Just kidding, he is a civil servant. Although he has managed to become a warrior, he really has to risk his life to get his turn.


With that fearless person around, the fight is basically good, and it's a drag to carry him around.

And Shi Zhen seems to have given instructions.

In order not to leak the news and for other reasons, Kang kept all of them, outsiders, in the city, almost under house arrest, and prevented them from contacting the outside world. Therefore, Pompeo had no way of understanding the situation.

This made Pompeo feel extremely humiliated.

However... people under the eaves have to bow their heads.

When they met, he even called him "general" several times with a smile.

After the special envoy and his party were released, they were escorted to Shark Village... without any contact with people all the way, which was like another place under house arrest.

The only news Pompeo heard was.

It is said that some kind of war is over.

Come to think of it, with the swamp environment.

Calling it a war, it was nothing more than a gang war. Dozens of people died, which was a common occurrence in the Shaker Kingdom before the New Deal - he didn't really care.

Just, this trip.

It is completely different from the 'quick return' that Pompeo originally envisioned.

As soon as he left, he went straight into the depths of the swamp.

We even stepped into Shark Village, a city that we had only heard of in legends. Pompey was ignorant of the details of the city, so he was a little uneasy - if the Marshland were a country, it could be regarded as the capital.

Of course, as far as he knew.

The swamp is torn apart, just like the desert of Stan before Krall was born.

Krall... Thinking of this, Pompeo couldn't help but feel excited.

Not every place can have such a hero.

There is not even a possibility of unification.

As for the country, it is impossible to talk about it.

A consultant who was born in the Shaq Kingdom naturally had a sense of psychological superiority when facing the swamp.

This sense of superiority became even stronger because of a summons.

After finishing her makeup and appearance, Pompei straightened her chest, stepped on the wooden plank road, and strode forward.

Under his constant innuendo.

Today, the owner of Shark Village wants to meet him in person.

The other party's status...can be considered a hegemon, right? But after confirming that he was from the Shark Kingdom, even though he was just an ordinary consultant, he immediately let them out, treating them with such solemnity and courtesy.

This is all because he is wearing another layer of clothes - the special envoy of the Shaq Kingdom.

To be honest, Pompeo has been serving as a consultant for so long because the people serving in the palace are all big bosses. Not only the queen and the general, but also among his colleagues, they are subject to Bayan's arrogance and have no chance of being respected.

Today’s experience is the first time.

From this perspective, I have to thank Bayan for sending him here——

However, Pompeo will not really thank you.

He also wants to take advantage of this meeting to obtain evidence of Bayan's negligence from the owner of the so-called Shark Village - the skeleton group is missing, the whereabouts of supplies and military equipment are unknown, and the relationship between the swamps is ambiguous...

Just pick one up yourself.

It is the best weapon against Bayan.

"You handed me this knife yourself," a smile appeared on Pompeo's lips, "If you don't accept it, it would be too disrespectful."

As for the courtesy received.

Isn't that how it should be?

After all, in the swamp at this moment, Pompeo represents the Shaq Kingdom!

But just when the special envoy was satisfied, he discovered a very serious problem... He couldn't recognize the way to the meeting place!

The gang members who came to release and notify him only told him the location and the person they wanted to see. When Pompeo was suddenly surprised, he quickly freshened up and went out, only to find that the other party seemed to be minding his own business and had no intention of taking him there at all.

It stands to reason that he is such an important guest.

The other party should be waiting outside the door.

Otherwise, if he didn't arrive, who would he be meeting with?

"What a bunch of country folk, they don't understand etiquette at all."

The consultant, who had read more books than the average Shaq, cursed secretly.

Most of the roads in Shark Village are plank roads, which are intricate and complicated, and there are still many broken spots that have not been repaired in time. Sometimes Pompeo has reached the front, only to find that there is no path under his feet, and he almost falls down.

With his watery nature, he would definitely not be able to float.

"This road is also a mess..." Consultant Shaq was still worried.

He was immediately stunned.

But first things first, the owner of Shark Village still needs to meet.

As a last resort, Pompey grabbed a soldier wearing leather armor and asked for directions.

"I don't know this..." The young soldier looked at this guy who was neatly dressed and had tassels on his shoulders. He looked more like a Union City noble than a Shark in his impression, with doubts on his face.

Could it be a spy?

"Who are you looking for?" The soldier held the handle of the knife and looked up and down.

"It's the owner of Shark Village who wants to find me... I've been informed before..." Under the fierce gaze of the other party, Pompeo's chest couldn't help but deflate a little, so he had to tell the story of the future and give out the token again. Keepsake.

The young soldier checked it over and then believed it.

"It seems that there is such a thing. Many people have accepted the invitation... Since it is the person the Red King wants to meet..." He nodded and pointed out the route.

Generally speaking.

Lu Meng's current status is to receive guests, so he should be at the Iron Dome.

This steel building stands in the center of Shark Village and is very conspicuous and not difficult to find.

But the Iron Dome was the most intense battlefield. Not only was a fire ignited, but the plank road leading to it was also blown up, making it impossible to pass through. The repairs were very troublesome and have not yet been completed and are not open to the public.

Therefore, all we have to go to is the next level hall.

This is the place where the leaders once gathered and Lu Meng assassinated the soldiers and warriors.

"Red King?" Pompeo caught the key word, grabbed the soldier who was about to leave and asked quickly, "Is that your leader? Why is he called by this name?"

This seemed not to be recorded at all in the swamp information he browsed before setting off.

Only then did Special Envoy Shaq realize that he knew almost nothing about the person he wanted to meet.

He had a vague sense of crisis.

Desperate for more information.

So much so that they ignored it and the other party said that someone else had accepted the invitation.

"Oh, that's what we call each other privately." The young man was a little impatient at first, but when he heard the people and problems Pompeo mentioned, he became interested, "As for why..."

He pointed to his feet.

Pompeo followed the direction of his finger and saw only the deep pool filled with Shark Village.

The water is deep dark green.

He could only see his own reflection, and see the makeup that he, as the representative of Shaq, spent a lot of time and effort on to show off his kingdom style...other than that he couldn't see anything else.

Before Pompeo could ask further questions, the young soldier had already walked away.

"..." Special Envoy Shaq was confused and made another note in his mind.

Fortunately, I already know the route. When we meet, I will personally poke at the so-called Red King about the problems of his tribe.

If the other person asks sincerely.

It is not impossible to impart some experience in disciplining and restraining subordinates in the Kingdom...

Pompeo left in a hurry.

On the other side, as the representative of Huangshui Village and the backbone of the coalition's fortune, Allen was also a little baffled.

"There is a banquet held there...but, what can we catch up with so late? It should have been over long ago, although Mr. Lu should still be there."

He shrugged and pushed the thought aside.

Everyone nowadays has their own tasks to be busy with. As the situation calmed down, the army that was preparing to regain Rotten Town and completely unify the swampland was also ready to go.

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