles are often for revenge.

Tie Luo looked at Bayan with a hint of worry in his eyes.

Berserker is a sensitive topic, especially for Bayan.

Today, there is no official Vendetta team in the Shaq Kingdom. However, just a dozen years ago, the Vendetta team almost became the main force of the kingdom.

That was under the previous king Shagar.

The news circulating now is that Shagar wants to plan a suicide attack on the Holy Kingdom.

He wants to condense the glory of the Shaq clan in one battle in his last days.

Even if everyone dies in battle.

However, the public does not know the details of the so-called "suicide attack".

Even Shagar knew that because of the huge gap in military strength, even if the entire Shaq army was wiped out, it might not cause much damage to the Holy Kingdom.

——Such expected results cannot extinguish the fire of revenge in the old king's heart.

So Shagar came up with a way:

He wants to transform all Shaqs into berserkers.

Shagar was the king and the most powerful warrior of his time. In his eyes, even the most determined Shaq warriors would sometimes become cowardly and retreat; even if all the horns of the deserters were cut off, they would not be able to stop the swarm of swarms from retreating when they were defeated.

However, Berserker does not have this problem.

Each of them can truly die in a hundred battles just like Kral taught.

They are the ideal warriors the kingdom needs.

And if you want to transform the Sharks into berserkers, that's very simple.

As long as they are brought to the verge of death, warriors with the potential to become mad will naturally emerge and be resurrected successfully.

Even if the vast majority of Shaks will die in this process, there will still be enough Berserkers born in the end, and their combat effectiveness will be enough to make up for the losses.

——Anyway, even if it is an ordinary suicide attack, they will die.

Might as well become stronger and be able to kill more Holy Kingdom dogs.

Shagel made his choice with his rationality.

By then, he will lead the largest vendetta team in history to sweep through the Green Plains, enough to destroy half of the Holy Kingdom.

Tie Luo was just an ordinary Hundred Regiment guard at that time. They were summoned to Shagar's tent, not knowing what they were going to face.

As the most elite force in the Kingdom of Shaq, the Hundred Regiment Guards are also the most favored by Shagar.

The old king wants to personally transform these his most precious warriors.

However, he said it all very candidly.

Like an orthodox Shaq warrior, Shaq has never disdained deception.

He is also confident enough to convince all the tribesmen to follow him forever, just like they have always done.

In fact.

Under Shagel's fanatical preaching, even Tie Luo was almost convinced.

With his blood boiling, he wanted to pull out his knife and cut open his heart and lungs on the spot, so as to prove to the old king that he had the potential of a berserker, but he was unwilling to give up the honor of being beheaded by the great Shagar himself.

Until Shagel dragged out a hornless man.

Dripping with blood and dying.

——That’s Bayan.

The horns and scales on his body were uneven, and instead of using a knife, it looked like someone was peeling them off and breaking them off with bare hands. His movements contained great anger.

Tie Luo felt his blood running cold.

"You are all good!" the burly king shouted excitedly, and gritted his teeth, "Not like this traitor!"

"Children, I also want to confess and apologize to you that you were not the first to know about this great plan."

"As you all know, Bayan may be a little clever. I admired him before, so I wanted him to help his king - but it's a pity that I saw the wrong person!"

"He actually said I was crazy...Am I crazy?!"

"Cowards who avoid war and are afraid of death will have only one fate!"

Shagar lifted Bayan's bare body - he had completely become a hornless man, which meant that he had been deprived of his identity as a warrior and became a despised slave. Even if he died, he would not be able to ascend to the Hall of Valor. There is no freedom from eternal suffering.

Tie Luo could only stand among the hundred regiments of guards, watching his friend who was once proud of his martial arts become like this.

His lips trembled, and he wanted to rush forward, but he couldn't move away.

He could tell.

Because of the rough handling, the process of pulling out the horns left large pieces of bone and flesh, so the body was actually dying.

Just suddenly, Bayan smiled.

He spat out a mouthful of blood and said, "You are just crazy."

"Great Shagar, our king... you are leading our race to hell."

Bayan forced himself to meet his eyes and called him by his name.

Blood foam smeared on Shagar's hand, and the old king smiled instead of being angry:

"That's a bit of courage, so I'll give you one last chance."

He threw Bayan to the ground.

He picked up an exaggeratedly heavy segmented ax with one hand and placed it on Bayan's back.

This segmented ax is said to have been handed down from Krall's time.

After a long time, its surface is still as smooth as new, with no trace of corrosion by time.

Its edges were not as rough as those of ordinary segmented axes, and just by being lightly placed on Bayan's back, his skin was cut open with such sharpness. Blood beads rolled out, but the ax surface was still visible.

The legendary blade of the Kingdom of Shaq is equivalent to a crown and authority.

Shagel held such a magical weapon, slowly pressed down, and cut open Bayan's back step by step.

He said: "If you can still survive, it is because you have been blessed by Krall. I grant you permission to be the first to die on the battlefield of the Holy Kingdom."

Tie Luo suddenly felt a chill running down his spine.

He realized that people like him would have to undergo the same 'transformation' in the future.

However, what happened next is known to everyone.

——The female warrior overturned the tent.

"This man told the truth and you want to shut him up," she said, "then kill me first."

"Shagar, I will challenge you."

"The stakes are the throne, and our lives."

She was one of the Five at the time.

She is also the current queen, the stone demon Isata.

"Are you going crazy... What a lucky and pitiful child." Bayan smiled.

There was a dull pain in his back.

But it doesn't matter, it's been an old problem for many years.

"So the matter of personal guards... how about you think about it again?" Tie Luo said cautiously.

Under the New Deal, the selection of military officers had its own set of rules, and even Bayan himself could not interfere.

If he values ​​a player, he will at most be seconded to serve as a personal guard.

People like Yamin might become very good warriors or generals, but they were not suitable to serve as personal guards for Bayan.

Bayan's current body is not as good as before. What if the bodyguard around him suddenly goes crazy?

The potential for madness is a blessing, but it is also a curse.

"Since you said so..." Bayan looked aside, "Then I won't have any ideas about little Yamin."

"Hmm..." He let out a low groan.

Tie Luo followed Bayan's gaze.

That was the public weapon rack of the Thunder Arena, and the equipment on it was very old.

Lax armaments... He felt that he had probably guessed what his old friend was thinking now.

"Actually, the situation in the army is slightly better..." Tie Luo comforted.

He didn't have the confidence to say this.

Especially in the first few duels, one human took one and misused it. He was so angry that he wanted to rush out and grab the quartermaster and take off his pants to see how many corrupt coins he had hidden.

However, he knew that this was also because the kingdom currently lacked craftsmen.

For this reason, he even spent his own money to make a steel rod and gave it to the human for free, asking him not to use the bad thing again - the loss of military equipment was small, but exposing the foundation of their Shaq army in public was a big deal.

Especially if Bayan sees it again, the psychological pressure will definitely increase.

Arable land, population, food, well as class barriers, social atmosphere, there are too many problems that need to be solved urgently. Almost all of these tasks are in Bayan's heart, and they are messy. You don't know when a thread will jump out and catch Bayan's mind - this also makes his thinking and topics often appear to be very out of touch.

Thinking too much will shorten your life.

Tieluo always thought so.

So he didn't even think about the problems that could be chopped down with a segmented axe.

What can't be cut down... then leave it to Bayan to think about.

However, Bayan's subsequent tone did not sound bitter or resentful at all, as if he didn't care at all about the kingdom's slack armaments.

Because he was talking about something else——

"If Yamin can't do it," Bayan said thoughtfully, "then what do you think of Lu Beiyou?"

"Ah?" Tie Luo couldn't believe his ears, "He is an ordinary... human being!"

Just now he even slandered Lu Beiyou.

If you don't use a weapon if you have one, you're wasting your money on a steel rod.

Are you looking for trouble, specifically here to cause trouble?

When Bayan asked him to go out before, it happened to coincide with the ceremony for Lu Beiyou's conferment. Tie Luo thought it was a coincidence.

...Now it seems that he did it on purpose?

Could it be that what Bayan wants him to pay attention to is not the newcomer monster Yamin who steals the limelight, but Lu Beiyou?

"What's wrong with humans?" Bayan pointed to the top of his head.

It was bare, without bone spurs or horns.

Tie Luo was silent.

"Just think about it, how could people like Yamin and Ada, who are both arrogant Shaq warriors, be willing to serve as personal bodyguards for a hornless man like me." Bayan said with a smile, "They are just human beings."

"But why Lubeiyou?"

"Because he is the strongest among the remaining foreign races..." Bayan suddenly sighed, "Okay, actually I was joking."

"Whether it's Yamin or Lu Beiyou, it's impossible for them to come over."

"Why?" Tie Luo asked, "As long as you reveal some identity..."

It's understandable that the Shaks don't want him, but foreigners generally don't have these traditional prejudices.

You must know that Bayan, as the chief advisor, actually controls the administrative power of the kingdom.

If you serve him as a personal guard, if you put him in the United City, he will be a close official of the emperor. If you put him in the Holy Kingdom, he will be a fire-bearing officer serving the Holy Lord.

Even if your status seems low at first, your future prospects are limitless.

In a sense, Bayan also has the same relationship with the Stone Demon.

Tie Luo believed that with the shrewdness of the human race, they would come on their own without having to explain the key points clearly.

"That's not the problem." Bayan said calmly, "They are all people appointed by the Lord of Dashan City."

Tie Luo opened his mouth but made no sound.

He almost forgot about this. The final winner of the Thunder Arena will be awarded an official position by Dashan himself.

There is no doubt that Dashan Mukai is taking the opportunity to win over people's hearts and cultivate his own team.

Yet no one could say anything more.

Although Bayan is the current chief advisor of the kingdom, Dashan Mukai is the heir to the kingdom jointly decided by all the major tribes!

Should you choose a hornless man who may be overthrown at any time and be left alone, or a future king who has a military base, superior force, and is regarded as a hero by the Shaq people...

Of course, human beings know how to choose.

Bayan waved his hand, indicating not to talk about this topic anymore.

Out of Tie Luo's sight, the hornless man was playing with a short sword.

This was given to him by Kang a long time ago.

The bottom of the sword hilt is engraved with a series of inscriptions in fine and elegant lines - "Handmade by Beiyu".

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