Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 588: Traveling Together

On the other side, he also noticed:

The race of the wolf riders in the Boneyard, except for the slender human women, is the bee people. Let’s ignore the former for now, and the latter are uniformly wearing special leather armor.

The body structure of the hive tribe is very different from that of humans, and the difference is even greater than that between humans and the Shark tribe. Therefore, the normal inner armor of humans cannot be directly applied to them, and needs to be remade.

The price will be even higher.

In the past, Romi had only seen it among the elite guards of the hive clan, or fellow technology hunters, as well as some wandering bees from the outside world who had made their way to the top.

However, the bee group in front of them can all wear armor... This not only represents their elite level, but also shows that there is strong industrial support behind them.

The level of craftsmanship on these leather armors.

Not low.

Besides, he wasn't sure——

The opponent only wears the inner layer of leather armor. Can he only produce this layer, or is he limited by the load of the Bone Burial Wolf and unable to go further and all members are heavily armored...

You can know something at a glance, and you can see a leopard in a pipe.

Various signs indicate that the force to which this wolf cavalry belongs cannot be underestimated.

Even if Romi is a technology hunter, he has to pay attention to it, not to mention that the other party is a local snake that they want to take advantage of.

The only problem is...

‘Why has Liu Si never mentioned to me that there are still such forces in Shandi... Aren’t there some nomadic wandering tribes there? ’ Luo Mi was confused and looked behind him secretly, ‘Even the Baimei clan in the report doesn’t have such strength, right? ’

Liu Si, who was responsible for preparing for them in advance based on local culture, actually made such an omission.

This is really not the case.

The key is that even their employer Cone, who was born in Shendi, never mentioned it to them.

Luo Mi hoped that his companions could temporarily add some information to him through secret codes... As a result, there was no response from the rear.

What he didn't know was.

Including Liu Si and the herdsman Kone... they all looked confused.

Reluctantly, Luo Mi could only tell the truth, but he hid the mission belonging to their Technology Hunter Headquarters, which was classified as confidential.

Within reason.

"The basic situation is like this..." Luo Mi said carefully, "Forgive us for being ignorant, I would like to know which force you belong to? I was saved by you this time. After reporting to the headquarters, we technology hunters will definitely be rewarded."

"The Red King travels north." Seto said frankly, "Since you are going to Shandi, do you want to go with us? The beast disaster has just passed, and ferocious beasts still appear from time to time south of the red base. Complete safety cannot be guaranteed. ”

"Of course, I believe in the strength of the technology hunter... but the Red King should also want to do his part as a landlord." She paused and defended the other party.

"Haha... That's right." Romi sneered a few times and took the step, "Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Just kidding...if Chad hadn't unexpectedly become so skilled in rescuing them, and most importantly, happened to encounter this mysterious force...his team of technology hunters might have ended up here.

This is not unusual.

Wealth comes from risks, and technology hunters work for mechanics and receive huge rewards from taking orders along the way...but the accident rate is also alarmingly high.

Now I can hold it on my thighs.

Only a fool would not hug him.

Just...the Red King.

Romi muttered to himself.

The name "Lu Beiyou" seemed familiar to him since he had heard or read it somewhere.

Logically speaking, this is normal. As the leader of such a large force, it is strange that he has never heard of it before. But the key is that the channel through which he has the impression seems to have nothing to do with these things.

The same name?

However, Liu Si's expression behind him changed.

After receiving the answer, Seto nodded and prepared to go back to prepare the wolf cavalry and the newly captured beak-billed orangutan "captive". However, the technology hunter was one step ahead and stepped forward and asked: "May I ask who you are..."

Seto stopped and looked back before he finished speaking about the test: "Do you recognize me?"

This Shaq girl's voice rose up and seemed a little playful, but her words sounded meaningful to Liu Si's ears. He quickly said: "...I'm sorry, I was just guessing. If I made a mistake..."

"It's okay." Seto smiled, "Since you asked that, it should be what you guessed."

The little princess had heard the other party introduce herself, but she did not state her name. This seemed a bit rude, but it was to avoid misunderstanding.

But since others guessed it correctly.

That doesn't matter anymore.

Organizations like Technology Hunter have their own research reports and confidential files. Although some information may be lagging behind due to traffic transmission, the overall accuracy is sufficient.

She waved her hand and said goodbye.

The other group of people finally breathed a sigh of relief: after surviving the disaster, they even witnessed the "birth" to the "destruction" of a primitive civilization... Tonight's experience was still a bit exciting.

The other technology hunters realized what was going on and left, preparing their own preparations. Only Romi walked up to Liu Si and asked quietly: "What did you just say?"

His first sentence did not mention that his companion had asked about his question, but he asked about it, which was enough to show his curiosity.

Liu Si paused: "If I guessed correctly... no, that should be it..."

He whispered into Romi's ear.

Said a few words.

The companion jumped in surprise and whispered quickly: "Princess Shaq?"

Liu Si raised his finger to his lips and nodded.

Romi looked at the back of the Nashaq girl with some disbelief: "It's not the same as in the report..."

The high-level officials, nobles, royal families, generals of major short, they are all confidential figures, and they are all preserved in the internal files of the technology hunters.

Includes assessment and psychological profiling.

This is also so that members of the organization know who they should make friends with when traveling across the mainland, and not to mess with the people they shouldn't mess with.

But Romi remembered that in the technology hunter's files, the evaluation of the stone demon's daughter was only mediocre, brushed aside, and completely covered up by her mother's halo - it was almost like a footnote attached to a report of more than ten pages.

However, the Princess Shaq in front of him, whether she was a commander in martial arts or how she dealt with people, broke his inherent understanding brought by the file description.

"How did you recognize her?" Romi looked at his companions in surprise, "Since Princess Shaq is here, could it be that the Shaq Kingdom has expanded to Shandi..."

There is no standard portrait of Seto in the file. After all, the girl changed her age. With the speed at which files are updated, it is completely meaningless for someone of her age to retain her appearance unless she has seen it with her own eyes.

As a result, upon hearing this question, Liu Si looked back at him in surprise: "You really didn't remember it?"

"Remember what?"

"I confirmed her identity through another method... The Red King in her mouth is Lu Beiyou." Liu Si's tone suddenly became solemn, and his words were extremely clear, as if he wanted his companions to remember them thoroughly: "We The owner of the technology hunter’s thirteenth silver card—the nameless one.”

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