Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 504: Building a defense line (combined chapter)


Lu Meng looked at the faction relationships on the panel.

Those reddish power names, this color symbolizes negative favorability.

Negative relationships also start from neutrality and are divided into: neutrality, disgust, rejection, hostility, and blood feud.

If you reach the "disgusting" level, this force will basically not give you a good look, and if you reach the "rejection" level, you will be prohibited from approaching or entering their sphere of influence.

As for the "blood feud" level, it's easier to understand.

It's a life-and-death relationship. If the negative is 1,000, you will have to be completely wiped off this continent... To be honest, it's very difficult to provoke someone to this level.

This is basically the case only for forces that are hostile to each other based on fanatical beliefs and ideas, such as the Holy Kingdom's attitude towards the extermination of mechanical life.

The average small force Lu Meng ignores it.

He noticed that in the [Holy Empire] column, the faction favorability suddenly dropped rapidly not long ago. Although it was already hostile, it was now one step closer to blood feud.

It seems like something happened.

Or maybe they learned some information.

This is not surprising to Lu Meng.

Because when he unlocked the B-level permissions and could display faction relationships on the panel, he noticed that the enemies of the Holy Kingdom [Nang Ninja Group] had already reached the level of "respect" in their relationship with him.

According to Lu Meng’s estimate.

When he first left the hub, the other party was at best "friendly" to him.

After all, although the Wave Ninja Group at the hub is weak, the strength of the entire Wave Ninja Group cannot be underestimated. Their leader Moore was a war-level master at the time, and was a rare war-level secret master.

She has reached the pinnacle of "shady" skills such as assassination, stealth, lock picking, and mastery. Of course, it is precisely because of this that she can lead the Lang Ninja Group under the siege of the Holy Kingdom.

Such a force.

Their headquarters may have had a favorable impression of Lu Meng at that time, but it was impossible to say how much they valued it.

Today, however, relationships have changed.

It seems that over the years, Lu Meng's previous deal with Lei Bai and the secrets of the Holy Kingdom revealed have helped the Lang Ninja Group a lot.

So much so that even if one does not know Lu Meng's strength, his invisible reputation within the Lang Ninja Group is constantly rising... This can be said to be extremely rare.

Another force that has recently reached a "respected" relationship is [Shaq Kingdom].

This change occurred after the grain team and envoys in the swamp arrived at Scone.

Just like Bayan once promised.

He'll gain the friendship of Shaq.

Not to mention that Lu Meng’s results far exceeded their expectations.

The larger the power, the more difficult it is to change the relationship, but the more significant the effect will be.

For a big country like the Shaker Kingdom.

If you can reach "respect", you can almost be regarded as an ally. Even if it is impossible to ask for anything, but at this level, it is difficult for the enemy to make them betray through material inducements.

However, based on the traditional culture of the Shaq people.

There is another condition for being respected by them, and that is strength. Only strong warriors are qualified to gain such respect.

"It seems that Bayan guy has finally revealed my identity as the 'Unknown One'." Lu Meng dreamed, "Otherwise, just ordinary interactions may not have aroused such a big reaction."

At this time, Lu Meng no longer needed to conceal the identity of the Nameless One to avoid the possible defeat of the Avengers.

Firstly, the officials continued to crack down during this period, and secondly, the title of the Nameless One finally became louder in the Shaker Kingdom. I am afraid that he himself has begun to gain supporters from the Shaker tribe.

This can be said to be the general trend.

Among them, Bayan also contributed to the flames.

Because Lu Meng became the king of the swamp, the chief advisor also further re-evaluated his value. The originally promised friendship was not just on a personal level, but looked forward to establishing a long-term and close cooperation between the two forces.

Of course, based on Lu Meng's understanding of the Hornless Man, this was probably his own little idea - just to use the Nameless Man's human identity to defeat the arrogant traditional forces in the country.

Don’t you usually look down on “plain-skinned people”? The result is that others have done what you cannot.

Be ashamed.

The Shakers are indeed guys who value glory. Those five people who oppose the New Deal will probably restrain themselves a lot.

But correspondingly, I am afraid that he will also have a sense of competition and even hostility towards this unknown person - just like the sword master Akel.

Does this count as being used as a gun?

Fortunately, Lu Meng is not afraid either.

What's more, the more Bayan builds momentum, the more benefits he can get... This is a tacit understanding between them.

What really makes Lu Meng a little strange is that.

The relationship between [United Cities] and [Merchant Guild] towards him.

——Yes, the levels of these two forces are equal. They are also the highest-level forces. They are not subordinate to each other, but they are inseparable.

The merchant guild is like the blood vessels and nerves of the United City, wrapping up the loose connections between city-states, but it is also like a parasite entrenched in them, radiating their influence to the entire continent with the empire as the center. .

in this process.

They may even do things that harm the interests of United City itself.

They have roots but no borders.

Lu Meng saw that the relationship between him and the United Cities had dropped sharply, especially the Southern United City. It was probably the result of the fight for the intelligent core, which had been reported back.

The evidence was the relationship between him and the City of Corons.

In a flash, he arrived at the "blood feud".

It seemed that the great lord Grace there was also very angry.

Losing such a precious thing as the intelligent core, even the results of many years of research and interpretation were used as wedding clothes... It would be strange if he could remain calm.

However, Lu Meng had made preparations before he set out.

The shadow man led the swamp ninjas to block the southern wetlands with all his strength. Even if the City of Corons wanted to do something, it could not compare with those professionals.

But Grace's change of attitude also affected the entire Southern United City.

The End of the Wandering, Kaiton City, the Town of Sorrowful Mines...

The southern part of this empire has "rejected" him.

This has some impact on Lu Meng's future.

Now he wants to gain a foothold in the Land of Flash. Whether he continues to expand or set out to explore, he will inevitably have to deal with their territory.

The relationship between the Northern United City and Lu Meng has not changed much. From the beginning, it has been neutral to negative 124... It is impossible for these nobles to have any good feelings towards the peasants in their eyes.

The reason why it has not dropped to "dislike" is that they are too lazy to care.

Who is Lu Meng? I have never heard of him.


[Faction Relationship: Merchant Guild 0 (Neutral)]

"Neutral..." Lu Meng's eyes shrank.

Are you kidding me?

He can be said to have destroyed the Merchant Guild's plan to control the swamp with his own hands, killed Yamudu, and later solved a second-level franchise caravan, and secretly fought with anti-slavery...

Even so, it is still "neutral"?

Can it be reconciled?

If it weren't for the fact that everything else on the panel data was normal.

Lu Meng would have suspected that he had a bug.

Even if nothing happened, the skinners under Lu Meng's command would engage in smuggling business and were direct competitors with the Merchant Guild in this area.

There is no way the relationship between them could be positive.

In fact, Lu Meng saw it with his own eyes.

During this period of time.

The attitude of the Merchant Guild towards him changed from "disgust" which was about to enter "hostility" to "neutral" and finally locked.

Something must have happened during this period.

Lu Meng would not naively believe it completely just because the panel told him the level of faction relationship.

If you want to interpret it.

I'm afraid there is some powerful factor that prompted the Merchant Guild to give up the ordinary and spontaneous hostility towards Lu Meng.

So that they are in harmony on the surface.

It can't be a show of goodwill.

It's more like worrying about alerting the enemy.

It's like under the calm water, who knows what kind of predator is hiding. When he tears off the disguise, he must want to get much more than what he gives away...

Lu Meng retracted the panel.

When the enemy comes, the general will fight, and when the water comes, the earth will cover it.

As long as his plan goes on, no matter who has any intention...

Just smash it.

And in front of him, someone lifted the curtain.

Rotten Town, Stone Town, Mud Town, Skinning Town...

Except for the Water Tribe in the southern wetland, which was too far away and had to guard against the city of Coronce, representatives from the entire swamp were all present.

"Red King." They all saluted.

At this moment, this ordinary fur tent was as high-end as the iron dome because of the presence of them and Lu Meng.

"Thank you for coming from afar, everyone has worked hard..."

Lu Meng encouraged him.

Most of the people who came to the swamp were not armed personnel.

There were many gangs in the swamp, but now Lu Meng is the only one in power. Most of the original big leaders were killed or injured, and the previous pattern is no longer there.

Their gang members who are still willing to continue will be accepted into the new army and trained by Kang Lai.

Others, whether they go home to farm or enter new departments, are assigned to their respective positions according to their specialties.

Lu Meng will not rule the swamp according to the previous practice.

And this time, it is the "Engineering Department" that supports the Flash Land.

The talents of the construction industry in various towns were integrated, and they gathered together, no longer having their own advantages but not being subordinate to each other.

Of course, there were other armed forces coming to escort them.

The crossbow troops trained by Cang Cui.

And the Skeleton Group, the Fearless Tora.

For them who were eager to hone themselves in battle, the swamps seemed too peaceful at the moment.

Coming to Shandi, they could just open up a new battlefield.


Seto blinked on the side.

For her, this was really a long journey.

Let alone a little princess.

Even most of the warriors in the kingdom did not have such rich experience.

And the customs of the wandering tribes in Shandi also made Seto quite interested.

She remembered the legend before the founding of the Shek tribe.

At that time, their living conditions were not much different. If it were not for the sudden appearance of Kral, I am afraid that the current Shek Kingdom would be the current state of Shandi.

Such associations made the little princess excited.

The legend of Kral, which only existed in poetry and fantasy.

Is it going to reappear on this land?

However, Lu Meng has more important things to worry about now.

"You all know the basic situation. The beaked beast disaster is coming." He said, "This vast plain is the natural hunting ground of those 'giraffes'."

Once encountered.

There is nowhere to hide, and there is no way to escape.

To fight for a glimmer of hope, the only way is to face the enemy head-on.

"In fact, I suspect that even if the wandering tribes have migrated on a large scale, they may still be caught up by the beaked beasts. The endurance and speed of these animals are beyond people's imagination... and we have to stop them here."

On the plains, the crossbow troops have no shooting angle advantage.

Once caught up, they will be slaughtered by the beaked beasts.

Although the warriors of the Skeleton Group are fearless, Lu Meng will not send them to die.

"So..." Lu Meng looked at the people in the engineering department, "We need to build a line of defense here, a fortification that protects us and kills the enemy at the same time."

"You look like someone who can appreciate a good wall." The leader of the engineering department adjusted the single-sided thick glasses on his face, "This is exactly the meaning of our coming here."

Worman is also a talent in Shark Village.

However, he is a worker bee, and the construction impulse rooted in his genes seems to have some deviations when he left the factory, making him focus on the "city wall".

It is said that when Woman was still in the hive, the hive prince in charge neglected supervision for a while. When he reacted, he found that this worker bee had built a circle of walls outside the hive village with people, which looked like a maze. People inside could not get out and people outside could not get in. It was almost misunderstood as a new type of natural disaster...

Such a strong self-personality also made Woman disconnect from the consciousness of the tribe, so he was expelled from the hive and became a wandering bee man. He also has the title of "wall lover" outside.

Although this wall lover's talent and interest are all on the city wall, if he is asked to build a small house, he is unwilling to add a roof, saying that this will affect the beauty of the wall... But such a quirk is just right for the current situation.

"However, Your Highness, the Red King." Warman was very excited that an employer finally appreciated his "talent". He pushed his glasses again, "How long will it take you?"

With Warman's [Engineering] skills, in the past, no matter what construction period the employer said, the construction team he led could often complete it ahead of schedule - provided that the wall was repaired.

Worman asked this deliberately.

In fact, he also wanted to show off in front of the Red King.

However, Lu Meng pondered for a moment.

Then, he said something that even Warman felt a sudden increase in pressure.

"Two weeks... No, one week." He said, "We only have one week at most."

"Based on the intelligence shared by the White Eyebrow Clan before, and the speed of the advance of the Bone Burial Wolf, the prelude to the beast disaster, at most a beaked beast will arrive here in a week."

"Don't think about retreating, our speed can't keep up with their pursuit speed."

"And if a line of defense that can resist the beaked beasts cannot be built in a week, our soldiers and your engineering team members will be exposed to the long-necked steel teeth of those beasts."

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