Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 582: Visitors Returning Home (Combined Chapter)

The Wasteland of Bones is thousands of miles vast.

The bones of the giant beast that have become fossils are like a mountain range, stretching hundreds of meters across the wilderness. It is difficult to imagine that such a creature ever existed in the world.

The long wind blew through its chest and rubbed against its ribs, making a roar that resounded throughout the world like a trumpet.

It's like he never died.

A herdsman dressed in luxurious furs took out a knife, scraped off a layer of stone powder from the wall-like leg bone, and carefully put it into a small bag.

Keep it close to your body.

"What is he doing?"

Looking at the herdsmen's movements, the technology hunter behind him whispered to his companions.

"The wandering tribes in Shendi worship giant beasts. According to their custom, the bone powder of dead giant beasts can be made into amulets by wrapping them in cloth." The companion recalled the notes left by a senior technology hunter, "It is said that the bones of dead beasts are The larger the body, the more auspicious and effective the amulet made.”

"But the composition of fossils is no longer bone."

Romy questioned.

"Don't be serious, maybe they don't know this." The companion put his hands around his chest and hugged the slender sword, "Or maybe if you bring it back to the tribe, you can sell it for a good price... The skeletons of ancient giant beasts are not that common. "

"It's really superstitious." Romi said casually.

The employer they were talking about secretly repeated the previous actions, made several amulets, and put them into his arms.

"This is for little Dib... This is father's, this is..." Cone Farstrider counted the number and put it away carefully.

A year has passed since he led his tribe's herds to the south for trade and sales.

He looked up at the blue sky in the distance.

The animal disaster has ended for three months.

This time, the trade was very good. The prices of both furs and beasts of burden increased periodically, allowing Cone to sell them at a good price.

But, very bad luck.

They happened to catch up with the outbreak of the beast disaster. The beasts of the Skeleton Wasteland migrated north, blocking Cone's way home. They would have to wait even longer after the tide receded... During this period, they could only hide here. Only a few human city-states have a chance to survive.

The beast disaster is severe.

He knows it.

This made the herdsmen from the Farstrider clan very worried, and they just wanted to rush back to Shandi as soon as possible so that they could return to the tribe and meet their families.

I also hope they are safe and sound.

"It's time to go." Romi stepped forward and asked his employer.

Cone nodded.

Because the merchant had made money, and the journey back to the Flash Land from the Skeleton Wasteland was not smooth, he and the other herdsmen discussed it and paid a lot of money to hire a team of technology hunters to escort them along the way.

When there is a mission to take on.

They can be said to be top-notch bodyguards.

Seeing the employer nodding, a rustling sound came from the team of technology hunters who were getting ready: the sound of crossbow maintenance and sword sheathing was completed in an instant.

The team sets off.

Draw a winding curve on the vast land.

Based on experience, they carefully avoided animal nests along the way, but occasionally they would inevitably run into wild beasts returning from the north after the beast disaster receded.

To the surprise of technology hunters.

The beast disasters they observed from the direction of the Skeleton Wasteland were quite violent. As a result, the returning beasts, such as beak-billed beasts, were often only a few scattered at a time and were not large-scale at all.

It takes a lot of effort to deal with it, but it can no longer be called a danger or threat.

The technology hunters breathed a sigh of relief.

But Cone's heart gradually grew stronger - he thought of a terrible possibility.

Unconsciously, under his urging, everyone speeded up again. After a few more days and nights, they soon arrived at the southwest border of Shendi, where it meets the Bone Wasteland.

The sun is just right at noon.

There is a faint white dot on the grassy hill in the distance.

The technology hunter picked up the telescope and looked at it, only to see a dilapidated white tent. It could be seen that the cowhide it was used to cover should have been of very good quality. Even though it had been abandoned, it was still as smooth as new after being washed by several rains. Snow white.

"To have such a big tent," Romi guessed, "it must be a big tribe..."

He hasn't finished yet.

But he saw the employer on the other side, the herdsman Konai, staggered, his legs went weak and he almost fell to the ground.

He was only held up by a technology hunter with sharp eyes and quick hands.

And he also heard a murmur:

"It's over..."

As a member of the Shemxi clan, Cone naturally remembered this white tent. Even without using a telescope, he could recognize it just by looking at it from a distance.

Isn't this the chief tent of the Beifeng clan?

The Beifeng Clan is the most powerful tribe in their west... But now even they have abandoned their big tent here, surrounded by various decayed skeletons... which confirms Cone's guess.

The beast disaster is over and the wild beasts are back.

But the frequency of beak-billed beasts appearing is so small, probably because they still stay in the hinterland of Shen, plundering everywhere.

There is plenty of food to eat.

Naturally, I can't think of going home.

——The ground is probably quite dangerous.

My own Farstrider clan is just the smallest tribe in the west, so they...

After listening to Cone's slightly trembling explanation, the technology hunters looked at each other and gathered together to discuss.

"What should we do?" Romi asked. He was the only one in the team who had never been to the Land of Flash and had not had time to read relevant information before. He was the only one who had no knowledge of the grassland.

Now he could only listen to his companions' opinions.

Another companion, Liu Si, looked around and lowered his voice: "We must go to the Land of Flash, otherwise we can't contact the headquarters... All our Kai coins combined can't buy the Sorrow Mine Town."

The Skeleton Wasteland is located in the broad South United City. The Sorrow Mine Town and the Depression Lagoon Town were once its two important industrial city-states.

However, the crude oil in the Depression Lagoon was mined out a long time ago, and the residents had no way to make a living and migrated everywhere. The local noble lords simply sold the ownership of the entire city-state to the technology hunters and transformed it into a giant relay station in the southern part of the continent.

Now, Ai Mining Town has declined due to the Bloody Rebellion. Those who participated in the riot were arrested and sold as slaves. The powerful merchants, warrior nobles... some fled and some fled. The only ones left were the poor people at the bottom who had nowhere to go and were still struggling.

This beast disaster hit.

There were no guards at the city gate.

It was only thanks to the towering city walls built during the prosperous period that it survived the disaster.

In this way, it also suffered a lot of losses.

As for the days to come, only God knows.

When the existing city defenses are breached, Ai Mining Town may become a hunting ground for wild beasts to come and go as they please - in fact, now, the places in the city center that lack maintenance have shown a tendency to become ruins.

Maybe it will become like a hub station.

However, Romi, Lius and other technology hunters from the depression lagoon got a channel, saying that the South United City will also deal with Ai Mining Town like selling the depression lagoon before.

This is almost a clear hint.

No one is in charge of Ai Mining Town now. The only ones who have the ability to take over are the nearby technology hunters. They just take the seat... But after all, it is under the eyes of the United City. It is not easy for you to move in without saying hello.

Even if it is protection fee.

In fact, they can't refuse it.

This team of technology hunters is going to the headquarters through the Flash Land to apply for funds.

"Well... Besides, our employer is here." Romi nodded and said, "Send them to the Flash Land first, and see if it is convenient to pass through... At worst, we can go directly to the Valley of Revenge."

With the sky fire in the Vengeance Land, the beak beast will not chase there, and they, the technology hunters, have their own secret paint, plus the route map explored by many predecessors, and they can also reach the headquarters "Black Scratches" by crossing there.

"If possible, I still don't want to take that road... It's a loss." Another technology hunter pushed his glasses, "I don't know if the headquarters will reimburse it."

To cross the Vengeance Land, the amount of special paint consumed is amazing, and they are precious.

Even if you go there specifically to explore.

It is easy to lose more than you earn.

"It's just on the way, it doesn't matter... As long as we don't leave the scope of the Valley of Vengeance, there won't be any problem." Romi said, "Where does so much sky fire come from?"

Clearly define the goal and sort out the retreat.

The tech hunters still decided to escort the herdsmen of the Far Traveler Clan back to their hometown, and Cone also calmed down and cheered up again.

No matter what happened in Shandi.

It must be faced after all.

They continued to move forward. As the saying goes, looking at the mountain and running the horse to death, although they saw the white tent of the North Wind Clan from a distance before, it was already dark when the group really rushed to the side.

The tech hunter went forward to check.

This huge white tent had collapsed in half, and the other half was rebuilt with simple branches, which was considered to be a shed, which surprised everyone.

Human traces.

"It seems that they came back here again after leaving." Someone judged.

The herdsman Cone frowned.

If this is the case, it is certainly half good news, indicating that there are still members of the wandering tribe active not far away... But judging from the way it was built, it doesn't seem like it would be done by an old herdsman from Shandi.

It's too rough.

"It's getting late, and we should take a rest after traveling for so long... Let's do it here." Romi aimed his crossbow and looked around, with a satisfied look on his face.

He noticed.

The terrain where the white tent is located is the highest in the vicinity. It is not easy to find such a location on this prairie; and whether from the perspective of vision or wind direction, this place is also the most suitable for camping and garrisoning.

Even if there are enemies besieging.

It can hold out for a while.

The person who chose to set up the tent here had some vision.

He looked at the thoughtful herdsman on the side, and felt a little surprised and sighed:

"The wisdom of the wandering tribe?"

The depression lagoon where Romi was born was an old industrial town. The whole town was built on a giant oil platform, and the prosperity was incomparable.

Even after the decline, the residents still have a solid foundation. Their education, martial arts and other aspects are far above the average level of other wasteland areas.

The headquarters also saw this point and took over the lagoon, which has no oil to be mined. Combined with the education provided by the mechanics... the lagoon town has cultivated many excellent technology hunters, who have gone to all corners of the continent and are well-known.

Joining the technology hunters has also become a new employment path for the descendants of oil workers.

In comparison, the wandering tribes in Shandi who were still in the nomadic stage and lived in pursuit of water and grass were far behind in life... Luomi took it for granted.

However, he has some changes now.

Just look at the location of this white tent.

There are still capable people among them...even if this may only stem from the simplest wisdom of life.

"Oh? Come and take a look -" Liu Si drew his knife and opened the tent during the inspection and discovered something: "There are also camping beds and sleeping bags inside, haha."

Under the white tent, there are simple camping beds arranged in rows on the ground, miscellaneous.

"How about we sleep here, the location is enough..." He said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Tech Hunters have their own marching tents with all functions, but after all, it still takes time to develop.

And they were already a little tired.

In addition, it was the first time for many technology hunters to see the large tent of the Wandering Tribe. This white tent was originally considered a luxury for the Beifeng Clan. Even though it was abandoned, it looked quite shocking from the outside.


The herdsman Ke Nei wanted to object, but he also carefully looked at the facilities in the white tent and found that except for the chaotic arrangement of the camping beds and the old straw mats, there were no traces of other wild animals.

I think it's relatively safe.

However, why the Beifeng clan's clan tent is filled with camping beds like a marching tent... This makes Cone quite puzzled.

Based on his understanding of the patriarch.

The other party is not someone who will give away his own things.

However, before he could object, Romi had already spoken:

"It's better to set up camp tents again. They should be next to each other. Otherwise... come and take a look."

Liu Si heard this and went over.

Romi suddenly opened the camping bed, and a rotten smell mixed with the smell of earth under the straw mat hit his nose, making the tech hunter cough.

"Okay, okay, put it down." Liu Si fanned his nose, "I was just kidding."

As you can imagine, if the camping bed has been left here for a long time without being tidied up, and it is exposed to wind and rain, the smell of savings will not be very good.

See how he looks.

The rest of the technology hunters were filled with a happy atmosphere, and even Cone's nervous and worried mood relaxed a lot.

At night, the moon is in the sky.

The technology hunters were divided into two groups, one group kept watch and the other group went back to the newly set up camp to rest. There were dozens in total.

Herders are not required to participate in the vigil.

When you get money, you have to do good things.

This is also the code for special bounty hunters.

Romi fell asleep in the tent.

Suddenly, a force pushed him awake.

He opened his eyes, then turned back and closed them: "Let me sleep for a while..."

The person who replaced him was Liu Si.

Because they were familiar with each other, he pushed them away.

However, the technology hunter failed to catch his companion's arm, and his palm was instantly stung, and blood dripped out.

At the beginning, the manes stand upright.

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