Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 303: Cutting off the Hu (Chapter Together)

One hundred regiments of guards...

Legend has it that this name comes from the first hundred warriors who followed Krall.

In the eyes of the enemy, these one hundred people were like dead souls on the battlefield. They could not be killed or defeated. Every time they fell, they could always stand up again. Finally, they followed Krall to unify the Stan Desert.

After entering the Kingdom Age, Shaq's elite troops continued this title, but the number was no longer limited to one hundred people.

Today, except for the capital guards stationed in Admark, most of them no longer appear in the form of legions, but are more separated as senior officers in local and ordinary armies;

There are also divisions within the Hundred Regiment Guards. Among them are warriors with titles like Giant Ryan and ordinary martial arts masters. The status of the two is completely different.

But what is certain is that the ordinary hundred regiment guards will never be as powerful as Big Al in the Kingdom of Shake.

At this moment, Ase... When Seto heard that there was such a Hundred Regiment guard in the swamp, his first reaction was not to relax, but to be frightened.

Judging from Big Al's tone, he was loyal to the former king Shagar!

And the other party obviously recognized his identity.

As we all know, her mother Isata ascended to the throne of king by killing Shagar in a duel; she also implemented the New Deal and promulgated many policies that were contrary to Shaq's tradition.

Seto knew that there was still a powerful rebel organization in the kingdom under the banner of Shagar.

They are called ‘Kral’s Choice’.

Now, in a swamp far away from the kingdom, I met an old subordinate who was loyal to Shagar... It was self-evident what his fate would be.

Seeing the girl's wavering eyes, Big Al was very satisfied.

Even if it is that person's daughter, after all, she has just grown up and cannot cope with such an unexpected situation.

"My little niece, you don't have to worry too much," Big Al said, guessing Seto's thoughts, "Shagar is a great king... but not everyone is addicted to the past."

"Some people want to change, some want to stick to it... and some people have recognized the reality." Shaq smiled, but the curve of his mouth was not warm, "I am no longer loyal to His Majesty Shaq."

He looked at Seto: "And now it seems that I made the right choice - his era is completely over."

Seto was stunned, not understanding what the other party was talking about.

Big Al immediately guessed something and was a little disappointed: it seemed that he couldn't get more information from this princess.

He chuckled and took out the letter: "Are you literate?"

Seto nodded cautiously.

Her hornless teacher was unlike other Shaq masters - the first thing he learned was to read and write.

Big Al flicked his fingertips, and the letter flew straight towards her.

Seto caught it through the cage, and in the small space, he unfolded the letter with difficulty using his hands and mouth.

Now was not the time to let her guard down, but she was really curious about what the other person wanted her to read.

"The nameless one..." Seto muttered softly.

Then, the girl's eyes widened and she unconsciously screamed:

"The flying cow is dead!?"

What is recorded above is the information that the leader of Krall's Choice, the Flying Bull Ada, was killed by the unknown person.

"That man also invited me to join, but I refused," Big Al added slowly, "So I recognize the mark on it. They are the remnants of Krall's Choice. This news should be true."

"It's a pity that I didn't mock him again in person." He flicked the edge of the segmented ax, making a clanging sound, and his tone was self-deprecating.

Seto's mood at the moment seemed to be turning upside down.

For as long as she can remember, she has heard about the demonic Shaq rebellion.

Like all parents dealing with disobedient children, my mother would always threaten Seto who was unwilling to sleep with stories about flying cows.

Every time, the little girl, who is only a few years old, is so frightened that she hides her head in the quilt and dare not come out.

——This miserable childhood lasted until she learned that her mother was a stone demon.

Later, when she saw that this trick didn't work, her mother threw her to the teacher.

But with the teacher's guidance, Seto understood the seriousness of the rebellion of Kraal's Choice better, instead of just treating Fei Niu as a scary monster.

Strictly speaking, they are not just traitors.

Rather, it symbolizes a belief and a nostalgia for the past life.

As long as Fei Niu is alive and Kraal's Choice remains alive, there will always be people who hold on to beautified memories of the past and dream of bringing the country back to the way it once was.

However, no one has ever been able to kill the flying bull.

He is cruel, ferocious and cautious, and never shows his face except on the battlefield; even if five people are dispatched, he can always get information from unknown sources before the arrest and escape - not to mention that he is said to be still alive. The ability to resurrect is just like the first hundred warriors.

This monster is like Krall's true chosen one, which further strengthens the faith and fanaticism of the traitors.

The teacher once lamented that if you want to catch the flying cow, you can only use bait, and at least one of his own level.

However, the position of the chief adviser is very important, and it is related to the survival of the New Deal, so he cannot take risks easily.

After understanding this, Seto had a plan.

Since the teacher can't act as bait... then it would be great if she came.

As the princess of the kingdom and the daughter of the stone demon, I think she has this weight.

From the information she learned, Seto also guessed that Feiniu had probably mastered the technique of becoming mad. In order to protect himself or even kill him after luring Feiniu, she could only use the same power.

At that time, I had hope to achieve something that even the great mountain Mu Kai had not achieved...

No one will question why they are the daughter of that stone demon...


Seto flipped through the letter frantically, as if trying to find out more information, or perhaps simply lost his mind.

At this moment, she was holding the beer bottle caps that she had saved up for a month and wanted to redeem the prize. However, the bar owner said that the event was over and you could turn left to collect the waste...

After all, Seto is only a little girl in her early ten years. No matter how precocious she is, she cannot fully understand the complexity of political struggle.

It has always been a simple idea of ​​'catching the flying cow with her own hands, solving the kingdom's major problems, and thus proving herself', which supported her with every breath, wanting to continue to become stronger, and even pursue taboo mad skills.

Only at this moment did she realize that her target had been intercepted.

"The Nameless One..." the little princess read out softly.

When she was in the Shark Kingdom, she had never heard of this warrior. It was as if he was as unknown as his title.

But the one who can kill Feiniu is definitely not an unknown warrior.

This sounds like a paradox... Seto's head ached.

The most likely thing is that during the time when he ran away from home and ran to the swamp, a warrior named "Unknown Man" suddenly emerged from the plains and directly won this honor... The speed of this rise was simply fast. There must be no warning.

Even teachers and mothers will attach great importance to such talents.

The unknown person must have gone to Admark to receive the honor by now, right? Military honors add to the body.

Compared to myself imprisoned here, it is truly infinitely glorious.

However, while Seto was looking back and forth, she suddenly froze for a moment, then clenched the letter into a ball and held it in her hand.

Big Al didn't notice the little girl's small movement, and he didn't know what was going on in her heart. He just felt that the other person was too shocked.

After all, it was the same at the time.

"After the destruction of Krall's Choice, there are no more enemies in the Kingdom of Shaq," he decided to confess and said, "With the great talent and strategy of Lord Stone Demon, what do you think of our swamp?"

Seto regained his composure and looked at the leader of the Stone Rat Group coldly.

The other party kept saying that he was no longer loyal to Shagar, but he only called his mother 'Your Excellency'... Apparently he no longer regarded himself as a subject of the Shaq Kingdom.

And Big Al didn't expect to get an answer from Seto: "The Spider Plains is still the same as in the past, right? There are four-legged monsters wearing human skin everywhere... Speaking of which, I have seen similar ones in this swamp. Creatures... The war in the direction of the Holy Kingdom has ceased again. The Shaq people want to expand, but there is only one direction..."


"Although there is an overlord in the swamp, no real king has been born yet. It will eventually fall apart... Even if there is a dense forest barrier, it can't stop it for a lifetime. As the leader of the Stone Rat Group, I have trouble sleeping and eating -"

Without Gary around, Big Al had nowhere to vent his desire to talk, so he could only talk to himself.

He was in a very good mood, and even managed to mutter a few idioms that he knew well.

"And now, with my eldest niece here," Big Al's lips unconsciously raised, "Your Excellency Stone Demon should be happy to give you a reward that matches your value——"

"I don't know how I can make her believe that you are really here..." He looked at Seto as if he were looking at goods, "What do you think about sending her a bone horn?"

"To be honest, I have never seen such a beautiful horn...I think your mother will recognize it."

Facing Big Al's gaze, Seto shuddered and subconsciously wanted to shrink to a corner of the cage, but the cage was already packed.

She realized that the leader of the Stone Rat Group had finally revealed his identity.

The Shaq in front of him still wore the scales and green skin of his ancestors, and the horns on his head were still held high, and he even lived a life of asceticism like a warrior.

But inside, he has long since become an outright careerist.

He is more adaptable to living in the swamp than any other gang member outside.

Big Al became more and more excited.

Originally, with the comprehensive strength of the Stone Rat Group, even if this plan was successful, it was impossible to directly aspire to the position of King of the Swamp by stepping on the swamp ninja.

However, it will be different with the support of the Shaq Kingdom...

Even if the Shaq Kingdom doesn't bid, it doesn't matter.

There are countless people who will be interested in this princess... After all, she is the daughter of the stone demon.

"Selling it to the Holy Kingdom is a bit of a loss. They only know how to burn it at the stake or send it to Rebirth Town... The King of Sand is good, but let's see if he dares to take over..." Big Al thought.

He thought of the Black Switch.

Originally, Al didn't know the princess, but he was instinctively afraid and even disgusted with her, until the bug leader Big Black Eyebrow sent news, revealing her identity.

Only then did Al understand where his inexplicable aversion to this girl came from - he saw the shadow of the stone demon in her.

When the Stone Demon was still young, she climbed all the way up, from an ordinary warrior to the invincible Five, until she dueled Shagar, reaching the top.

She was a warrior who outlasted everyone, stepping on everyone—including Al.

But now, Big Al has overcome his fear of the stone demon.

Or because of that letter.

Feiniu's death announced the end of an era; just like a broken dream, the remaining faith in Da Al's heart also disappeared, along with the unforgettable memories of the past.

Now, seeing the stone demon's daughter trembling because of him, Big Al even felt a little happy.

It was as if he had defeated the stone demon.

'Big Black Eyebrow told me this news, he should want to cooperate,' he thought, 'it is said that the black converter has established a relationship with United City, this is also a channel that can be monetized. ’

No businessman can resist the temptation of auctioning off a country's princess.

No nobleman has ever had a top-notch collection like the Stone Demon's daughter at home - they would go crazy for it.

And Union City is protected by that monster, and it is not afraid of the wrath of the Shaq Kingdom.

As for myself...

He is not a flying cow, but he wants to stay under the eyes of the kingdom. You see, no matter how concealed he is, in the end he will only be found and killed.

I remember that I had persuaded that person to escape to the swamp together - none of the companions who came with Big Al were now alive, and most of them died not in factional fights, but in the murderous, hot and humid rainforest. among.

If a large army invades, the losses will only be more serious.

And if he could become the king of the swamp with the support of the United City, he would be fully confident in resisting the landlubbers from Stan Desert.

Moreover, who knew that the princess was sent away from him?

Without a guide who is familiar with the swamp, the tentacles of the Shaq Kingdom cannot reach here.

Thinking of this, Big Al could no longer hold back his excitement, put down his segmented axe, stood up, and walked towards the princess in the cage, hoping to take a closer look at his precious prey.

"Do you have paper and pen?" Seto suddenly said, "I can write a letter to my mother and teacher and ask them to agree to everything you want... I just ask you, I just ask you..."

"Don't... cut off my horn..." the girl muttered, her voice getting smaller and smaller, like she was sobbing.

Looking at the princess who lowered her head, Big Al was stunned for a moment and laughed: "Of course!"

Sure enough, as a Shark tribesman, broken horns are sometimes a more powerful threat than death.

He subconsciously turned around to look for paper and pen, and suddenly thought that he was illiterate, so naturally there were no such things in the room.

Gary is usually in charge, but today he happened to be away.

"you can……"

Big Al turned his head and was about to ask the princess to dip it in blood and write it on the velociraptor rug on the ground, and then he could cut it out.

As a result, he saw an incredible scene:

The moment Big Al turned around, the little girl who was still curled up in the cage suddenly twisted like boiling water. Her skin bulged and her muscles became knotted, as if a small snake was swimming in it.

Seto's head that had been lowered suddenly raised, revealing his red eyes, which seemed to be overflowing with blood.

She grabbed an iron bar with each of her swollen arms. In an instant, a heartbreaking cracking sound was heard - her arms pressed against the fine iron, and the bone plates shattered and flesh spurted out, but the cage also deformed on the spot, revealing A void.

A figure jumped out of the cage directly, and bone spurs grew on her body at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Seto, who was already prepared, pounced on the segmented ax that had just been put down on the table.

At this time, she was faster than Big Al!

Thanks to Yonuo Awa for your reward support——

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