Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 498 Factional Relations (Combined Chapter)


Bowei opened his eyes in a daze.

What he saw was a white dome with goshawks, herds and bonfires painted on it.

A familiar scene.

White tent.

What filled his nose was the smell of medicine, which was different from the herbs that ordinary herdsmen often boiled, more like chemical drugs such as disinfectant.

He suddenly propped himself up:

"How are the wolves!"

The guards around him hurriedly supported him: "Everyone is fine."

Bowei looked around and saw that there were neatly stacked camping beds around, and each of them had a warrior from the North Wind Clan lying on it.

But it was different from when he first came in.

These people now didn't look like wounded soldiers. They were lying crookedly, some snoring and sleeping soundly, and some gathered together to chat and play finger-guessing games.

Although they were still wrapped in bandages.

But the injuries on their bodies were obviously healed.

At this moment, he was full of energy.

Bowei looked at his naked upper body and realized that he was the same.

Those horrible wounds torn by the Bone Burial Wolves were not only sutured with fine soft threads, showing the operator's advanced and skilled skills, but even the wounds themselves had almost recovered.

New tender flesh appeared behind the fallen blood scabs, and even the scars were only a shallow layer.

There was almost no trace on these rough men.

He was surprised and said, "How many days have I been unconscious?"

For creatures in the wasteland, the usual recovery speed is already very fast. There is an old saying that it takes a hundred days to heal a broken bone, but most people can't understand it - take these warriors of the North Wind Clan as an example, they can get out of bed after lying down for ten days at home, and continue to work the next day.

However, to let them recover from the injuries they suffered when fighting the Bone Burial Wolves to the current level.

It will take at least a month, and this is for those who are less injured.

After all, they still need to grow flesh.

Bo Wei could see that his subordinates had received good treatment, but he didn't expect that he would be unconscious for so long after being injured...

During this period, would the wolf pack catch up with the North Wind Clan? Maybe the Beak-Billed Beast Disaster had already broken out or even ended... Their forces were delayed here, and they would not have time to go back to protect their families.

Bo Wei was quite anxious.

But he also found that he did not seem to be weak due to being unconscious for a long time.

"Brother," the guard looked a little strange, "you just slept for two days."

"Only two days?" Bo Wei said in surprise, "How is this possible!"

He knew his injuries best, and now he had recovered... How could it be that it had only been two days since he resisted the wolf pack? Normal sleep would take up most of the day.

"Brother, you are already seriously injured. Most of the brothers only came in to lie down for half a day before being replaced. This is the last batch." The guard said, with a trace of disbelief in his tone after adapting to the situation. "Everyone is almost well."

"It is indeed hard to believe... But the one who treated us personally was the Red King."

"And this is his tent."

Such seemingly illogical words, spoken by the guard, seemed to be natural - as if mentioning the 'Red King' could naturally explain all the magical phenomena.

This is indeed the case.

They witnessed a miracle.

[Effective module: Fast medical bed (level B)]

[Effect: Camping bed provides 20 times the healing rate, indoor medical bed provides 40 times the healing rate, mechanical maintenance bed provides 100 times the healing rate...]

[Effective range: within the base]

The healing rate provided by the module is based on the "natural recovery rate without any formal medical treatment", which has been superimposed with the category of the medical bed itself. For example, the ancient black technology of mechanical repair beds can automatically perform surgery and greatly speed up the recovery of injuries. Now it has become more abnormal.

Without guarding against wolves, Lu Meng changed the module of the base from "building health" to "fast medical bed". The most basic one only requires an ordinary outdoor camping bed, which he has already arranged.

In his vision,

different buildings can be divided into different functions in the future.

And tents are undoubtedly very suitable for use as field mobile hospitals.

The effective range is still limited to his own base, and will not make large-scale modifications to the whole world.

This is also related to the module authority level.

Of course, such restrictions are actually beneficial to Lu Meng at present.

It will not suddenly turn all the beds in the continent into top-level blood recovery cabins... There are still many enemies of Lu Meng outside.

If you want to shelter the poor people in the world, you must first clean the house before inviting guests.

But in the eyes of the North Wind Warrior.

A magical scene appeared.

As long as you walk into the tent of the Red King and lie down on the camping bed, your injuries will recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if you have received a blessing from God.

But once you leave the tent, the effect disappears.

Someone secretly took out the camping bed and tried it outside, but it didn't have such a good effect. The camping bed turned back into an ordinary straw mat in an instant, and it even made you catch a cold due to the wind...

Under control variables.

Everyone knows where the problem lies.

Or, who did it all-

Lu Meng is standing on the top of the grass hill at this moment. His cloak is stained red by wolf blood. There is no time and no water source to wash it. He only took it off for hygiene reasons when treating the wounded, and then roughly disinfected his body.

Now I put it on again to keep warm, and it still has a strong fishy smell.

However, none of the North Wind Warriors behind me disliked it.

On the contrary, they looked at Lu Meng with deep respect.

Resisting wolves and turning the tide...

More importantly, turning decay into magic... No, it should be said that turning decay into miracles.

It is conceivable what kind of impact this will have on them, who are simple herders.

And it's not just that.

In addition to the "Quick Medical Bed" module that takes effect in the base, Lu Meng's personal panel also has a corresponding module at this moment.

[Effective module: Medical Angel (B-level)]

[Effect: Your treatment will generate additional faction favorability. ]

Lu Meng, the "old doctor", has not practiced the [Medical] skill for a long time, and the growth is very slow compared to other skills.

This time, he has gained a lot of experience.

He has reached the "Outstanding" level.

But now, Lu Meng's own medical skill level is no longer critical.

Firstly, the swamp has established a medical department. The team headed by Dr. Zhong is much more professional and has more manpower. Although it cannot meet all medical needs, after all, doctors always have bald heads... but it is basically not Lu Meng's turn to take action.

Secondly, his own strength has improved now, and he is rarely injured.

The need for emergency treatment is not so urgent. Even if there is, he can find a special battlefield doctor in the future.

However, after the authority is upgraded to Class B.

With the newly unlocked module "Medical Angel", the nature of the skill [Medical] seems to have changed.

Lu Meng is facing away from everyone at this moment.

It's not that he wants to be cool.

But even he, who has experienced many battles, can't stand the fanatical gaze of these rough men behind him... After a little experiment, the effect seems to be a bit too strong.

On the panel, more abundant information is provided after the authority is unlocked:

The "North Wind Clan" column in [Faction Relations].

It has been pulled from the initial "coexistence" to the highest level "blood alliance".

And because of the difference in strength.

Writing "blood alliance", it is actually not an exaggeration to say "surrender".

Starting from neutrality, there are 1,000 positive favorability points, divided into five levels:

Neutral, coexistence, friendliness, respect, and blood alliance.

At the beginning, as Lu Meng noticed, although the Beifeng Clan obeyed orders, they were mainly subdued by his power, and the real favorability fluctuated only between 400 and 500.

But now.

After fighting side by side, fast medical beds, medical angels... a wave of cooperation.

The favorability is directly maxed out.

"What kind of medical angel is this..." Lu Meng sighed in his heart, "It's obviously a medical succubus, right?"

But this is also understandable.

Take this set of combined punches.

It would be confusing for anyone.

He knew that the panel data did not directly change the world, but was a record and feedback of the existing information in the world.

It's just for people to understand intuitively.

For example, the relationship between the Beifeng Clan and him is currently a "blood alliance".

But there will still be differences among them, such as the uninformed herders will not change their views on Lu Meng...This is a comprehensive judgment.

However, this can also be reflected from the side.

These Beifeng warriors around Lu Meng, how fanatical are they about the ‘Red King’ in their hearts, so much so that they directly raise the average of the entire tribe.

This is also because they have a high weight.

They are respected in the Beifeng clan and have the right to speak, plus they are the armed forces of the entire tribe - if even the military force is controlled by someone, then there is no suspense about which direction this force will lean towards.

"Red King."

A strong man with a bandage on his upper body lifted the curtain, strode out, and saluted with a fist.

"You have recovered very well." Lu Meng looked at him and said with a little joking, "But next time, I won't try so hard. Pulling you back from the border of death... It's the most difficult time in my medical career."

The person who came was Bo Wei, the commander of Beifeng.

As expected, there was the same fanaticism in his eyes.

No, it's better.

"It's all because of your divine... superb medical skills." Bo Wei was a little entangled, "I was a little worried before."

He didn't know whether to say it was a magical power or medicine.

But since the Red King didn't say anything, let's just go along with what he said.


Lu Meng didn't explain much.

As far as he knew, there was also a human body repair cabin in the A-level module, which was the top treatment method, almost a creation of the interstellar colonization era... but it consumed a lot of electricity and had harsh preconditions.

More importantly, Lu Meng suspected that its prototype or substitute also existed somewhere in this world.

In comparison, the medical bed displayed this time was just a small matter.

For example, the camping bed in the base, strictly speaking, the treatment effect was equal to that of an ordinary mechanical repair bed.

Of course, this was also very abnormal.

The latter was the strongest medical repair equipment on the known continent, and the stock was very few and quite hidden. Shark Village only had one at the Dancing Skeleton Man.

But the camping bed with the same effect.

There are now hundreds of them in the white tent.

And the cost is low, and it can be dismantled as needed - after all, it's just a straw mat.

If it was in the real cold weapon era, with such black technology, wouldn't it be a matter of minutes for a certain emperor's uncle to support the Han Dynasty...


"Bone-burying wolf!?"

At this time, Bo Wei heard another wolf howl. His hair stood on end and he wanted to draw his sword, but he missed again.

Then he realized that he was just a patient who had just recovered from his injuries.

But this sudden wolf howl was not as fierce as the night before. Instead, it contained some whimpers in despair, as if it was just one step away from begging and pleading.

"Snap!" A whip exploded in the air.

"What are you yelling for!" An old man cursed and whipped.

Bo Wei looked in the direction of the sound and knew that the man was one of his subordinates, and also Mota Beifeng, an experienced animal trainer in the Beifeng clan.

However, what shocked him was.

Under Mota's whip were none other than the fierce and aggressive bone-burying wolves that had chosen people to eat the night before. There were more than twenty of them.

But now, their legs and feet were tied with thick hemp ropes and they could not break free.

There was an iron muzzle on the bloody mouth, but it was obviously a size smaller and it broke the skin.

These were used for bone dogs.

The Bone Burial Wolf was much larger than them, so it was naturally not suitable.

It seemed that it would need to be rebuilt in the future.

"Are you trying to tame them?" Bo Wei immediately understood and looked at Lu Meng in astonishment.

"Yes." Lu Meng walked to the struggling Bone Burial Wolf. The other's body shape was similar to the lion and tiger in his impression, and it was more ferocious. "Is this strange?"

As Lu Meng patted it on the head.

The Bone Burial Wolf shrank back and became honest.

However, the wildness hidden in the green eyes could not be completely eliminated.

This made people have no doubt:

Once they were untied again, these Bone Burial Wolves would once again become ferocious beasts that plundered and hunted.

"Yes... and no." Bo Wei didn't know what to say.

It was of course strange to want to tame the Bone Burial Wolf.

No one had ever done it.

In the legend of the tribes of Shandi, there is only one tribe that has an extraordinary affinity for animals, and is regarded as a legendary clan that can tame many wild beasts in the Skeleton Wasteland and solve the beast disaster in one fell swoop.

However, I don’t know if they are crazy.

This clan is not only unwilling to tame wild beasts, but also no longer grazes cattle and sheep. Instead, they suddenly have a strong interest in a certain crustacean.

So much so that they left the inland plains of Shandi.

They moved eastward all the way, and now no one knows where they are going.

In this era, only Wumian and the former beast taming genius of the White Eyebrow Clan have some hope.

However, Wumian chose to specialize in beaked beasts, and the youngest son of the White Eyebrow Clan was said to have contracted a serious illness and mental disorder in an accident. Now he can’t even take care of himself. He is just raised in a tent and has not seen people for a long time.

Taming the Skeleton Land Wolf?

Bo Wei wanted to say it was impossible.


He looked at Lu Meng’s back, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

If it was this person...

What is impossible?

Lu Meng looked at the burial wolves he had captured. Although they were not as big as adult pack animals, they were also extremely strong. Their shoulder height was almost as high as that of an ordinary person.

After all, they were mutant wasteland creatures and could not be compared.

There is a saying among the people.

Copper head, iron bones, tofu waist.

This refers to the spine of canines, which is basically fragile and cannot withstand tossing, let alone riding.

However, the heavy bone plates on their bodies, like exoskeletons, make up for this well.

So, wolf cavalry...

Is there any explanation?

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