Lu Meng put down the box.

The anti-slavery group was in Shandi and had been actively participating in the construction during this period. They either work with the Engineering Department to build houses and level roads, or they use their own talents. Some join in hunting, some serve as instructors, and some help mediate referee disputes... However, doing these is not a good thing for them. No substantial benefits can be obtained.

No one asked for them.

I just saw it and did it.

So that if they didn't know the inside story along the way, others would never think that these enthusiastic people who were in contact with the bottom were the mysterious organization determined to subvert the world.

No need to disguise, just naturally hide in the market.

Lu Meng finally understood why the anti-slavery people were still able to develop a covert peripheral network despite the United City's strict crackdowns - simply because those who participated did not care who the anti-slavery people were in their eyes. He is not a criminal wanted by the empire, he is just willing to help these neighbors who often help carry water at critical moments.

It doesn't stand out even when placed on the ground.

If it were in other places in the wasteland... it would be quite normal to abnormal, as if it had traveled from another world.

It's hard not to be touched.

This kind of atmosphere is even reflected in their second-in-command - Mr. Gray is usually responsible for handling high-level affairs, but once he comes into contact with someone like Lu Meng who can talk to him on an equal footing, his thinking is revealed unconsciously. .

Lu Meng was thinking...

A war-level... If it were another force, would it be possible for them to send an organizational core of this level to help when the relationship was still "friendly"?

It is the highest level "blood alliance".

It’s all very difficult.

Although there are factors in this that the anti-slavery people themselves have hidden dragons and crouching tigers, the sincerity in it cannot be denied or ignored.

Of course, if it weren't for this, Lu Meng wouldn't feel comfortable accepting this level of assistance... If a judge or warrior general were to settle in your town, everyone would definitely not think that they were really kind-hearted and came to send warmth.

Even in the strategically closer Shark Kingdom, Bayan was very sophisticated and never mentioned sending the Invincible Five to station or support... Politicians of their level knew not to test the bottom line of their allies. .

On the contrary, it is the ashes of the anti-slavery people.

It's frighteningly frank.

By observing the construction direction of the flash ground, the bee prince judged that although Lu Meng had not yet come into contact with the enemy, he was already being restrained by all directions.

In fact, this is also a problem faced by every war class. Their every move is being watched, speculated... and even planned against by the world.

Likewise, just don’t take action.

Once a move is made, it affects the whole body, often becoming the fuse of a full-scale conflict; and in normal times, even if they are both at war level, it is extremely difficult to kill the other party. Only by taking advantage of this opportunity can it be possible Succeed... No matter whether they are waiting or scrupulous, they will not act rashly.

At this time, the deadlock can be broken.

It is to bring out the hidden power that no one can see on the surface.

This is the case with Long En.

The same is true for today’s Lu Meng.

The anti-slavery people acted covertly, but the general strength of the enemy was still clear, making it difficult to achieve a substantial breakthrough.

In this case, instead of holding the power in your hands... it is better to help another person break the deadlock and bring about changes.

"But it's a pity that he doesn't fully know my real purpose of building the Great Wall..." The white-haired young man walked out of the house, looked at the moonlight, and clicked on the panel to scan.

Then he nodded with satisfaction.

The blood volume of this city wall across Shendi has increased six to seven times compared to the earth barrier period.

If you add enhanced modules...

And this is only the outermost design of [Holy Base].

In addition to the engineering department renovating and strengthening the original red base, Warman, the person in charge, could finally devote himself to his beloved wall-building business. Priest Miles of the Ember Order took the hand-drawn blueprint sent by Griffin. He led his men to lay the foundation of the fortress.

Such a large-scale project.

In the history of Shandi, it can be said to be unprecedented.

If it were anyone else, the wandering tribe would definitely question why it was necessary to waste money and resources to build earth, wood and masonry buildings that had never appeared on the grassland and were much higher than the animal skin camps... But the person who gave the order was the Red King.

Thus, this violation of the ancestral decision became a groundbreaking revelation.

I don’t know when, but there is another poem in the pastoral song "Sandi" that is said to have been lost long ago but has only recently come back to people's ears: "He said: From today on, we share the grassland given by the gods, and we must live in it." A city will be built in the center, and all the old and weak can live in it. It will be the envy of the world, and our lives will be the same as those of the ancients."

——Needless to say, it is naturally Bard’s handiwork.

But no one doubted its origin, and as it was sung, it quickly spread.

Build a city.

Even if the strategic significance is excluded, it has become a goal in the hearts of all Shandi tribes and even the surrounding refugees, and has become an object of concerted efforts and longing.

Especially, this is a city that belongs to everyone.

It is not only the salary received when recruiting laborers, but also the shelter and shelter left to the residents when it is completed in the future.

Not for the master or the nobility.

But for yourself.

It can be said that this is a process of building consensus, so that the refugees can truly identify with their lives and work, rather than just treating Shandi as a temporary place to stay and leave after the relief porridge is distributed.

In this way, when the town is really in crisis.

There is no need to encourage, people will take the initiative to stand up.

- Protect their things.

For this, Lu Meng paid a lot of materials: the swamp and the Kingdom of Shek have traded food for three seasons. In addition to the first wave of exchange of a large number of technologies and physical equipment, the Kai coins earned in the last two waves have been invested in the construction of Shandi.

Because of the large amount of Kai coins input, the price inflation in the swamp even rose a little. It was not until the biofuel of the Dancing Skeleton was widely produced and electrification gradually became popular, which increased the new demand in the swamp, that it did not cause a large-scale impact.

And it can be foreseen that when the foundation of the town is laid and the construction is further accelerated, the amount of resources required will be even greater - the production of the swamp plus the trade with the Kingdom of Shek may not be able to meet this gap.

At that time, whether it is simply a lack of money, or having "money" but unable to buy building materials... it is possible that something will happen.

Only by going further and opening up the channel.

The enthusiasm of the people gathered under the Red King will not fall into vain; and Lu Meng's progress in increasing permissions and unlocking more modules will not be cut off.

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