"Oh!" Spider Foreman once again exclaimed heartfeltly, "It's our brother."

The scene has been played, Zero Two confirmed the other party's identity and prepared to evacuate from the revenge site, but was sniped instead... He already knew what happened next.

Because it was his own child who did it.

To be honest, after reading Zero Two's previous memory of slaughtering the village and skinning, as a former member of the Empire Screamers, he did not have a good impression of this skeleton, and he was more certain that the general's order was correct.

Now seeing the other party's internal "turn against each other", Spider Foreman, while happy to see it, also felt a little close to the other side-he seemed to be a prodigal son?

Add to the previous appreciation...

"No wonder he was able to come up with a strategy to use the 'eye'. As one of us, he has kept the relevant memories until now and has not cleared them. This is a wise choice." Spider Foreman said, "But, why does he look so much like a human? And there are previous anomalies..."

"Huh? What did you say..."

Punk just sorted out the circuit and came back to his senses.


Then everything can be explained.

The existence of "Eye" was not a secret in the past. It was even just one of the many defense systems in the sky above this planet... It's just that the others have either been abandoned and crashed, or have gone out of control.

Only this one eye.

The only one left.

The old guys who have lived to this day still have memories of the glory of the past, and out of the contract between the citizens of the empire, all the skeletons are obliged to protect these secrets.

However, they don't know.

After thousands of years of work, I have repaired many abandoned control towers in the Vengeance Land and cracked some of the instructions transmitted to "Eye"... In the eyes of many skeletons, "Eye" is just still aimlessly following the orders of the ancients and scattering skyfire in Vengeance... This is all disguise.

This is another secret that belongs to Punk, a secret above the secret.

"Why do they look like humans?" Thinking that Punk didn't hear clearly, Spider Foreman repeated it again.

For him, the matter of Eye and Skyfire is really not worth discussing, so he doesn't have as many thoughts as Punk.

Instead, it is Zero Two's actions and the "same kind" in the picture, who is clearly human-looking but is identified as a skeleton, that deserve more attention.

"...I see." Punk said slowly, "This confirms my previous guess."

This engineer-type skeleton fell into a long silence, but the signal light on its head changed from green to red and kept flashing - this was the performance of reading data.

Looking at the time, it can be imagined that even for him, the memory required seems a bit too old.

Only researchers like them.

Will make room for storage and pay so much attention to history.

Spider Foreman waited quietly.

The projected picture stopped here, and with the end of Zero Two's memory and life, it solidified in the last scene... He looked at Agnu in the cage. The skeleton warrior with a camera head was lying on the ground at this moment, and there was a faint smoke rising from the gaps between the steel, which was a sign of overheating.

Obviously, turning on the hidden function that Punk found and playing it continuously for so long was also a big burden for Agnu.

Spider Foreman was about to go over to check the situation and show some concern, when Punk spoke up:

"Have you ever heard of a model of a skeleton...'Whistleblower'?"

Spider Foreman paused: "No."

"I haven't seen any relevant numbers in the Imperial Library..." he added.

"This is normal." Punk actually began to pace like a human, as if this could ease the confusion of his thoughts like easing anxiety, "Because the existence of the Whistleblower was only a rumor even in the Imperial period..."

"Legend has it that there are skeletons with flesh and blood."

"Flesh and blood?" Spider Foreman was stunned, "But what's the point of this-"

As we all know, skeletons are mechanical life forms, and the parts that make up their bodies are not all made of metal synthetic materials, but at least most of them are inorganic, which gives them a solid body, resistance to high temperatures, resistance to strong acids, and a long lifespan.

If it were replaced with flesh and blood.

This would become a weakness.

"It's just that the outer skin is covered with flesh and biomass... The inner skeleton is still a mechanical body." Punk said, "Have you ever thought about why we are called 'bone' people?"

"Bone people? Bone people...Bone people!" Spider Foreman was guided and suddenly thought of a possibility he had never thought of before. He couldn't believe it: "You mean..."

"There was once a small school of thought in the Empire that believed that all of us skeletons had flesh and blood at the beginning and looked like humans." Punk said, "But as the body aged, decayed, and fell off... What was left was naturally our current body."


Mechanical skeleton.

Bone people.

Spider Foreman couldn't help but look at his arm. It was made up of two transmission steel bearings, and it really looked like a human ulna and radius...

"This theory has many loopholes. For example, your body and mine are fine, but the head has different functions and structures. I don't know how weird it will be after flesh and blood are attached." Punk continued, "And our creator, why did he design these extra biological tissues after we were born? If it is for industry and military, the steel body can fully meet the needs, unless there are other needs..."

"The most important thing is that they have no evidence: according to this statement, the flesh and blood of the skeletons have long decayed, and what is left is machinery. At most, it is a hypothesis that cannot be proved or disproved. It looks like a fraudulent project used to obtain the empire's scientific research funds..."

"However, that school still found a clue in the literature...that is, the existence of whistleblowers."

"It is said that this type of skeleton is designed completely according to the human body. In addition to the mechanical skeleton for transmission, muscles, organs, nerves... are all available, but they cannot play their due functions. They are like decorations...They even have gender distinctions."

"It sounds..." Spider Foreman hesitated, "If there are really such skeletons, the purpose of their existence...is to simulate humans."

This specialized ability is not strong, but it is not absolutely weak...Perhaps some ancients would use the so-called "whistleblowers" as tools to vent their unspeakable desires for their own kind, such as killing and sex...From another perspective, they are also excellent spies and assassins, blending into human society and being impossible to discover.

If it was during the First Empire or the Old Empire, when ancient humans still ruled the world, the role that the whistleblowers could play would be even greater than that of ordinary skeletons...mechanical life forms.

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