Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 561 Bloodstained Blueprints (Combined Chapter)

Warman was silent for a moment.

As a bee person, he is well aware of the dangers of the proliferation of dead bees, and those zombified monsters do not kill out of appetite or stress response.

Killing itself is their purpose.

As long as there is a day when the Fog Men are not eliminated, they will definitely spread around and attack villages and passers-by... And the senior military leaders of the Holy Kingdom actually gave up such a good opportunity because of the fight for power. Even if it is their own land that will be disturbed in the future...

After reacting, he subconsciously took the book and asked doubtfully: "This is it?"

"I've shown the design drawings of [Sacred Base] to the grand leader, your Red King, and he asked me to hand them over to you." Griffin said in a calm tone, as if it was nothing at all. It’s such a big deal, “I actually came here specifically to give you this.”

Hearing this, the bee engineer was shocked.

He quickly opened the book.

On this thick yellow paper scroll, there are drawings of fortification structures including city walls and trenches, as well as various simple defense locations of military buildings such as arrow towers and barracks. Their rough lines are obviously not the work of professional engineers. , but with the dense handwritten data notes and explanations below, Warman can completely restore it with his ability.

He didn't have time to take a closer look, but quickly asked: "How did you get this?"

"I drew it," Griffin said.

"You?" Warman couldn't believe it and looked at him in surprise.

The general level of education of ordinary people in the Holy Kingdom is not high, let alone whether he can write the annotation below. At that time, as a member of the soldiers of the Holy Kingdom, he secretly recorded and described the layout of the military base in such detail... This is definitely an act of espionage. .

According to what Griffin just said, their troops were about to withdraw. How did he have the time and opportunity to do it?

Seeing Warman's confusion, Griffin said: "I took the initiative to apply and stay at the Sacred Base... in order to cut off the future."

"After occupying the abandoned sacred base, most of our soldiers thought that the troops would continue to advance, and this was the future outpost."

"So, many brave brothers took the initiative to apply to come here, hoping to eliminate these blue monsters in one fell swoop."

"However, I was the only one who knew at the time: The Inquisitors had decided to retreat because their schedule was very urgent. They were worried that the Fog Men would come back, catch up with the large army, and slow down the progress of the squadron... This base was not under their jurisdiction in the first place. Just enough to block them in the back and intercept them.”

"But because of this, it will be trapped deep in the fog and become a victim of covering everyone's retreat." Griffin said, "My commander was worried that he would also die, so he got drunk with worry... No After a few days, I found a connection and was transferred from the frontline troops.”

"Then you still want to stay?" Warman's eyes widened, "Is it because you want to copy the layout of the base..."

"No," Griffin denied, "At that time, I hadn't joined the Ember Order, and I didn't know that people like the Grand Master existed in the world... I just couldn't bear to look at those useless people. The brothers we all knew were passionate about fighting the Fog Man, but ended up dying in vain.”

"No one who knows the truth is willing to stay as a high-level paladin, but I will be promoted to a paladin soon. I think at the very least... I have this obligation." Griffin touched the paladin cross in his hand. As if touched by memories, he softly recited a prayer: "Love and peace...for the Lord of Light, Auckland."

"However, it was also there that I met a priest... Well, judging from your expression, you should have guessed that, yes, he is a priest who secretly converted to Ember." In Warman's surprised eyes, , he slowly raised his head, "Then, I heard the truth."

The truth about history, technology, and the world.

What touched Griffin even more was that this was completely consistent with a dream he had when he was young: At that time, the Lord of Light, Auckland, came to him in his dream and told him that he would meet a rich foreigner in the future. , and this person will lead him to find the truth about the "first extinction".

It is for the apocalypse.

It was also for this reason that Griffin felt inspired to leave his hometown and join the Holy Nation's army, rising through the ranks from the Son of the Holy Chosen... Unfortunately, the prophecy has not been fulfilled since then, and he has gradually regarded this memory as a period of adolescence. Frequent fantasies and dreams.

But now, it has become a reality.

According to the priest's account, the founder of the Ember Order, the grand leader, was just a scavenger at the lowest level at the beginning of his career, but he rose up, wandered around, and finally founded the order.

Unlike other religious sects that strictly abide by strict rules and regulations, the Ember Order encourages development, technological advancement, and the free circulation of wealth...The funds for their activities are supported by the Blacksmiths' Arms Guild and the Brotherhood in Scone Town.

As their owner, the leader is undoubtedly a wealthy man.

All vague omens.

There is a one-to-one correspondence in the priest's account.

As an engineer born in the swamp, Warman still underestimated the development of the Ember Order.

This religious sect, with Si Kun as its origin, not only became popular throughout the Shaker Kingdom with the secret support of Bayan, but more importantly, it occupied all the ecological niches of the original Auckland Church - those wandering missionaries sent by the Holy Kingdom. , almost all converted to the Ember Order.

Originally, they could only hide in dark corners and choose humans who were rare in the Kingdom of Shek to preach. At the same time, after witnessing the prosperity of the outside world, these originally most determined priests had to endure inner contradictions and doubts at all times.

At first, in the eyes of the people of the Holy Kingdom, the Shek tribe was just the most barbaric, uncivilized and corrupted devils. With the sacred breastplate and the Paladin's cross inherited from their ancestors, they were enough to defeat these monsters with scales.

But with the new policy reform.

The Kingdom of Shek began to introduce various new technologies and productivity, wind power, smelting, forging, medicine... Although the street lights on the streets of Skun flickered from time to time, they were already many times brighter than the torches of the Holy Kingdom.

This is the most intuitive change.

Even in terms of overall national strength, the Kingdom of Shek is far inferior to the Holy Kingdom; in terms of economic and technological levels, it can't even compare with the United City, the object of study... But the wandering missionaries who went out actually saw a kind of vitality in these ancient enemies of theirs.

And the new policy is just the beginning.

Given time.

There is a possibility that it will surpass the Holy Empire, which has a large population but stagnant social development.

The converts also heard the story of the unknown man, the founder of the Embers, who broke through the obstacles of the new policy, wiped out the Choice of Kral, and even saved the chief advisor of the kingdom in Bard's poems.

The acceleration of the new policy of the Shak Kingdom is indeed tied to the development of the Embers, and the two complement each other.

As the new policy makes the atmosphere of the kingdom more open, the number of technical talents continues to increase, which gives the Embers a soil to take root; and the Embers' wide communication power and unique doctrines have further broken the original social atmosphere, and at the same time, many priests who have returned from their studies have invested in local development and production.

In contrast.

The Oakland Church, which imprisons culture and resists technology, has gradually lost its sacredness even in the hearts of its original believers.

So much so that Huo Buyang can even send a small group of secret missionaries to return to the Holy Kingdom to preach.

And one of them.

He infiltrated the Holy Nation Army in his original identity as an apprentice priest of the Oakland Church.

His purpose was also very clear.

[Holy Base]


"I know that the Grand Master will build a promised city in the future Flash Land as a base for the rekindling of the fire of civilization... and in order to extinguish the first fire, his enemies will definitely do everything they can."

Griffin smiled:

"Then, in order to protect this hard-earned fruit... the Holy Base is the most suitable. It was originally born for protection, but this time, it is to protect the "embers" instead of the "holy fire."

Because in his opinion, the holy fire of Oakland has indeed been extinguished long ago.

It's time to admit that the world now is not the treasure originally created by the Creator, but the debris that struggled to survive after repeated destruction.

It has nothing worth lingering.

Now we are entering the age of ashes.

"I don't know many words, mainly the Holy Fire and the Glorious Codex that I secretly read. The extra words were dictated by me and then recorded by the priest. As a soldier stationed in the holy base on the front line, I think I have a comprehensive understanding of the structure and function of each part of it."

Woman looked through the book again in surprise. This time, in addition to the drawings, he paid close attention to the notes below.

"Terrain selection, high ground or ridges that are easy to defend and difficult to attack, with a wide field of vision and more physical energy required for the enemy to attack; more natural barriers such as rivers and cliffs can be reasonably used. The width of the river should be more than 50 meters, and the height of the cliff should be 20 meters... Set up three lines of defense: the front line, the main line of defense, and the internal line of defense, which are progressive and increase the depth of defense capabilities. Each line of defense should keep a distance and reserve space for troop mobilization and tactical changes. It should be enough to accommodate at least one thousand soldiers for collective mobility, and the composition of the troops..."

From building types, stronghold site selection to troop ratio and deployment... The books Griffin brought covered almost everything. The so-called [Holy Base] does not represent a dead and static military town, but a complete set of defense and military systems.

This is the ability of the Holy Kingdom to stand for a thousand years surrounded by powerful enemies.

Griffin's account is not only comprehensive, but also thorough.

His own military talent should never be underestimated.

No matter how much more, Worman's ability is a bit incomprehensible. He has to admit that the priest Maier may have more say in military engineering. If they want to build a holy base, they must work together.

The confidentiality and preciousness of this blueprint... cannot be estimated at all.

Lu Meng chose his [outpost] type as a holy base, which was not a sudden idea.

Or rather.

It was premeditated.

However, even he did not expect that the Embers Cult would spread and grow extremely quickly because of Bard's attention; and the blueprint of the holy base could be obtained so early-according to the original idea, if the form of sending spies and assassins did not work for a long time, he would have to take time to go there himself.

Griffin, as a special character with great potential in the original version, was accepted by the Cult of Embers, which surprised him. In the other party's background story, the wanderer who brought enlightenment was undoubtedly a reference to the player himself, which was a small easter egg left by the production team.

But he didn't expect it to come true in this way.

What he didn't expect was that the other party also brought such a valuable gift, which saved him a lot of energy and time, and could greatly speed up the construction of the base and shorten the time to be promoted to [outpost].

Therefore, after meeting Griffin, he immediately asked the other party to contact Warman and Mailer, and he began to plan the next step with them.

Such good news also diluted the tense atmosphere of the previous threat of revenge and the human skin skeleton incident.

The bee engineer's hands trembled a little. After confirming the authenticity and feasibility, he seemed to be unable to bear the weight of this drawing.

However, he remembered another thing:

"So, you copied and recorded this blueprint when you stayed in the ruins of the Holy Base. I can understand that the high-level paladins and inquisitors have left and there is no one to monitor... But how did you leave with the blueprint?"

"The Holy Base is so solid that it is called a ruin, but it is only because the soldiers who were stationed there before were killed and eaten by the fog people... But all the defense measures are still there, and we even have some weapons that have not decayed." Griffin said, "It was relying on them and the sentinels who voluntarily stayed behind that everyone persisted to the end."

In the tide of fog people.

"The priest and I still told them the truth... Of course, this caused chaos, but it was finally settled."

Griffin's words were understated, but Worman could imagine: those sentinels who took the initiative to stay to fight against the fog people, when they learned that reinforcements would not arrive, and even the Holy Kingdom would not continue to march to the fog island to completely eliminate the threat, and their struggle was in vain... As victims, how intense the despair in their hearts must be.

I'm afraid that even the most resolute Aucklanders would collapse under the circumstances at that time.

Griffin said it easily, but in the face of internal and external troubles, it was definitely not a peaceful means to quell the riots.

It was definitely not a pleasant memory.

At this moment, the bee engineer turned to the next page and paused - a large bloodstain appeared on it, dark red and blue-green, and it had completely dried.

The entire book had obviously been carefully cleaned, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't completely erase these traces.

"Where are they?" Warman asked.

"The fog man did come back, and because there was no support from the rear, the Holy Base was soon surrounded," Griffin said softly, "I am quite strong and was able to cross the border of the Holy Kingdom without being caught as a deserter. The priest entrusted me to deliver this blueprint... and he himself led the remaining soldiers to break through and go deep into the center of the fog island."

"He said that if the Grand Master's prophecy is correct, there is a city in the center surrounded by the fog man's death enclosure, under the fog."

"That is their last hope."

After saying that, the black-armored knight stopped talking about it. He looked into the distance - the red earth wall stretched all the way to the sky. From the appearance, it is indeed unremarkable, and it may even make many people feel disgusted... But it is such a wall that rose from the ground during the beast disaster and sheltered countless lives.

It is not as gorgeous as a palace.

But it is far more precious.

He knew that some herdsmen in Shandi had called it "the Red King's Unbreakable Wall"... Only when he saw it with his own eyes, he felt such a contrast and shock, so much so that he had not expected it before and could not recognize it.

Grand Commander Lu Beiyou... Even a mud wall can play such an effect in his hands.

In comparison.

Griffin couldn't help but wonder: If it was him who guarded the Holy Base at that time... What would the result be?

At least, it would not be the same ending.

Griffin, wearing black armor and holding a cross heavy sword, performed a charisma of embers to Woman, who was still staring at the blueprints and books: "I hope we can all see the day when the promised city is built soon."

Then he turned and left.

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