Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 425 The Dead (Combined Chapter)

On an elevated platform.

Everyone was still surprised by the explosive flames.

Da Gelin remained unmoved.

"What a good knife." She brushed the blade of the long naginata in her hand with one hand, and just by wiping it, she cut all the clothes it touched.

The blade of this long weapon is as long as an ordinary knife, and with the long cast iron handle at the back, the whole thing is tall enough for a person.

"It's a's too light."

"Stop her!" A scream-like command erupted on the platform, and it was the big black eyebrow in the center.

But just before the order spread.

Da Gelin had suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Instead, there was a dark yellow afterimage, so fast that the rain lines along the way were turned into mist, mixed with the rising steam, making it a hazy place.

Da Gelin dragged her long naginata and rushed directly towards the bee people's military formation!

The archers braved their fear and aimed at the rapidly approaching figure. The next second the trigger was pulled, and all the tight bow strings were released. Crossbow arrows rained down, and the metal arrow clusters shone with dangerous light.

As long as you are still a mortal.

It was impossible to ignore such a dense rain of arrows.

The jingling sounds erupted instantly, and they were so quick that they couldn't distinguish each other, as if someone was hit by an arrow at the same moment - however, Da Gelin's movements did not stop at all.

She waved her long soldiers and knocked down all the rain of arrows coming towards her!

Before, no one knew that the leader of the Hound Gang could use a long-handled weapon. Her common weapon is a heavy broadsword with a thick back. Nine bright silver iron rings are embedded in the back of the knife. Every time she cuts and collides with each other, it makes a thunderous noise, like a war cry.

Now, in order to conceal her identity, Da Gelin naturally did not bring her own sword.

However, no one thought of it.

She is also so comfortable in using long weapons.

It was indeed the first time for Da Gelin to come into contact with a standard weapon such as the long naginata, but as soon as she held its long handle, she knew innately how to control and swing it in which posture, strength, and angle. Her skills seemed to be ten years old. Penance.

Any weapon makes no difference to her.

They are just tools for killing people!

The candidate shooters hurriedly took aim again, but after a brief pause, Big Green bent his body like a bow and sprinted forward. Although he only had two legs, he ran like a leopard and skipped two more rounds. Rain of arrows.

The crossbow arrows flew over her head.

But none of them hit.

And the path of Big Green's charge is a straight line!

The shortest and fastest straight line.

"Come on!" Big Black Eyebrow almost roared.

He saw that this straight line——

Directly at yourself.

Although he is not the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, killing him may not necessarily collapse the morale of his own side... However, Da Heimei understands Da Gelin.

If she could, she would kill herself first.

This is not strategy, but revenge.

Smart people may be sensible.

But people with hatred will definitely try their best.

Faced with the sudden appearance of the leader of the Hound Gang, the overlord of the entire swamp, a man named Hound who looked like a lion, fear gradually emerged in the hearts of the black converter's attendants.

They used to be crazy gamblers. On weekdays, even if they cut off their own fingers, they would not blink an eye when winning or losing.

But now, even the most determined soldier among them.

Whenever I think about standing in front of Da Gelin, I feel deeply hesitant.

——However, the hound did not give them a chance to choose.

Whether you swear loyalty or hesitate;

No matter whether you draw a sword or fight, or you run away.

The next moment, Da Gelin had already chased them.

And her blade is faster than her body!

In an instant, the severed limbs and remains in the crowd were scattered like explosions, and the earth-yellow blood of the bee-men was splashed out, denser than the heavy rain in the sky.

Da Gelin danced the long-handled knife wantonly.

Yes, she is surrounded by enemies.

But this also means that she doesn’t have to distinguish, doesn’t have to hold back... and doesn’t have to worry about anything!

Not long ago, when Kos wielded the long naginata, people were amazed by his vigorous martial arts - he was like an emotionless machine, recklessly advancing harvest on the battlefield.

But now, people are discovering it.

Kos's performance was not even half as good as that of Big Green, and it even made people doubt whether they were really holding the same weapon.

If it is said that the warriors of the United City still need to advance the harvest.

There is no obstacle in front of Da Gelin!

All regarded as nothing!

The black converters' originally victorious front was torn apart by one person, while the hound gang following her reorganized and launched a roaring charge like an attacker.

This is the real Hounds gang.

No matter how many elite soldiers and generals it has gathered under Ils's governance, and how well-trained they are... In the end, the reason why the Hound Gang exists, and why it defeats all factions, occupies Shark Village, and becomes the overlord of the swamp, then All because of one person's existence.

——Big Green.

Da Heimei retreated in fear under the guard of his own soldiers. His heart beat like a drum, but he felt that the blood all over his body was getting colder inch by inch, as if it was melting in the heavy rain.

His understanding was correct: if he had known about the existence of Da Gelin, he would never have chosen to attack today.

However, his judgment was too correct.

He knew clearly that if Big Green appeared here.

You can't stop it at all!

At this moment, Da Heimei would rather be like Kos, an outsider who knows nothing about Da Gelin, so that he can at least be reckless and fearless, and be safe and fearless before dying.

Everywhere you look, under the leadership of Da Gelin,

His own black converter was being bitten fiercely, and was defeated like running water;

And the hound himself.

He rushed straight towards his location.

In Da Heimei's eyes, she seemed to be more powerful than she thought.

The Bee Man Prince's achievements in martial arts were not high. From his perspective, he could only compare Da Gelin's performance with her own in the past - and at that time, she had already shocked everyone.

Now, she dominates the battlefield alone.

"Could it be that she is already..." The big black eyebrow squeezed out a few words from his mouth, like a moan: "War level?"

If this is the case, no matter what back-ups there are, failure is certain.

He thought about running away.

However, in the strange burning explosion just now, those wooden plank roads have been completely destroyed. Although the fire did not spread under the heavy rain, the entire elevated platform has still become an isolated island.

Not only are the people above unable to escape.

Even the reinforcements from outside could not arrive.

They will all be eaten to death by Big Green here.

The only way to escape is to jump into the water. Many desperate gang members have realized this and have done so - but the Hound Gang itself occupies the Shark Village and is a master at chasing in the water. How far can everyone run?

Big Black Eyebrow did not count on the Union City army inside the Iron Dome.

Despite such drastic changes, they still remained silent.


The fire comes from there.

From time to time, thick smoke and flames burst out from the windows of the iron dome. The metal building was burned hot. When the rain fell on it, it turned into steam in an instant, so that a huge amount of fog rolled in and formed a sea of ​​clouds. It is about to sweep across the entire battlefield.

The situation inside will only get worse.

It would be good if the ventilation ducts and doors could be opened. After all, it is the season of heavy rains, and the fire may be suppressed to a controllable range... But the interior of the current iron dome is probably the same as an oven that is constantly heating up.

After all, this was a trap set by Iles using his body as bait.

It cannot be easily undone.

War-level, trap and kill, cutting off the escape route... Da Heimei fell into despair. No matter how hard the guards around him tried, he didn't respond at all, and he almost gave up.

But suddenly, he thought of something:

"...We did not open the Iron Dome."

It wasn't just the Union City troops who were trapped and killed inside.

And the Skinner...and the deputy leader.

Da Heimei didn't know why he thought of this. In this case, the young man was nothing more than a burial object, a footnote in the giant game.

But maybe he remembered the man's strange reaction before.

At that time, the Black Converters surrounded the Iron Dome and disclosed the news that Big Green was not in Shark Village. All the Swamp Gangs and even the Hound Gang themselves were shaken, and the wavering centrists instantly turned to themselves. side.

Only the Skinner did not express his position.

What is that human being worried about...

Da Gelin's figure was getting closer and closer. Her sword style is ferocious, frenzied and invincible - even the most loyal bodyguards of the Converters are about to lose their morale under such an offensive and are unable to stop her.

But the Bee Prince just froze on the spot.

It was as if he didn't see her at all.

However, Da Heimei's thoughts were racing faster than ever before!

"At that time, I thought that human being couldn't see the situation clearly and was shrinking back... But now it seems that Da Gelin's whereabouts were completely fake news she had disguised, and it was me who was deceived! His caution was right. , if I could be like him..."

"——But why did Da Gelin lie to me?"

"Why are there so many arrangements to separate the Union City army from us, why are you trying to block Lord Yamudou's possible support... Why can't you just announce her return to everyone in an upright manner from the beginning? "

"If, she is..."

"Big Black Eyebrow!" A sharp shout came at the head. Amid the exclamations of all the black converts, Big Green almost rushed in front of their leader, only a few meters away from him.

She raised the long naginata above her head with both hands and slashed it down like a mountain.

So fast and so powerful.

The long cast iron handle is almost bent.

With a huge roar, the bee prince flew out in a big cloak and rolled to the ground, soaked in rainwater.

However, there were no wounds on his body.

On the other side, Da Gelin's long naginata struck the ground hard, even cutting into the steel under his feet... but it missed the mark after all.

The guards surrounded him without fear of death.

"Da Gelin..." Da Heimei stood up tremblingly with a cane. His hands were swollen, and a section of the special steel cane was cut off. He had just hit the node where the opponent exerted his strength with all his strength. , it can be said that the hive prince played the most perfect level in his life, and he will never have the chance to hit the same blow again.

After all, he blocked the opponent for a moment.


"Da Gelin, you are not at war level yet." He said.

That's right, if this hound has really reached the level of a one-man army, the big black eyebrow will definitely not be able to avoid the attack just now;

And if there is a war-level strongman guarding the swamp.

Even the United Cities will be concerned about costs and gains and losses, and will not interfere easily.

Not to mention... with Da Gelin's talent.

If she really reaches the war level, she can solve these current problems without any sacrifice or strategy! Just push it flat and that's it.

"Haha," Da Gelin just sneered, dragged the knife again, and slashed while striding towards the bee-men. The guards along the way couldn't even delay, "So what?"

"I have some ideas...but even if it's not war-level, it can still kill you."

She was right.

Throughout the iron dome, on the elevated platform, among the living people.

She is still the strongest...

"No, you can't kill me." Under the severe pain, Da Heimei was almost unable to walk. In the previous blow, several bones around him were shattered, but the bee man laughed at this moment. : "You will be the one who dies!"

"Originally I was thinking of using it to delay the retreat..."

"but now……"

Da Gelin frowned and secretly took several deep breaths of the air mixed with tar and water mist to calm her violently beating heart - even she would feel exhausted after killing through the entire platform.

She is indeed just a human being.

Such an explosion of fighting power will not last long.

That moment just now was her weakest moment after her peak. Da Gelin originally wanted to kill Da Heimei in one go, but the other party was so calm now, which made her feel a little strange.

She noticed that Big Black Eyebrow was standing next to a huge thing covered with raincloth. It had been in the formation of black converters from the beginning. Judging from the protruding shape... maybe it was a harpoon cannon... this was him. Do you have the confidence? A mobile harpoon cannon.

But, it's useless.

'bluff. ’ Da Gelin made a judgment - even though she thought so, for the sake of conservatism, she still used the conversation just now to recover her strength for a few seconds before rushing towards Da Heimei again, her momentum not diminished at all.

The big black eyebrow still didn't move.

No, he just didn't dodge, but grabbed the rain cloth with his backhand, pulled it off and threw it towards Da Gelin who broke through the military formation.

The oilcloth was instantly shattered by the swing of the long-handled knife.

It doesn't even have the effect of blocking the line of sight.

Less than a hundred meters behind them, the leading commando of the Hound Gang was about to catch up with their leader. They waited until Big Black Eyebrow died to pick up Big Green and harvest the remaining enemy troops——

But Da Gelin's expression suddenly changed and she shouted back: "Don't come over!"

A crimson sword light suddenly lit up!

The sharp long naginata connected with the incoming sword light. Da Gelin poured all her strength into it, but her hand suddenly became empty - half of the blade rose into the sky, and it was a precious weapon equipped for samurai commander-level figures, and it broke directly. .

In other words, it was cut open.

But Da Gelin's reaction was so quick. She held half of the long-handled knife and stabbed it into the enemy's chest with her backhand like she was using a spear.

Blood spurted out from the man's back.

But the next moment, Da Gelin also retreated violently. A bloody red hole appeared on her shoulder, but she received a punch.

She ignored her injuries.

Instead, he stared blankly at the person who suddenly appeared: "You..."

"He" looks like a man in appearance, extremely tall and wrapped in dark red cloth. But when he is bathed in the rain, the red color is washed away and oozes to the ground from time to time... This does not look like dye pouring. Like blood.

"Red Swordsman," Da Heimei breathed heavily and said with a smile, "but I think you will be more familiar with his other name..."

"We think we called him - Big Harsh."

"In this Shark Village, no one alive can kill you...but what about the dead?"

"After all, he was our former king!"

The thing called the 'red swordsman' lowered his head and looked at the long handle that penetrated the chest.

He grabbed it, pulled it out, threw it to the ground, and nailed the long handle directly into the steel plate.

Without the foreign object, the terrifying hole in the man's chest was instantly squeezed and closed by muscles. The granulation grew like worms at a visible speed, knitting the wound together, and then, scales of inexplicable material slowly covered it.

The man raised his head, his eyes were pupilless and red.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to speak, but he could only utter a beast-like murmur, which was difficult to identify - I couldn't imagine that this was a sound that human vocal cords could produce.

However, Da Gelin heard a few bytes clearly.

He was saying: "...shadow...person..."

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