The gray shelf is adjacent to the Bone Wasteland, but is not affected by animal disasters. South Union City was still strong at that time and could resist the invasion of the Southern Hive Clan. Although the people there could not be called a paradise, they could still live and work in peace and contentment.

Until something unexpected happened.

Villages thousands of miles away were slaughtered in one day.

The Southern Beehive Clan walked out of the Royal Valley and quickly occupied the Gray Shelf. People rumored that it was these man-eating monsters that caused this tragedy.

Chad, who had personally investigated, knew that this was just a rumor: Although those purple bee-men were not as gentle as their brethren in the west, they had never killed without restraint and purpose. They just spread freely across the area. The Clearing - When the Southern Hive reached the Gray Shelf, it was deserted.

The culprit.

They are those skeleton men wearing human skin!

For the first time, Chad knew that there were still so many skeletons alive after the fall of the Second Empire; he didn't even know that they had turned into monsters that skinned human beings alive.

It was also there that he met the 'man' who taught him martial arts.

However, when Chad thought he had escaped that purgatory nightmare and finally returned to the world, and in order to fulfill the agreement he made with his friends many years ago, he found a way to cure his disease and hoped to go north to help him...

He did meet again.

It's just the "skin" with the other party.

What's underneath is an ancient and perverted steel monster.

Such a horror,

How can you describe it in words?

No wonder the Ember Order worships him so much and regards him as the First Fire... Because this is a flesh and blood machine. Isn't that what they ideally want?


In addition to those human skin and bone people who have developed in the dark many tragedies of blood and fire will they bring to this already dilapidated land?

Fear, sadness, anger... all the emotions that had settled in his heart surged out in an instant. Chad forgot everything and looked at the 'skeleton man' wearing Ji Hai's skin.

To be honest, the other party's handling is much more delicate than that of ordinary human skin and bone bandits, and there are almost no flaws... But such cases do exist among those bone bandits, and almost all of them are high-level.

Because of their deceptive nature, Chad himself was almost deceived and turned into a suit of flesh and blood... Therefore, these kind of skeletons are the most dangerous, and there is no way to tell them apart if they mingle in human society.

However, facing his glaring eyes, the young man in black robes who had just taken off his hood and iron mask was stunned for a moment, as if he had no idea what he was talking about.

"Chad..." The young man tilted his head and tried to speak.


A strong wind came.

Seeing that the other party was still pretending to be stupid at this moment, Chad could no longer suppress his anger and kicked his legs hard, making his whole figure arc out in the dark night.

Throw a punch.

He no longer thought about retreating or escaping. Even though he knew he was outmatched, he still attacked the opponent.

Even if you die, you won’t avoid it!

"Hey! Wait..." Before he could finish his words, the fist that could break gold and iron had already hit him. Seeing something bad, the young man quickly opened his black robe and threw it at the opponent.

The exquisite Ember robe fell apart the moment it touched the fist wind.

It is a ritual tool.

There is no defensive power.

However, just as Chad was moving forward, two huge pink and white figures suddenly jumped out from the scattered steps in the sky and rushed towards him.


The huge membrane wings unfolded and fluttered in the wind, and the two sharp teeth under the pig's nose bit into the straps on Chad's technology hunter's uniform.

The attacks of the two land bats instantly buffered Chad's power and simultaneously enveloped his entire body.

But after all, the speed at which he started was astonishing, and even with the effect of inertia, he had already punched. With the contact with the body, he could feel a solid hit.

Immediately, the technology hunter lost his balance and was thrown to the ground by two land bats that were half as tall as a man.

Chad was about to break away when he heard an angry curse: "... Damn it, you boy, let me see clearly!"

I saw the young man getting up from the ground, covering his right eye, and lying next to him was a land bat that kept twitching.

Under the priest's black robe, he has been holding three domesticated land bats close to his body. After the Red King's guidance and training, he can not only use their muscles to provide strength, but also help defend at critical moments.

"Look at my eyes!" The young man removed his hand and pointed at the eye sockets, "Does the Skeleton Man look like this?"

Chad was stunned. After the opponent was punched by him, although he had buffered it twice, he still became bruised and swollen... bruised and swollen?

Are they so real?

"What's going on?" The technology hunter panicked for a moment, and the driven land bat directly pushed him to the ground, "So you are..."

He realized that there was a huge misunderstanding.

"I am Ji Hai! Ji Hai Baimei!" The young patriarch who serves as the mascot of the Ember Order said angrily, "I would like to ask you what's going on. You just want to go find the Red King. Forget it, poisonous beak-mouthed beast, I think you are protecting yourself out of distrust...but why use poisonous gas to incite our newly domesticated beak-billed orangutan to riot!"

He pointed to the metal can in the corner, and at this moment Chad could see that his hand did have traces of corrosion, and the blood and flesh were blurred to the point of being... human bones.

"Long time no see, is this the gift you brought... cough cough cough..." Before he finished speaking, Ji Hai started coughing violently, and his breathing filter mask had been taken off - to be honest, the smell was really bad.

Thinking of the mechanical sound of the mask... Could this be one of the reasons for the other party's misunderstanding? Damn, no matter what those priests say, I will never be their guinea pig again...

"Wait..." After hearing his words, Chad suddenly sat up from the ground, but his arms were still held down by the carefully trained land bats, "You said the beaked gorillas rioted?"

"Yes," Ji Hai looked at him coldly, "Don't say you don't know."

"No! I haven't used poison gas on them." Chad's pupils suddenly dilated, "And this targeted drug is used to kill [alien creatures], and it doesn't have the effect of inciting them!"

Ji Hai was stunned.

This corresponds to his doubts.

He was also wondering before: why this effect is different from what the Red King told him.

And if you think about it carefully,

Although the smells of the two poisonous gases are similar, humans are not dogs after all, and they have never smelled them before, so there is no way to accurately distinguish them.

It was at night again.

If Ji Hai remembered correctly, the poisonous gas he saw on the grassland was light green.

But the one inside the tower was yellow.

Before, he thought it was related to the concentration, but now that Chad said it, he noticed the subtle difference, maybe... it was not the case at all.

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