After entering the Flash Land, the Tech Hunters had intended to meet the Red King here, but they had not found the opportunity before.

Now the other party actually took the initiative to invite him, to be honest, he was quite excited.

A little complacent.

Especially Romi and Liu Si.

They guessed that the other party was still the nameless Lu Beiyou who had the authority silver card.

However, he had just demonstrated his ability to tame animals in front of almost the entire city, including the tribal herdsmen and the believers of the cult. If you want to see him, just come and talk to him or summon him.

Why is there an extra detour.

"Maybe this is not the place to talk." Romi signaled with his eyes.

Liu Si nodded.

It seems that the other party is still a little particular.

However, as the Tech Hunters are usually generous, they don't care about these.

"..." Chad was silent.

Ever since he entered the city and saw the tamed appearance of the beaked gorillas, he has been silent.

This team of tech hunters followed the leading soldier and went deep into the city. Gradually, there were no residential houses around, but some construction sites that were still under planning.

A strong wind blew.

The sand on the ground was a bit dazzling.

"Excuse me." The soldier said, "Every autumn and winter, there are more dust storms in the flash land."

The grass withered and the herds were put into the fence.

They were ready to rely on the dry food and fat accumulated in the first half of the year to survive the long winter.

This soldier was a guard of the White Eyebrow Clan before, and he was used to it.

"No problem." The tech hunter on the side had already pulled down the goggles on his head. This scene was just a small matter for them. They had been to worse places. Now it was just a blocked view. "But this wind is good. If we can set up a few wind turbines, I don't know how cool it would be..."

He said the second half of the sentence to his companions.

It was just a joke.

But just as the words fell, a loud whirring sound floated from the top of the head, layer upon layer, like a buzzing.

The face of the technology hunter who spoke changed, and he looked up at the sky.

"Is that what you are talking about?" The white-browed soldier smiled and pointed, "We just happened to be here too."

Follow the direction of his finger.

More than a dozen giant iron fan blades squeaked and turned in the wind, as if they could squeeze out sparks, and along the copper cables connecting them, the energy produced was input into the battery below and stored.

Huge wind turbines.

Like hills and giants.

Waving a steel sword of more than ten meters, fighting the demons in the wind.

This picture spread out on the wasteland.

Quite spectacular.

"This style..." Liu Si pondered for a moment, "It looks like what we sold to the Shak Kingdom."

In the Stan Desert, they face hurricanes of similar intensity all year round, and since the Shak people implemented the new policy, they have introduced a large number of advanced machinery and equipment, one of which is wind turbines.

A technology hunter affirmed Liu Si's vision, but rejected his second half of the idea.

Some people in the field also participated in assisting in the installation... In general, because the initial finances of the Shak Kingdom were not rich, the large wind turbines purchased were just enough.

With the development of their industry.

It will definitely be more and more stretched in the future.

Born in the depression lagoon, they know that wind power is limited by the environment and the instability of the peak power generation, and the economy can only be used for the initial transition.

In the end, they still have to go to the road of fuel.

The production of Black Desert is famous for being Buddhist. The annual share is just that little. You can take it or not, and the price is also rising... But this cannot be blamed. If it is mined indefinitely and the crude oil dries up, the result may be the same as the depression lagoon, with only an empty oil platform left.

The economic expenditure behind this.

I don't know if the Shak Kingdom can afford it.

Therefore, the Tech Hunters estimated that the other party would have to stumble on the energy provided by wind power for a long time, and the duration might exceed a generation.

No other contingency plans were made.

In this case, how could the Kingdom of Shak transfer part of its only wind turbines and further weaken the domestic energy supply.

Liu Si nodded and affirmed the other party's opinion.

Although the princess of Shak is practicing here recently... but her role is not enough to affect the decision-making of the entire kingdom's future.

Unless there is another transaction.

However, passing through the towering wind turbines made the frivolousness in the hearts of the Tech Hunters restrained a little.

This Shandi is indeed not an ordinary wandering tribe, grazing and living by water and grass.

Even if it is just starting.

Romi estimated that the Red King must have spent a lot of effort to purchase these units, whether from the Tech Hunters' relay station or from other forces.

In the center of the steel frame unit, a bluestone tower stood out, its height no less than the surrounding wind turbines.

The yellow wind blew, rustling.

This was also their destination.

"Please." The white-browed soldier gestured, and he stood outside the door under the tower.

More than a dozen technology hunters glanced at each other and exchanged glances.

There were no guards on the tower. Although the bluestone wall was solid, it looked a little rough, as if it had just been built not long ago and had not had time to be carefully repaired, or there was no intention to repair it at all.

Apart from the sound of the fan blades, it was indeed quiet all around.

Is this where the Red King is?

It must be said that the absence of guards is a sign of courage and skill - this made the tech hunters hesitate.

"Go in." The first to take a step forward was Chad, who had been silent before, with his hair fluttering in the wind.

The tech hunter opened the door and walked in.

The descendants admired him and followed him.

However, just as the martial artist Chad stepped into the tower, a fierce sense of threat surged into his heart and nerves like a tide, making him feel like he was walking on thin ice and his alarm bells rang wildly.

Years of hard training allowed him to know without seeing - there was an extremely strong creature in the tower, which was bloody and murderous.

Without thinking, Chad almost flipped over and jumped to the wall, turned around and ran without even looking, and almost bumped into his fellow tech hunters behind him.

Liu Si was quick to help him.

Chad paused, and the threat in his heart instantly subsided. His instinctive alarm was lifted.

However, he saw the expressions of his companions - they were stunned, not like nothing happened, as if they had seen something more terrible.

Chad turned his head.

He looked at the center of the tower.

He met the eyes of a huge head.

A long-necked giant beast was lying on the ground, leaning down and curiously looking at the people entering the tower. The ground around it was covered with dried blood - no one knew whose blood it was.

Compared with this elder-stage beaked beast, even the tallest technological hunter looked like an ant that could be stepped on at any time.

They took a breath.

How could there be such a creature here?

In the tower?

The huge beaked head recognized them, and a trace of tyranny flashed in its eyes, killing by nature.

Its huge mouth opened.

It revealed fangs like long swords.

Densely packed.

Chad put his hands in his arms, secretly tightening the remaining biological gas bombs that he had prepared privately.

"Stop." A gentle voice came from above, "Don't disturb the guests."

His volume seemed so insignificant compared to the hoarse sound of the long-necked beast when it opened its mouth, but everyone heard it clearly.

Because, at the moment he spoke.

The beaked beast stopped moving as if solidified, and stood still in place, without even breathing ups and downs, let alone making noises.

If it weren't for the saliva in its mouth still flowing down its fangs to the ground, the tech hunters would probably think that time had stopped and dared not even breathe.

Romi, who was generally responsible for the team leader, was the first to react and stepped forward: "Sir Red King, what do you mean?"

His voice floated in the tower.

His tone seemed a little cold and hard.

The tower was empty, and there was nothing else inside, except for the terrible long-necked beast lying in the middle - and its body alone would take up most of the area.

Although it is incredible, this is exactly like its residence.

Inviting a group of people to the lair of the beaked beast... is it to give them a warning?

The tech hunters were a little unhappy.

They are definitely not people who can be bullied at will...

"Is it Mr. Romi?" The person who spoke was still only heard but not seen, "Please don't get me wrong-'Long Neck' looks fierce, but I keep it here. It won't hurt anyone... at least not yet."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it.

Keeping a beaked beast...

And what about not hurting people? Go back a few minutes ago and look at its sharp teeth. How thick-skinned would it be to say this to someone's face... And the last addition, what do you mean by "not yet", this doesn't give people a sense of security at all!

"I'm not talking nonsense." As if predicting their thoughts, the man said, "Look at it-"

The tech hunters heard the shock of the head-on collision and came back to their senses. Looking at the terrifying long-necked beast, they found details that they had overlooked because of the visual impact before.

The main body of the beaked beast was restrained in a steel cage, with a copper ring on its long and thick neck, and these structures were connected to chains, and the cross-section of each iron ring was as thick as a human forearm.

The chains were spread on the ground.

They were embedded in the walls all around.

It didn't look like they built a tower first and then locked the long-necked beaked beast here, but they tied it up first, and then built a tower around it -

No, it didn't look like that.

But it was like this.

This beast, which was tall even among the elder beaked beasts, could be flush with the tower if it stood up, and the door for the tech hunter to enter was only two people high, so it was impossible for such a beast to pass through.

The beast was locked up with a tower.

When they realized this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief: Although they also doubted whether the wall and the iron ring chain alone could really restrain the long-necked beast... But since the tower has been repaired and has not been destroyed, they should assume that it can do it.

But they were still a little resentful just because they felt relieved and safe.

After all, why should they arrange such a ferocious beast at the place where they met... With it, there is really no need for guards around the tower, because whoever enters will die and become dinner on the spot.

"Wait..." Liu Si reacted and looked up at the top of the tower. He could vaguely see an attic compartment, and the voice came from there, "...but how do we get up?"

He noticed it then.

In addition to the long-necked beaked beast, there was indeed nothing else in the didn't even have stairs!

If the beaked beast stood up, it would probably hit the top of the entire cylindrical space, and the surroundings were also half full.

Could it be...

"That's right, everyone come up." The young man said with a smile, "I wonder if you knowledgeable hunters have heard of something called an 'elevator'."

His figure appeared on one side of the attic above, reaching down.

The beaked beast trembled suddenly as if it was untied, and its long neck slowly moved down, and its head completely prostrated in front of everyone.

Before, due to the perspective, they didn't see that the head of the elder beaked beast was even covered with a layer of sheepskin felt.

If it wasn't on the head of a fierce beast.

It would be quite exquisite.

Tech Hunter: "..."

If you want to get to the attic from the bottom of the tower, if you can't fly, you can only send people up through this long-necked beast.

Lius has heard of the elevator mentioned by the other party.

He has also found broken wreckage in the ruins.

The mechanic made a brief guess and restored their purpose...but you are a beaked beast!

The Tech Hunter heard from the newly compiled pastoral that the herdsmen sang the legend that the first fire of the flash land came on the long-necked beast...but after entering the city, just seeing other tamed animals was dazzling, and it happened that the beaked beast was the only one that was not seen.

I almost thought that the pastoral was a bit exaggerated, and the other party might just have defeated them, just like a rhetorical device...

But I didn't expect that the reality was more exaggerated than the singing.

In the entire flash land...maybe even the whole world, only the Red King can control the beaked beast. Without his permission, even if the door is open, no one else can climb up the tower, which is much more reliable than the door lock.

From this perspective.

He is willing to invite everyone to climb onto this safe place... can it even be considered as special attention?

"... Go ahead."

"Then why are you pushing me?"

"How about you first..."

The only problem is that you have to step on the head of this man-eating beast... You can see that its eyes are still rolling, obviously unwilling to accept it, wow, saliva is flowing out... The tech hunters who are used to big storms are a little hesitant in this scene.

To use an inappropriate metaphor.

It's like some people are not afraid of death, but they may be afraid of cockroaches.

Chad looked at the beast in front of him, took a deep breath, and turned over.

Its head is nearly as high as a person.

But for them who are agile, it's nothing.

The tech hunter stood firmly, the hem fell without wind, and he stretched out his hand to the ground.

His companions smiled awkwardly, but they didn't dare to take him, and followed him one after another.

Lu Meng closed his palms.

The beaked beast blew out a puff of white gas, like thunder exploding and echoing in the tower. Then it slowly straightened the neck around its back and circled up with the tech hunters above its head.

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