Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 528 Beast Tamer (Combined Chapter)

A total of eight beak-mouthed behemoths in the elder stage.

Just one of them came today, even if it could not destroy the Baimei clan's entire defense line, it still made them feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy and were frightened.

If the beaks in the faceless mouth.

Really attracted to him.

Then the scene that appears will only be a bloodbath.

——To be honest, if it weren't for this beast disaster, even in the Skeleton Wasteland Highlands, the home of the beaked beasts, there would be no way to gather so many elder-stage behemoths at once. After all, it is vast and boundless, and it is still very large in general. Empty.

The beak-billed beast has reached the level of the elder.

You won't be so close to others of the same kind.

within the territory.

It is enough to have one Beast King of your own.

Unless there is one male and one female.

"Don't be so radical." After hearing this, Ren Lin's eyes flashed, but he just smiled and joked, "The Baimei clan treats us very well, how can you say that you want to crush them."

Faceless: "It's just a metaphor."

Let the representative of the merchant guild more truly realize the power of the symbol - and the bargaining chip he now has.

And he noticed.

Ren Lin did not refute. The purpose of collecting clues about these giant beasts in the elder stage was to deal with the Lord of Blood.

——Lubei Tour.

Since the shrinkage of the White Eyebrow clan, Faceless has been wandering in the eastern part of Shendi, nominally to lure away the beak-billed beasts that are attacking from various places and implement the strategies recommended to them.

The animal trainer, of course, did the job.

But in fact.

What he is more interested in is looking for truly powerful creatures.

That is, the giant beasts in the elder stage.

Every animal disaster is a disaster for ordinary herdsmen, but for top animal trainers like Wu Mian, it is an inexhaustible treasure trove that can be used to supplement materials and improve themselves.

However, what surprised him was.

The requirements from the merchant guild.

Using eight Elder Beaks to deal with the same person...even if they were surrounded by war-level people, there was no way they could escape.

This is the power of nature.

Not to make a fuss out of a molehill, but to pay enough attention to it.

In fact, from Wu Mian's point of view: just the various beasts he has guided and incited to the west, including the beaked beasts, are enough to wipe out the entire western part of Shan.

Why do you need to make special preparations——

"This is the request of the president." Seeing Wu Mian's confusion, Ren Lin silenced him with just one sentence, "...To be honest, I also envy you."

He actually used this to hook up with Long En.

It's really just bad luck.

In terms of strength alone, Faceless is the best among the legion-level, and even has some potential to be promoted to the war-level. This is of course a rare genius in Shendi, but in the entire United City, such a person is nothing. If you can earn an official position, you are considered to be above average.

As for being promoted to a noble and receiving a title?

Don't even think about it.

In today's United City, there are only two ways to become a noble: Either your ancestors are of the blood of the founding of the country, and you are outstanding and loyal, then you have the opportunity to become a sword-bearing noble represented by the hooded guard.

Or, just go through the channels of the merchant guild.

Communicate with people and donate money to buy knights.

Become a robed noble.

The amount of coins required is huge and sky-high.

It can be seen from the beast taming ability that Faceless is of pure Shandi blood, and he is no match for the nobles of the United City.

And he was born in a small tribe.

Although he has prospered in recent years, he is still confined to the circle of the wandering tribe. How much money can he save?


Ren Lin's original reward for cooperating with him was the promise of a United City citizen status, plus the internal qualification of preferential discounts to buy knights.

When you can succeed depends on when you have saved enough money - of course, you can also take out a loan from yourself, which is their complete transaction.

This is for no reason.

On that incredible beast-taming skill.

Because Emperor Tengu seems to be very interested in the legendary giant beast "Leviathan" recently, and wants to catch one as a pet to watch and enjoy.

Many warriors died for this.

If there is no face to attack, at least the success rate will be higher...

It's a birthday gift.

did not expect,

As a result, the president personally intervened in the matter.

The final reward will not only allow Wu Mian to directly obtain the status of a robed noble, but the actual title will be second only to some great lords.

You know, even if Lin himself was re-elected, he would not have such a chance.

And it attracted the attention of the president, and even changed the fate of Faceless, and pushed the bargaining chip to such a huge level...

There is no doubt that he is the man codenamed 'Lord of Blood' who repeatedly mentioned the instructions in the secret letter.

"The president is very satisfied with you." Despite being envious, Ren Lin dutifully conveyed Long En's request, "...then give me a few more messenger crows."

Faceless nodded.

He led a group of people to his temporary camp in the river valley. At first glance, it was much more spacious and refined than the others, and it was also guarded by special guards.

When the tent was opened, all kinds of animals were kept in steel cages, exuding a thick and fishy smell.

Faceless proposes a cage.

There were several huge scavenging birds locked inside.

Ren Lin, who has experienced the convenience, sighed in his heart.

have to say.

In Shandi, the role of a trainer like Wu Mian is indeed irreplaceable.

For example, he can mobilize the ability of the beaked beast.

Not only did Wu Mian gain a decisive voice and status in the White Eyebrow clan as planned at the beginning, but it also allowed the merchant guild to have a deeper influence.

The coming of the Beak-billed Herd.

The more fierce it becomes.

The more the Shandi tribe became in danger, the more they relied on Wu Mian as their savior.

The Baimei clan held a conference some time ago.

That's clear evidence.

After this beast disaster, with the help of Wu Mian to subdue the Baimei clan, Shandi might not be able to become a de facto vassal of the merchant guild.

If it weren't for Faceless, he could only mobilize the beaked beasts, but he couldn't control and tame them.

The strategic value of this trainer.

It will be higher.

After all, if he goes to other places, he will not have such a war-level effect, and he will no longer be favored by Long En.

'Even if I can just tame those big dogs,' Ren Lin thought secretly, 'the president asked me to prepare a feasibility analysis report before...Wolf Cavalry. ’

The result is negative.

According to an attendant, Long En was disappointed for a while.

With this president’s knowledge.

Of course, it is clear that once large-scale mature cavalry appears, this will be an epoch-making breakthrough for the existing military system that is mainly infantry and chariots.

After excluding the burying wolf.

According to Ren Lin, the president is also looking for other alternatives, but he is not the one making the arrangements. No one knows the specific details and progress.

"How many do you want this time?" Wu Mian asked.

"You are more familiar with the specific quantity than I am," Ren Lin said, "but it's different from before. One part will be sent to Hengcheng, and another one will be sent to Bianjian Town."

"Edge Town, to whom."

Wu Mian asked casually.

"...Originally it was considered a secret, but you will meet these big shots sooner or later. There is nothing to hide." Ren Lin looked at him and said, "Just get familiar with them in advance."

"It's Lord Yamudu."

"Yamudu..." The animal trainer muttered the name silently. He also knew the other party's high position and authority.

I just didn’t expect anyone except the president.

This bee man is also paying attention to himself.

Wu Mian felt a throbbing feeling in his heart: He had never expected that after cooperating here, he would be able to show his face in front of Long En.

But Yamudou is different.

The other party said that he was the agent of Long En's authority, but there was definitely a huge gap between him and me - in a sense, this made it easier to get closer.

It is a target that can be reached by standing on tiptoes and jumping up.

But listen to Ren Lin's tone.

The other party obviously regarded himself as one of his own, an animal trainer with a background of Shandi herdsmen, and did not shy away from high-level affairs of the merchant guild.

All the time.

Isn't this what I'm looking for?

Wu Mian subconsciously held his throbbing chest.

This wish was only known to him and he had never revealed it to anyone around him.

——Perhaps, there is only one exception.

That was when he traveled to the west of Shendi, settled in a small and poor tribe, and discovered an interesting little black goat.

Wu Mian subconsciously named it:


An ancient saying passed down from the land of Shen, meaning "royal power".

It can be regarded as a slight reveal of half of the mind.

If he hadn't seen the target right in front of him, Wu Mian would have almost forgotten this little thing. Seeing it this way, it could be regarded as a prophecy.

Able to become a great noble in United City.

To these herdsmen in Shendi, they are really no different from kings.

But that auspicious lamb.

Interesting is interesting.

Still too weak.

For Wu Mian, he naturally had no interest in taming a little lamb and wasting time.

Ren Lin looked at Wu Mian. Although he didn't know what he was thinking, he still observed his words and joked: "Master Wu Mian... I might really have to call you Sir all the time in the future."

"How do you say this?" Wu Mian was in a good mood.

"You see, my lord, you will become a robe-wearing nobleman in the future, but it is a pity that you will not have your own fiefdom, which is still worse than the great lords." Ren Lin counted on his fingers, "But when you continue to stay in Shandi, If you can build a city-state and join our United Cities - then you will be a true lord."

"At that time, I, the representative stationed in the camp, will become your subordinate."

"Don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously..." After hearing this, how could Wu Mian not know that the other party was joking: building a city-state in Shandi? Who can do such a thing, let's talk about Union City. They haven't even been able to rebuild Aikang Town. They will probably give up and sell the whole city.

He followed Ren Lin's words and complimented each other a few words, then sighed: "If possible, I still want to go around various places in the empire, and finally find a place to retire... I heard that Ghat is a good place with beautiful scenery. , with blue sandy beaches and endless iron trees.”

"Oh, Master Faceless may have lost his mind. It's true that the scenery of Ghat is beautiful, but no one has ever been happy to live there. Everyone is afraid to avoid it."


"Because... there are many beak-billed beasts." Ren Lin said with a smile.

"That's it, that's it." Wu Mian laughed loudly and said in a cheerful mood, "That's really dangerous. I didn't think about it subconsciously..."

There was laughter in the tent.

The secretary also handed the copied report to Ren Lin.

The fat businessman checked it over.

Both copies are accurate, with no differences except for the subtle wording, which saves trouble.


When Ren Lin saw the title of one of them, he fell into deep thought for a moment.

"...To Yamoudou."

A sense of dissonance came over me.

As a member of the merchant guild stationed in the Baimei clan, he can also be regarded as their general representative in Shandi.

Ren Lin had naturally participated in the search for Yamudu. The other teams also exchange news with each other.

But he had never heard of anyone finding the "missing" Yamudu in the swamp... But not long after, the bee servant did appear in the noble circle, and everyone confirmed it. His identity now leads him to perform missions in Edge Town.

"...The president and Lord Yamudu are really unfathomable."

Lord Yamudu returned to the empire on his own power; during this period, the president's cooperation in keeping confidentiality measures was complete.

The level of these two people.

It is indeed beyond their reach.

Ren Lin stuffed the report into the wax-sealed iron pipe.

Some time has passed since the beak-billed beast in the elder stage attacked.

People's hearts are fluctuating, but they have never stabilized.

It can be said that the barrier of the river valley was directly attacked, completely destroying the confidence of the main war faction in the Baimei clan.

Such a behemoth.

They are all already in front of you.

To spread our troops further would not be to seek death.

Hold the camp.

Wait until the beast disaster passes.

This has become the now recognized response policy of the Baimei clan.

For this reason, even the behavior of letting scouts go out to explore and gather refugees, which had been with a certain frequency, gradually stopped.

It is also to reduce the frequency of gate opening and closing.

The only person who has the right to come and go freely at any time is the animal trainer Faceless. After all, he can really solve the problem alone.

The remaining people.

Then hurry up and repair the internal fortifications.

In addition to the first barrier in the river valley, there seems to be another line of defense surrounding the core camp of the Baimei clan.

Of course, this line of defense did not face the beaked beasts, but isolated the foreign herders who originally entered the river valley from them.

In this way, even the first barrier is really broken.

They also have buffer zones.

At that time, the Merchant Guild once again transported a large amount of arms and food from the Valley of Revenge. The depressed people finally cheered up a little. The previous proposal of the patriarch Wuma was rejected, but it was not easy to insist on it.

After discussion, a banquet was ordered for three days.

Even the refugees who took refuge outside were able to get several bowls of hot porridge and finally settled down.

But the scene outside the barrier.

No one in the valley knew anymore.

But today, the guards on the city noticed something strange:

"so many people……"

"It's a refugee!"

I saw only the grassland outside the barrier, and the endless crowds of people came from the sky. They were wearing a variety of fur clothing, representing that they came from different wandering tribes.

White-browed guards are familiar with these signs.

They are all from Shandong.

They looked tired, and their clothes were stained with mud and blood. They had obviously survived and escaped from the animal disaster.

But the guard didn't expect that.

There will be so many people.

This group alone is worth the sum of all the refugees who entered the river valley before.

The guards on the top of the city looked at each other.

The floodgates had not been opened for a long time, and they could not make up their minds for a while... Moreover, a glimmer of hope emerged in people's hearts.

The herdsmen who can survive so many tribes at once.

Could it be that

Has the beast disaster outside ended?

But the Faceless Lord had just stepped out and said he wanted to solve a problem, but he didn't mention anything similar.

Something went wrong.

"Where did you come from!" The soldiers on the barrier asked, "What happened on the road? Is the beast disaster over? How did you survive!"

The words were cruel.

But it is necessary.

An old herdsman, as a representative, gave a general report on the tribes to which they each belonged, and then said tremblingly:

"Beast, the beast disaster is not over has become more terrifying."

"But, we met someone."

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