Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 470 B-level authority, take action

"Get out?" Lu Meng chuckled after hearing this.

He looked at the hovering flock of carrion birds above the bandit army. They were like large pieces of dust floating in the flames.

These birds will follow herds of carnivorous animals, such as bone dogs and beaks.

When they attack and kill large swaths of prey.

Scavenging birds can also take the opportunity to rush down and pick up some leftovers to eat.

But let’s say it’s the one that causes the most killing.

There is no herd of beasts that can match the creation of civilization, the true army.

These birds can predict the coming of death even better than humans.

But this time.

It's not instinct that attracts them.

Lu Meng stretched out his hand towards the sky.


A carrion bird suddenly swooped down and stood firmly on his arm, folding its wings.

In order to stretch its head into the belly of the dead body, the down on the neck of this bird has completely degraded and become bald, but the feathers all over its body are bright black and as tough as razor blades.

The carrion bird turned to look at Lu Meng, and their eyes met.

There seemed to be some pleading in it.

"Okay, I'll let you go this time." Lu Meng raised his hand, and the carrion bird seemed to have broken free from its restraints, fluttering its wings and flying away, losing several feathers in a panic.

This scene left little Dibu in front of him stunned.

And a curtain of light that only Lu Meng could see flashed before his eyes.

[Animal Recruitment and Forced Control (Level B)]

Permission: Class B!

Previously in Shark Village, the reason why Lu Meng agreed to Seto return to the Shark Kingdom was not just for the superficial reasons. The little princess could only guess part of it.

——Of course, a disciple can do this.

Lu Meng will still not hesitate to praise.

The real reason is that the mission of "teaching and mutual benefit" has been completed.

[Guiding an NPC's melee/range skill level to reach the "mastery" level, Seto (machete) has been completed;

Guide an NPC's life skill level to reach the "Mastery" level, and Kavin (Weapon Forging) has been completed;

Player participation must not be less than 30%.

Reward: The authority is upgraded to level B. Effect: Module slot +1, unlocking higher-level (level B) modules.

The panel will display richer environmental information. 】

Now, Seto's swordsmanship is equivalent to the level when she first entered Skun Town. Coupled with the influence of the system, as long as she trains hard on her own, she can climb up step by step. She no longer needs Lu Meng to guide her.

As for Lu Meng himself.

More importantly: he unlocks higher-level system permissions and can install more powerful modules with more practical uses.

At this level, their effects are closer to directly changing the world.

For example, it is already the highest level 10x experience module.

For example, backpack stacking, load reduction, storage box capacity... these are modules that already involve modification of physical space.

Another example is Medical Angel, performance optimization, more recipes...

And what Lu Meng is currently using is the advanced version of the animal taming series: [Animal Recruitment Level B]. If the effect of the C-level animal taming module is to enable people to communicate with animals without any barriers, then the B-level animal taming module is not only The scope is wider and the communication effect is stronger. At the same time, it can also ignore the wishes of the animal itself and directly control it to complete certain behaviors, and the operation is more precise.

It shows that he has a stronger affinity with animals than the top animal trainers of the Shandi tribe.

Therefore, even though Tieniu already possesses the bloodline of madness, Lu Meng is still not worried about it losing control.

Of course, the duration of forcefully controlling a beast is also limited by the target's strength and resistance. The effective range of control is linked to Lu Meng's own perception range, and this process also requires Lu Meng's own mental and physical energy to be consumed. energy.

However, this is enough.

Lu Meng took out a little black sheep from his arms. Cornelius blinked and looked at him cutely.

He smiled: "You little guy, you are quite smart."

[It seems that it is very fond of you. If such a sheep grows up, it should go to all over the world to show off its skills, and should not be restricted to this small place. 】

A line of text appeared automatically, and Lu Meng ignored it.

Another effect of increased authority is richer environmental information...actually it seems that the system has become more "talkative" and will display some environment, item and character introductions from time to time.

There are some that Lu Meng, as an experienced player, doesn’t need at all.

But some can also reveal key information.

He stuffed the black sheep into the little herdsman's arms.

Then, as soon as he urged the iron bull under him, he headed towards the direction of the bandit army.

With reports from birds and animals everywhere, as well as the intelligence provided by this smart little black sheep and the brave herdsman boy, Lu Meng finally caught the location of this group of sand bandits head-on.

The vanguard officer of the sand bandits originally thought it was funny when he saw the passerby with the bull stopped and looked a little panicked. He couldn't help but joke with the brothers around him, and burst into laughter.

Along the way.

Who among the people who saw their army would not have such a reaction?

If you are not scared enough to fall off the back of an ox, you have a good psychological quality.

Only a few people noticed a carrion bird landing on him and thought it was a bit strange, but they didn't pay much attention to it.

but now.

Looking at the passers-by traveling in the wilderness, not only did they not run away in fear, but they came towards their entire military formation, everyone could tell that something was wrong.

Are you scared out of your wits?

"Seeking death!" The vanguard officer of the sand bandits raised his hand, and there was a sudden sound of the crossbows being cocked, and the arrows flashed with cold light, aiming at Lu Meng, "I don't want to die!"

"Wait, my lord!"

Ignoring the obstruction of the bandit soldiers around him, Ethan rushed to the vanguard officer, "Don't shoot, don't shoot, I know him."

"He's here to surrender to us bandits!"

"Come to join the gang?" the pioneer officer asked suspiciously.

Is this really happening?

"Yes, yes..." Ethan could only insist at this moment, his heart beating like a drum in his chest.

Even if they didn't say it, the other party kindly reminded them once.

His current grandson was still staying with him, and there was no way the two of them could survive the random arrows.

"Half-drawn bow."

The bandit pioneer officer lowered his hand slightly.

If the cows are delivered for free, it will be an extra labor force, which is not bad...

"No, do it quickly!"

A sword-wielding samurai wearing merchant leather armor pushed the sand bandits away and shouted fiercely with his sword in his hand.

Zeng Jian's eyes were looking straight at the figure in the distance.

The palms of his hands were sweating.

His position in the caravan is just like the legion-level bodyguard beside Yamudou in the past. It can be said that he is responsible for force. Of course, when teaming up with Peng Li, he is also responsible for analysis.

Originally, except for the fact that Yamudou was weird, he thought that everything else was under control, so that his attitude was a bit cynical.

However, when he saw the person in the distance, a fear that seemed to be engraved in his instincts arose in his heart.

Zeng Jian was in the military formation and had extraordinary strength.

He actually felt the danger.

Something is wrong!

The pioneer officer looked at the boss of the Chinese army, Matt nodded and said: "Listen to the guest."

In his opinion, such a small thing.

Even if it’s making a fuss out of a molehill, so what if it gives the merchants’ guild face?

"Wind up, shoot..."


Before the Sand Bandit Pioneer Officer could give the order, a long hiss covered his voice and resounded through the wasteland like a long horn.

The bull, which has been fully charged, has four legs and one head.

Like a moving hill, it rushed towards the endless military formation.

Lu Meng actually took it with him and charged towards the entire sand bandit army alone.

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