Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 585 Poison and Giant Wolf (Combined Chapter)

The apes roared and cheered together.

As if they were celebrating, looking forward to... something wonderful.

They had just given birth to the consciousness of civilized organizations, and now they were going to offer their most precious spoils to the white sanctuary that had brought miracles from heaven and relieved illness and injury.

When the tech hunters realized this.

It was too late.

The arms of the beaked gorillas were as thick as buckets, and the iron hoops were strong. When they hugged the tech hunters, they couldn't break free at all.

Looking at the prey struggling.

The leading old gorilla was even more excited.

As everyone knows, after the sacrifice, it is qualified to be the first to enjoy it on behalf of the gods...


A sharp whistle pierced the eardrums of all the creatures present. The tech hunters only felt a stinging pain in their ears, but the white beaked gorillas all trembled and stopped moving.

The herdsman Kone, who was also hooped, spit out the bone whistle hidden in his cheek, bit it between his teeth and blew it hard.

The reason why he could represent the Far Traveler Clan and lead all the herdsmen of the tribe out was because Cone was the only animal trainer of this small tribe.

Even if his talent was not very good.

At least he was a decent trainer.

However, with his full strength, he could only interfere with the dozens of beaked gorillas present for a moment at most.

The next second, these tall and strong creatures reacted.

They all looked at the source of the sound, staring at him with anxious and angry eyes.

Only the beaked gorilla that captured Cone was unable to move immediately because the distance was too close and his muscles were still unconscious.

Otherwise, he would have been torn to pieces.

"Oh oh!"

The old gorilla waved his cane angrily.

Destroying the sacrifice and interfering with the sanctuary.

But they will be punished by heaven!

The remaining beaked gorillas regained control of their bodies and rushed forward.

At this tense moment, the tech hunter Liu Si suddenly heard two loud noises in his ears--

"Bang Bang!"

His whole body relaxed, and he fell down out of thin air. He reacted quickly and turned around to stand on the ground. When he came to his senses, he had broken free from his restraints.

He immediately recalled that in his vision just now, a black shadow flashed by and stepped directly on the face of the beaked gorilla, kicking it back with two consecutive kicks.

He also loosened his hand.

Blood, flesh and broken teeth flew, and the black shadow took advantage of the force to fly into the air again and rushed directly to the center of the beaked gorilla group.

Liu Si recognized the person.

This is one of the new companions who joined their tech hunters this time. He is usually taciturn and does not show his true colors. He is just a good person, so no one pays much attention to him.

Let's go together.

It seems that when the beaked gorilla attacked the camp before, not everyone was trapped. It's just that in the melee, everyone didn't even care about themselves, so they didn't notice that he didn't appear to be captured.

This man seems to be called...


This name just came to Liu Si's mind, and another beaked gorilla behind him had already pounced on him - the golden knife in the hands of the tech hunter had been snatched away, but he touched his arms and a close-fitting short stick appeared in his palm, folding and stretching, and turned into a prismatic bayonet.

The beaked gorilla is indeed very smart, but not smart enough to fully predict the tricks of the tech hunter - after all, even many humans can't.

He held it tightly and turned back to stab.

Fighting in a group.

In a flash, with the help of Chad, more tech hunters were freed and used their own methods at the same time.

They had many ways to escape secretly, but they didn't have the opportunity, and the whistle of the herdsman Kone plus Chad's interference created a perfect opportunity.

Chad was agile, stepping on the beaked gorillas as if walking on flat ground, and he could always jump out before they reacted and kick them by the way.

The steel-embedded military boots were powerful enough to break bones.

This tech hunter was just flying through the air, his wild airplane head was blown into a streamlined shape, breaking the wind and making a sound.

He went straight to the leading old gorilla.

Not to mention that the old and weak beaked gorilla was suddenly frightened, even his fellow tech hunters were a little surprised - Chad's performance and rank in the organization were just ordinary, but he didn't expect his skills to be so amazing that even the beaked gorillas couldn't react.

Moreover, in every move.

There was actually some ancient martial arts posture.

"Oh oh!"

In the chaos, the old gorilla hurriedly retreated, shouting and pointing, and even the "wounded soldiers" who were originally receiving treatment in the white tent "sanctuary" could no longer lie down, and jumped up and surrounded their leader.

After all, Chad was only one person.

He broke through with speed.

No matter what, it was impossible to bypass these beaked gorillas like a high wall.

But to the gorilla's surprise, Chad's lightning-like shadow did turn like a broken line of lightning before taking the next step, and landed and punched.

It directly hit the chest of the other beaked gorilla, who was unable to react in time.

The sound of flesh breaking and bones shattering was transmitted to the internal organs along the wave layer by layer, and a dent the size of a basketball appeared directly on the chest of the white giant ape.

It fell backwards and let go.

Cone Far Traveler got up awkwardly and leaned against Chad, biting the bone whistle tightly in his mouth, and said indistinctly: "Thank you..."

In one of his hands.

He was holding the amulet that fell on his chest.

Chad's original purpose was to rescue the herdsmen of the Farstrider clan.

Not only because he is the employer we want to protect, and protecting him is the responsibility of the technology hunter after all; but also because Cone is a ground animal trainer, and with his help, it will be much easier to deal with the beak-billed orangutan.

Chad didn't answer and quickly wrapped his fist belt. The wound he had punched with the beak-billed orangutan was bleeding out and flowing down his arm.

The technology hunters who were able to break away also moved towards their direction.

Cone blew the bone whistle again.

The energy in his body was being consumed, his eyebrows were in sharp pain, and a drop of sweat flowed down his forehead.

But it also succeeded in interfering with the orangutans.

Chad looked around.

——But this is still not enough.

Romi, who had already woken up, quickly assembled a crossbow using the spare parts hidden all over his body and held it in his hand while approaching Chad: "What should we do next...where did you get it from? "

As soon as he opened his mouth, he noticed the small ball in his companion's hand and was immediately shocked.

"Secret." Chad said, and then he smashed the ball hard at the rushing beak-billed orangutan.

Liu Si and other technology hunters also saw it.

Also shocked.

The quick one immediately pulled up the mask that integrated with the collar, and the one who had no time covered his mouth and nose.

The ball hit the first beak-billed orangutan.

It exploded immediately.

Rolling yellow smoke shot out from it, sweeping away like a whirlwind and spreading rapidly with the night wind on the grassy hill.

What followed was a stench.

The rich flavor is as if it had been stored in an eight-meter-deep dry toilet for hundreds of years, then dried and boiled to ferment.

Anyone who caught a whiff of the smell would immediately choke and cough, with red eyes and tears.

However, it's more than that.

The beak-billed orangutans who were hit by the yellow smoke immediately started to tremble as if their muscles were boiling, their manes rolled in white waves, they let out shrill roars, and fell to the ground twitching in agony.

These physically strong creatures react far more violently than humans.

"You, you actually have such a thing..."

Liu Si and other technology hunters gathered together, and he coughed and said with surprise.


And it's a targeted biotoxin.

Through anatomical research on known creatures, the mechanic came to a preliminary conclusion: the creatures on the entire continent can be roughly divided into three types.

One is represented by humans. They come in different shapes, including animals, plants and fungi... which can be said to be the most common and widely distributed.

Its characteristic is that even if the species are different, its composition structure and microscopic components are always the same, such as bull, bone dog, goat...

The most intuitive case is that as a person's strength increases, his body's potential is more and more stimulated. At a certain stage, he can basically eat all these creatures without worrying about digestion and poisoning, and the utilization rate is extremely high. .

As if they come from the same source.

This is also the reason why most poisons will lose their effect on high-level powerful people.

The other type is completely opposite: even if these creatures have the same function, the organs that implement it are not common to people, or they cannot be understood through reference to their own bodies.

its constituent substances.

There seems to be a difference too.

The most intuitive manifestation is smelly meat and rotten meat.

Not edible.

As for mechanical life and skeletal beings, that is outside the discussion.

The neurotoxins emitted from the gas bombs Chad threw were mainly targeted at the latter creature, including beaks, beaks... and even the legendary Leviathan.

Its power is enough to kill them instantly, and it can also cause the former creature to suffer from deformed terminal diseases... According to the literature, this is the case for ancient weapons. It is a pity that mechanics can restore the version, even if each one is very delicate and expensive to make. It's just an extremely weakened version.

The current effect is just to paralyze the beak-billed orangutan and make the latter feel the stench.

Even so, it is very rare - however, according to Liu Slomi and others, rather than exchanging one, it is more cost-effective and versatile to save up and exchange it for a Skeleton Craftsman's weapon.

Unexpectedly, Chad actually had reserves.

"Ahem... let's go!"

Chad's stern face was somewhat deformed by the smoke. He quickly pulled up his mask, but did not explain. He just packed his bags and urged his companions to take advantage of the opportunity to break out.

On the grassland, it is night again.

The wind is strong.

Although the poison gas bombs were effective, they could not directly kill the beaked orangutans. Even though the old orangutans were so weak that they were so smoked that they rolled their eyes, but once the wind blew away the poisonous mist, they would still be able to kill them. After recovering, not to mention that at least half of the periphery is still unaffected.

Chad estimates:

In this way, and with the cooperation of the animal trainer Kone, the technology hunters will still have to fight a fierce battle.

And I don’t know if I can successfully break through.

It really doesn't work...

People started to take action, and when he was hesitating while looking at his pocket, in front of the group, there were waves of neighing sounds in the vast wilderness, coming from the night sky and drifting far away:


At this time, everyone's expressions changed.

This sound...

Burial Wolf!

Moreover, they are still coming from all over the mountains and plains.

Listening to the repeated howls of wolves, their number is at least that of a large and well-organized wolf pack that is hunting everywhere.

Why did he bump into a pack of wolves again at this time?

At this time, even Chad was a little panicked.

The gas bombs he prepared were indeed effective and were still in stock - but that was for a second-class creature like the rhinoceros. It cannot have the same effect on bone dog subspecies such as the Bone Burial Wolf.

At most, it attacks the opponent's sense of smell.

The wolf in the burial ground couldn't stand the stimulation and retreated.

——It’s okay to drive away one or two wolves, but it’s impossible to repeat the same trick when dealing with an entire pack of hunting wolves.

"Wait...that's not right!"

As a crossbowman, Romy had the best eyesight and he had seen the situation clearly.

The foul-smelling yellow smoke dissipated and gradually became thinner.

What appeared on the grassy hills and fields were dots of sparks, forming a line and spreading into a field!

And that array of fire.

Sweeping towards this side like the wind.

"Isn't it a pack of wolves..."

Boneyard wolves are afraid of fire.


Rider on top!

Under the surprised eyes of the technology hunters, the bee rider held the reins in one hand and held up the torch lit with pine wax in the other hand. They sat on their crotches and ran as fast as the powerful dark red wolves.

A 500-man wolf cavalry regiment was formed.

Coming roaring, in good order.

However, this is not the most exaggerated.

At the head of the wolf cavalry, a giant lone wolf that was twice the size of the Boneyard Wolf, but whose fur was as white as the moon, was charging.

It is also covered with bone plates.

The same color, and the speed of his feet were as fast as lightning, pulling the entire giant wolf into an arc. It was difficult to tell clearly - but just listening to the sound, it felt like it was covered in heavy armor, and it made a creepy sound.

Like wind and thunder.

Among the technology hunters, neither Liu Si, who is knowledgeable, nor Chad, who secretly has a lot of research on mainland creatures, have never seen such a creature, or such a powerful white giant wolf - at this moment That's the first time.

Thousands of years of documentary records, even longer historical books, in the history of natural evolution...

No such creature has ever appeared.

It's like a man-made sculpture.


War weapons.


The Xiaoguyi wolf took the lead, howling excitedly, its voice elongated as if floating in the wind, and its speed was much faster than the wolves behind it.

For several months.

My body is changing at an unprecedented speed...but it has never felt so good as it does now!

In the yellow smoke, a huge beak-billed orangutan was the first to break away from the influence of the biological toxin. He wiped his tears and stood up, looking with slight disgust at the old orangutan who fell to the ground and foamed at the ground.

Not to mention that the beak-billed orangutan has no community, even if it wants to unite, according to common sense, it should be led by its venerable person who is closest to the elder stage - but the "sanctuary" is indeed not something that follows common sense.

No matter how powerful it is, if it cannot convince the public, it can only vent its anger elsewhere.

The tall beak-billed orangutan directed his newly recovered senses towards the crowd who had not escaped far, with anger in his eyes.

It was one of them who threw...


But before it could make any move, the giant white wolf had already jumped onto the grass hill that the wolves had to charge to climb in two breaths, and pounced on the beak-billed orangutan like it was descending from the sky.

Two giant beasts of the same white color.

They bit together immediately.

In Xiaogu's sight, he didn't know when it started - or it seemed that his body was changing in the current direction.

It began to vaguely see some symbols, although it was completely incomprehensible.

For example now:

【White account...occupied】

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