Despair gradually appeared on Seto's face, and the redness in his eyes began to ebb.

She indeed carefully planned this operation, seized the best opportunity, and put in all her strength when she took action.

However, the only thing she didn't expect was the strength of her enemy.

After Big Al became famous, he had no record of taking action for many years. The Stone Rat Group had a large number of people, and there was almost no crisis worthy of his dispatch.

The information she obtained from Silver Shadow was already seriously lagging behind.

Because there is no reference object, everyone in the swamp, even Big Al himself, has no idea of ​​his current true strength.

As a result, because of this assassination, the Shaq leader accurately found his position.


Seto suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

I saw Big Al picking up the flat sword on the ground and slashing her waist and abdomen, creating an astonishing flesh wound that could even vaguely reveal her internal organs.

He grabbed the seriously injured little princess, threw her towards the abandoned cage, and smashed it hard.

Seto struggled for a moment, then stopped moving and fell unconscious.

Blood flowed all over the ground.

Big Al is not worried about the life safety of this little princess.

The opening of the flat sword is not very sharp... More importantly, judging from Feiniu's experience, since the princess has mastered madness and has amazing recovery power, she will not die so easily.

He is still immersed in the joy of confirming his strength.

Years of suffering and silence finally pay off.

As a former Shaq warrior, a strong lack of confidence has always shrouded my heart.

From the Stone Demon at the beginning, to the Flying Bull later... Even in the swamp, there is still Big Green pressing on his head.

It was impossible for the Stone Demon to transcend, but now he had caught her daughter.

Although Fei Niu had a great reputation, as one of the few people who knew Ada well, Big Al knew that this person was not particularly outstanding in terms of strength and talent.

Feiniu relied on his ultimate mastery of madness, which was obtained by squeezing life to the extreme.

On the other hand, Big Al was able to fight independently in the swamps to form the Stone Rat Group, and now he relied on his own subconscious to advance to the Legion level. His hard power was not inferior to that of the former Flying Bull.

What's more, the other person is dead now, but he is still alive and well.

His future will only get stronger and stronger.

And Big Green from the Hound Gang...

Big Al glanced at Seto who was motionless again. There was no warmth in his eyes, only pure greed.

Just like planned before.

The Stone Rat Group has this princess as a bargaining chip. After getting support, they can hope to compete with the Hound Gang.

And from the perspective of personal strength.

The Great Hash of the Stoke tribe died, and the Skinned Man Great Gray was also seriously injured.

Then, with my confidence restored and my strength greatly increased, I and the big Green are the only two legion-level ones left.

They are the only ones qualified to compete for the position of King of the Swamp.

Everything is going according to plan.

After dealing with the assassin, it was late at night again, and Big Al started to feel a little tired.

He walked to the tent, ready to call the gang on duty to tidy up the little princess again.

This time not only did she have to be shackled more heavily, but her tendons in her hands and feet also had to be cut.

In order to counteract the recovery effect of madness, I am afraid that the guards’ men will have to make last hits from time to time.

Of course, after doing something so extreme, she would definitely not be able to be sent back to the Shaq Kingdom.

In addition, looking at the little princess's strong temper, she would definitely fight to the death if she was released.

We have to contact the black converters as soon as possible and ask them to take the road from Union City and resell them to the east... For this reason, the profit may be divided a lot by the black eyebrow insect.

Big Al had a headache.

He didn't like to be disturbed, and usually Gary would take care of these trivial matters.

Now that Gary was away, he had to do it himself, which slightly ruined the good mood of the leader of the Stone Rat Group.

However, before he could open the camp curtain, a gang member broke in first.

"It's not good, Big Al!" He said in a panic, wearing a turban on his head, "There are brothers in the camp who are parasitized by blood spiders, and there is also a small insect swarm that attacks and kills... No one can handle it. If it goes on for a long time, there will be trouble. There’s an insect plague!”

Big Al frowned.

Of course he knew the dangers of blood spiders. He had suffered a lot when he first arrived in the swamp, and he barely escaped with his life once.

The most fatal thing among them was, of course, being attacked head-on by a large swarm of blood spiders.

For example, Big Gray of the Skinner Gang was seriously injured while defending against the blood spiders and has not been able to recover to this day.

The next most dangerous thing is when someone in the crowd is parasitized by blood spider cubs.

Firstly, they are invisible and difficult to detect until an attack occurs; secondly, the cubs grow extremely fast and emit signals to attract their own kind within a certain range, which can be said to be a precursor to the incoming insect swarm.

Big Al wondered.

In order to avoid the blood spiders, before building the camp, Gary planned to light fires everywhere, including torches, fire piles, and braziers... day and night.

This serves both as lighting and as a means of repelling swamp animals.

Unlike the army of human-skin spiders controlled by the Lord of Insects, blood spiders are still wild animals after all.

These bugs do not rely on light to guide them. They are naturally afraid of flames and are unlikely to actively provoke them.

What happened?

"Okay, I'll go check it out myself." Big Al nodded.

Now that traces of the blood spider have been discovered, it is still in the early stages of the insect plague and there is still a chance to prevent it.

The point is not to cause panic.

However, the next moment, alarms suddenly sounded in the camp.

"what happened!"

Big Al held down the hilt of his sword, rushed out of the tent, and walked towards the high platform.

He mopped the ground with his long blade, his whole body tensed up, and when he looked up, he saw fires everywhere in the camp and people running around.

There was also the faint sound of fighting.

Could it be that the blood spider plague has spread? But looking at the situation of the fire, they are already familiar with the insects, so it is unlikely...

"Big boss!"

Soon, another gang member rushed to Big Al and answered his question:

"It's the Swamp Ninjas! We're being attacked by the Swamp Ninjas!"

"What!" Big Al was shocked and angry, "Where is Gary? Find him quickly - I want to ask him: How did we get attacked by swamp ninjas! How did he set up his sentry so that he could see anyone approaching? Can’t stay?”

Swamp ninjas are just shameful bugs.

Gary's purpose in establishing this camp was to use the camp as the center and set up a large net to capture the surrounding and passing swamp ninja teams.

In fact, they were so successful that many teams have now been arrested and imprisoned.

The purpose was so clear that the Stone Rats had already taken precautions. Logically speaking, they were unlikely to be attacked by the remaining swamp ninjas outside.

The only explanation is that Gary was slacking off tonight, neglecting patrols and defenses, causing flaws in the arrangement.

Thinking that no matter how hard he looked for him tonight, Big Al was even more convinced of this.

"No, it's not," the later gang members quickly explained, "It's not the enemy outside..."

His voice trembled slightly: "It's those swamp ninjas we imprisoned, they escaped!"

"Someone led them to retrieve weapons and clothing, leading them to attack their sleeping brothers..."

"Now, there is chaos in the camp!"

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