Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 602 Riot (Combined Chapter)

"What happened!"

Romi woke up from his sleep, grabbed the crossbow hidden by his pillow, and rushed out of the house.

Just because their tech hunters can sleep in a noisy environment doesn't mean they won't react to dangerous changes.

Just now, alarm bells rang loudly throughout the city, and people were in chaos... Mixed in among the many sounds was a faint roar.

The beasts roared.

Like a wave.

He ran into Liu Si, who was holding a machete, and he shouted at him: "I don't know!"

The technology hunter's clothes were disheveled and he just put them on randomly. He was obviously in a hurry, and even the glasses on his face were half crooked.

"Everyone gather!"

Liu Si roared.

Without waiting for him to give orders, people were already arriving from various rooms in the Beehive Commune. Everyone gathered in the lobby, including Deng Li.

Romi glanced at him and said nothing more: these technology hunters from Aikou Town, although they had differences before, in the end they were still teammates on the same mission.

"What now?" he asked.

He has sensed people. Even through the wall, he can hear the turmoil in the outside city, and it seems to be getting worse.

"Stay here all the way and inform the Red King all the way..." The person who suggested it was none other than Deng Li. After the previous day's procedures, his prestige among the team, especially among the Mine Hunters, seemed to have increased a lot.

"No!" A stern voice overruled him, "Everyone should stay here, deploy their defenses in an orderly manner, and wait for notification from the people on the ground... We don't need to worry about unnecessary things!"

It was Liu Si who spoke.

Now the turmoil is happening in someone else's home. As guests, they have no obligation to intervene, not to mention that they still don't know what the situation is.

Where are the friends and foes?

If there are technology hunters outside at this time... Those who know will say that you want to notify them to help them, but those who don't know will think that you people are the source of the riot.

Once this dirty water is splashed.

Even if you can't shake it off, you can't shake it off.

Being hit by his gaze, Deng Li immediately stopped talking and did not refute.

"Wait..." Someone suddenly said, "Where's Chad?"

"What?" Liu Si was suddenly startled.

He quickly said: "People in the same group should check and report to each other!"

But no matter how the technology hunter identified him, someone even went upstairs to search every room... The silent man from before was not found.

Romi and Liu Si looked at each other.

At the moment of the riot, Chad happened to be away from the collective residence and went out alone without telling anyone...

Is this a coincidence?

Or should I say...

Their hearts sank to rock bottom.

One person was missing, but the technology hunters did not stop working. They quickly deployed defenses based on the building structures they had inspected and calculated during the day.

Showing excellence in action.

However, while Romi and Liu Si were still discussing secretly in the hall, their noses twitched in unison.

What follows.

It's a stench.

The taste... is exactly the same as the biotoxin Chad used against the beaked orangutans on the grassland!

"Not good!" Liu Si covered the tip of his nose and quickly tried to find the source of the smell, but before he could make any more moves, a loud noise suddenly came from upstairs——

"Enemy attack!"

The alarms kept coming.

Romi moved, picked up the crossbow and fired towards the wall.

Iron arrows are like lightning.

But before it could fly, the entire earth wall suddenly exploded, and the pieces flew up and hit everyone in the face, knocking them back.


But, in the dust.

There was another cry of pain and the sound of iron arrows penetrating into flesh and blood.

Romy held the crossbow, his arms as steady as cast iron, but his expression was ferocious, and he squeezed out a few words through his teeth: "Beak, mouth, ape, ape!"

He smashed the wall and rushed in headfirst.

It was a strange giant ape with a white mane all over its body and a large mouth with fangs on its lower jaw that almost took up half of its face.

In addition to the arrows that Romi had just shot, there were many scars on its body that seemed to have just healed. However, the technology hunters who were stuck in the hall had already recognized that this was exactly what they had encountered and fought fiercely on the grassland. One of the beak-billed orangutans.

"Good boy, here we go again!"

The technology hunters stepped forward one after another, while Romy raised the bow string of the revolving crossbow to the maximum torque.

They fell into the hands of the beak-billed gorilla before. Firstly, they were attacked because they were unprepared. Secondly, it was the opponent's home advantage in the wilderness.

But now, everyone is ready to go.

It was again in the civilized stronghold of Shandi.

There was no way they would fall in the same way again!

"...No." Liu Si, as a melee front-rower, did not push forward at this moment, and even fell behind a crossbowman from Romi.

He just looked at the white giant ape fighting with the technology hunter... There were holes in the wall, the skylight was open, and the moonlight shot down from the starry sky, shining on the beak-billed orangutan... But he felt that the other person did not look like the one he saw during the day. It's so white, but the fur is a little gray?

Is it just the light?

Moreover, besides that, there must be something wrong that I didn’t expect——


He retched.

The smell on the tip of my nose is getting worse and worse...

Liu Si: "!"

It's the smell!

The kind of directional biological gas bombs that Chad once used had only a pungent and unpleasant odor on humans and other races...

But if it is this kind of biological toxin.

It should be enough to kill the orangutan!


A figure suddenly flashed past, and Liu Si quickly stepped forward to catch him, his arms shaking for a moment.

Is a technology hunter.

His chest was sunken and his mouth was filled with blood.

Liu Si recognized that this was one of the mourning mine hunters who had previously voted against the alien program...but now he could no longer care about it. He quickly checked it. Fortunately, the other person's life was not in serious danger.

The technology hunter was injured in a fight with the rhinoceros... Not only was this gray giant ape not killed by the biological toxin, it even became more violent.

And in the distance, it can be seen through the damaged wall.

More beak-billed orangutans arrived.

From upstairs to outside... they were surrounded.

"Damn it!" Liu Si took off his glasses and threw them aside. He rushed forward with the heavy knife in his hand and shouted at the same time: "Go to a ventilated place - stay out of the range of the poisonous gas!"

This is in the city.

Even if a riot breaks out, the first wave of conflicts should be between the wolf cavalry or the city guards.

But the technology hunters were attacked before them——

This is... coming for us!

"Lord Chuhuo, what's going on!" The animal trainer blew the bone flute anxiously while resisting the urge to retching.

Because he had to cover his mouth and nose, the sound he made inevitably changed a bit.

But this beast-calling bone sound is essentially an auxiliary, and what really works is their own ability to tame beasts. However, the methods that have been tried and tested in the past are completely unable to suppress the riots of ferocious beasts.

The beak-billed orangutans who had just returned to work ran away one after another, and their thick arms slammed to the ground with ferocity and pain.

Seeing that the situation was getting out of control, the animal trainer could only put down the bone flute and look at the man in black robe beside him with a look of help.

However, what awaited him.

But there was silence.

"Lord Chuhuo, your talent for taming animals far exceeds ours," he could only continue to plead: "As of now, only you can suppress these violent beasts..."

"No, it can't be done." The man in black robe said, but interrupted him, "They have lost their mind."

It's rather bizarre to say that an animal has lost its mind... but it's completely appropriate if the description is of a rhinoceros.

Among many wild beasts, the beak-billed orangutan has an IQ closest to that of humans. Therefore, you only need to use the talent of animal taming as a communication bridge to try to control it.

But now, it's in his eyes.

The performance of the beaked orangutans has been closer to that of primitive animals. They are violent, wild, powerful and follow instinct... but have completely lost the original spirituality brought by their high IQ.

Like a lunatic among humans.

At this time, it is useless to talk about religion to them, let alone...

"All the trainers have withdrawn, and everyone has given up suppressing the bone sounds of the beak-billed orangutans... and replaced them with skeleton balls!" he ordered.

——Those Shark warriors with broken horns have requested several times that these powerful orangutans should be used as training objects: they seem to be interested in beings with the same humanoid shape and brute strength that exceed the Sharks, and Feeling quite dissatisfied.

On the other hand, the land had been quiet for too long after the beast disaster, and the warlike factor was beating vigorously in their blood again.

He knew the deeds of the Bone Corps.

In his opinion, these broken-horned people who were expelled according to Shaq tradition... to some extent are more like traditional Shaq warriors.

Now it's time to fulfill their wish.

Following the order from the man in black robe, the iron armor of the city gate stirred, and the sound of footsteps sounded in unison.

Even if the riot of the rhinoceros happened before their eyes, they were indifferent...or rather they did not [act without authorization].

The Kingdom of Shark nominally did not send troops directly to the Red King's sphere of influence. However, in addition to the Swamp, the Ember Order, and the Shen Land, there were also the Skeleton Corps, these Horned-off warriors who had defected and were pardoned—— To some extent it expresses their attitude.

In other words, the chief's personal attitude.

Otherwise, the warrior armor on the Skeleton Corps came from the capture of the United City...but where did the segmented ax they like to use originally come from?

This is a forbidden army specially for Lubeiyou. Even the guards in charge of city defense cannot call upon it - because starting from their leader Fearless Tora, the entire regiment only obeys the noble title warrior of the Nameless One.

Of course, compared to the Shaq regular army led by the five generals and full of factions... the Red King himself has to trust these "rebels" who at least have known each other and fought side by side more.

"Let go and do it." He sighed in his heart, and then ordered, "With the mechanical maintenance bed and emergency medical tents from various places, you don't have to worry about injuries-"

Having such a resurrecting treatment method is a paradise for fighting madmen... Rather, in the mouths of some Broken Horn warriors who adhere to Shaq's traditional philosophy, they already regard Shem as what Krall promised to the warriors. The promised land.

The difference is.

In the past, warriors had to die in battle to be freed from pain, ascend to the Hall of Valor, and enjoy eternal blessings... Now they can do it while still alive, having enough food and clothing while pursuing honor.

In comparison, it is self-evident which is better.

Here, they are building a paradise on earth.

Therefore, even if they agree to promote the legendary warrior Kral, compared with another extinct organization "Kral's Choice", the Skeleton Group's beliefs have also changed subtly in terms of concepts.

On the other side, the trainer heard the voice of the black-robed man and felt that the other party's voice had calmed down.

Even the unbearable stench seemed to have only affected the other party for a moment and gradually subsided at this moment.

... Could it be that he is used to the stench?

Of course, he did not dare to say such presumptuous words directly, and could only admire him in his heart.

But only the black-robed man himself knew: under his iron mask, a small air filtration device was whirring, replacing his autonomous breathing - such mechanical equipment naturally came from the prototype of the Embers Cult.

They combined the swamp breathing mask inherited from the Water Tribe to develop a prototype. However, at that time, some priests tried to use this thing to directly replace people's noses, throats and even lungs... In the end, it was naturally rejected by the Red King, on the grounds that the technology was not mature enough.

The priests were not discouraged.

Instead, they were motivated by the last words of their Grand Master - the technology is not mature... So can we wait until the technology is more mature in the future?

Therefore, all technical priests and mechanical priests devoted themselves to the accelerated research and development transformation...

The interim results in the middle are this set of external breathing equipment, which is a certain compromise, but the function is also quite powerful.

It was just that it started quickly just now.

It filtered out the poisonous gas that was dispersed by the wind - although judging from the reactions of the surrounding trainers and the knowledge he learned, they should not cause much harm to the human body, but after all, the smell is still unpleasant, and it is better to inhale less than two breaths.

Just as the trainers evacuated and the Skeleton Group was dispatched, they were about to suppress the situation.

Suddenly, a series of loud roars came from the wilderness.

This time, even the heavily armored horn-breaking warrior changed his expression—it was the beaked beast!

The poison gas would affect the beaked gorilla.

Then according to the classification, it would also affect the long-necked beasts of the same genus!

The latter was much more terrifying—

"Don't worry." The black-robed man gestured.

In the previous beast disaster, Shandi captured many cubs and adult beaked beasts, and they all became training coaches.

To be honest, they were not very obedient at ordinary times.

The long-necked beasts had long been restrained and guarded tightly, unlike the beaked gorilla, which had room to move freely.

In addition, there were four captured elder beaked beasts... They were indeed terrifying monsters, but because of this, each of them was assigned to an independent "single room" and "suppressed" by the watchtower built by Priest Maier.

Unless the entire brick and stone building with electric grid collapsed, it would be impossible to escape.

The black-robed man could hear the sound in the wind.

——They were furious.

However, after he calmed everyone down, he walked down the altar alone.

He hurried to the depths of the base.

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