
Crossbows and arrows rained down, spears and halberds rained down.

The guards on the city wall shot at the rushing beaked beasts; the soldiers on the ground thrust their weapons through the holes in the iron gate and stabbed the beaked beasts in the chest.

Squeaking and turning.

On the tower, the harpoon cannon was fully charged.

The giant arrow, like a spear, flew away, piercing the carapace on the back of a beaked beast with barbs, shattering the bone plates and pouring out the internal organs.

The beaked beast shook its long neck and wailed in pain.

As the richest wandering tribe in Shandi, the White Eyebrow Clan was also the most powerful. After shrinking, they could also concentrate on strengthening the city defense. The fortifications they built could not be underestimated.

A general attack by a group of beaked beasts.

It could be completely prevented.

However, there were too many beaked beasts this time.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

There were loud noises one after another. The killing power of the guards and the city defense equipment alone was not enough to stop the endless stream of giant beasts. One after another, they hit the carefully built barriers of the White Eyebrow Clan.

"Chief, you should go down first..." The attendant was still persuading him earnestly.

At this time, a cry came from the bottom of the city.

Under the powerful impact of the beaked beast, an iron fence was twisted and bent into a big mouth, and a bloody long neck stretched out from it, climbing around like a manic python, attacking the soldiers guarding below.


The thick long neck was pierced by a spear that fell from the sky, and the head of the beaked beast was nailed to the ground. While it was still twisting, it was chopped into several sections by the white eyebrow soldiers who rushed over and died immediately.

"What are you afraid of!" Wu Ma retracted his hand and cursed: "I went to the grassland to hunt when I was ten years old. What's this little scene..."

Before he finished speaking.

A strong wind blew violently.

Before everyone, including Wu Ma, could react, a white figure suddenly pounced on Wu Ma and pressed the clan leader to the top of the city wall.

"You are..." Wu Ma recognized the person.

He was wearing a white robe and a dark gray steel mask on his head, covering half of his face, revealing the eyebrows and eyes that Wu Ma was familiar with but unfamiliar with.

It was the doctor he had seen before.

The attendant was about to step forward to stop him in panic.

But he was pulled down by the doctor and pressed to the ground at the same time.

The next moment, a strong wind hit.


Sharp teeth, ferocious face, and thick long neck swept across the top of the city wall. The flags of the White Eyebrow Clan were all broken in an instant and fell down the city wall.

Elder-stage beaked beast!

The barrier built by the White Eyebrow Clan in the river valley was quite high, as high as ten meters. Generally, adult beaked beasts could not reach the top of the city wall and could only force a collision.

This was also their defensive advantage.

The corresponding soldiers standing on the wall using crossbows and javelins were quite safe -

However, when the elder-stage beaked beast appeared, it was an exception.

When it stretched out its long neck, it could completely sweep all the soldiers on the barrier, causing immeasurable losses.

Only this kind of supernatural power.

Can it break through the barrier defense line of the White Eyebrow Clan.

In an instant, Wu Ma and the surviving soldiers hid in the shadow of the battlements and were not discovered for a while.

The White Eyebrow clan leader turned to the doctor and said quickly: "Sir, go down quickly, it's dangerous here!"

The other party was a military doctor.

Saving the dying and the wounded is also a duty.

But when the elder-stage beaked beast appeared, the battle was tragic. His low strength did not mean that he had to die together.

The white-haired and white-robed doctor did not respond to him.

The young man did not even look at Wu Ma, but jumped out of the shadows and exposed himself in front of the elder-stage beaked beast.

The long-necked beast was stunned.

Even it did not react.


Suddenly, the young man used all his strength to slap the huge beaked head in front of him: "Wake up!"

The beaked beast was stunned.

The anger in his eyes was replaced by confusion.

The palm scratched by the thorns was bleeding, staining the white robe red. He looked at the beaked beast regardless, took out the bone flute and held it in his mouth: "Beast, your wife is not here!"



The elder beaked beast ran, shaking the earth.

The people facing it were trembling.

The wolf cavalry present were already the most elite members selected by the Red King. Their mounts, the bone-burying wolves, were also the first batch of successful domestication and well-trained.

But at this moment.

The brown-red bone-burying wolf couldn't help but tuck its tail, its mane bursting, and subconsciously retreated.

Qike quickly ordered to stop them.

At the same time, the archers drew their bows and arrows.

But such resistance was futile in front of the elder-stage beaked beast. Once hit, everyone would be turned into meat paste in an instant.


Almost at the same time, the same trembling sound rang out from the other side of the valley.

Golden iron-colored wind and thunder.

Whistling past.

Directly hit the elder-stage beaked beast.

Plasma spurted out like a spring, and the beaked beast cried out in pain and surprise, biting it down.

A spark was aroused on its mouth.

Two steel spears pierced it.


The heavily armored barbarian bull exhaled white air from its mouth, like a long dragon, and it roared and cried out unwilling to be outdone.

"Iron Bull! Iron Bull!"

The little Dib hiding in the side armor hurriedly urged it to turn around and leave, but the barbarian bull did not obey the order of the little beast trainer.

Tieniu's eyes were red, and he had activated a deep madness. Blood was rushing all over his body, and murderous intent was everywhere.

On the other side, its iron-wrapped horn has been deeply embedded in the beak-billed beast's chest and abdomen, and cannot be pulled out for a while.

The running iron bull hit it with all its strength.

Shengsheng forced the charging elder-beaked beast to a halt.

But at the same time, Tieniu cannot make any progress.

The beak-billed beast roared angrily, swinging its long neck and biting the offending creature frantically with its sharp beak and fangs, regardless of the fact that it was covered in heavy gold and iron armor.

Not to be outdone, Tieniu twisted its head vigorously, and the horns that penetrated stirred inside the beak-billed beast.

Suddenly, the giant beasts started fighting.

Blood flowed from their bodies, and pieces of flesh flew everywhere. The space between life and death is full of the most primitive violence and killing, like a picture scroll of the ancient wilderness.

"Is this also a creature in the elder stage?" On the other side, Wu Mian, who originally didn't care, was surprised that there was a creature that could compete with the beak-billed beast in the elder stage, and he was very happy to see it.

Elderly beaks are difficult to tame.

But that's not necessarily the case for cattle... Even the most wild bull, Wu Mian is sure to completely tame it.

Although this beast tamer doesn't know about madness.

You can also feel the difference of Tieniu.

He put the bone flute to his lips and was about to blow it.

With a click, a horn broke off and remained in the beak-billed beast's body. At the same time, the armor also opened a huge gap in its body, and its internal organs poured out.

At the same time, Tieniu was also knocked to the ground.

Even though it was almost completely covered by armor, it was now riddled with bites and scars, the armor pieces were scattered, and even the bones were exposed in serious places.

The long-necked beast screamed in agony and despair.

Use your last strength to bite the opponent's exposed soft abdomen.


A soft sound.

A small black dot jumped out of Tieniu's body and hit the beak's eyeball. The opponent was protected by eyelids and skull plates, and was not even injured at all.

But after all, his sight was blocked for a moment.

The sharp beak bit an empty hole.

Long Neck was weak and collapsed on the ground, trembling slightly.

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