On the east side is the affiliated casino opened by Hongshang.

The gamblers chewed cheap cigarettes to refresh themselves. The juice soaked into their mouths and stimulated their throats to twitch.

However, the excitement brought by these addictive substances is far less than the result of the duel.

The waitresses show off their beauty, but no one pays attention to their figures. The gamblers just listen to their reports of the results of the games - which is enough to keep people awake.

The basis for betting here is not Pai Gow or dice, but the matches in each round.

As the schedule entered the second half, the number of openings decreased, but the amount of money in each game increased. Every time someone fell on the field, a group of people here became rich or went bankrupt overnight.

"Continue, Alubei Yusheng."

A middle-aged gambler with rumpled clothes but a heroic expression walked in and threw out his chip, which symbolized the amount of the bet and his identity.

The gambler rubbed the bone spur on his chin.

Full of confidence.

——This journey to the north is simply his lucky star.

The gambler had already lost heavily in the previous handicap and was heavily in debt, and even the loan broker was unwilling to approach him.

The only ones who came to the door were a group of vendors wearing blue turbans. They said that if the gamblers continued to lose, they would have no choice but to follow them to work in Union City and start a new life.

It actually sounds pretty good.

They have never seen the fellow villagers they say have started a new life.

In such a desperate situation, gamblers put all their last debts on the line and randomly picked an unpopular player to bet on a winning streak.

He chose Lu Beiyou.

The surprise hit him on the head.

With the successive victories of this human warrior, the debts of gamblers were directly cleared from the books.

But he was not satisfied.

You’re here, how can you leave without making some money?

Nowadays, the odds of betting on Lu Beiyou's single-game victory are no longer high, and there is no profit. However, gamblers bet on the cumulative number of wins and losses in each game. The stakes are doubled for each game. Lu Beiyou has won five games in a row. After paying off his debts, he would be rich if he guessed again.

The gambler is just an ordinary person who doesn't understand the world of martial arts.

But since Lu Beiyou had already helped him win five games, it was right to continue betting on him in this sixth game.

"Lu Bei Yousheng?" However, someone next to him suddenly sneered, "You are really not afraid of death. Don't you know who his opponent is in this battle?"

"Who is it?" The gambler didn't care.


"Then..." The gambler shuddered. Compared to Lu Beiyou, Ryan's reputation is indeed greater in the arena. Even he, the most ordinary gambler, has heard of it.

The only game punters got around to watching was Ryan's.

The neat killing technique shocked his neck, and he never entered the official arena again, only sitting in the casino waiting for news.

"So what? Both of them have five consecutive victories. How do you know who is better without fighting?" The gambler felt a little guilty, but still said firmly.

And it makes sense for me to say so. Rui En is great, but Lu Beiyou is not bad either.

It's just that punters also feel that the bets on this sixth game are not as stable as before.

The person who spoke before snorted coldly.

He motioned for the gamblers to come forward and whispered:

"That's because you don't know this Ryan's past..."

"The Stone Demon Queen personally gave her the title of 'Giant'!"

"Title?" The gambler was completely shocked this time.

As a member of the Shaq Kingdom, he certainly knows what it means for a warrior to have his own title.

Titles do not necessarily symbolize strength, but to some extent obtaining titles is more rare than improving strength.

Not to mention the Queen's 'Stone Demon' who looks far away, and the City Lord's 'Big Mountain', there is also the recently emerged leader of the Skeleton Corps, who is also known as the 'Fearless One'. All of them are legendary figures.

Gamblers have seen a wanted notice issued by the Kingdom of Shaq.

He remembered that there was a character named "Flying Bull" among them.

The ferocious portraits and numerous descriptions of crimes are enough to scare people to sleepless nights just by looking at them.

If he could be caught and dedicated to the kingdom, the coin reward alone would be enough to help people live comfortably and rise to the top... But gamblers would rather bet on their own ten-game winning streak than provoke such a villain.

‘Flying Cow’ is also a title, but it was awarded by the previous king.

It can be said that warriors who can win the title are either heroes of the kingdom or extremely evil thugs. No matter which type of Giant Ryan he is, he is an existence that ordinary people like them can only hope to achieve.

In comparison, Lu Beiyou seemed too ordinary.

When a fighter with such a title comes to the ring, is there any doubt about who should bet on winning?

"Do you think this is okay?" the gambler hesitated.

As a fellow gambler, he knows everyone's peeing habits.

If there is any information that can determine the outcome, they must be hiding it. Even if they share it with their wives, they would not be able to share this information.

Nowadays, if people say it carelessly, it will inevitably make people suspicious.

If you look closely, you can see that the other person is still a human being.

The plain-skinned people are the most cunning.

The casino was filled with smoke, and he hadn't noticed it just now.

"What's the problem!" Long De snorted, "That's because you are too ignorant and don't have enough information. Look at the odds on the field for yourself."

He pulled the gambler to the front of the stage.

The bets on Ryan's side are already stacked up.

On the other hand, there are only a few scattered floors in Lu Beiyou, and they are all based on the idea of ​​​​earning money if they win, and not losing money if they lose.

This was supposed to be a strong showdown, and the audience in the arena had already been talking and looking forward to it, but the atmosphere in the casino was completely different.

They don't care about the process, only the results.

Gamblers who are concerned with their own interests are also more sensitive to information than mere spectators.

Even these people placed their bets nonchalantly, as if the outcome had already been determined and there was no need to argue.

"I don't need to say it at all. This is not important information." Long De said proudly, "Everyone knows that you are the only one who is stupid."

"Others can only make a small amount of money betting on Ryan." He pulled over the gambler and whispered: "But you are betting on the outcome, right? Just change it in the last game..."

Of course Long De has his own thoughts.

He was once a slave trader, and later came to Scone Town with a caravan composed of small noble families.

I originally planned to do something big.

I never expected to be frustrated the first time I took action.

He enthusiastically went to the Iron Shop to buy the remains of the skeletons, but someone else got there first and only got a pile of scrap metal.

This is nothing, except losing face in the master's house, the loss is not big.

However, just when they were about to do some serious business and collect goods for their return trip, they encountered an accident.

A gang of Shaks looted them.

The leader was not masked, he was tall, his bones were protruding, and his eyes were red... Even among the Shaks, he would be considered a scary person, and to humans, he would be like a ghost. The soul is not like a living thing in the world.

He easily killed the guards hired by his master's family with huge sums of money.

Even the little nobleman named Shi Yuan himself was not spared, and all his goods and money were taken away.

Only Long De abandoned everyone at the critical moment and escaped with his life.

However, without the capital to make a fortune, even an experienced person like Long De can only hang out at the bottom of Scone Town.

He didn't dare to borrow money, because Long De recognized that the merchants who lent money were his old colleagues-slave merchants.

As long as you have some connections, they will definitely find ways to put shackles on your hands.

Long De knows this very well.

That's what he did himself.

In recent days, he took advantage of the opening of the Thunder Arena and used his insights beyond ordinary people to sell information in the casino and follow the bets, and he made a lot of money.

If I can convince this gambler again...

Taking advantage of his winning streak, he might actually be able to save money for his trip home.

"Okay!" The gambler no longer hesitated, "Bet, Lu Beiyou will lose."

Long De nodded with satisfaction.

According to the agreement, he also participated in this bet.

For gamblers, someone is sharing the risk; but for themselves, this is a waste of an investment opportunity with high returns and high winning rates.

"Bet." Another voice said, "Lubei Yousheng."

Long De and the gambler both looked at him in surprise.

This person also gambles on winning and losing.

"It has been effective five times..."

Sure enough, the young man wearing a hood added: "Going to the north, winning six games in a row."

Huo Buyang didn't give anyone else a chance to come forward and persuade him. After placing his bet, he turned around and left.

He recalled what Brother Lu said to him when the Thunder Arena first started.

At that time, the white-haired young man said jokingly that if he really wanted to win money, he would find an opportunity to bet on him and lose.

Because this is an outcome he can definitely control.

It's a match-fixing.

Ordinary Shaq warriors would not choose this way. Whether it is the future of glory or real benefits, Thunder Arena can bring them much greater things than a betting round.

However, Huo Buyang always felt that... Brother Lu could do such a thing.

But even so.

He would not bet on Brother Lu to lose.

Huo Buyang did not go to the game. He lowered the brim of his hat and made sure his scarf covered his face. He lowered himself into stealth mode and hurried towards his home.

Thunder Arena.

"Giant Rui?"

Lu Meng said softly as he watched the burly female warrior take the stage.

The shadow moved slowly with Ryan's footsteps, as if a dark cloud suddenly floated over from the sky, covering Lu Meng's figure.

It's really an exaggeration.

There are wrong names, there are no wrong nicknames.

Lu Meng suddenly thought of his own Tieniu.

It might be a good idea to serve as a mount for this guy.

"Giant Rui Mo..." hearing Lu Meng's voice, the female warrior of the Shark tribe spoke, "Only those close to me call me that."

"Other people usually just call me Ryan or Giant. Oh, the title 'Giant' has been revoked. You can just call me Ryan."

"Okay, Ryan." Lu Meng nodded.

The conversation between the two was not loud, and only the guard on one side could hear it.

Then he froze.

The content of this conversation was just ordinary...but the fact itself was extraordinary.

You must know that on the field, Ryan has always been a cold-faced killer who doesn't say much. He can't even listen to his opponent's begging for mercy. Why is he still chatting with people about everyday things?

The guard's eyes flickered between the two players.

On the one hand, he felt that Ryan's image in his heart had collapsed... On the other hand, he cared more about Lu Beiyou.

To be able to have the former Hundred Regiment Guard and Titled Warrior put down his arrogance and talk to her like this, does it mean that even Ryan thinks this opponent is worthy of her taking seriously?

Yamin and Ada sat in the audience.

It was not Ada's suggestion to come back to watch the battle, but Yamin's initiative to pull him here.

Not that I wanted to watch Ryan beat up Lu Beiyou.

Yamin has won his sixth game and secured his qualifying spot. The next step is to decide internally who is the champion of this arena.

What made him regretful was that Lu Beiyou and Ryan faced each other in advance.

In this way, no matter who wins or loses, he will have less chance to defeat them in a head-on competition.

It's a pity, Yamin must join in such excitement.

Since that confrontation and testing.

Unknowingly, from the initial indifference, this young Shaq also began to pay attention to Lu Beiyou's results.

Ada was a little distracted.

Although he also won the sixth game, he still had one defeat to Lu Beiyou. Facing other players who had all won, he had no chance of qualifying.

Yamin couldn't help but feel a little regretful about this.

But he also knew that this was the true level of Brother Ada, and there was no need to be too pushy.

On stage.

Ryan pulled out the segmented ax from his waist.

For ordinary Shaq warriors, this thick and long weapon must be carried on the back at least, but with Ryan's size, he can actually hang it on his waist.

Looking at the way she was holding it with one hand, Lu dreamed of the chain sword in a certain work.

"Okay," the female warrior replied in the same sentence pattern, "travel to the north."

The next moment, the field was like a thunderstorm!

Ryan's figure rushed towards him like a landslide, and the wooden platform under his feet creaked, making people suspect that these wooden boards, which could serve as city gates, were on the verge of cracking.

Lu Meng held the long sword horizontally, holding the handle with one hand and pressing the blade with the other.

Then he hit the segmented axe.

Ryan slashed down with force!

Lu Meng's steps did not move, but his figure suddenly retreated. His thick-soled boots stepped on the ground, even leaving a trace of carbonized wood.

Ryan's giant blade was pressing him down, pushing him to the edge of the arena.

The audience outside the venue exclaimed.

With just the first move, Lu Beiyou fell into a disadvantage.

If this continues, he will be knocked out of the field without any additional action.

However, all this is very different in Ryan's eyes.

She clearly saw that the segmented ax hit the blade, but the opponent's arms and waist did not move at all.

Ryan met his eyes.

The same old well has no waves.

Lu Meng steadily received her full blow.

The strength of both sides is evenly matched!

As for Lu Beiyou being beaten backwards, the only explanation is...

The ground is too slippery.

Realizing this, Ryan kept moving, leaving bursts of explosions behind him.

As Lu Meng understands.

In fact, Ryan is not pursuing the so-called killing of opponents. Her tactics are stable and capable of offense and defense.

No matter what the reason is, just push him down, as long as you can win.

The reason why she kills people on the field has something to do with this man to some extent...


There was an explosion.

Ryan's segmented ax sliced ​​through the ring fence.

However, Lu Meng disappeared.

Instead of flying out of the field, he just...disappeared.

Ryan quickly stopped his hand and stepped sideways.

She caught that glimmer.

In an instant, the glimmer of light spread, filling his entire field of vision.

It's the jet-black sword light coming towards my face!

——The explosion just now was not one, but two.

The reason why the segmented ax was able to chop down was because Lu Meng drew out his knife.

He stepped on the fence first, kicked hard, flew out, and jumped to Ryan's side!

It was Lu Meng who broke the fence!

Once he borrowed power, he swung his knife in mid-air!

Lu Meng's follow-up was powerless, but the blade of the flesh-cleaving knife, even if it only touched it, was enough to break muscles and bones.

The light of the blade went straight into the female warrior's eyes, and the smooth mirror-like blade reflected her face.

The corners of Ryan's mouth suddenly rose.

She gave up blocking.

Turn and raise your arm to sweep!


The scene suddenly stopped, and the whole place was silent.

Lu Meng leaned sideways on the ground in a strange posture, and thrust out the long knife with only one hand.

The blade just hit Ryan's throat.

This female warrior is really tall. If it were any other Shaq warrior, at this distance... he would have been beheaded.

However, height is always Ryan's advantage.

Otherwise she wouldn't be called "Giant".

Ryan dropped his defense at the last moment.

She chose to swing the ax with all her strength.

At this time, the giant blade was pressed against Lu Meng's waist, but he had to brake urgently.

If they continue to exert force, Rui En will be beheaded and Lu Meng will be cut in half.

Both sides suffer...

No, it's a situation of perishing together.

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