"As I promised," Lu Meng calmly stopped hiding his identity in front of everyone and said directly: "City Lord Chi, from now on you can continue to manage Rotten Town, but I will send someone to take over matters such as city defense and troop training. ——The person coming will be at least Legion level.”

The separation of military and political affairs... This is not because they are worried about Achi's separatist regime.

With the current situation in the swamp, this problem almost does not exist.

However, the status of Rotten Town is so important. To be honest, with the identity and strength of this former cadre of the Hound Gang... he really can't hold it down.

In the past, the neighborhood was relatively peaceful.

And with the Hound Gang in the big green town, it doesn't matter.

But now, there are countless external forces who want to take advantage of the unstable order in the swamp and take advantage of it. War may break out at any time - in this case, Rotten Town should be paid more attention to and needs to be garrisoned by capable officers.

The defender himself must also be strong.

At least they can't be assassinated casually.

"Of course, necessities such as medicine, fuel, and soldiers and armor will continue to be supplied in the future." Lu Meng said, "I will also find ways to restore the disconnected commercial traffic between Rotten Town and Shark Village. You can come and go freely.”

There are actually many things he wants to do.

For example, updating industries in Rotten Town, building roads... These are all part of the overall swamp management plan, and are not limited to one city or one place.

However, none of them are what Rotten Town desperately needs right now.

It cannot be completed temporarily, so there is no need to promise in advance.

"I don't get what I asked for." Achi pressed the handle of the knife to his chest.

His power seemed to have been reduced, but the previous tasks were imposed by the situation. For a person like him, they seemed too heavy. Many problems once overwhelmed him and he was stretched to handle.

Now, it's just a return to the days of the Hounds.

It's just a responsibility that Achi is familiar with.

As a cadre who was once a hostile force, this ending can only be described as preferential treatment.

In fact, with the entire swamp at its back, Rotten Town has a solid backing and doesn't have to worry about the future.

At this moment, he finally understood what this white-haired young man...no, the Red King meant.

What you want to bring to him.

Did bring it.

Even conveying it in person - the other party clearly grasped the situation as he expected.

It's no different from the rumors.

And Achi knew even more clearly that the other party answered his question with practical actions.

He has the ability.

Be the king of this swamp.

"Then, summon all the militiamen, guards, and manpower." Lu Meng ordered.

In the blink of an eye, ownership of Rotten Town was transferred. Clearly, in the eyes of everyone, he was still an envoy who had to be inspected and guarded, but now he was giving orders.

However, everyone took it for granted.

"Are you trying to hunt down any possible remaining Black Dragon Ninjas in the city?" Achi asked.

"No," Lu Meng shook his head, "It's to defend the city."

"Defend the city?" Some militiamen were nervous.

Are there still enemies?


Before they could react, a long hiss suddenly came from the city, and a giant horned beast was seen stepping on the mud and slowly approaching the city gate. The guards were so frightened that they almost picked up their weapons, but when the searchlight came on, After taking a photo, they discovered that it was the wild bull that entered the city during the day.

Some people looked at Lu Meng belatedly, understanding in their hearts.

Being able to follow the Red King, even if it is an animal, is indeed extraordinary.

I just don’t know, another rumor…

"Uh, bosses..." The civilian husband holding the iron ox was startled by the battle, and he started to tremble a little as he spoke, "I am here on the entrustment of the envoy."

Although the civilian husband is strong, he is not short in stature.

But standing next to Tieniu, he was ignored at first glance. The difference was too huge.

And he himself was frightened when he took the giant beast out of the cowshed.

"Entrustment?" Hearing this, Achi raised his eyebrows and thought of something.

From the beginning……

However, he did not reveal it, but corrected him calmly and with a hint of respect:

"Old Li, this is the Red King."

"What!?" The civilian husband was startled, and the reins slipped directly from his hands.


But at this moment, Lu Meng had already walked to Tieniu's side, nodded to the civilian husband known as Lao Li, thanked him, and then took the reins of Tie Suo.

He reached out and touched the spear-like bone horn, and then looked directly into Tien Niu's eyes.

The pupils of this wild bull are deep.

There was a hint of red.

"The control is good," Lu Meng thought to himself, "the operation was successful."

--genetic modification.

He implanted the bloodline of madness into this wild wasteland bull.

This also relies on Grace's interpretation of the intelligent core and the experimental data obtained from the Red Swordsman in South Union City.

Just as Lu Meng expected.

For the Shaq clan, the blessing or curse that created the berserkers came from the genetic modification when they were created - but now, it is difficult to say whether this is an experimental flaw or the original design.

Although the Bone People want to hide the past.

Lu Meng knew it.

——Law enforcer.

Legend has it that at the end of the Second Empire, due to the lack of mechanical police force in the empire, a group of humanoid servants suddenly appeared to help maintain law and order and put down the rebels.

It is said that their appearance at the beginning was no different from that of humans.

Just extremely powerful.

Gradually, as the empire became more and more chaotic, the situation became more and more out of control - some people discovered that the servants began to grow scales on their bodies, and their defensive toughness became even more amazing. They also grew bone horns, and their whole bodies could be used as weapons.

At the same time, it became more bloodthirsty and bellicose.

They are called the law enforcers of the empire.

What happened after that has been lost in history... But in Lu Meng's ears, it's hard not to think of the Sharks today. The harvest gained from the intelligent core this time is a verification.

However, the current research results are limited, and the genetic medicines obtained are not stable enough.

Lu Meng has not been used on the human body.

After all, even the red swordsman created by Southern United City looked like that. He was powerful but turned into a monster with neither human nor ghost, and no consciousness of his own. This was by no means the effect Lu dreamed of.

But Tieniu succeeded.

Just looking at this rapidly growing body shape, even the most experienced herdsmen can't tell that it has just entered the 'adult stage' and has not yet reached the 'elder stage' that can break through the physiological limits - the latter is the most common among the group. Basically, he is already like a beast king.

If Tieniu continues to grow, the potential is unimaginable.

This is no coincidence or luck.

When Lu Meng learned about the Shakers through dismemberment... well, dissection, he had already speculated that a large part of their genes might come from the mutated cattle species in the wasteland. The similarity in appearance and structure and the psychological admiration have also made "cow" a common totem and intention among the Shaq people.

Because of their homology, they are more suitable for this transformation than humans.

Even so, the medical department failed many times.

So much so that Lu Meng once wondered if they were greedy and simply wanted to eat beef...

Fortunately, after stabilizing, I succeeded with Tieniu.

He patted the beefy, monster-like bull, then grabbed its horns, jumped up, and sat sideways on its back.

On one side, his fine iron long cleavage hung, its cold glow in the dark night like substance.

This little weight can only be said to be as light as nothing to Tieniu.

Then the Red King left the city alone, just as he had come.

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