"You clearly knew there would be such consequences...but why did you do this?" Liu Si's voice trembled.

Standing in the distance was still his familiar friend, but he already felt that the other person was extremely strange and could not see through it at all.

And those technology hunters in Swamp Lagoon Town...

Liu Si immersed himself in books and was obsessed with the information left by ancient times... It has been a long time since he cared about the outside world. In his eyes, his hometown, Depression Lagoon, was still peaceful and quiet, and his friends either grew up or changed. Old, but still the same after all.

If there are any major changes in the policy of the Depression Lagoon, it is a matter for the local watchman and is not something he can understand.

But if you just don’t want to set up a site randomly.

Together with Aikang Town... wouldn't it be fine if we didn't agree? The headquarters simply cannot ignore the opinions of the entire southern technology hunters——

Luo Mi suddenly laughed softly.

"I understand... Lu Beiyou, so you don't know where the strangers come from, so you brought us here and put pressure on us step by step, especially on the hunters of Aikang Town - undoubtedly, they are more likely to big."

If you can push them to the limit, let them reveal their flaws, and even force them to take action.

There is an excuse to clear it.

However, they were indeed pushed to the limit, but they were directly crushed. They were completely out of the situation and completely confused.

"You are very vigilant, but not smart enough..."


Liu Si was completely angry. His originally gentle face suddenly became ferocious and terrifying. His muscles all over his body were tangled and almost doubled in size due to the congestion.

He dragged the knife and made a starting gesture.

He was about to rush towards Romi.

No matter what, stop him first.

But before that——

"So what?" The broken tail of the short spear fell into Lu Meng's palm, "Before that, I can still kill you first..."


Liu Si's mouth suddenly overflowed with blood.

On the chest and abdomen, the bright white knife tip protrudes.

"Sorry." Wen Jin patted his shoulder.

Just now, he was the technology hunter who rushed towards the intelligent core, but was knocked to the ground.

——But at that time, Liu Si clearly heard the sound of bones breaking behind him. Wen Jin suffered all the impact and was knocked to the ground, unconscious.

It would have been impossible for Liu Si himself, who had a stronger physique, to regain consciousness in such a short period of time, let alone Wen Jin, whose usual training results were far inferior to his...

The tech hunter collapsed to the ground.

"You didn't have to hold back," Romi said calmly, "And I didn't give you any instructions."

"I'm not afraid that you will regret it later and get angry... Everyone knows that you are no longer the same idiot as before, so we are all careful. We are all the same - except for this stupid boy." Wen Jin pulled out the gorgeous sword from his waist, and the arc of the sword was like the sky. Crescent Moon, "Besides, you can't fool him."

The last word.

But the tip of the knife was pointed at Lu Meng.

This young man in a black robe holds a broken arrow and short spear in his hand. His eyes under the brim of his hat seemed to have been staring at Romi, who was the only one standing and "dumb". His body muscles were as tight as a bowstring, ready to explode.

But he never shot that arrow... and there was no flaw in his body.

At this moment, Luo Mi finally put down the Eagle Crossbow as if he had given up, and at the same time stopped circling and retreating like a trapped animal.

As his movements ceased.

There was a strange sound throughout the hall, like a crunching sound, as if a hungry animal was grinding its teeth...or maybe bones were being spliced ​​together.

Behind Lu Meng.

Wang Chi, who had punched him hard before and whose chest bones were broken and his internal organs should have turned into a mass of paste, stood up tremblingly.

He raised his hand and wiped the blood from his mouth.

As for the other Lake Town hunters who were only affected, they seemed to be fine at the moment - when they were knocked away, they had already adjusted their posture in the air to control the landing point.

Now get up together.

A few people happened to surround Lu Meng, occupying all the perfect positions for attack, without any blind spots.

With Lu Meng.

There was only a stone pillar behind him, with a tarnished blue sphere resting on it.

Looking at these people...the scene in front of him reminded him of an "old friend".

——Red Swordsman.

Lu Meng murmured softly.

Under the dim moonlight, a red bud quickly retreated from Wen Jin's speaking mouth and disappeared in a flash.

"You, you guys..." A mourning mine hunter who had been out of the situation until now realized what he was doing and screamed in horror: "What are you!"

As technology hunters, they traveled far and wide and witnessed many ancient ruins and wonders, but they had never witnessed a scene like this.


"This is the miracle of the intelligent core." Romi licked his lips, his arms suddenly expanded, he pulled out the bowstring of the Eagle Crossbow, twisted the wheel like a precision machine, and charged the arrow.

His strength is actually not outstanding among many shooters... If it weren't for the transformation, he would not be able to use the Eagle Crossbow, which is said to be the most difficult to control, as he does now, and win many praises.

Romi secretly regretted it in his heart.

If Lu Beiyou hadn't explained those words just now, but had charged directly towards him... With his current winding speed, what would have been waiting for him would be the sudden burst of eagle crossbows in front of him.

The long arrow it shoots cannot kill the opponent ten meters away...but what if it is close to the opponent's chest?

At the same time, those companions who pretended to lose their fighting power could also occupy advantageous terrain at the moment when the opponent made a move, and encircle and launch a killing intent that would surely win.

Lu Beiyou...

Should it be said that his caution or good luck saved him?

Or... arrogance.

After all, it has been too long since anyone could be his enemy.

"But..." The crosshairs were locked, and the young man in the eyepiece had a calm face and his lips were tightly pursed into an arc, like a very thin blade, which was disgusting to look at... The crossbowman said softly.

Arrogance can save you once.

But it can kill you countless times!

In Lu Meng's sight, their faces were gradually turning bright red, as if blood was about to drip out of them... No, they had already flowed out, dyeing the pores red, like weeping blood.

At the same time, under the skin.

Something was about to break out of the shell, boiling and twisting like a venomous snake.

Familiar power.

He had seen it in Fei Niu and the former king of the swamp, the red swordsman Dahash, who had been transformed.

As for the latter, it can forcibly improve an ordinary legion-level to the point where it can suppress a genius like Da Glin.

Now, there are six.

The same is poisonous power.

"You..." Surrounded by the crowd, Lu Meng looked up, revealing bright eyes, "loyalty to Coronth or Wandering End?"

- Both are southern city-states.

The intelligent core of the swamp is now in his hands... but it once had a master.

This time, no one responded.

Accompanied by the roar of a beast, several figures that stretched out a long line in the dark night rushed towards him together.

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