Shaq Warrior was knocked back by the heavy blow.

There was a yin pain in his chest and abdomen, and a bruise appeared on the skin close to the nail plate.

This armor saved his life again.

Like all the old-school Shaks, he originally disdained wearing armor and went into battle, feeling that it obscured the natural body that the Shaks were proud of.

However, the boss of 'Feiniu' must ask him to do this.

Facts have proved that the boss is right.

As the true leader of the Chosen of Kral, he is always right.

However, before the Shaq warrior could express his happiness or longing, a strong wind rushed over again, with murderous intent penetrating into his bones.

This time the target was his head.


The Shaq warrior lost his vision and two forearms. He only had time to turn his body slightly and let the machete hit his back.

The armor plate dented again, roaring like a bell.

This slash was so hard that the impact alone made his internal organs feel as if they were about to tumble.

The Shaq warrior roared.

This cannot continue.

They were ordered to go out hunting tonight, would they die at the hands of these flat-skinned people?

But he has now lost his ability to fight back.

You can only let others slaughter you.



Lu Meng's machete bounced away, and he was about to swing out the next one.

However, the Shaq people in front of him seemed to have changed.

The blood flowed like a small snake under his skin, protruding into thick veins; the muscles also swelled with blood, as if the whole body was stretched.

The suit of armor that originally fit well was suddenly squeezed and suddenly looked cramped.

The two dents that Lu Meng made before were forced out by the filled muscles.

The Shaq warrior raised his head and met Lu Meng's gaze.

Red eyes.

As if it had just been soaked in blood.

He, who was temporarily blind before, suddenly locked onto Lu Meng's position.

Lu Meng put away the knife and took a few steps back.

He had already seen this scene once.

At this moment, the other party is on the verge of breaking out.

Sure enough, just for a moment.

Shaq rushed toward Lu Meng!

The speed is fast enough to pull out the afterimage.

Lu Meng was well prepared. He swung his long knife horizontally and used the blade to block the sudden thrust of a white sharp blade.

It was a new bone spur.

The Shaq warrior's arms were still incomplete, but the wound was no longer bleeding, and the flesh was squirming and healing.

More importantly, the arm bones that were originally severed began to grow.

A bone spur shaped like a horn protruded from it, with a new whiteness.

"Go crazy."

Lu Meng said the word softly.

There is a phenomenon that shows that some Shaq people have the opportunity to regrow their broken horns after their horns are severed.

This is seen as a sign that Kral has forgiven them of their sins and is willing to reinstate their status as warriors.

Of course, there are Shaqs who take advantage of this talent of their own and repeatedly break the rules.

But Lu Meng knew.

The reason behind it is actually very simple.

——They once went berserk and gained unparalleled regeneration ability.

Repairing broken corners is just the most basic performance.

The Shaq warrior pressed the bone spurs of his stump against Lu Meng's blade, pressing him back step by step.

Of course, the newly born bones cannot destroy the metal creation at the level of "Kaidun City". Under the heavy pressure, its tips were ground into bone pulp and dripped from the long knife.

However, the bone spur is still growing, making up for its loss.

"I am..." Warrior Shaq murmured, "Kral..."

The tone is like talking in sleep.

Sure enough, he also fell into the fantasy of Krall's death.

However, unlike the Berserker, there was a trace of struggle on this Shaq's face.

"No, I am...Kral's elector!"

——Kral’s Choice.

He regained some of his sanity.

This is not the first time that these people have gone crazy. They have witnessed the mental landscape of Krall's death and separated from it. Of course, they will not foolishly think that they are Krall himself.

But how to explain this phenomenon?

...There is no doubt that this is a miracle!

In the Holy Kingdom, in order to perform miracles in front of believers, priests would even add drugs to the temple incense to induce hallucinations.

After experiencing it once, people become more religious.

But for the berserkers, there is no need for medicine, and the miracle comes directly to them.

They were able to witness that legendary battle with their own eyes and gain this unparalleled power. Doesn't it mean that they were chosen by Krall?

In the tribal period, "Kral's Choice" was synonymous with berserker warriors.

Feiniu just borrowed this name to name its own organization.

But true to its name, many senior executives of Krall's Choice have indeed mastered the technology of "madness".

After the disbandment of King Shagar's Vendetta, the berserkers were like wandering ghosts outside of peacetime, many of whom were the original members of Kral's Chosen.

Shaq Warrior... No, Kral's Choice's eyes are still red.

His eyes reflected Lu Meng's struggling figure.

With the blessing of madness, the strength and speed increase tremendously.

With just the strength of his body, he was unable to hold the flat-skinned man down from lifting the knife.

This is the core technology that their Sharks are proud of!

"Travel to the north."

His vision had recovered and he recognized who was on the other side.

"We don't want to deal with you, don't come looking for death yourself!"

"You may be right."

Lu Meng's arms trembled slightly, and he felt like he was pushing against a wild bull.

In addition to the Huang brothers, their target today should be players of Xiao Huo's level. To deal with them, they would definitely have to use more than this number of people.

"But what about the future?" He smiled, "And I'm not here to die, I'm here to find you."

"This is the moment I've been waiting for!"

Lu Meng suddenly withdrew the knife.

Krall's Choice couldn't hold back enough and hit him directly.

Seeing this, he simply didn't dodge, and aimed the two bone spurs at Lu Meng's chest, taking advantage of the situation to stab him!

There was a harsh scratching sound, and bone spurs penetrated Lu Meng's coat.

Krall's Choice could feel that the opponent was wearing protection such as chain armor, but it had also been pierced.

However, his bone spurs were only half submerged.

After all, natural weapons are not as sharp as forged weapons.

It seemed like it was blocked by some solid leather or thick wood.

What the hell?

Krall's Choice felt like he was not fighting with a flat-skinned man, but rather as if he had stabbed a similar creature that was also covered in bone plates!

The next moment, Krall's Choice suddenly felt light.

He fell to his knees.

No, it cannot be said that he fell to his knees.

Because the entire lower half of Shaq's body is missing.

The moment Lu Meng withdrew the knife, the flesh-cleaving knife swept over at a strange angle, directly cutting off his legs.

Kuanghua quickly stopped the bleeding, and the threads of flesh began to squirm and sew.

"Strong vitality." Lu Meng praised.

However, no matter how powerful his regeneration ability was, it could not support him to stand up again.

Kral's choice, with both legs and hands chopped off, has become a human stick.

He struggled hard, and his huge strength allowed him to jump half a meter high by twisting his waist.

But still to no avail.

Lu Meng stepped on his back, and the Shaq man was immediately unable to move.

"Ahhhh!" Krall's Choice roared unwillingly.

Lu Meng raised his machete.

——Save medical expenses.

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